We are using AutoCAD 2013 and our client is using Mechanical Desktop 2009 ,problem we are facing is that we are unable to see the object which they see in the same drawing by giving visible command. These unwanted objects remains even after purging the drawing and we are unable to delete at our end as we cannot see them because there is no such command like visible in AutoCAD.
I am using 2013LT. It crushed yesterday. Today when I opened my drgs. I can not edit text, delete anything. I also have noticed that menu under right click does not have the same options as before ie. block edit is not there and so on. I have opened differend dwg ones that I wasn't working on when it crushed and the same thing happed.
I opened my drawings with 2012LT and everything works fine.
I`m working on this architecture project and copied some clean lines to the file from a landscape design project.
Somehow these text styles showed up to my file (more than 50 text styles from xrefs, because of their strange names, even though I don`t have any attachment). And it says that I cannot delete them cause I`m using it.
I`ve tried out everything I could imagine and read about it. It doesn`t work. Now this simple .dwg file is very heavy and with a lot of unwanted text styles. Even if I try to copy just the lines to start over another file, all the text styles go together.
Attached is one of the files that this happened to. As I`m working with a few attachments this happened to all of it. My default text style are "B3_1.5", "B3_2.0" and "B3_3.0". All the other are unwanted text styles.
I have an equipment list on excel 2013, that I can't insert into my AutoCad (2014) drawing. I've tried using paste special, paste link, using both as excel work book and as an autocad table. I have a wide variety of problems with both. Pasting as autocad table sometimes it wont update, when I try to update the link it locks up the drawing. When I paste as excel workbook it doesn't plot, although it show on plot preview. Is there a memory setting that has to be changed on autcad I have 12 gigs of memory on my computer.
I am working on a .dwg file in AutoCAD 2013 , and on one specific layer (defpoints), I am not able to select any of the objects. Initially, I thought that the layer may have been locked or frozen, but it is not. Additionally, I went ahead and locked then unlocked the layer as well as froze then thawed the layer, still not able to select any objects on the layer.
My next attempt to fix the problem was to run the command "AUDIT", and instructed to "Yes" fix any errors detected. The command seemed to execute correctly, however, it did not do anything. The objects on the layer still cannot be selected.
What I'm looking to do is show the hidden lines blocked by a part in a plan view but not all of the hidden lines. Ie. I have a top view showing a clearance. If I turn on that clearance a portion of the original part is not viewed. When I turn on hidden lines I now see every hidden detail of that part (I didn't turn on hidden lines for the entire drawing). I then have to eliminate all the lines I don't want which is both tedious and cumbersome. Is there a way to turn on just the lines hidden by a particular object but not all the hidden lines of the part.
Has dealt with imaginary squares that don't show up until printing? I have some that show up everytime I print the sheets out. They are not visible until printing to plotter or making a .pdf. See attached example with red callout boxes.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit) Precision T3500 Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz 6.00 GB NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I still trying to get 2012 to configured like our previous version. Howcver, I noticed something odd. In several of our drawings I covered some objects with a wipeout. I then sent to the dwg to pdf driver, then printed the pdf. On screen the objects are covered, in the pdf on screen the objects are covered, but in the actual print from the pdf some of the objects are faintly visible. with the previous 2010 version of AC we used. The files are the same and the printer is the same.
It appears when I copy a folder of photos up to a server, it's also copying some hidden files that nobody can do anything with, causing problems. For instance, say my folder name is Photos, I just drag and drop the entire Photos folder onto the server. But if inside Photos i have a dog.jpg and cat.jpg file, there are also hidden files names ._dog.jpg and ._cat.jpg. it's those two hidden files that are causing problems when people go to work with that folder.is it something in OSX I need to change?
I don't know if it is a bug or a setting, but in Inventor 2014, when I work on a part inside an assembly, with hidden lines visible, I am not able to see hidden lines from other parts.
is this a bug in Inventor 2014, or can this be changed in settings?
I really need that x-ray overview when projecting edges from hidden parts.
I am facing small problem with inverter drafting. I am unable to show hidden line of pattern by direct selection of all object . I have to select one by one item from pattern.
In my drawing there is tie rod item ( find attached file) i have shown hidden line of only this part . and i have to select all items one by one.
I just switched over to 2013. I am trying to make a 2d drawing from a 3d model. In past releases I always would plot to DXB and select hidden plot style. In this 2013 I select hidden but it does not hide anything. Is there a new way to acheive this in 2013.
I"m using AutoCAD Electrical 2013 but this is more of a general CAD question.
I'm working with floor plans from another company, the drawing contains xref for the floor plans and other blocks. I need to label some of our equipment. I'm simply using a DTEXT label inside a rectangle as a block with the text as an atribute.
I'd like to place the label on the floor plan and have it hide anything underneath. I do this with 3D blocks for other work, but I'm looking for a quick and dirty solution.
I went to hide the properties palette and now it disappered. I type properties in the command line and right click on an object and select properties and nothing. No palette. What do I need to do to get the palette back?
I'm looking for any options that could remove the hidden sections over numerous overlapping objects. I have plenty of objects that lay over each other in this design, and now my client is thinking about getting it screen printed. Is there a shortcut for this that would save me a mass amount of time? (other than using Pathfinder on each and every one?)
Is possible mask an image/ text inside a circle objetc with overflow hidden?Even I put an image/ text nested circle object + overflow hidden...The results is always the box edge, not the circle shape.
In solidworks there's a "hidden line" option that displays a 3d part with all its sketch lines (instead of a regular solid) which allows the user to view all the different sides of the part easily. So I was wondering if there's such an option in autodesk inventor 2013. Currently, to view all the different sides and aspects of a part easily, i have been changing the part's material to polycarbone or some other plastic material; this makes the part a little translucent. But this is less effective than the hidden line vew availble in solidworks. method that makes different parts of a 3d part more easily to be viewed?
I'm trying to plot 3D objects with hidden lines. I've set the viewport SHADE PLOT property to "Legacy hidden" and set my visual style to 2D Wireframe with 2D Hide-Occluded Lines linetype set to "Dashed". The hidden lines do appear, but I don't like the size and spacing of the dashes. Is there a way to add "Hidden" linetype to the selected visual style? Or perhaps there's a way of adjusting the linetype scale for visual style occluded lines (similar to LTSCALE or PSLTSCALE command)?
I have included a xref scene in another file and but the xref when rendered does not respect hidden layers, hidden object OR "do not render' option set in layer manager. In other words all of the objects including the hidden ones are displayed. How I can leave my reference objects and layers in my original scene but not display them if I include the file as an xref scene.
Sometimes, after moving stuff around (groups, layers or artboards), I notice that hidden objects didn't move with everything else.
How this can be if no objects are locked ?I cannot make this happen on purpose with a simple example and it is really annoying not to be sure that everything was moved properly.
I have one drawing, which has 79 layouts itself. I want to delete some same objects for all layout. Is there any command to edit all layout at one time.
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
I'm encountering disable of Delete key. Normally i use "Delete" key to erase object after it is selected. Since yesterday i can't use that key anymore. How to check the setting. I'm sure its not keybord's issue coz i can still use the key in other program(Excel & Word).
Im making an array of all the sketched symbol definitions in a drawing that are not used in the drawing as a sketched symbol..My problem is that i do not understand how to delete all the objects i have in my array at the end of the code
Dim oDoc As Drawingdocument = ThisDoc.DocumentDim oSkSymDefs As SketchedSymbolDefinitions = oDoc.SketchedsymbolDefinitionsDim oSkSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oSheets As Sheets = oDoc.SheetsDim oSheet As SheetDim oSkSymb As SketchedSymbolDim MyArrayList As New ArrayList [code]....
So I got my array with all the objects to be deleted. But how to delete?I also believe this code could be a bit more efficient.
I need a lisp that can remove all objects (lines, polylines, blocks etc.) outside of a polyline. polyline is closed and shape is variable, so not rectangle.