I have a drawing with numerous layers that I am plotting to PDF.PC3 . However, I only want the PDF to be able to toggle a couple of those layers. Is this possible?
Ex) I don't want the borders of title blocks to be turned on and off.
We use AutoCad to name our dxf files for our Burn Table and whenever we get a new part it is a repetitive task to input layers and common text. So what I am curious is can AutoCAD input the layers and text automatically using a Macro?
I want the Macro to put in 6 layers and choose the layer color and title then input text boxes with word in 3 different layers. There will be about a total of 10 different text boxes with text already put in the boxes by the Macro.
I am currently updating and coming up with a better system for are plant layout file for AutoCAD. When this project is complete, it will be set up so if someone needs to make a change they can just make a copy of the X-Ref file for the area they will be updating and hand it back in when there done. I will review the updated X-Ref then switch out the old X-Ref file for the updated one.
Problem: the problem I am having is when I am in the master drawing that contains all the X-Ref files, the layers list becomes enormous. There are about 30 to 40 different X-Ref files with 15 layers each. Those 15 layers contain the exact same information but you have to edit them individually.
Question: Is there a way to make the 15 layers in the master effect the corresponding layer in all the X-ref files? For instance, you hide the “Machines” layer in the master and it hides the “Machines” layer in all the X-ref.
Side Note: If you were going to make the suggestion “use Xbind” I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work well because “Xbind” creates a new layer you have to assign to things instead of making the layers relate to one another.
Lets say I have file 1 and files 2,3,4, file 1 contains several layers and is an xref in files 2,3,4.
Can I somehow set a layer to off or frozen in file 1 and it will make sure to be switched off in my files 2,3,4 aswell? I have played around with New VP Freeze but if I add a layer at a later time and files 2,3,4 already have several viewports that doesn't do me very good.
When working with layers, AutoCad 2011 goes into a "not responding" mode for a time. The more layers the longer it stays. Ctl,Alt Delete is not the answer.
My system is a Win 7, 32bit, with 4.0 Gb ram.
The system resource moniter is in the 67% MEM usage range. Normal usage is 47% with nothing visible on the display.
I am trying to filter all used layers in Layer Properties Manager. Is there a simple way to do this? I am coming from a Microstation background and that has a column for Used layers.
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I've looked through some of the other threads but haven't seen a good or easy answer for this one. We export our DWG's to PDF and it keeps all the layers that are on. Is it possible to export the DWG to PDF and have the PDF show layers that were turned off in the PDF? Our drawing are easily changed to include beveled glass or a raised panel, some customers want this while others don't, we currently have to create a seperate DWG for each version of this. We'd like to prodce the DWG to PDF, and in the PDF have the option of turning on the layers.
Is there are tool somewhere where you can make the draw order layer specific. I.e so we have a layer with a certain number of items on it that always appear above another layer with other types of items.
We tend to use leaders a fair bit and they often drop below some of our design elements, ideally we want them to be at the front & have to spend time bringing to front / sending to back etc.
I have been working for a new company who likes to use blocks extensively. My question is this, is it possible to quickly change the layer of the components of a block? That is, the lines, arcs, etc of the block. Or, is the only way to explode the block, change the layer and remake the block?
Why is a dwg opening with layers looking all white on one pc but open up with colored layers on another pc?
Whenever i open certain drawings on my laptop the layers show normal colors, but when a client opens up the same drawing, they only see the graphics in white.
How could I be bringing up the Rename Dialog Box when I am in the Layer Dialog Box creating new layers? It seems to happen from now and again mostly when I go to change the color of the new layer. This shouldn't be an issue but once the box comes up, all my work inside the layer dialog box will be lost when I close it and reopen it.
Doesn't matter if I pick "OK" "CLOSE" or the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the box. Rename command, just what I hit, strike or click that brings it up and hopefully a means to change my CUI so I don't do it anymore.
Have a drawing that contains about 200 layers. When I open the layer dialog box, about 50 of the layers are highlighted in light blue. The layers appear to behave normally. Why they are highlighted?
I have a number of dwg-drawings generated from layers in MapInfo. I need to load these drawings into separate layers to get the same layer structure as I had in Mapinfo. How do I do?
Using CAD2011, froze, I restarted it and reopened the file I was working in. In my ribbon, all layers read "0", but show the correct ByLayer color according to what layers they were on before the crash. If I list something, it shows the correct layer, and not that it's on "0". When my coworker opens the same file everything is as it should be, which leads me to believe some setting got messed up during this crash.
It is making work way more difficult than it should be - I can't see what layers are what!
I have made gridlines and put them on a locked layer. I want to be able to see them and snap to them, but I don't want to select them. Their selectability is hindering my ability to select objects on other layers. Is there any way to make lines on locked layers not selectable? (I don't like the Autocad standard grid.)
Is there any way to prevent the DWG > PDF printer driver from exporting out the layers in the drawing. I want to issue PDF's to different people but I don't want them to accidently freeze or turn off layers.
how to adjust the transparency of locked layers? Also when I isolate a layer the other layers appear semi transparent, is it the same setting to adjust this transparancy as well?
Layers are shown in the drop down menu from the ribbon but when I open the layer manager no layers are visible. I can click in the empty space and the layer will highlight. See attached.
I have a DWG with 334 layers, Many have been Pasted in. I would like to reduce the file size of 30Mb and reduce the layer count. Can you produce 3 or 4 different DAG. by combining layers and save as a different DWG?
I want to create a whole load of layers (approx 150) by importing them from a xls spreadsheet into my AutoCAD layer manager. How this is achieved without having to create each layer at a time by manual entry? Note that I created a .las file (attached as a .txt version) based upon exporting an existing set of layers to a .las file and then amending it. However, after saving the amended .las file it would not re import into the layer manager.