AutoCAD 2010 :: Don't Want Objects On Locked Layers To Be Selectable
Aug 6, 2009
I have made gridlines and put them on a locked layer. I want to be able to see them and snap to them, but I don't want to select them. Their selectability is hindering my ability to select objects on other layers. Is there any way to make lines on locked layers not selectable? (I don't like the Autocad standard grid.)
I can't believe this is still an issue in CS6. When you have multiple text layers stacked near or in between each other, its impossible to lock the layer so that it can no longer be selected. Even if the layer is locked, the TYPE tool is still able to select it. This makes its a super pain in the tail to edit text near each other. Is there a way to make the text layers lock and NOT be selectable?
Instead of locking a layer and not being able to select it with the type tool, a pop-up telling us that its locked come up?
At a point I want to unlock all layers where the objects are selectable (layers unfrozen and turned on).
If I have the script initiate the layer command then there is the select options list and "u" is for unlock. It then wants a layer name or return to select items. Here is where the problem is when i'm in control I can just hit return to select the items and just select all, but when the script is running it skips my space for a return and goes to the next all statement and errors saying not a valid option. Is there a way to force that return to select the objects?
When I try to move an object to the 0,0 plain, I get a "locked" symbol in the command line and the object does not move to the 0,0 plain. How would I be able to unlock this to move anything to the 0,0 plain.
how to adjust the transparency of locked layers? Also when I isolate a layer the other layers appear semi transparent, is it the same setting to adjust this transparancy as well?
I have an object in model space. but in layout i can see a portion of the object profile as duplicate away from actual object. As i close and reopen the file it disappears. What could be the cause?
I have an existing DWG and am adding FDO layers. I have styled the FDO data and given it bright colors so it is easy to see, but no styling is taking effect and the data is hidden. I can select by clicking on records in the show data table menu found by right-clicking on the FDO layers in the task pane.
If I create a new DWG I am able to see this data so the problem appears to be local to this DWG. I also tried copying this data set into a new DWG and the problem persists.
Not sure what causes a page setup already created and previously used to not be able to be selected at a later time. When selecting it, it reverts back to <none>. Does this mean the plotter changed/is not available? The network name for the plotter did not change, but the model of the plotter changed slightly. I have the same setup saved in 100's of drawings and assumed that as long as the network name for the plotter remained the same, the setup would continue to work.
We currently have a drawing with several thousand groups. For some reason (I think it's got to do with copy and pasting) there are a lot of groups which are not selectable anymore. I know I can use the grouping dialogue to turn unselectable groups to selectable. However, as I mentioned, there are several thousand groups to filter through.
Is there a way to gobally change all group properties to selectable?
When working in paperspace existing or new layout viewports are non-selectable. The viewport boundary is not visible and all layers are turned on and thawed. Is there some sort of toggle to make viewport boundarys visible and selectable?
Using Autocad 2011. If I pick an object, any object, in an old drawing, or newly created drawing, I cannot change it's color in the Quick Properties dialog box. "Color" is grayed out, and not selectable. I can change it via the pulldown in the Layer Manager on my toolbar, but not in the Quick Properties dialog. This just started happening.
When I purge a drawing, the text styles are not a selectable option (as if there are no purgeable text styles). if i use (-purge), it will purge the unused text styles. I can also go into the Styles dialog box and delete the styles. It happens in all drawings and nobody else in the dept has the problem. I can't find any settings that would exclude any items from the purge dialog box as well. Autocad 2012? windows 7 64 bit.
I have a series of drawings and am unable to make some block text for risers not appear hidden.If I paste the block into another drawing I get the text to appear but then when I try to bring back into this drawing it becomes hidden.
On a large 2012 drawing, suddenly the entire drawing is half tone and every object is locked. When you try to select an object, the little lock symbol apprears next to the cursor. I must have done something inadvertantly to lock the entire drawing, but I can not find any command or reference to unlock the drawing. This problem is also unique to this drawing.
In my layer prop manager, I have 2 layers with the name "0". How is this possible? Also, I'm trying to move the lines/polylines on either one of these layers and it won't move because it's locked. But when you look on the layer manager, BOTH of the 0 layers are not locked down.
I have this application: It's a userform with a combobox filled up with all layers. There also are 2 commandbuttons and a label.When I apply the command button all the layers except the selected layer in the combobox lock. That's good.This is the problem:
Normaly when I lock a layer it is fading (laylockfadectl 80). But when I lock layers with this vba code it doesn't fading locked layers.
Option ExplicitPrivate Sub cmbx1_Change()Label1.Caption = cmbx1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdAPPLY_Click()On Error Resume Next 'handle exceptions inline Dim objlayers As AcadLayersDim objlayer As AcadLayer Set objlayers = ThisDrawing.Layers 'make the layer selected in the combobox current [code]....
where is the setting to change the Fade Control when you lock a layer?(It is not the same as the Fade Control of the External References in the Display tag of the Options dialog. I know that one and I am aware of this one.)
The one that I want to know is of the locked layers. When I lock a layer, the objects in the layer fade.
locked objects get selected, but nothing acts on them. that is i do see them getting dotted while i selected all objects on other unlocked layers. is there way that locked layers don't get dotted while selection? just like in sketchup?
Create a command (macro) to unlock all locked layers and remove the fade effect. I know how to unlock them by using the command LAYULK, selecting the entities on the locked layer. I have been trying to automate the command so I don't have to select entities.
I have a form with a combobox and a commandbutton.
All layers in the layermanager must be locked except the active layer chosen in the combobox. I try it with this code but it’s not the right solution.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim layer As AcadLayer'check if all layers are lockedIf layer.Lock = False Thenlayer.Lock = True'make the layer selected in the combobox currentThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(ComboBox1.Text)End SubPrivate Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim layerColl As AcadLayers Dim layer As AcadLayer Dim LayList As String ' all layers locked For Each layer In ThisDrawing.Layers If layer.Lock = False Then layer.Lock = True End IfNext 'fill combobox Set layerColl = ThisDrawing.Layers For Each layer In layerColl ComboBox1.AddItem layer.Name Next End Sub
2. When I choose the for next method to lock all layers (40 layers) it’s very slow.
i am trying to restrict users from modifying certain attributes in a block,i can create the blocks with some of the attributes on locked layers, but then autocad pops up an annoying alert box, is there a way to disable this? the other option i can think of is to redefine the commands *ddedit, *attedit, *ddatte,*attipedit,
I am using Photoshop CS2 with Windows XP. Why are all the photos that I import into Photoshop have the layer locked. I tried to save them both as .psd and as .jpeg. But, it makes no difference. In the layer pallette, the layer is marked as locked but the icons at the top are all grayed out.
I have this problem with AutoCAD 2012 and with LT2011. When first opening a drawing in a layout with the viewport locked and activated, the first scroll action moves the drawing within the viewport. After the first scroll, any scrolling moves the entire viewport as it should when locked. Putting the drawing back to where it was within the viewport requires unlocking the viewport or undoing everything back to the first scroll action. This is very anoying especially if you are zoomed in and can't see the edges of the viewport and don't notice the move right away. I did not have this problem in the older versions.
Working in AutoCAD 2011. Unable to modify text once the text box is closed. I can only erase and re-write once closed. Bummer! When I re-select and double click on text, neither the box that typicallly encloses the text nor the "drop down box" w/ the various modifications that can be made appears. This includes new text just written since re-opening the file and existing text that was entered in previous sessions. I don't see anything that indicates that the text is "locked" or otherwise restricted from modification.
I am trying to draw dimension leader arrows. I start "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings and tell it I want my arrowhead to be "closed filled". I draw the arrow, and it comes up as a "DOT" arrow.
I can change this in the Properties, but who wants to do that every time? When I go back to "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings, the arrow block is set back to DOT, even though I just changed it to "closed filled".
I used "rename" to rename my "closed filled" block to "dsfsdfsdf", in case the block got redefined somehow.My dimblk is set to "", as are dimblk1 and dimblk2. Tried both setting of dimsah as well.
I do not see any "CExxxxxx" variable which might control this.