3ds Max :: Recall Editable Poly Set And Or UVW Map
May 12, 2012
Is there a way to recall a editable poly set and or a uvw map? It seems like I have to always re select them if if i want to modify a map.
Here is what I dont get, I have a box converted to an editable poly. With all of the polygons (faces) selected on one side, I assign a uvw map and successfully assign a map.
So I proceed to the top of the box and repeat the process and what? The entire cube takes on my "assign material to select" and I only have the top faces selected. What the heck is going on here. This is happening in 2013 and also 2012.
A simple editable mesh object, a piece of terrain, which has standard texture on it an no modifiers, just some UV's on channel 1.
Whenever I add "edit poly" modifier or convert it to editable poly, additional geometry will be created. Statistics show that only vertex count of the selected object goes up about 6x but no additional faces are generated. This not the case when check on a sub-object level, there are lot of additional faces created. I've never seen this happen, jumping between edit poly and edit mesh has been easy without any errors like this.
I've tried the same model with 2013 as well - same results. Also tried collapsing the object, removing uv-mapping, different materials, attaching the mesh to empty box, etc, garbage collection, exporting it to obj and importing - even then same thing happens.
I have a diamond model I built (editable poly) and it is sitting on a pillow I made (garment maker, cloth- also editable poly) Ok so there has got to be an easy way to make the diamond sink into the pillow. I have been playing around with conform space modifier for hours now and I can make basic shapes change but it will not effect my ed polies and also I dont know if this is working the way I imagined anyway.
For an example if I create a sphere, add a turbosmooth with 4 itterations and collapse it to an editable poly again. Then when I try to manipulate the mesh by draging vertices with or without soft selection or paint deformation I get around 10X faster performance with direct3d (roughly 40-50 fps compared to nitrous 4-5 fps).
I know that nitrous is slow with pflow and animation but I did not expect it to have such poor performance with modelling?!
I have the same effect on both of my workstations. Laptop with core2 quad extreme, 12 gig ram, quadro fx3700m, win7 x64. Dells latest graphics driver. Stationary computer with Xeon quadcore, 14 gig ram, geforce 285 gtx card and win xp 64. Latest nvidia driver.
I cant solve this problem with edge selection tool, my task is to create an oil barrel and when I select the barrel with edge selection tool then press setting button next to connect there is that triangle pattern in between two lines that I don't want, how do I get rid of it?
I've been working on a tyre for a while. Now i need to model the side wall with some text on it. Because the tyre has to be printed in 3d i need this text as polygons in the model (not in a texture). So what is the best way to get a 3d text on my poly? It's very important to get an valid editable poly (from each vertice start 4 edges / an edge don't has 1 face on on side and 2 on the other ...).
Is there a way to conform an object (with a thickness) to an editable poly surface, like you can with patch deform to a patch surface ? I know you can use the compound object 'conform', but that does not give the result I'm looking for.
I was hoping that is was possible to simply convert an editable poly surface to a patch surface, but then I just get "illegal surface" when I pick the deform surface.
Patch deform is great, but almost worthless if I can't use it for editable poly objects...
I found to model a joystick. I have created a spline mesh, and applied a Surface modifier. The next step is to convert it to an Editable Poly. Fine, no sweat there. The thing is, when i do that, Max creates a ton more vertices; so many that its blatant over kill. My Surface mesh contains only 214 verts, but after conversion, i have over 6000.
Im guessing its adding some kind of smoothing somewhere...? After conversion, the tutorial has no more verts than it did before conversion, and it looks pretty much the same.
Conversion does not add extra vertices?
Intel I7 3.8Ghz, 8GB DDR3, SSD, nVidia 460, Windows 7 Ultimate x64 3DS Max 2011 Hotfix 4 x64
When you use the cut tool on an editable poly, and cut from one vert, across the polygon, to another vert, you often get an extra vertex. URL....Some other way of cutting? It seems like this bug has been in there forever.
Is there a way to make an editable mesh or poly somewhat transparent when a material is applied? Think of the material being a thin cloth such as nylon. You can't see directly through it, but it isn't like a thick material such as jeans etc. I also want to make this object deform like a balloon inflating, so I don't know if that will cause issues with transparency.
Is there a way to extract the WHITE edges of this Editable Poly as Spline Shapes? Then I could use the Surface modifier to convert it to a Patch object.
I know there is a "Create Shape From Selection" button on in the Editable Poly dialog. But this gives me the ORANGE lines from the control cage, not the smooth lines on the subdivided object.
My model is ready for the rigging. But my model is a little heavy in poly-count. I can rig it now but at the time of animation i know it will be a problem while animating it. It will lag while moving its controls. I have seen people animating with low mesh and while rendering they use high mesh. Do, i have to create a low poly version of my model?. If yes, Then i have to paint weight twice. low poly one and the high poly one.
The adjustments and effects dialogs always open right in the middle of the Paint.Net screen - in other words, right over the center of your paint object (photo, etc.). It is the last place anyone should want it to appear. I always have to drag it out of the way before I can use the effect (otherwise, you can't see what the effect is doing).
Example A: Make all such dialogs open at the right-most side of the Paint window by default (or left, etc.).
Example B: Have Paint.net remember the last position of any dialog box - and apply it for ALL effects/adjustments dialogs that open subsequent to that. This is my favorite option even if Paint.net won't keep the position after it closes. Moving the first dialog box of a new session once is no big deal as long as Paint.net will remember it per session.
I have been drawing in 2d and my floor plan is in the middle and I am using construction rays to create my elevations but I cant find or know how to use a tool that will recall my rotated and zoomed views (elevations) with a use of a AutoCAD 2013 tool.
Am trying to cut a circle into my geo but i cannot cut between vertex, its snapping to the vertex, and i currently don't have snapping on is their another option for the cutting tool somewhere?
what the best way to project a spline onto a edit poly 3d surface. i would like to maintain adjustability of the spline and have it morph an instance projection onto the surface if possible.
I have created a big spline. When I tried to "Convert to poly", it doesn't work. Usually, as result, the spline appears with a filled. In my case, the spline disappears. I thought it might be because the spline is not closed, but it is correct.
When in vertex, edge or poly mode, usually I was able to switch between them by pressing number 1,2,3,4,5. What also was useful, is if for instance I press the same number twice, then I would exit the sub mode. This was very useful. Now in this version this option is disabled by default, similar to the zoom extense all, but I was able to changed this in the UI settings.
Imagine that you have couple of spheres in your scene and you want to manually rearrange them. You click on one and immediately drag your mouse to move it, and it works just fine and fast while they are sphere primitives. But, if you convert them to edit poly things get messed up, now if you click and start to drag you need to wait for about a second for the thing to start moving. And it's the bloody edit poly's fault. It's command panel UI is just drawing too slow. Why is this? Is this something that just is in max now? Because the same thing annoyed me in 2011 and now in 2012. Or is it me who is doing something wrong? Also interesting is that this problem completely disappears when I add some modifier with a "small ui", like PUSH, to all of the objects. Everything is back to fast and snappy again.
This slowness also happens when I want to switch sub-object levels, it redraws every time, and it redraws slowly.
I'm trying to model glasses. I have completed the frame and the handle. They are different parts of the 3D object. [URL] ...
Now I would like to connect them together. I tried to choose some vertixes and use cap poly tool to cap them. But it doesn't work: [URL] ....
Then I tried to move those vertixes close to each other and use the weld tool but it doesn't work either.
I have had many problems connecting different objects together with cap poly and weld vertixes tools in the past and now I would like to know is this a bug or what I'm doing wrong?
I have a problem when im modeling on 3ds max 2011.
For example, i go to "create" then "geometry" and then "box". While Im creating the box, i can change views with de P key (perspective), T key (top view) etc... or maximize my viewport o miniminze it (alt+W)... but if a apply an "Edit poly" modifier to the box, i cant use any of the shortcut key , because they have other effects...
Is there a way to use the shortcut key while i have "edit poly" modifier???
Really big scene. 17 Million polys. First of all...17 million is not displaying correctly. (See image) There is an extra digit at the end.Second, when I select an object, (since 17 million takes up so many spaces) I can't properly read the poly count on my selected object.
Any way to change the spacing or size of the font?
I m creating geo eye lashes with curves. I extruded the curve into a poly but I want to taper the end so it looks more like hair. Looks like there has no option for me to do that unless I line up a flat geo at the end of my curve, then extrude along the curve. But it'll be a painful process to line up a polygon to every single curve I have.
I have another newbie question. How to select visible polygons only in the Edit Poly modifier? Now I can only select through the object. I can't find an option to turn it off.
3ds Max Design 2013 Student Version PU6 iMac 27" Quad-Core i5 2.8 GHz 6 GB RAM ATI Radeon HD 5750 1 GB VMWare Fusion 5 / Windows 7