I m creating geo eye lashes with curves. I extruded the curve into a poly but I want to taper the end so it looks more like hair. Looks like there has no option for me to do that unless I line up a flat geo at the end of my curve, then extrude along the curve. But it'll be a painful process to line up a polygon to every single curve I have.
I'm rigging a model of a robot and I have wires (nurbs circles extruded along a curve) attaching to two objects that are on different joints. I have it rigged so that when the first joint moves, half of the CVs of all the wires (in a control cluster) move along with the joint (and, in turn, the object they are attached to). This much works fine, the extruded nurb follows the curve and stays the same diameter from start to finish. My problem starts with the rigging of the second joint (the second joint is the parent of the first joint). I've tried many different ways of rigging it, but as I'm only just starting rigging my thought process isn't quite a straight line yet. Basically my problem is when the source curves physically move, the extruded surface goes twice the distance as displayed in the picture below.
I need to know how to get the extruded surface to always be in the same place as the curve with out breaking the connection.
My model is ready for the rigging. But my model is a little heavy in poly-count. I can rig it now but at the time of animation i know it will be a problem while animating it. It will lag while moving its controls. I have seen people animating with low mesh and while rendering they use high mesh. Do, i have to create a low poly version of my model?. If yes, Then i have to paint weight twice. low poly one and the high poly one.
I am using maya 2011. I have a simple roof, which i extracted faces from the small house (see pic1). However, when i smooth the roof, all the extracted faces went smooth individually (see pic2). How can i combine all those individual faces i extruded, to make into a single mesh or polygon, so that when i press 3, it will smooth like as in pic3 rather than individually.
so this is the most annoying thing ever. I have a subdiv. i turned it to a poly (to get rid of the bloody shell in render view, i dont even know why its showing) when i did this previously, the shell went away when it became a poly, now its not. I'm new to how subdiv's work so am i missing something?
I thought, can i just model in 3D max, with all that details on it, for high poly. And then transfer that high poly model in Maya, and do low poly, uv, texturing, lighting, rendering, composting and Animation too? I am interest in cinematic for game, like trailer for games, which is done from Blur and Blizzard, and BioWare too?
I activated the Poly Count from the Display Menu; but it shows the components that are in the view at the moment. I'd like to know instead if there is a way to display the number of the components selected.
i have failed to convert this polygon to sub div. I have tried all cleaning options but it still wont convert. scene is attached. the error message i get is this
deleteInternalValence2Verts |body1|body1Shape; polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 100000 -maxEdgesPerVert 40 |body1|body1Shape; // Warning: Nothing is selected. Select objects or components to delete. // // Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
I have a demo reel and I want to list my poly count next to my models. maya calculates triangles and faces(which to me are polys also). so should I say poly count: (#of triangles) or poly count: (#of faces). which is the employer more interested in (specifically in the gaming world).
When i try to convert Poly to Subdiv I get this message in script editor:
polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 1500 -maxEdgesPerVert 32 |polySurface8|polySurfaceShape9; // Warning: Nothing is selected. Select objects or components to delete. // // Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
It is strange, because I fixed all non-quad faces. I also tried all cleaning options with no success.
I'm used to being able to select and hide polygons while creating models in programs like Lightwave and Modo. It is an essential function that I can't imagine Maya lacks, yet there isn't an obvious way to do this as far as I can tell. Is there a workaround?
We've had to re-image machines, so it's been a few days of trouble shooting new issues with re-install of Maya2012.
Installed SP2 for Vista yesterday in hopes some of the modeling issues would be fixed. But still having two issues.
The worst is each time I try to cut faces my faces in sections of model disappear. The face is there and it's closed. If I re-launch Maya then the display is correct.
The last but less of a nuisance at this time is a white display during view port changes. Didn't have this issue before. But all of our machines here on the team are doing the same thing.
Its impossible for me to select those with the mouse. I think I tried everything, but still doesnt work. I have all my selection masks - ON, I have tried all the variations of the selecting tools settings. Reseted the settings, deleted the preffs folder, uninstalled Maya, reinstalled again. Problem persist on 2011 and 2012 versions.
I can select every other object (surface, curves, planes) except those poly things. The only way to select is right button - select all and then remove the unwanted from the mass selection. How to activate selection with mouse!
Maya 2012 64bit, Win7..I can not convert a polygonal model to subdivision with proxy (command failed),do not see error description in the script editor. What typical problems of convertation (poly->subdiv) do you know ?
I want to Boolean text onto a PolyPipe I made. Let me include a pic for reference.
Like I said, i built the "ring" with a Polygon Pipe turned 90 degrees. Then I created 3D text. but I do not know how to "bend" the text so that I can move it over part of the ring and Boolean it through.
I'm trying to update an old drawing that has been a part of my military organization for decades that was originally drawn on some old paper.
I am currently using Maya 2012 Student Version and am having trouble when extruding edges. When I click 'extrude' many of my polys disappear. I will attach some screen shots.
how to switch a texture at certain keys, or Keyframe a file texture on a shader at one key and then change the file texture to something else on a later frame, on the same polygon face. Like this...
How to switch or change these two images at different textures at different frames.
Click animation. Here I just keyframed and switched two poly planes. But I want to swap out the textures by keyframing them instead.
I created a very simple two poly object and then deleted my construction history and now I cannot seem to create a new polygon in the scene unless I turn off interactive creation.
If I choose create>sphere etc the little sign that says drag on grid appears but when I do nothing happens. I made a new scene and did the same thing and I don't have the same problem so Im not sure why in this particular scene.
Im having issues using the mirror function in the "move tool".I select mirror geometry with these options : -x, merge with original, and merge vertices.
This copies my model and allows me to adjust both sides of the model by selecting a single vertex on either side.
"Is there a way I can set Maya to also mirror my cut poly and smoother operations?" As it stands now, Only the vertex's that existed when i mirror geometry are visable on both halves.
Also my center vertices are not attached to each other. So when i try to apply smoothing to the entire model it smooths right through the center of the head, basically creating two halves. Both halves are registering as the same poly.
I have a mesh that is made up of all quads and is a pretty dense object. I need to reduce the number of faces so can make it easier to work with and edit.
Whenever i use the reduce tool it takes my mesh that is all quads and distorts it to create a mesh that looks like the second picture above. How can i reduce my face or poly count without distorting my mesh so badly and keep only quads.
after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
I have created a test bezier curve in Adobe Photoshop, saved it as a .ai file for import into Maya, and imported the curve successfully. However when I try to revolve it to create a sculpture, it revolves around a pivot point which is in the middle of the scene. Is this error because of the .ai file format? I don't have Illustrator as such, just using a .ai export from PSD so I can use PSD which I know better - to get the curve in the first place. Is there a way to look at the curve in an editor of some sort and precicesly locate the pivor point, reset it etc? The file is also not yet in a default project, as I'm just testing first. I am a rank beginner, having used Maya for 4 months, 8 years ago, and now need to learn the program for work.
Additional notes: I did get the revolve to work by manually moving the pivot point but it wasn't very precise, and I'd like to know how to do this ahead of time as I have to make quite a lot of these...
My problem is that i have a curves but i need to add more vertex in it and i now that is possible but i forget how and another thing if any tutorial about curves and manipulate.
I'm working out of the Mastering Autodesk Maya 2011 book and am on page 135. (I'm on a MAC)
Tool: Rebuild Curve (after creating curve with): EP Curve Tool
I'm trying to rebuild a curve I just made but when I hit "rebuild" I get the error message:
//Error: Nothing was selected to rebuild. You must select NURBS curves or curve on surface. But it's strange, I DO have it selected. In the Outliner I have it highlighted and the curve is highlighted yellow.
The strange thing is when the curve is not highlighted it is RED? I also don't seem to be able to select it with the cursor - only in the Outliner.
I created the curve with the CV Curve tool by snapping to the ends of 2 other curves and then hitting "enter".
I'm guessing the fact the created curve is red when unselected is telling me something is wrong with the curve but I'm unsure.
I've got a Locator attached to a Curve with a Motion Path - the Motion Path is animated so the Locator moves nicely along the Curve. I now want to swap the original Curve with a new one and have the Locator follow it instead.
Is there a way to simply switch curves and tell the Motion Path to use a new Curve while keeping the animated keys in the Motion Path node?
I've tried playing around with the connection editor but cant manage to connect the new Curve to the Motion Path nodes "geometryPath"
I was watching a tutorial on digital tutors and they Revolved a CV Curve to make a tire, and I want to know how to extend a curve along an axis instead of revolve it.I painted in the Right viewer to show what I want to achieve.