so this is the most annoying thing ever. I have a subdiv. i turned it to a poly (to get rid of the bloody shell in render view, i dont even know why its showing) when i did this previously, the shell went away when it became a poly, now its not. I'm new to how subdiv's work so am i missing something?
Maya 2012 64bit, Win7..I can not convert a polygonal model to subdivision with proxy (command failed),do not see error description in the script editor. What typical problems of convertation (poly->subdiv) do you know ?
I have run into an issue relating to the differences in the way Mudbox and Maya subdivide meshes. My workflow for creating blend shapes is as follows:
1. Create base head mesh in Maya 2. Import base head mesh into Mudbox and subdivide to level 2 3. Create a Mudbox layer on top of base head mesh to sculpt each blend shape (e.g., browsMidUp) 4. For each blend shape, export the level 0 mesh to Maya for use as a blend shape on the base head mesh
Here is where it all falls apart.
When I smooth the blend shape in Maya (either by choosing smooth preview or by selecting Mesh>Smooth), the smoothed mesh in Maya differs from that in Mudbox. In the case of browsMidUp, the blend shape created in Mudbox only modified the brows. However, in Maya when the blend shape is smoothed the mouth opens up (i.e., the lips smooth differently in Maya than Mudbox, causing the mouth to open).
This is incredibly frustrating because I did not discover this problem until after I created approximately 35 blend shapes in Mudbox!I believe I can work around my current error. However, I would like to know how others approach the creation of blend shapes.Do you use Mudbox? If so, how do prevent issues associated with smoothing differences?
I am converting over from Softimage (which I love, but is Windows only) to Maya for OSX. Is there an equivalent in Maya to the new thickness tool available in Softimage 2012 SAP? For instance, if one creates a sphere polygonal object in Maya and slices it, is there a way to give the shell a thickness (like creating a bowl) other than just extruding?
i have failed to convert this polygon to sub div. I have tried all cleaning options but it still wont convert. scene is attached. the error message i get is this
deleteInternalValence2Verts |body1|body1Shape; polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 100000 -maxEdgesPerVert 40 |body1|body1Shape; // Warning: Nothing is selected. Select objects or components to delete. // // Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
When i try to convert Poly to Subdiv I get this message in script editor:
polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 1500 -maxEdgesPerVert 32 |polySurface8|polySurfaceShape9; // Warning: Nothing is selected. Select objects or components to delete. // // Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
It is strange, because I fixed all non-quad faces. I also tried all cleaning options with no success.
I would like to design the table from the image. I am having some problems giving thickness to the snail shell. I extruded it (wasn't that pleased with the result but... it was better than nothing) and tried to smooth it. The result was a horror because there were to many edges and maya took them as a height difference.
My question is: 1. How can i make the thickness better, without all the holes? (can i create edges between vertices) 2. How can i smooth the poly without making it look like a shell covered inside with spikes.
I'm used to being able to select and hide polygons while creating models in programs like Lightwave and Modo. It is an essential function that I can't imagine Maya lacks, yet there isn't an obvious way to do this as far as I can tell. Is there a workaround?
We've had to re-image machines, so it's been a few days of trouble shooting new issues with re-install of Maya2012.
Installed SP2 for Vista yesterday in hopes some of the modeling issues would be fixed. But still having two issues.
The worst is each time I try to cut faces my faces in sections of model disappear. The face is there and it's closed. If I re-launch Maya then the display is correct.
The last but less of a nuisance at this time is a white display during view port changes. Didn't have this issue before. But all of our machines here on the team are doing the same thing.
I want to Boolean text onto a PolyPipe I made. Let me include a pic for reference.
Like I said, i built the "ring" with a Polygon Pipe turned 90 degrees. Then I created 3D text. but I do not know how to "bend" the text so that I can move it over part of the ring and Boolean it through.
I'm trying to update an old drawing that has been a part of my military organization for decades that was originally drawn on some old paper.
I am currently using Maya 2012 Student Version and am having trouble when extruding edges. When I click 'extrude' many of my polys disappear. I will attach some screen shots.
I created a very simple two poly object and then deleted my construction history and now I cannot seem to create a new polygon in the scene unless I turn off interactive creation.
If I choose create>sphere etc the little sign that says drag on grid appears but when I do nothing happens. I made a new scene and did the same thing and I don't have the same problem so Im not sure why in this particular scene.
Im having issues using the mirror function in the "move tool".I select mirror geometry with these options : -x, merge with original, and merge vertices.
This copies my model and allows me to adjust both sides of the model by selecting a single vertex on either side.
"Is there a way I can set Maya to also mirror my cut poly and smoother operations?" As it stands now, Only the vertex's that existed when i mirror geometry are visable on both halves.
Also my center vertices are not attached to each other. So when i try to apply smoothing to the entire model it smooths right through the center of the head, basically creating two halves. Both halves are registering as the same poly.
I have a mesh that is made up of all quads and is a pretty dense object. I need to reduce the number of faces so can make it easier to work with and edit.
Whenever i use the reduce tool it takes my mesh that is all quads and distorts it to create a mesh that looks like the second picture above. How can i reduce my face or poly count without distorting my mesh so badly and keep only quads.
after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.
My model is ready for the rigging. But my model is a little heavy in poly-count. I can rig it now but at the time of animation i know it will be a problem while animating it. It will lag while moving its controls. I have seen people animating with low mesh and while rendering they use high mesh. Do, i have to create a low poly version of my model?. If yes, Then i have to paint weight twice. low poly one and the high poly one.
I'm rigging my first character in Maya 2011 using Advanced Skeleton.
It has a hard shell breast plate, so I'm a bit worried about how to keep the body from penetrating the shell.
Any tips for a neophyte when using Advanced Skeleton - or any issues that are obvious when using my model?
Also, I'm going to be applying some motion capture in Motion Builder as well as animating by hand, so ... any comments
BTW - another thing I'm worried about is getting the non t-pose character rigged. This is how the artist gave it to me, and I know that MotionBuilder wants a t-pose. Hopefully, I can rig it in AdvancedSkeleton - and use that to get to a t-pose. But ... I'm not exactly sure of the best way?
I am trying to apply shell modifier on a custom made spline (shown as 1 in image).But as soon as I click on shell modifier the spline disappears. I dont understand what is happening because I applied shell modifier on a similar custom made spline and it work properly previously (shown as 2 in image).
I have created a big spline. When I tried to "Convert to poly", it doesn't work. Usually, as result, the spline appears with a filled. In my case, the spline disappears. I thought it might be because the spline is not closed, but it is correct.
I'm trying to model glasses. I have completed the frame and the handle. They are different parts of the 3D object. [URL] ...
Now I would like to connect them together. I tried to choose some vertixes and use cap poly tool to cap them. But it doesn't work: [URL] ....
Then I tried to move those vertixes close to each other and use the weld tool but it doesn't work either.
I have had many problems connecting different objects together with cap poly and weld vertixes tools in the past and now I would like to know is this a bug or what I'm doing wrong?
is there any way to convert a bunch of splines into a poly? Its going to be a city, the shape is given. I need it as a poly, now its just a bunch of splines.
I cant solve this problem with edge selection tool, my task is to create an oil barrel and when I select the barrel with edge selection tool then press setting button next to connect there is that triangle pattern in between two lines that I don't want, how do I get rid of it?
I've been working on a tyre for a while. Now i need to model the side wall with some text on it. Because the tyre has to be printed in 3d i need this text as polygons in the model (not in a texture). So what is the best way to get a 3d text on my poly? It's very important to get an valid editable poly (from each vertice start 4 edges / an edge don't has 1 face on on side and 2 on the other ...).
Is there a way to conform an object (with a thickness) to an editable poly surface, like you can with patch deform to a patch surface ? I know you can use the compound object 'conform', but that does not give the result I'm looking for.
I was hoping that is was possible to simply convert an editable poly surface to a patch surface, but then I just get "illegal surface" when I pick the deform surface.
Patch deform is great, but almost worthless if I can't use it for editable poly objects...
I was modeling a unicorn in ZBrush (because it's so comfortable and intuitive with modeling) for a film in a project of my studies and imported it to 3ds Max then, because I know how to rig and animate there (and in ZBrush I didn't even find out how to MOVE an object).
After a while I finally killed all the triangles in my mesh, but it's just... horrible. So many polys where they aren't needed, so unclean. It looks like this:
I made a staircase rail made out of splines etc...
Converted the object to edit poly and duplicated + attached all the piece.
So I have this one object that is really long and this is the rail of the whole staircase.
Now I created a spline and once I select the object and add a Path Deform, the object isn't rotating correctly along the spline. At the beginning of the spline its @ 90 degrees and further down it starts to spin.
How do I make it so it's always 90 degrees to the ground?
I m creating geo eye lashes with curves. I extruded the curve into a poly but I want to taper the end so it looks more like hair. Looks like there has no option for me to do that unless I line up a flat geo at the end of my curve, then extrude along the curve. But it'll be a painful process to line up a polygon to every single curve I have.
I created a really simple missile model in sketchup and imported it into 3dsmax. The flat pollies that make up the fins of the missile only seem to exist from one direction. Do I have to give them thickness or is there a way to make them visible exturable from both sides?