Paint.NET :: Recall Adjustments / Effects Dialog Location
Mar 18, 2012
The adjustments and effects dialogs always open right in the middle of the Paint.Net screen - in other words, right over the center of your paint object (photo, etc.). It is the last place anyone should want it to appear. I always have to drag it out of the way before I can use the effect (otherwise, you can't see what the effect is doing).
Example A: Make all such dialogs open at the right-most side of the Paint window by default (or left, etc.).
Example B: Have remember the last position of any dialog box - and apply it for ALL effects/adjustments dialogs that open subsequent to that. This is my favorite option even if won't keep the position after it closes. Moving the first dialog box of a new session once is no big deal as long as will remember it per session.
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Dec 23, 2012
Wouldn't the Adjustments fit in Effects>Colors? Or, if you're more conservative, perhaps Effects>Adjustments? The only negative I can think of is there'd be one extra click, but I think it's worth it for the sake of consistency. Adjustment/Effect split to me?
While we're on the subject of cutting out menus, I considered the results of cutting another menu; I'm not too sure about this one, but hey, throw mud at the wall and see what sticks. Rick has removed the Window menu in 4.0 after he moved its functionality elsewhere. This could also be done with the View menu. "Zoom to Selection" could be integrated into the "Fit to Window"/"Actual Size" button (a 4.0 feature) when a selection's made.
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Feb 28, 2011
Where I can get copies of the plugin icons used for the individual Adjustments/Effects in the Adjustments and Effects menus ?
I would like to use the icons on my own collected plugin help files as a mnemonic device to keep my help files organized. (e.g. Is this Outline Selection or Object ? BoltBait, pyrochild, or Aziz ?)
I tried using IcoFX to extract the icons from the .dll and .exe files in Paint.Net installed on my computer, but I only found 3 icons: the main Paint.Net icon and 2 other icons that seemed unrelated to the plugins menus.
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Apr 7, 2013
I'm having some problems exporting from After Effects. I believe is to do with gamma. Every time I export my footage from after effects it seems to render darker than the original footage. I've tried all the different settings in the project settings panel including changing the color workspace and checking/unchecking boxes such as blend colors using 1.0 gamma and match legacy after effects QT gamma adjustments.
The really strange thing is that after I export my project and import it into Premiere it looks perfectly fine. However, if I try importing it in to another editor (such as Sony Vegas) it doesn't look right. The main problem is that I am currently working on a project in which the editor is running Avid, and is finding the same problem. Also, it's not just Quicktime I am finding the problem on. It's every format and codec I am trying such as .avi and a TGA sequence. I've tested it on both arri footage and h264 footage, and double checked that I hadn't added effects such as a curves adjustment etc.
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm makeing a demo video for an iPhone app and I have a really good PSD template for an iPhone but I'm not seeing a way to move any of the layers around. The reason I need to make adjustments is because it has a nice relfection on the screen and I need to gett the footage from the video underneath the reflection.
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Apr 23, 2013
I can't get the "Properties" dialog box to remain the same location each time I launch Civil 3D 2014. I have "xref" and "toolspace" on another monitor, along with "properties" although each time I launch CIvil the "Properties" dialog box reverts back to the middle of my other monitor...
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Dec 14, 2011
Land Desktop 2009 Civil 3D Companion
When I issue the Wblock Command I can not find the Dialog box to select objects and file location... This happens in the Layer Dialog when I try to change the color of a layer, the Color Dialog box can not be found. When I use the Block command the dialog box pops up, so I can see it.
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May 12, 2012
Is there a way to recall a editable poly set and or a uvw map? It seems like I have to always re select them if if i want to modify a map.
Here is what I dont get, I have a box converted to an editable poly. With all of the polygons (faces) selected on one side, I assign a uvw map and successfully assign a map.
So I proceed to the top of the box and repeat the process and what? The entire cube takes on my "assign material to select" and I only have the top faces selected. What the heck is going on here. This is happening in 2013 and also 2012.
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Jun 18, 2008
I want my Open/Save etc.. dialog boxes in CS3 products such as After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator to look like the dialog boxes in every other program I use under Vista.
This is what my dialog boxes look like in CS3: URL....
And this is what those same boxes look like in apps like Notepad, Quicktime, Windows Media Player, etc.URL....
I know there's a toggle at the bottom that says "Use Adobe Dialog" or "Use OS Dialog" but NEITHER of these look like those other dialog boxes. With the weird CS3 boxes I miss out on the Explorer tree and the Favorite Links area.
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Feb 13, 2014
I have an SSD disk which has 20 GB of free space that AE uses for cache, and it gets full quite often and I have to empty it every ~4 hours.
My question is can I assign a secondary location for cache for AE to store the cache files and access it from there? If I can't, is there a big difference in working speed between SSD & HDD disks regarding AE cache? (I have 2 TB of free space on an HDD disk that I can use for AE cache).
Additional info.
CPU (i7-2600k)
RAM (24GB)
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Apr 4, 2013
Today I got a SSD just for the cache in AE and set the preferences. I changed the "Disk Cache" to the new SSD and then also changed the second option "Conformed Media Cache" to the new SSD - then watching some videos I noticed others have only changed the "Disk Cache" and left the second option as c:users ameAppDataLocalTemp. I tried to put the second option back, but when I browse for the folder within the preferences framework I cannot see it. Deleting the preferences didn't alter the Conformed Media Cache as set by me today. I changed it today thinking that the new SSD has more space than my c drive which is also an SSD. My questions are, can I leave the conformed media cache on the same drive as the disk cache? If not, can I just make a folder on c drive under users and use that? If neither and I need to reinstate the default folder, how can I see that through the AE preferences dialogue box?
My setup is an i7 3820 with 64gig of RAM, programs running from a SSD, another SSD just for the cache, standard modern hard drives that keep my assets from my project files and another for finished and rendered items. My GPU is an Nvidia GeForce 560 and I have added this to the list so AE uses it.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have a pspmage that I can not make any adjustment on. I can make adjustments on others in the same folder with no problem.
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Jan 2, 2014
I love using the Black and White feature under Adjustments, but I was wondering if there was an option to replace Black with another colour? (Blue and White, Red and White)?
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Sep 2, 2013
In PSP X5 I'm pretty sure there's a way to make User Defined Instant Effects in the Adjust mode, but I can't find the steps in the Help Files. I'm thinking these are just scripts, but I'm not sure.
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Jan 15, 2014
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
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Oct 26, 2012
I have been drawing in 2d and my floor plan is in the middle and I am using construction rays to create my elevations but I cant find or know how to use a tool that will recall my rotated and zoomed views (elevations) with a use of a AutoCAD 2013 tool.
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Oct 24, 2013
I am looking for some way to store variables. For example in loop I want to
Enter a number
Enter hatch pattern
Enter a number
Enter hatch pattern
Enter a number
Enter hatch pattern <Ansi31>
Enter a number.... etc.
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Jul 2, 2011
I am using a Nikon D7000 and shooting in RAW format. Recently, I took some time exposures of Niagara Falls at night, to capture the colors and the lighting on the falls.
When I view the files in the media tray, everything looks alright. However, if I select a photograph to look at more closely, , some sort of automatic brightness adjustment is taking place which brightens my foreground and washes out the color on the main part of my image. This process changes the histogram of the photo. When I move to Express Lab or Full Editor and choose "Smart Photo Fix", and reset various settings to "Original", it doesn't bring the photo back to its original appearance, so clearly there are other settings that have been automatically adjusted as well.
I've looked into the Preferences menus, but can't find anything that will turn off this automatic adjustment process.
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Jul 13, 2012
I have polygon object that I created. I initially started with a cube and then extruded faces until I got the final shape I wanted, which is a tree.
I've been trying to paint some paint effects on the tree but when I make is paintable and try to paint on it I get problems. I paint on the surface and everything looks fine. As soon as release the mouse button my curve and paint effect jump to the base of the tree. No matter where I paint on the tree.
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Jun 24, 2011
Is there a way to find a location on an image.? Let's say I have an image of 1024 x 768 and I want to find the pixel at 354 x 47. How do I do that? Right now I'm using the rectangle selection tool and dragging it around because I can see the coordinates at the bottom of the screen which seems a little
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Aug 6, 2012
Ability to set a manual location for an image or selection, and using this ability to give precise display of images, photos or graphics of the sorts.
The reason I say this is because I feel it would make precision much more in-depth, and make it easier to manage the graphics on the display. Another feature that marries this concept is alignment, with the ability to make certain objects on a specific layer to have that similar x or y location to that of another object, with the ability to enable/disable alignment.
While alignment is more of a vector feature, it would make graphic drawing much easier, especially if Paint.NET marries some vector features to improve on it's current bezier curve interpretation of line drawing.
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Oct 19, 2011
It would be nice if Paint.NET would open with the same window size and location as last time it was run.
I've noticed it does this already if you launch Paint.NET from the start menu, but not if you open a file in Paint.NET (which is much more common).
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Jan 27, 2013
02/06/13 - This has been fixed in the latest update (
In no apparent pattern, MAP mode displays completely incorrect locations for my photos.
The same ones are mapped properly by Nikon View (attachment snap097).
One example is these coordinates:
Latitude:N 39d 12m 58.86s
Longitude:W 76d 31m 21.82s
Altitude Reference:Sea level
Which is right near the Frances Scott Key Bridge in Maryland, USA.
PSP displays it as somewhere off the west coast of Africa (attachment snap096)
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Nov 1, 2013
I just wanted to say that it appeared sometime in X5. I didn't install X5 until SP3 was available. I don't know if it first showed up in one of the SPs since I only ever installed SP3. In X4, I work with the Histogram Palette docked below the image at all times so I can monitor what is happening as I work within the various adjustments. If I check/uncheck the "Preview on Image" box, I can toggle the differences on the histogram as I work. This is invaluable functionality. I depend on it for my work. [I wish the Histogram window would give me readouts of Histogram values when I place my mouse over the Histogram window, but that is an enhancement request for another day.] Now with X5, I can ONLY dock the Histogram window over on the right side. This is about the most braindead place for it, as the width is extremely limited, which limits the scale at which change information is displayed to the point of being useless. Seemingly more braindead, while docked, the only dimension in which the Histogram can be expanded without sacrificing image preview size is vertically. Corel has taken what was a very useful tool and rendered it mostly useless. Knowing this is also a problem in X6, I will not be purchasing that version unless it has been fixed, which I gather has not happened yet. I tried to Save an X4 Workspace and Load it into X5, but X5 cannot even open an X4 Workspace. I guess Workspaces are another USELESS "feature" since Corel seems not to preserve basic function across Revs.
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Aug 21, 2012
During text creation, I can resize the text by changing font size, use move it around..Later on if I want to modify the text (resize, move to another location)...I don't know how..
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Dec 9, 2013
I have Corel PaintShop Pro X6 v, both 64 and 32 bit versions installed. When I click the check for updates in the help menu, I get 2 blank dialog boxes. I cancel out of the last one by clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner and I get a dialog box that asks me if I want to cancel.
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Feb 20, 2011
I would like to request a CMYK control in color dialog that would replace RGB control per user option.
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Jun 7, 2012
I was thinking my menus and toolbars customizations were storage in:
C:Users...DocumentsCorel PaintShop Pro14.0
I had copied all content of this folder to restore after have formatted my computer. But menus and toolbars weren't restored when I replace all the content of this folder.
So, I lost all my customizations. Where they are storage? What should be the folder to be backed up in order to recovery menus and toolbars customizations in new PSP installs?
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May 12, 2012
Is there a way I can *prevent* PSP4 from transferring all my pictures from their present location (Picture It Premium 10) to PSP?
I have them sorted into categories and PSP4 "unsorts" them. If I could transfer the categories/albums, keeping the titles, etc.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a two layer image:
layer 1. background
layer 2. A transparent vector layer with text
I have a second image, the same exact size and resolution as the first two layer image. I would like to paste layer 2 from the first image, into the same exact position on image 2. Every time I paste. it centers the text, whether it is just a ctrl-v, or a paste layer. I've even tried promoting the layer 2 in the first image then pasting as new layer into image two, with no luck. Everything I've done pastes layer 2 from image one, into the center of image 2.
I have PSP Photo X2
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Apr 6, 2012
I'm just getting started with PSP. In a book I bought it saves that, after I enable the Auto-preserve function, the dialog box should come up after I click on file, then save.
The Box isn't coming up. Why is this.
Also, what's the best way to save a RAW file before I stare working on it?
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