Paint Shop Pro :: Menus And Toolbars Customizations - Storage Location
Jun 7, 2012
I was thinking my menus and toolbars customizations were storage in:
C:Users...DocumentsCorel PaintShop Pro14.0
I had copied all content of this folder to restore after have formatted my computer. But menus and toolbars weren't restored when I replace all the content of this folder.
So, I lost all my customizations. Where they are storage? What should be the folder to be backed up in order to recovery menus and toolbars customizations in new PSP installs?
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Oct 29, 2012
I've set up a couple toolbars with extensive customized buttons that make workflow easier.. though I cannot find a way to add SPACERS in between clusters of similar tool buttons. BTW do you have multiple custom toolbars defined for various tasks?
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Apr 4, 2013
When I'm working on a project, I sometimes create bits of artwork that I may or may not want to use in the piece. However, when I move the items off the canvas, they pretty much disappear. Is there any way to store items "off canvas" and have them visible for quick selection?
One option, I guess, is to make the whole Edit preview area the canvas and only crop the item to final size when I'm done, but that seems wonky.
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Dec 4, 2011
My floating toolbars have the icons across in a horizontal straight line, but every time I open PSPX4 they are stacked 2 rows or more. I have to readjust them every time. It remembers where I had them placed but doesn't remember they are horizontal and opens them with the icons vertical.This is with SP1 installed. I don't know if it did that before SP1. Don't have this problem with X3.
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Sep 14, 2011
is there a way to have icons in the menus as with previous versions? the space seems to be there and the icons exist. but the option appears to have gone. it was always in in the customise menu dialogue. but appears to have gone.
i found this really useful because it enabled me to scan the menus quickly.
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Aug 3, 2011
I saw where you can make DVD Menus that will work with DVD Architect using PhotoShop, can that be done with Photo X2?
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Sep 10, 2011
I am customizing context menus and on the customize menu there is, on the left, Application Frame Menus, then under it says, Show Menus for: the only one that shows is Default Menu. How does this work or change. Can I put a custom menu there. It never changes and how to use it.
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Dec 4, 2011
When I first use the mouse to open a menu (Editor mode) it takes a while for redrawing the menu rectangle. Not a great deal because this only happens the first time I open a menu after launching the application. On the other hand, X3 seems to redraw menus just fine and fast.
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Dec 19, 2011
I am sure i saw that somewhere but how do i get the icons to show back instead of the bare text list of the drop down menus? In the old versions, it was easier to find my way around if i had to change version and the list might not have been in the same order, or if i was making a tutorial and someone had a PSP in a different language; i could just display the icon instead of the name for the other person to be able to identify which tool i was talking about. But in later versions, they are gone. How do i get them back?
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a new Dell XPS15 laptop with Windows 8. Installed Photoshop CS6 & all tool bars and menus are too tiny. I've contacted Dell Support and Adobe Support and everyone blames other.
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Sep 24, 2012
I finally cleared enough space on my creaky old PC to install 2013 and once again am having trouble with that CUI.
The ribbon is useless to me, partly because it contains nothing relevent (most of the commands I use are legacy) and partly because this creaky PC can't handle it. My usual workspace is set to toolbars (some custom) and menus.
I exported my workspace from 2012 including all the menus and toolbars.
I imported that cuix file into 2013. Everything is there listed as it should be, but when I select the workspace and click apply I have neither toolbars nor menus showing (well I have a tiny toolbar with just new, open and save on it, and another that appears to be related to survey, but none of the ones I want or need.)
What do I have to do to get my menus and toolbars back? they haven't abolished them completely? This PC cannot handle the ribbon and my every request for an upgrade is denied due to politics.
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Mar 24, 2012
I loaded a partial customization file by CUI dialog. I would like to programmatically hide / show the menus and toolbars, so when you restart AutoCAD to be permanently hidden or visible.
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Nov 10, 2012
I need assistance. How doI change the font size or sizes of menu options on photoshop elements 9 so I can see to use the program, everything is so tiny, even the X's to close out the program.
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Jan 27, 2013
02/06/13 - This has been fixed in the latest update (
In no apparent pattern, MAP mode displays completely incorrect locations for my photos.
The same ones are mapped properly by Nikon View (attachment snap097).
One example is these coordinates:
Latitude:N 39d 12m 58.86s
Longitude:W 76d 31m 21.82s
Altitude Reference:Sea level
Which is right near the Frances Scott Key Bridge in Maryland, USA.
PSP displays it as somewhere off the west coast of Africa (attachment snap096)
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Nov 1, 2013
I just wanted to say that it appeared sometime in X5. I didn't install X5 until SP3 was available. I don't know if it first showed up in one of the SPs since I only ever installed SP3. In X4, I work with the Histogram Palette docked below the image at all times so I can monitor what is happening as I work within the various adjustments. If I check/uncheck the "Preview on Image" box, I can toggle the differences on the histogram as I work. This is invaluable functionality. I depend on it for my work. [I wish the Histogram window would give me readouts of Histogram values when I place my mouse over the Histogram window, but that is an enhancement request for another day.] Now with X5, I can ONLY dock the Histogram window over on the right side. This is about the most braindead place for it, as the width is extremely limited, which limits the scale at which change information is displayed to the point of being useless. Seemingly more braindead, while docked, the only dimension in which the Histogram can be expanded without sacrificing image preview size is vertically. Corel has taken what was a very useful tool and rendered it mostly useless. Knowing this is also a problem in X6, I will not be purchasing that version unless it has been fixed, which I gather has not happened yet. I tried to Save an X4 Workspace and Load it into X5, but X5 cannot even open an X4 Workspace. I guess Workspaces are another USELESS "feature" since Corel seems not to preserve basic function across Revs.
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Sep 1, 2013
How to change the storage location in Lightroom 3.6.?
I use my internal hard drive NTFS of my MacBook Pro as my storage location of Lightroom 3.6. being installed in Snow Leopard now but the data of my photos get too big now. I have two fast and big external hard drives eSATA now which I want to use for my data/photos. I know how to copy the data from one hard drive to another but I don't know how to change the settings in connection with Lightroom easily. I still want to watch all fotos on my MacBook Pro but don't want to save any fotos on my internal harddrive any more. Isn't it possible to have the programm Lightroom on my internal harddrive but the data on two times on two different extermal hard drives? If I look at Lightroom - settings of catalogue - I see that the internal harddrive location is my storage location now but I my two external harddrives don't appear as folders. Why? How to change that so that the external hard drives appear in Lightroom and I can watch all my fotos immediately (sometimes using external hard drive 1 and sometimes using external hard drive 2)?
My external hard drives are in HFS+ but I use the software of Paragon so that there shouldn't be any problem to read and write the data (I use also Final Cut Express so my external hard drives are HFS+ and not NTFS).
I want to impert many data from CDs - should I copy the fotos first to my external hard drive and then import it into Lightroom or is it easier to import the data directly from the CD in Lightroom so that I don't have to name the folders two times? I see that I have to sort the fotos from the CDs in new different folders and an used to do that in Finder of my MacBookPro. In Lightroom I don't want have to click each of hundreds of fotos to be able to put it into the right folders ... But how to import only a part of a CDs quickly into the right (newly created) folders?
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May 12, 2012
Is there a way I can *prevent* PSP4 from transferring all my pictures from their present location (Picture It Premium 10) to PSP?
I have them sorted into categories and PSP4 "unsorts" them. If I could transfer the categories/albums, keeping the titles, etc.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a two layer image:
layer 1. background
layer 2. A transparent vector layer with text
I have a second image, the same exact size and resolution as the first two layer image. I would like to paste layer 2 from the first image, into the same exact position on image 2. Every time I paste. it centers the text, whether it is just a ctrl-v, or a paste layer. I've even tried promoting the layer 2 in the first image then pasting as new layer into image two, with no luck. Everything I've done pastes layer 2 from image one, into the center of image 2.
I have PSP Photo X2
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Jun 12, 2012
I just installed Smoke2013 without a problem! But I accidentally put the media storage in the main OS drive!! I want to use my Raid 0 drive. I unistalled it and delete all the autodesk folders and installed again but the setup program did't ask to use the other drive like the first installation!! It just used the main OS drive as before!!! How can I change the Media drive to another drive? Why when I unistalled Smoke and then re installed It didn't ask to select the media drive?
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Dec 18, 2012
Is it possible to ask Photoshop to save TIFF images using tile internal storage rather than strip storage? A little-known setting, a registry patch perhaps?
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May 19, 2013
The little windows (colors, tools, etc.) can be EXTREMELY annoying, as they are always blocking some part of the image or another. I think it would be great to have an option to make them into toolbars on the side or top of the image... something for 4.0 perhaps?
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Dec 21, 2011
I was looking at some of the image saving features in the cloud. Occurred to me that it would be great to have cloud capabilities in the PDN file menu.
Is there something already available?
If not is there a file system plugin system?
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Mar 28, 2013
My thoughts are that it would be nice to be able to add new menus to menu bar a Customize feature that would allow the user to place add-on pluggins such as printer+ in the File Menu, to create New Menus such as a menu in which sub menus can be created and the user can move effect and other functions into these menus, or create additional shortcuts in these sections, also be-able to delete effect and adjustment related files from within a plug-in customize mode feature, also install in new effect/adjustment/etc dll's from inside the program or disable/enable them. auto detection of multiple copies of dll's, and scan for most up to date, with user prompt to delete older or not ask again. also a text selection mask type text would be a very big benefit
and a selection tool similar to the Free-Form Selection tool from MS-Paint where you click in the next point you want the selection to continue to, then close with a CTRL left click or so... as without a USB Pen or Stylus device it is very difficult to do a perfect selection...
ability to add custom windows into "windows" menu, i.e. alternate Palettes, Alternate Tool Sets, enhanced Layers window that switches to an Animations style display for gif and agif, etc, switches to an animated cursor, or animated icon display with play and frame as layer select, as for icon and alike, allowing different icons to be displayed in the layer list in correct size instead of all layers being same size, and all icon layers being listed by colr bit and size, etc...
ability to extract, modify or implant icons into dlls and executables
create or load ICL(icon libraries), create icon dlls...
Page preview with adjustable margin control, better ability to show true picture size when printed(reguardless of dpi) or to allow scaling, ability to print with the included print support recognition of your printer aswell as other built in print modes not provided by your printer software
GPU & CPU + full multi-threaded/multicore utilization and Combined processing for large size images and layers and possible resort to pagefile usage as additional last resort.
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Feb 28, 2011
Where I can get copies of the plugin icons used for the individual Adjustments/Effects in the Adjustments and Effects menus ?
I would like to use the icons on my own collected plugin help files as a mnemonic device to keep my help files organized. (e.g. Is this Outline Selection or Object ? BoltBait, pyrochild, or Aziz ?)
I tried using IcoFX to extract the icons from the .dll and .exe files in Paint.Net installed on my computer, but I only found 3 icons: the main Paint.Net icon and 2 other icons that seemed unrelated to the plugins menus.
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Dec 24, 2011
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
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Aug 26, 2013
Windows 7 x64
Came into work today to find my Illustrator CC has defaulted back to factory settings - keyboard shortcuts, workspace/panel setup, etc - all defaulted. Not only that, but the individual files I might use to revert back to my settings are gone.
Then I'm suddenly asked via a pop-up to log into my Adobe ID so as to validate my Illustrator CC. Again. Then, I find, for some reason I'm logged out of the Adobe Creative Cloud program. So I log in, hoping that'll do something.
Now I must re-do 100% of the customizations I've made to Illustrator's interface.
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Mar 6, 2012
Our IT department ran a patch on our CAD station that corrupted AutoCAD and now it won't run and I need to re-install. I did not do the original installation or customization.
Q1: Will my customizations be preserved when I re-install over an existing installation?
Q2: If not, is there a simple way to preserve the customization by saving the .cuix file and custom blocks? If so, are there any other files that need to be saved as well?
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Nov 7, 2012
Is there a way to change the background color of the lay out tabs different than what AutoCAD offers in the uniform background choice? I have a hard time telling what tabs I have selected to publish when I have it set to white. I really would like to keep the background white and not have to change it to black. When I have it set as black it is very obvious which tabs are selected. Is there a way to keep the uniform background on the layouts as white but the background on the layout tabs show as black when selected rather than the same color as the layout background.
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Apr 23, 2013
My copy of Inventor 2014 will not remember the customizations I perform to the ribbon. I simply added the PDF command to the Drawing/Vault/ ribbon, and when I save and close properly and reopen, the customization is gone. It did remember all my custom keyboard commands, just not the ribbon command.
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Oct 28, 2011
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
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Jan 14, 2013
I notice a bunch of my keyboard commands no longer work. Not ALL of them. Some of them stayed. At first I'm thinking that it's no big deal. I've exported my Customizations to an XML file and I can just re-import them., right?
So I did that. And yes, what I had saved in that file came back in. However, *SOME* defaults were returned at some point, so I still had to go line by line and scrub some things out to make them work. For example, I use "D" for general dimension in the drawing environment. But if the default setup had "DV" for detail view, "D" doesn't work because it's now an ambiguous entry. What a pain.
1. What's the deal with elimination of this bug?
2. Is there a way to wipe all the keyboard commands prior to importing my own XML file so I don't have to manually scrub out other stuff?
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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