I just installed Smoke2013 without a problem! But I accidentally put the media storage in the main OS drive!! I want to use my Raid 0 drive. I unistalled it and delete all the autodesk folders and installed again but the setup program did't ask to use the other drive like the first installation!! It just used the main OS drive as before!!! How can I change the Media drive to another drive? Why when I unistalled Smoke and then re installed It didn't ask to select the media drive?
just installed a shiny new copy of 2013 on my workstation yesterday, and found that it would not let me specify a storage location as is outlined in various tutorials. i have worked out the way around it post installation, but was curious if this was unique to me. I previously had one of the pre-releases running, could this have affected anything? Or is this just one of the things with 2013 that doesn't quite line up with the tutorials that are around at the moment?
I have just tried plugging a Samsung SSD capable of 400+MB/s into a thunderbolt caddy. In action and on the desktop it behaves as normal. But in the player it plays at about 100fps. how to get it to play at speed.
The project config is HD 25 psf free. Smoke SAP2 SP2ssd_storageplaybackspeedissue.mov
how LUT storage should work with Smoke 2013, but I think I'm seeing a bug.
I'm loading a LUT, able to using it as a monitor LUT and apply it to a clip, but when I reload the project, it loses the LUT path and I have to reload it. I've tried storing it on a network, and locally in the discreet folder. Is this a bug.
Few times already, deleted one media storage in smoke setup and tried to ad another one, and it doesn't want to add. every time i reload it's empty. Only work around is to to uninstall Smoke and install again and then to add new volume.
How can I decide to have all my proxies on one location and full renders on another storage location... I can add more locations, but how to send all proxies to one location and full to another ?
How to change the storage location in Lightroom 3.6.?
I use my internal hard drive NTFS of my MacBook Pro as my storage location of Lightroom 3.6. being installed in Snow Leopard now but the data of my photos get too big now. I have two fast and big external hard drives eSATA now which I want to use for my data/photos. I know how to copy the data from one hard drive to another but I don't know how to change the settings in connection with Lightroom easily. I still want to watch all fotos on my MacBook Pro but don't want to save any fotos on my internal harddrive any more. Isn't it possible to have the programm Lightroom on my internal harddrive but the data on two times on two different extermal hard drives? If I look at Lightroom - settings of catalogue - I see that the internal harddrive location is my storage location now but I my two external harddrives don't appear as folders. Why? How to change that so that the external hard drives appear in Lightroom and I can watch all my fotos immediately (sometimes using external hard drive 1 and sometimes using external hard drive 2)?
My external hard drives are in HFS+ but I use the software of Paragon so that there shouldn't be any problem to read and write the data (I use also Final Cut Express so my external hard drives are HFS+ and not NTFS).
I want to impert many data from CDs - should I copy the fotos first to my external hard drive and then import it into Lightroom or is it easier to import the data directly from the CD in Lightroom so that I don't have to name the folders two times? I see that I have to sort the fotos from the CDs in new different folders and an used to do that in Finder of my MacBookPro. In Lightroom I don't want have to click each of hundreds of fotos to be able to put it into the right folders ... But how to import only a part of a CDs quickly into the right (newly created) folders?
I imported a Final Cut sequence via XML into Smoke. The media is 1080p25 ProRes 422 HQ and is located on our SAN. I need to do some green screen work. I have two clips and an Axis effect on the upper clip.
Adjusting the keyer and scrubbing that segment of the timeline is painfully slow so I want to copy just the two clips I am working on, to the local storage.
Is there a way to do this directly from the timeline? I only want what's in the timeline. Not the whole length of the original media.
With Autodesk Smoke v6 and existing Media Storage with few projects inside, I've recently reinstalled my Mac OSX 10.8.2 system. I had to procedure clean reinstall.While installing back Smoke v6, I asked to choose Storage folder. I checked the existing one.When I start a software, I can't see any of my old projects.Seems like Smoke doesn't see it. So, how should I restore Autodesk Media Storage with all my projects inside?
I have one of the Promise R6 drive arrays that has failed on me but fortunately it hung in there long enough for me to back up all my data. My questions is once my new array shows up can I copy all the data onto the new drive with all the same folder hierarchy and will it all work fine with smoke again as if nothing changed?
I've heard it said that it's not a good idea to use your system disk as the media storage, but I've never heard why. I'm running on a Retina MBP with a 750GB SSD. I did a couple of small jobs using it as the media storage and everything worked fine and fast. Then I archive it off to a slower drive. So what's the problem with doing that? SSD is way faster than USB 3 spinning drives & even Thunderbolt. I read somewhere that SSD isn't good for high end video editing, etc., but don't understand why.
I have managed to install Smoke (Pre release 1) with no problems. However, I have ended up with my framestore on my boot drive. How can I move it or create a new one?
I would like to modify the 16-bit Float EXR compression for my Framestore / Media Storage. What is the syntax? I would like to use 16 bit half with Zip16 (16 scanlines).
I am currently using "floatVideo=EXR:ZIPS:16" and several variations with no success.
I'm running Smoke 2012 on a fully loaded MBP. I'm having problems exporting QTs. Constantly get this error:
Cannot get local IFFFS wiretap server's storage id: Connection refused.
I have to do a full power cycle, then maybe it will work. This used to be an occasional occurrence, but now happens almost every time, unless I've only just powered up. Once Smoke has been running for a few minutes, forgetaboutit. I never have this problem when I can use the Export button; but this button is greyed out when QT is selected, which means it has to be dropped into the queue, then exported from the background page. Perhaps this is where the issue lies.
Not sure if it's a bug or not but when removing a whole project the "random" folder(s) are still in the Media Storage folder. Everything connected to the project(s) are gone but not the random folder smoke creates when creating project files. Any specific reason their still in the Media Storage folder?
Im a bit of a neat-freak... After removing a whole project, is it safe to remove all the empty folders? Or would that cause problems for other projects?
In Linux the export location is /var/www/html/WiretapCental/export. The same path doesn't exist in OSX, not that I can find. The browser just shows me /localhost/Wiretapcentral/export
I accidentally moved some files while working on a promo. When i try to relink the files I all these different icons - see attachment. Yellow boxes, etc., when I try to relink matching files Smoke hangs.
I am "pre-finishing" my work inProRes. Maybe because I have a slow internal HDD and too many timeline effects that need rendering.I am happy with the effects timing, the edit and the overall project.The next thing that seems obvious to me is to "switch" to "DPX uncompressed" (assuming I now have a fast Thunderbolt storage).
To achieve this I switched my project (with the pre-rendered ProRes timeline) to Uncompressed in the "Project settings".When done, the timeline was still rendered. It should have become "unrendered".To flush the existing render, I pressed "Force Render".
If I hover over the timeline thumbnail using the "?" key, I receive 1920x1080 8-bit.This is the case for both DPX and ProRes settings.If the timeline is rendered in ProRes, it should say so in the clip information.
I tried working on PNG image sequences instead of video footages.the problem is Smoke recognizes the fps as 59.94, and i want to make it down to 25fps.i tried using PAL.cfg, the frame rate did change to 25fps but when the sequences are imported in the timeline, its still 59.94fps.
In other applications, you hold down shift (quite often) as you move a slider and it jumps in larger increments. How is that done in Smoke 2013. For instance I want to move the scale value in larger increments.
I seem to recall that it is possible to call up a large grey box with info regarding the clip that you hover the mouse above? I have tried to use”/” (key next to shift), but it seems to relate to contextual stuff in ConnectFX. I tried to change the hotkey, but the result is the same..?
Framerates: When I import a DPX, ProRes etc. sequence I can change the different parameters through “resize” which works really great, but I can’t change the framerate. Often I just want to playback a DPX sequence @ 25 frames/sec. instead of 24. Is this possible without using “TmeWarp”?
When setting up a new project, I'm unable to change the bit depth for the project. It's set to 8-bit and ghosted. The graphics render button has a selector but when clicked it doesn't bring up the drop down.
My guess is that it has something to do with my hardware configuration (read: I need to upgrade my GPU) .
I am really liking the change in grey level to indicate focus as I click on timeline or desktop or mediahub. I think this needs to be a larger change - maybe 20% of the intensity and would work better as a means of showing source/record focus than the annoying white outline. I also like the desaturate I suggested on the inactive timeline bar 0 its a very simple way of quickly seeing what is live (other than glancing at the broadcast monitor).
All's well that ends. That's why its called finishing.
Is there a way to change the sensitivity of the transformation boxes? For example, if I want to very slowly change the click-drag scrolling functionality of the x position. Like in After Effects you hold command while dragging.