My thoughts are that it would be nice to be able to add new menus to menu bar a Customize feature that would allow the user to place add-on pluggins such as printer+ in the File Menu, to create New Menus such as a menu in which sub menus can be created and the user can move effect and other functions into these menus, or create additional shortcuts in these sections, also be-able to delete effect and adjustment related files from within a plug-in customize mode feature, also install in new effect/adjustment/etc dll's from inside the program or disable/enable them. auto detection of multiple copies of dll's, and scan for most up to date, with user prompt to delete older or not ask again. also a text selection mask type text would be a very big benefit
and a selection tool similar to the Free-Form Selection tool from MS-Paint where you click in the next point you want the selection to continue to, then close with a CTRL left click or so... as without a USB Pen or Stylus device it is very difficult to do a perfect selection...
ability to add custom windows into "windows" menu, i.e. alternate Palettes, Alternate Tool Sets, enhanced Layers window that switches to an Animations style display for gif and agif, etc, switches to an animated cursor, or animated icon display with play and frame as layer select, as for icon and alike, allowing different icons to be displayed in the layer list in correct size instead of all layers being same size, and all icon layers being listed by colr bit and size, etc...
ability to extract, modify or implant icons into dlls and executables
create or load ICL(icon libraries), create icon dlls...
Page preview with adjustable margin control, better ability to show true picture size when printed(reguardless of dpi) or to allow scaling, ability to print with the included print support recognition of your printer aswell as other built in print modes not provided by your printer software
GPU & CPU + full multi-threaded/multicore utilization and Combined processing for large size images and layers and possible resort to pagefile usage as additional last resort.
I am now running Acad2006 and I cannot seem to find a good instruction tutorial on making Icon menus like I did in R14.
I tried the Palettes menu and was not very impressed, seems to take a dogs age to make one up if you have many, many blocks, and the icons appeared too small?
Is it possible to make up decent Icon menus in the new CUI menu.
The pulldown menus listed in the CUI are File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Window, and Help. The menu bar has one pulldown menu: Express. How do I make the pulldown menus listed in the CUI appear on the menu bar? Sure wish it was as easy and obvious as "drag them there".
is there a way to have icons in the menus as with previous versions? the space seems to be there and the icons exist. but the option appears to have gone. it was always in in the customise menu dialogue. but appears to have gone.
i found this really useful because it enabled me to scan the menus quickly.
I am customizing context menus and on the customize menu there is, on the left, Application Frame Menus, then under it says, Show Menus for: the only one that shows is Default Menu. How does this work or change. Can I put a custom menu there. It never changes and how to use it.
When I first use the mouse to open a menu (Editor mode) it takes a while for redrawing the menu rectangle. Not a great deal because this only happens the first time I open a menu after launching the application. On the other hand, X3 seems to redraw menus just fine and fast.
Where I can get copies of the plugin icons used for the individual Adjustments/Effects in the Adjustments and Effects menus ?
I would like to use the icons on my own collected plugin help files as a mnemonic device to keep my help files organized. (e.g. Is this Outline Selection or Object ? BoltBait, pyrochild, or Aziz ?)
I tried using IcoFX to extract the icons from the .dll and .exe files in Paint.Net installed on my computer, but I only found 3 icons: the main Paint.Net icon and 2 other icons that seemed unrelated to the plugins menus.
I am sure i saw that somewhere but how do i get the icons to show back instead of the bare text list of the drop down menus? In the old versions, it was easier to find my way around if i had to change version and the list might not have been in the same order, or if i was making a tutorial and someone had a PSP in a different language; i could just display the icon instead of the name for the other person to be able to identify which tool i was talking about. But in later versions, they are gone. How do i get them back?
I was thinking my menus and toolbars customizations were storage in:
C:Users...DocumentsCorel PaintShop Pro14.0
I had copied all content of this folder to restore after have formatted my computer. But menus and toolbars weren't restored when I replace all the content of this folder.
So, I lost all my customizations. Where they are storage? What should be the folder to be backed up in order to recovery menus and toolbars customizations in new PSP installs?
I think i remember spotting something of the like somewhere around the forums, where there is another sub menu, like 'Artistic' or 'Blurs'. One that is called 'Favourites' and you can choose your favourite plugins to put into it in the Effects folder in program files?
(Maybe in PDN 4 a way of doing this in the software, maybe right click on the effect to Uninstall, Add To Favourites etc)
Newbie to and I dabble with making my own DVD menus and wanted to expand my creativeness with making my own buttons and graphic images to use on these DVD menus. DVD menu buttons that look good requires image mask overlays and/or manipulating image and color attributes.
Bottom line question: Does have all of the tools needed to create DVD menu buttons, and are there tutorials that explain how-to?
since i have some heavy scanning to do (i need to scan 300-500 pages from different books), scan button AND a shortcut to the scanner/scan menu. I searched for plugins, none found.
Could it be possible to add the "Get image from scanner or Camera" to the menu bar ? It would reduce clicking a great time for me (and surely many other people too).
how to customise your context menu to make it like some past versions of PSP, The person asking was using PSP X5 so I reset X5 to the default by holding down the shift key as I double clicked the X5 desktop icon. The X5 default layers context menu shows this:
In X3 I had the layers context menu like this:
In addition a sub context layer is present when we look at the New Mask Layer -
To start customising first Save your current workspace - File > Workspace > Save
then do View > Customise
In the Customise dialog box select Menu and under 'Select context menu' choose Layer Palette
The current Layer Context menu shows up in a new window. The Customise and Layer Palette context window can be dragged into new positions.
Any of the commands can be dragged over onto that Layer Palette context window and positioned where you want. Any of the commands already there can be dragged around to change their order or even removed by dragging out of the the Layer Palette context window. This can be a slow process to drag commands separately amd make a sub menu, so for these complex menu items there is a faster way.
Click the Layers menu item on the Menu bar , and holding the control key down drag the New Mask Layer down and into a position in the Layer Palette context menu and release. Here you can see the New Mask Layer and its sub menu have been placed in one action.
And after Closing the Customise Dialog box I can now see that the New Mask Layer context menu is working well
In PSP X2, the menu options went suddenly missing.
I can see the Menu Bar (File, View, Effects, etc.). However, when I click on, say, File, I can see the drop-down options, but none of the options expand into their sub-menus. All I see is a grey box where the options should be.
I just now was able to reinstall PSP X2 after many months of problems due to the usual "illegally modified" message. It's very frustrating to say the least.
I have many images of Death, Marriage and Birth Act for my Genealogy project, and I would like to know if it is possible to clean them automatically ?
Some of them are really not well scanned, and really hard to read, I managed to correct partially some of them with, so I figured If I could have some kind of script that would Darken the Gray part of the Text and another one that would narrow the line so it become more readable .
As an example:
This is the First line of the Text , I placed the Full picture below if required
How do I remove "Open with Corel Paintshop Pro X4" from the right click context menu in explorer? I have one for every version I have installed and it makes the right click menu toooo long.
In PSP X5 I have colored icons on each drop down menu(same as X4)..Have looked for a way(as in x4, x5)to show image and text in the menu but there is no way to do it.
Downloaded the trial - Installed fine, loads fine, everything seems to work fine except the effects menu.
As soon as I try to open the effects menu it crashes... this happens in both Win7 x64 AND Win8 x64 (tried for fun) Corel X5 works fine in both, BUT its the 32 bit version... wonder if i should try that
sometimes I need to do simple thing like crop or resize group of images. I use XnView mostly. But it is possible to somehow run without run PXP x2/x5 my scripts from shell for example? If possible from explorer context menu will be perfect.
Are recorded scripts executed through Python or some DLL?
Add a new menu item "Edit->Copy Flattened" which allows one to copy the selection from ALL the visible layers, instead of just the currently selected layer.
I wish to report a bug that has been present in x4 and x5 regardless of SP or updates installed. Due to this bug I use X3 as it was the last version that worked for me.
The bug is that several menu buttons on the Edit screen will not display correctly, it is as if the icon is corrupted. This happens with the free trial version as well as with a registered version with updates installed.
See the attached screen shot as it explains this much better.
Computer Specs: Win XP Pro w/SP3 32bit ATI video 512M w/latest drivers 2G Ram 240G HDD Intel 3.01Ghz CPU
For the first month or so using PSP X4 I thought you couldn't open Properties and adjust blend ranges on entire layer groups, but it turns out I can if I open Properties from the menu. There is no context menu entry! What is with that, Corel? Minor UI issue but would be a nice inclusion.
I tried to first open a KDC file, which is a RAW file from my Kodak Camera, by clicking on File>Open but it didn't work. So then I attempted to open it using "Import". That was when I found out Import was grayed out. Why would that be? I just installed the program and this happens! Is there a setting I need to change?
A co-worker scanned a photo and emailed it to me to edit it and try to improve it, but everything I want to do is grayed out so I can't select it and I can't figure out why. Maybe it has to do with how she scanned it?
It's CMYK, 300 dpi, and 8 bit.
I'd like to sharpen it and adjust the hue/saturation, but they're grayed out.
why this is happening and how I can work around this so I can make the changes I need to make?