Paint Shop Pro :: How To Disable / Remove Content Menu - Browse With PSP
Oct 11, 2011how to disable - Content menu (menu on right mouse click in Explorer) - Browse with Corel PaintShop Pro X3/X4 ? I do not use this "feature".
View 8 Replieshow to disable - Content menu (menu on right mouse click in Explorer) - Browse with Corel PaintShop Pro X3/X4 ? I do not use this "feature".
View 8 RepliesHow do I remove "Open with Corel Paintshop Pro X4" from the right click context menu in explorer? I have one for every version I have installed and it makes the right click menu toooo long.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got Photo Pro x3 Ultimate and that works fine. The Photo Project Creator on the other hand seems to have a problem. I can run it and open a new project but I cannot browse to where my pictures are stored. Pictures are only available if I put them on my desktop. The browser shows me as a user and the hard drive but when I click on them nothing happens. I have tried deleting the files in the digital studio folder and completely reinstalling the program to no avail. It does not matter who I run the program as or if I run it in compatibility mode.
Windows 7 home premium 64 bit
Phenom II x4
1 tb hd
8 gb memory
I'm fumbling around with a Python script. Is it possible to make an input dialog with a "Browse" button so the user can find a folder (to be loaded into a variable in the script)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince PSP has devolved into adware I would like to know how to disable those annoying ads for PSP x5. Checking the "don't show this again" box does nothing. Is the only way to get rid of the ads really to just stop using PSP?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to disable the "You have selected more than 10 files" warning in PSP X5. It's not listed in the warning preferences and as I work with more than 10 images every day it's a total pain.
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow to permanently turn off Corel's photo downloader?
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
How do I disable, remove, destroy, the image tabbing (document) feature that is anoying as heck? I don't want tabs. Every time i enlarge an image (scrollwheel) or i drag an image close to the top of the workspace EVERYTHING gets tabbed again. I want to totally remove this feature.
View 10 Replies View RelatedInstant Viewer persists in opening images that are not associated with PSPX3 & then will not close - requires Task Manager.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've created a script and bound it to an icon, then added the icon to the standard toolbar.
Everything works, but the script will (correctly) give an error message if it's run when no image is open.
The bound icon on the toolbar is always enabled, even if no image is open. Is there a way to have the icon disabled (grayed out) if no image is open?
Where do I find the creative content file. I installed the X6 upgrade and it's not there or offered.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI installed the Creative content for the PSP X6 Ultimate. I can see the new content, but I would like to use one of the "environment map" as a Pattern, so I would like to copy it into the Pattern folder, but I cannot find those new files from the Creative Content.
Where are they stored once installed? It was where I expected it to be (in Program Data) but it was in a different drive!
I am tracing a simple raster shape in a new vector layer and I want to know how I can remove a portion of the content from the center. Picture a shape like a letter "o" where there is shape data comprising the perimeter ring, and no shape data in the center. I trace the perimeter of the the shape making a solid eliptical-type shape, but I need to then remove a portion of the center of the shape so that only the ring of the O has vector data. How can I do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI head over to the icon in the top-right corner, "Corel guide". Then I go to the tab "Do more".From here I can download frames, patterns, preset shapes etc. However, I cannot find the downloaded content after installing. I have restarted PSP afterwards, but to no avail. I would try to uninstall and reinstall the packages, but I can't find a way how to do it.
I am using Windows 8 64bit, and the latest update for PSPx5.
I installed PSP x6 ultimate using the install 32 and 64 bit versions. I tried to install the kpt and creative content and get the following message-
@windows vista service pack 1 (7601)
IE version:9.11.9600.16428"
I also get the same error message using the 2nd dvd to install "perfectly clear" and "ultimate creative content".
I am running windows 7 pro and don't know why I am getting the error messages. Could this be because they do not run on the 64bit versions? If so when asked to install both versions would they run. There is no program start application for the 32 bit version even if you select install both.
how to customise your context menu to make it like some past versions of PSP, The person asking was using PSP X5 so I reset X5 to the default by holding down the shift key as I double clicked the X5 desktop icon. The X5 default layers context menu shows this:
In X3 I had the layers context menu like this:
In addition a sub context layer is present when we look at the New Mask Layer -
To start customising first Save your current workspace - File > Workspace > Save
then do View > Customise
In the Customise dialog box select Menu and under 'Select context menu' choose Layer Palette
The current Layer Context menu shows up in a new window. The Customise and Layer Palette context window can be dragged into new positions.
Any of the commands can be dragged over onto that Layer Palette context window and positioned where you want. Any of the commands already there can be dragged around to change their order or even removed by dragging out of the the Layer Palette context window. This can be a slow process to drag commands separately amd make a sub menu, so for these complex menu items there is a faster way.
Click the Layers menu item on the Menu bar , and holding the control key down drag the New Mask Layer down and into a position in the Layer Palette context menu and release. Here you can see the New Mask Layer and its sub menu have been placed in one action.
And after Closing the Customise Dialog box I can now see that the New Mask Layer context menu is working well
When I right click any entry in the Layers pane of PSP8 I get this odd box instead of the context menu:Are the following Usenet newsgroups now closed?
In PSP X2, the menu options went suddenly missing.
I can see the Menu Bar (File, View, Effects, etc.). However, when I click on, say, File, I can see the drop-down options, but none of the options expand into their sub-menus. All I see is a grey box where the options should be.
I just now was able to reinstall PSP X2 after many months of problems due to the usual "illegally modified" message. It's very frustrating to say the least.
In contrast to version PSPPX3, the new PSPX4 has implemented a tool that will remove all necessary keys and folders from your system. It works on all supported systems without problems.
follow the description below if you want to remove PSPX4 from your system.
How to remove PSPX4
Go to Start - Control Panel - Add and remove (XP) / Programs and Features (Vista, Windows 7) and remove PSPX4.
Restart the system if you want to reinstall it.
Additional note: No further action is required. Using other uninstall tools is neither good nor necessary.
I created a rectangular outline and fille the rectangle with a color. How do I remove the outline of the rectangle?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy problem is My PSP X2 stopped working so I tried a repair all to no avail ..I then tried removing it via windows add and remove which it said it had done ..I then tried reinstalling it But a message came on the screen saying I already had PSP X2 installed on my computer still? I then used Revo unistaller program which found I still had it on my computer and which removed it (according to Revo) and again I tried to do a fresh install only to yet again get the message I had PSP X2 installed ..So somewhere in my computer PSP resides
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a picture of my self. I am clean shaven in the photo but you can see some stubble. what is the best way to remove the stubble?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn PSP X5 I have colored icons on each drop down menu(same as X4)..Have looked for a way(as in x4, x5)to show image and text in the menu but there is no way to do it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe printer setting - I could never save it.For my label printer LP2844, every time I print, it defaults to Width=4.88 and Height=11.00 and some unprintable area settings. Every time I do my first printing, I have to change it (to 4"x6"). I have gone thru my Windows printer device setting (properties, preferences, advanced, etc) and I have removed the printer device, deleted and driver, reinstalled everything and it still does it.Then I try it on another PC. Same thing.Paint shop Pro X4 Pro V14.3.0.3 licensed version. I paid for it.It seems like Paint shop saves its own printer saving somewhere and I can't re-save it.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove the ad nag window from Corel in PSP X2?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to remove skin blemishes like acne but not sure what is PSP x4's equivalent to Adobe's cloning?
It's where you can select an area that you want to fix up and when u drag the mouse anywhere else around the face, it clones that skin over the selected skin blemish.
With PaintShop Pro x6, is there a way to remove text from a shirt in the image and get the entire shirt one solid color? The shirt in the photo is not flat, it is wavy.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a tutorial on how to remove lens flare in PaintShop Pro X5? I have several images that have this issue, however I couldn't find any tutorials on google for PSP specifically.
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