3ds Max :: How To Make A Concave Hemispherical Cylinder Cap
Feb 11, 2013
I'm modelling a pen, the problem is that its bottom is not flat, it is a section of a sphere, that goes inside the pen, I've tried soft selection, relax, but I can't make the shape, I could use booleans to cut the sphere out of the model, but I' avoiding booleans because they destroy the topology.
I need to make a rack for a machine I am designing. We use a variation of this now but I need to change the rack we have always used. The rack is on a radius and the teeth are on the inside of said radius. I plan on using the same tooth profile that we are currently using but i was wondering if there was an easy way to pattern this.
how make a cylinder to show like without cross -line? See attachment for detail. I use AutoCAD 2012. I just need to show parallel line on the face of cylinder.
I drew a circle, then a polyline, then used sweep to make a sort of curved cylinder. It worked, but if you try to orbit at all, it gets extremely large (1000+ units 0_0) and turns into a straight cylinder. SD17B.dwg
How to make a Mitered Elbow from a cylinder this is driven by our Manufacture they would like to roll a sheet of metal and have a stitch cut within the rolled sheet so they can then just cut the additional amount of material between the stitches to get two identical mitered elbows from one piece of rolled sheet metal. Please see the attached doc. to see what I'm trying to do.
Inventor Professional 2011 Vault Professional 2011 Windows 7 64-bit Intel(R) Xeon(R) W3530 @ 2.80GHz processor NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 graphics card, 15G RAM
I am trying to make a cut on a 12" D cylinder at a 45 degree angle and i am having a little trouble. I have projected the shape onto the curve and sketched it. Now to finish the cut do i need to scuplt that path or how do I go about doing this.
I provided a screen print to try and and explain it a little batter. The half moon looking sketch is what i am tring to cut out of the cylinder. i have already projected the surface lines on the cylinder, but get stuck at this point
In inventor 2013 I want to extrude a horizontal circle on surface of a bigger vertical hollow cylinder. but what i did it enters into cylinder, and i only want to extrude it on external surface.
About 40% of the time, the REVCLOUD command will finish the cloud as concave. It will start correctly and be correct the entire time I am surrounding an area on my drawing and then when the last arc joins the starting point the entire cloud become inverted. Why? Is there something I can do to make it not do this? I don't seem to have any control over how it finishes. When it completes backwards, I fix it using PEDIT > Decurve then I convert the Polyline into a cloud and it appears correctly. Is there a better way?
I am working on a project and figuring out a way to fill a concave space I have with a seperate solid that takes up the exact amount of space. I would like for this new solid to be its own part. I will post a picture so you can understand what I am reffering to. As you can see, there is a concave space in the middle of the design; what I am looking to do is fill this area with a type of foam, so I need to model something that fills all the spaces up to the top plane.
I have tried using the thicken/offset tool but it gives me errors on vertexs and such and I have tried many different selection variants. I did get the space to fill in but then ran into the problem of it being all one solid, not something I could take out and make a different part, which is what I am looking to do.
My problem is we need to have the lettering on the concave side of the sign. How would I make the flat lettering I have in the elevation shot follow the curve of the sign in the plan view?
I usually do most of my autocad drawing in 2d, I've done a few things in 3d but I'm not that experienced. I say that because I was thinking maybe I could make a 3d model of the flat elevation shot and bend it into radius I need.
I'd like to make a texture thats got a 3d qualities (different surface depths) to appear in reverse. like an image of soap suds on a window seen from the other side: the concave bubbles would appear convex. are there any plugins for this sort of thing on Paintnet?
I have been away from Autocad for around 6 years but just got back into it this week and now have the 2010 version.I like the "arctext" command, but it will only let me do text on convex curves and I need it to do text on concave curves for a sign I want to make..What can I do?
So I am have been working on this model and am 90% complete and am back to where I started initially. Best technique to model the round foot with the concave design that seems to wrap around the foot (Highlighted area). I have tried a number of ways and have ran into problems such as pinching around the corners, the mesh overflowing over the top of the corners and hard edges that dont seem to want to be softened, but now I am picking the expert brains as far as a technique that might be better suited.
When applying a linetype to a curved line (e.g. polyline, arc, circle), the direction of the linetype reverses at every change from convex to concave. The error does not occur with straight segments. The REVERSE command does not work, because it will change the direction of the entire polyline. In fact, the reverse command does not even recognize and arc.
I wanted to make it look like it is on a can or something similar, how would I correctly warp it? I can't get accurate enough results using displace or liquify, is there any way that involves tracing the actual curve of the can image?
explaining how to wrap a label around a cylinder. However when I try myself, I obtain an enormous 3D cylinder with my label glued on it and once I reduce the size of the cylinder to the desired size, my label is minuscule. Additionally, it takes me ages to rotate/scale the cylinder in the right way.
Why is the 3D cylinder provided by Photoshop so enormous ?
I'm working on some packaging and product manuals for a product that is a cylindrical tube (say like an awareness bracelet). The final product is supposed to have some branding silkscreened onto it, wrapped around the tube. I have a spec sample of the item that I will be using for product photos but it doesn't have the branding that I'm going to print on it. I'm going to have to map the artwork that will be printed on the final product onto the photos that will be taken.
I'm trying to figure out a way that I can take the branding and map it onto photos of the product in photoshop in proper perspective (so that it looks realistic)
I've already searched the web and didn't find any good solutions. (Most of what I found was tutorials on wrapping labels on a soda can. This could be good if I could quickly and precisely position a 3D object in photoshop directly over my photo and then map my artwork onto that shape, making sure that the 3d geometry is invisible while the artwork that I map on remains visible, but my experimenting did no yield good results. I also tried using Illustrator's 3d tools but I found that when rotating 3D shapes, they don't rotate in perspective [you cant get shapes to appear as if they are in 3 point perspective] and so I would not be able to properly overlay an illustrator 3d shape over an image.)
I'm sure this had to be done before and I'm sure there's a simple straightforward way to do this.
I need to emboss ( cut in ) some grooves into a cylinder, but in such a way, so that they won't get narrower. What do you think would be the best way to do that?
I have made a sheet metal cylinder with a rip. I am trying to create a seam on this rip as is done in [URL] ....... about half way through.
I have tried to go through the same steps, but I can not select the inside of the rip to built hems and flanges on. I also tried to make the cylinder by sketching 350 degrees of the cylinder instead of creating a rip, This had the same problem.
Why I can't select these edges or how I can work around it?
I have a layer that I need to transform so it appears to be wrapping around a cylinder like a pop can.
Actually so it appears to be a logo on a baseball cap. I need to give the layer a slight curved effect with a touch of perspective distortion on the ends.
I am trying to rotate the cylinder 90%%d on the y axis and then position it so that the bottom of the cylinder is flush with the top of the plane denoted by the rectangle. How is this done in 3DS Max?
How can I create a rib that touches a plane and the end of a cylinder? Inventor will not do it since the thickness of the rib does not touch the cylinder (see attachment).
I have version Auto Cad 2005 and was just looking for so pointers.
I have set myself the challenge of drawing a locking pin I wish to get manufactured the dimensions are Ø 10mm x 180mm in length with a 20mm Ø flat plate on the end.