AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Reverses At Every Change From Convex To Concave?

Jun 12, 2012

When applying a linetype to a curved line (e.g. polyline, arc, circle), the direction of the linetype reverses at every change from convex to concave. The error does not occur with straight segments. The REVERSE command does not work, because it will change the direction of the entire polyline. In fact, the reverse command does not even recognize and arc.

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AutoCad :: How To Change Arc From Concave To Convex

Feb 20, 2012

I want to draw the door in plan but the arc is coming in other direction. Here is sample drawing.

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Paint.NET :: Reverse Concave / Convex Images

Jan 26, 2012

I'd like to make a texture thats got a 3d qualities (different surface depths) to appear in reverse. like an image of soap suds on a window seen from the other side: the concave bubbles would appear convex. are there any plugins for this sort of thing on Paintnet?

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AutoCad :: Change Linetype From Continuous To None?

Sep 15, 2011

Is it possible to change the linetype from continuous to -none-? I created a layer for inserting georef images, and the images all come in with a border line that is related to the linetype and lineweight of which i want neither - i don't want a border.

I tried changing lineweight to 0.00mm but cant find any way to turn off lines?

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AutoCad :: Cannot Change LineType In Layers

Jun 8, 2013

I've currently create several layers and after i change in one of 'em the linetype from continuous to a "Dashed" , every new layer i made had a "dashed" linetype and when i tried to change it back to default.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Non-Repeating Linetype

May 17, 2013

Is it possible to creat a linetype that doesn't repeat.

What I'm after is a line consisting of:

Long Line
Short Line (roughly 1/3 length of long line)
Long Line
( ______  __  ______ )

But that is all I want to see, regardless of the distance between the start and end points. I use this a lot for laying out joists.

I know I could make a dynamic block of it, but that would mean streaching every line between the two points.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Psltscale Per Linetype

May 16, 2012

I am wanting a soultion to a problem I am having when trying to have a combination of linetypes I either want psltscaled or not in a view port.

I.e. I want services linetypes to use psltscale = 1 and I want my linemarking linetypes to use a psltscale = 0, as I need the linemarking linetypes to show in the viewport at the original size they were created at but not the services linetypes as they look horrible.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Create A New Linetype?

Apr 25, 2013

I want to create a linetype just like this but cant seem to get it right..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Create A Linetype

Jul 1, 2013

Is it possible to create a linetype that has a shape that and spacing between the shape that would always be the same? I want to create a linetype that would have a shape that would always be 2 feet across with 20 feet between each occurance whether its in a 20 scale view port or a 60 scale view port.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Changes On Plot

Feb 4, 2013

I have an file where the linetype of a line will modify on print. The linetype will only 'move' when the endpoint of the line is outside the viewport.

I have attached a pdf to show what is happening along with the drawing file.

Another interesting thing is that when I change thickness of the linetype, it also moves.

I have tried recreating the polyline, reversing the polyline direction, auditing the drawing, but nothing.

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AutoCAD LT :: Change Linetype Scale For A Layer?

Oct 3, 2011

I want to change my ground conductor from solid green to a dashed line (green is OK) on a set of drawings, but all the dashed linetypes I can find don't show up well at the scale that I've drawn the circuits.  I can make them look OK by changing the linetype scale in the properties manager window, but there are a boatload of these lines in eight viewports; finding them all would be a major pain.  They are all on a single layer, though, but in the layer properties manager I do not see a way to change the linetype scale for the layer. I could use the properties manager to make the change if I could select everything on the layer. Is there a way to do that? 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Change Entity Color / Linetype

Dec 23, 2008

I am using ACADE 2008 and VB.NET. I have a multitude of drawings that I am doing the same three and four operations on and would like to write VB.NET program to do it. I can get my selections set just fine, but my first problem is figuring out how to change all drawing entities color and linetype to "ByLayer". So far I have not gotten past changing just the color value. I have tried multiple variations on the following line without success:

myAcadEnt.Color = Colors.Color.FromDictionaryName("ByLayer")

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AutoCad :: Change Linetype From Solid To Hidden

Jan 6, 2014

I'm very new to AutoCAD but now I'm using LT 2014.

I'm trying to change my linetype from solid to hidden, and I've checked the properties, changed the linetype on my toolbar above, ensured the scale is set to 1, and zoomed in to make sure the scale is correct. I've unlocked all the layers, and checked all my different spaces to see if maybe there was a glitch that just wasn't showing the change in linetype. Nothing!

The properties for my linetype show me that the line is a dotted (hidden) line, but the line itself doesn't show as hidden.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Change Linetype Scale

Oct 23, 2012

I have a problem between my template in inch and the one in mm.

Its the linetype scale that is wrong in the mm one, when i draw in the inch one, everything is fine but when i draw in the mm one, i have to set the ltscale to like 25 to see them at the same scale that they are in the inch one.

My guest is its because i've create my template for the mm one base on the inch one and i just change the unit type to mm. Is there a setting i could change that will arrange this?

Product Design Suite 2013

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Same Linetype And Scale But Different Appearance

Dec 13, 2011

Same linetype and linetype scale but different appearance!

I got the linetype Dot2 with linetype scale 0.02

The linetype Dot2 with 0.02 linetype scale appears in two different ways!

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Scale Does Not Work

Nov 19, 2012

in layer translator the linetype scale does not work.

when i use layer translator, the resulted drawing comes with all layer ok but the linetypes scale does not.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Scales Are Inconsistent?

Mar 26, 2012

Trying to set a Phantom line as the property line and also use dashed lines (ACAD_ISO03w100)

I can mess with the ltscale and make it so one or the other reads properly, but never both. The Phantom displays correctly at ltscale: 1, the dashed lines display when ltscale is .1 they are on different layers

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Shape File

Jul 25, 2012

How to compile a "master" .shp file that would include the coding for all of my shape files for custom linetypes. I did this years ago for a specific set of linetypes but I can not remember how I did it.

I know ACAD has the linetype.shp file that includes coding for ACAD supplied custom linetypes.

I think I remember inserting all of the shapes into a drawing and somehow compiling the *.shp file. Is that how it is done?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Scales And Display?

Aug 12, 2013

How do I set up a dwt so that linetypes appear the same no matter what the scale of the viewport.  I tried AutoCad help but the recommended fix if I am reading it correctly is psltscale set to 1.  That didnt work.  We normally set our ltscale to 0.5.  Should the scale of linetypes be controlled by the scale of the viewport?  Isnt the scale of the viewport supposed to be multiplied by the ltscale so that the linetypes always appear the same no matter what the veiwport scale?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change VP Linetype

Nov 8, 2012

In our Structural department, we use a layer called S-35-WALL-LB to denote a load-bearing wall, and what the guys typically do when they are on the sheet showing the floor above, is dbl-clk the VP to activate model space, open the Layer Manager and change the VP linetype to HIDDEN to show the afore-mentioned loadbearing walls as walls under.

way to accomplish this through a viewport...but instead of using the Layer Manager, use a lisp routine I can link to a toolbar button where all the user has to do is dbl-clk the VP, press the toolbar button, and either it will convert the default VP linetype (continuous) for S-35-WALL-LB automatically, or get the user to select an object on that layer and it changes the whole lot?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Linetype Scale Not Compatible Between Two Drawings

Oct 5, 2012

I work very closely with a customer, and have been asked to implement their drafting standards for a dwg file they received from another vendor.  I have attached two drawings, 1 (their vendor's) and 2 (mine, in progress).  When opened, I notice the linetype scale *appears* different between the drawings (note the differences within "LINE LEGEND" section of both drawings).  It *appears* as though Drawing 2 has double the linetype scale of Drawing 1.    

I realize that within Drawing 2 I could set the LTSCALE variable to 0.5, but that seems like a work-around and may cause problems with other aspects of the customer's drafting standards in the future.   

I've already confirmed that both drawings have the same values for LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, CELTSCALE.  I've also already confirmed that, for the "PACKAGED EQUIPMENT" entry with the legend, the properties dialog box shows the exact same values for all fields.  Lastly, (trying [URL] .....) I re-loaded the linetype for PHANTOM2.

I'd like to have them both appear the same, if possible.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Linetype - Circles On Ends

Mar 26, 2012

I'd like to make a custom linetype that is a the standard DASHDOT linetype, but with a small circle drawn on the ends of the line or arc (and only at the ends). 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Delete Linetype (LIN File) Completely?

Apr 24, 2013

I loaded a linetype (.lin file) in ACAD 2010 and it came out wrong. I would like to permanently remove it from ACAD(where it cant be seen when you go to load another type of line), how do  you do that?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Where Do Plot Styles Get Linetype Definition

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to set the plot styles to use specific linetypes for given colors. The theory is that using adaptive linetypes, then lines that are color 50 for example will always display dashed regardless of the length. This seems to work great, except that I'm not happy with the linetype scale (dashes plot too long). Obviously changing linetypescale does not work because adaptive is turned on. So the only solution I could think of was to change the actual linetype definition, but the acad.lin file does not seem to be related to the linetypes shown in the CTB editor (or is it?). How to change the linetype definitions that are linked to the ctb style?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Customize Linetype With Arrowhead At Beginning And End

Jan 8, 2013

I am trying to custom a new linetpye as below, with an arrowhead at the beginning and at the end but point to opposite direction.  This is easy to build such linetype in Microstation, but I am new in autocad.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Linetype With Solid Circles

Jul 24, 2013

I am trying to create a custom linetype with solid circles at a specified distance along the custom linetype (see attachment). I have tried using a shape, the special Wingding character but cannot get the result I want. I've tried the hatching method, again with no luck. I've went through the discussion groups, online content, etc. but cannot get it to generate the line the way I want. I see a few people that have been successful but I cannot get it to work.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Demolish Linetype - Change From Dash To Dot Line

Apr 29, 2013

I can not get rid of the phantom2 line type in my drawings.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Style Linetype Change In Xref?

Aug 14, 2013

In my xref drawing I changed the linetype of a swing to be hidden. After changing it in the xref and saving I go to my plot file and the swing is still continuous. Visretain is set to 1. The swing changes on all other drawing files except one.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Why Does Linetype Change If Rotate Passed 180 Degrees

Nov 1, 2012

i have a simple fence line type with "x"s....if i draw the line straight up or to the right it looks perfect. but if i draw it anywhere to the left then the Xs are off centered.

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AutoCad :: Change Overall Linetype Scale Using Modify Properties Dialogue Box

Apr 19, 2013

Quicker way to change the overall linetype scale than using the 'modify properties' dialogue box that comes with Autocad 2008? I've attached an image that specifically shows what I am trying to change, but I get tired of always having to scroll down in the box to find this variable. I would love to have something simple like the old DDCHPROP dialogue box (see smaller image). LISP routine or something where I click on the toolbar button, and simply change the overall scale without having to navigate through the native one?


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Photoshop :: Using Certain Filters Reverses My Image!

Aug 9, 2006

I'm not sure what settings I must have accidentally changed, but for some reason when I try to apply certain filters to an image (any of the "sketch" options for example) my image is changed to look like a negative. ...all if the lights and darks are reversed.

I don't know what I can change back to keep this from happening and it's keeping me from using a lot of these great options.

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