AutoCAD 2013 :: Demolish Linetype - Change From Dash To Dot Line
Apr 29, 2013I can not get rid of the phantom2 line type in my drawings.
View 9 RepliesI can not get rid of the phantom2 line type in my drawings.
View 9 RepliesI have a problem between my template in inch and the one in mm.
Its the linetype scale that is wrong in the mm one, when i draw in the inch one, everything is fine but when i draw in the mm one, i have to set the ltscale to like 25 to see them at the same scale that they are in the inch one.
My guest is its because i've create my template for the mm one base on the inch one and i just change the unit type to mm. Is there a setting i could change that will arrange this?
Product Design Suite 2013
What would be the easiest way to create a 3-dash line for a drawing?
I have a user with a need for a 3-dash line. Like a phantom line but with 3 dashes.
I know how to edit the pen-up, pen-down settings in a .lin file. But then what would be the best way to handle the new line when it is sent to the client? Would I need to create a custom line file and sent it with the .dwg files or could I edit the acad.lin file? Would the receiver run into problems with missing linetypes?
Many is the time that I need to have hidden, or dashed lines added to a drawing. I do this by putting LTYPE in the command line then loading the dash or hidden line that I want. The problem is that long after I have done this, I get a dashed line on any line that I attempt to draw. Even if I dimension something, the arrows and lines are also dashed lines. I go back into Modify Properties and LTYPE and attempt to delete the line types that I have added and I am not allowed to delete them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to draw a dash line that follows the curve in Photoshop (See image)? I know how to make a dotted line, but not a dash line, in photoshop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy a linetype definition from a drawing to the linetype definition file?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn a sketch block how do you change the line weight..i tried through Block Editor but cannot change...lineweight is currently 0.25mm but i want to change to .70mm..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a block in which the line weight is do i change the block lines weight to 0.50mm & 0.75mm.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I cant change the line type on the file with my drawing on, but when I open a new file, I can.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the cursor color in the command line in AutoCAD 2013?
When I change the background (active command) to black, the cursor blends into it and not visible. Can’t see where is my current position when editing coordinates. The command background was black and text white for the last 10 years for 20 drafters; we would like to keep it this way
In model space I draw a line with a particular linetype, say a fence row, and I adjust the linetype scale so that it reads like I want it, but then when I go to paper space, it's just a plain line no matter what I set the linetype scaling to?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a block which includes some Multiple lines attributes.
Now I don't want them to be multiple lines any more.
How can I change them to single line attribute?
In the block editor, the "Multiple lines" in the properties palette is gray out. I have create single line attribute and replace the multiple line attributes one by one.
Why don't make the Multiple lines property editable? This problem is since Multiple line attribute first time introduced.
Interesting thing is single line attributes can easily changed to multiple line attributes through the properties palette!
Linetype that displays a arrow with a line say for drainage ------->--------? im sure you can make it but i has to change a line a while ago and i found it all a bit hard!
View 9 Replies View RelatedIm using LT 2012 & have an issue with a few drawings.
Example:I draw a single line & set to 'Dashed' (or any other type). If i then rotate that line the linetype scale changes to a very small dash & the actual scale of the line changes. rotate it abit more & it will change again.
I need a line to show a fence and it should be a line with a / poking out on one side like -/-/- but the lines in between longer and the side lines just on one side...
How to make one like that or where I can find one?
In our work we draw many symmetrical outlines. In many cases, chiefly due to space constraint, we draw only half the outline and use a centerline of the symmetry to dimension the part.
Our current method is to use sketches to achieve this. I wonder if there is a way that we can make this linetype available from the styles? Diagram attached below.
Whenever i draw a new line, hatch etc - Autocad draws the object with a certain lineype. Then after i draw the line i have to manually click the line and set it's linetype to "By layer". It doesn't matter which layer i set as current, it never draws by layer, allways by this other linetype.
Using Cad 10 Architecture - But tried opening the file on other versions aswell, with the same result.
To adjust the line type scale until dashed line appear as fine or coarse as desire,Type:-
Ans - a) LSCALE b)LINESCALE c) LTSCALE d) None of the above.
The linetype set in the active standard for section line is totally ignored when creating a section view. We have our line type set to 'Long Dash Dot' as per the BS8888 standard but it changes it to a 'Long Dash Short Dash' line. We use the same linetype on the centerline layer with no problem. Why does this not work??
Inventor 2012 SP2
Is it possible to change the linetype from continuous to -none-? I created a layer for inserting georef images, and the images all come in with a border line that is related to the linetype and lineweight of which i want neither - i don't want a border.
I tried changing lineweight to 0.00mm but cant find any way to turn off lines?
I've currently create several layers and after i change in one of 'em the linetype from continuous to a "Dashed" , every new layer i made had a "dashed" linetype and when i tried to change it back to default.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am autocad 2010 user. I have drawing files from consultants with custom linetypes. I have deleted the. shx file but need to change line type. How do I select the relevant lines to convert to normal line type?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently running AutoCAD 2013 LT on a Windows 7 64 bit system. I was recently running this same software on a 32 bit system computer and everything was running properly. After the upgrade, I have noticed a linetype issue that I cannot seem to get a handle on.
We use a "insul" linetype on building sections that should come out looking like an architectural insulation pattern. After upgrading to the new computer, this linetype only reads as dots, nothing else. I have gone to other comnputers in the office that are displaying this linetype properly and have copied their acadlt.lin as well as acadltiso.lin files over to my computer and it has not solved the problem.
Below are linetypes that we created for our use. We have tried to create others but we dont know what the parameters are
Height of text, spacing of line between text, center of text...
*RS-485,RS-485 ----485----485----485----485----485----485--
*RS-422,RS-422 ----422----422----422----422----422----422--
*RS-232,RS-232 ----232----232----232----232----232----232--
[Code] .......
I want to change my ground conductor from solid green to a dashed line (green is OK) on a set of drawings, but all the dashed linetypes I can find don't show up well at the scale that I've drawn the circuits. I can make them look OK by changing the linetype scale in the properties manager window, but there are a boatload of these lines in eight viewports; finding them all would be a major pain. They are all on a single layer, though, but in the layer properties manager I do not see a way to change the linetype scale for the layer. I could use the properties manager to make the change if I could select everything on the layer. Is there a way to do that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using ACADE 2008 and VB.NET. I have a multitude of drawings that I am doing the same three and four operations on and would like to write VB.NET program to do it. I can get my selections set just fine, but my first problem is figuring out how to change all drawing entities color and linetype to "ByLayer". So far I have not gotten past changing just the color value. I have tried multiple variations on the following line without success:
myAcadEnt.Color = Colors.Color.FromDictionaryName("ByLayer")
I'm very new to AutoCAD but now I'm using LT 2014.
I'm trying to change my linetype from solid to hidden, and I've checked the properties, changed the linetype on my toolbar above, ensured the scale is set to 1, and zoomed in to make sure the scale is correct. I've unlocked all the layers, and checked all my different spaces to see if maybe there was a glitch that just wasn't showing the change in linetype. Nothing!
The properties for my linetype show me that the line is a dotted (hidden) line, but the line itself doesn't show as hidden.
Is there a way to start a custom line type so that is starts and ends with "O". Right now, the default "FENCELINE1" has circles in it, but it starts and ends with a line.
Here's their code for the line:
*FENCELINE1,Fenceline circle ----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0--
I already tried just putting the O's at the ends, and that didn't do it.
Below is a picture of what I'm looking to get. The top one is the FENCELINE1, the bottom one is just circles and lines, but that's how I want the linetype to look when they place it... so first click would have a circle, second click would have a circle, and the circles "in" the line would spread out evenly.
Just so you know... this is for guardrail inside a where house where it has the circle pillars on each end with circular pillars in the middle (every 8', but the spacing isn't crucial).
I have a very particular client insisting I recreate a specific lineteype. The previous technician used AutoCAD Architecture 2012 to create a shape within the linetype. I have recreated the shape, with my AutoCAD 2014, but am struggling with creating the linetype 100%, and getting into other files.
View 9 Replies View Relatedrather than each time i change layers having to fix layer and linetype to each other how do i more permenatly fix the two together?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a layer named XYZ, that contains ARC, LINE and POLYLINE. I want to get a list of all linetypes from every ARC, LINE and PLINE. If I open the properties, if I select only the ARC, under linetype I'm getting *Varies*. Instead of*varies*, I would like to have a list of all linetypes (ARC, LINE and PLINE).
Is it possible? WOuld it also be possible to do the same for linescale or weight?