AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Line Weight In A Block?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a block in which the line weight is do i change the block lines weight to 0.50mm & 0.75mm.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Change Line Weight

Oct 22, 2012

In a sketch block how do you change the line weight..i tried through Block Editor but cannot change...lineweight is currently 0.25mm but i want to change to .70mm..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Line Weight Of Profile Line

Jul 6, 2013

I seem to be having trouble changing the lineweight of my profile line.  I have changed the line weight in the layer properties, in the Profile properties and tried changed the line weight in the pen style.  Everywhere I could think I try to make the line thicker but when I plot, the line is still the same and difficult to distinguish from the grid blocks of the profile view.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: DWG TO PDF - Line Weight

Apr 26, 2013

When i convert to Pdf the line weight is very board on the pdf, I have never had this before.

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AutoCAD LT :: Change Line Weight On Xref?

Feb 21, 2013

change line weight on a xref, i have went into each xref and changed line weight but when i view in model space the line weight is still printing bold.

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Revit :: Change Line-weight Of Annotation Line?

May 25, 2012

I've seen umpteen explanations of how to change lineweights in Revit.None of them address this simple thing I'm trying to do. 
I just want to: 
1. Create a few lilnestyles that appear along side the other line styles - for instance:

Thin Line, Medium Line, Thick Line,     <<Really Thick Line, >>     <<Absurdly Thick Line,>> etc, etc..
2. Draw a line
3. Click on the line
4. Select from a drop down list, "Absurdly Thick Line"  and have it instantly inherit the linestyle I created. 
The only way I can do this is to create a family, make a new subcategory of Detail Items, create the characteristics I want in the line, export it as a .dwg file, then import it into Revit - and then I see the new line style along side the other line styles, and I can then select any line and make it the new line style.  
Certainly, there is an easy to find, simple, straightforward way to add line styles to the existing group - and have those new line styles become immediately accessible from the "Modify Lines" Linestyle Drop down Menu.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Line Weight On IPT To JPG File

Nov 16, 2013

I am trying to change the line weight on an ipt file saving to a jpg format.

I am creating operations manuals and line weight and pixalation is unacceptable.

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Line Weight At View Port?

May 20, 2013

I created a xref. this xref included some poly line. width is 0.2mm. i need this poly line line weight should be change from different view port. right now this is shown in narrow line width. how can change this line weight at view port?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Larger Line Weight Than 2.11mm

Oct 11, 2012

Is there a larger line weight then the 2.11mm or is this the largest

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Line Weight Of Lines And Text Separately?

Nov 13, 2012

When drawing in .stb-file (with layer dependent plot style, plotting in monochrome) and when Dimension Text Style is set to Romans (must not be changed), then how to change line weight of Lines and Text separately?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color / Line Weight

Sep 21, 2012

I was trying to do one that can change color and line weight using a number provided by user. What i want to do is to ask a number to the user, 5 for example, and then change the color to 5, and the lw to .5. I was starting with this:

(defun c:ccv (/ eco lun ob cc clw)
(setq eco (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq lun (getvar "lunits"))
(setvar "lunits" 2)

but is not working, it has a bug with the clw variable.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Modify Line Type / Weight - Change Color?

May 12, 2011

How can I modify the line type/weight? How can I change the color?  Where are my object properties?

I have seen a few threads with variations of these questions.  I had the same ones, until now.  I did some serious messing around and came up with this, I thought it may be useful:

To get the AutoCAD 2012 "Properties" panel in ACA 2012:

Disclaimer:  This procedure involves modifying your software's configuration file(s).  If you choose to follow it, you do so at your own risk.

1.   Open the "Customize User Interface" dialog by a familiar method (I like the keyboard, the command is "CUI").
2.   Switch to the "Transfer" tab.
a. If you can't see it, expand the dialog to 2-columns by clicking the ">" button in the lower right corner. 

3.  Set the left-hand column to "acad.cuix", I'll call this the "source file".
a.  If you can not see the file, click the "Open" button and navigate to your "Application Data" folder.

i.  Win7:  {userProfile}AppDataRoaming
ii. WinXP:  {userProfile}Application Data

b. Navigate further to the Autodesk Support folder:

i. {Application Data}AutodeskACA 2012enuSupport

4.   Set the right-hand column to "Main Customization File", or another customization file you intend to use, the "destination file".
5.   Expand both files' "Ribbon->Panels" nodes.
6.   Locate the "Home - Properties" panel in the source file.
7.   Right-click the panel and select "Copy" from the context menu.
8.   Right-click the destination file's "Panels" node and select "Paste" from the context menu, it will be added to the end of the panel list.

a.  NOTE: You may get a warning that the panel already exists. If you do, click the "Rename" button.  The new panel will most likely show up as "Copy Of Home - Properties" 
b.  Right-Click the new panel and select "Rename".  Set the name to "Home - ACADProperties"

9.   Click the destination file's "Save" button.
10. Switch back to the dialog's "Customize" tab.
11. Using the drop-down, select your destination file as the file to customize.
12. Expand the (a) "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA"  and (b) "Ribbon -> Panels" nodes in the "Customizations…" (top-left) section.
13. Select the "Ribbon -> Panels -> Home-ACADProperties" panel, a preview will appear and the "Properties" section will populate.
14. Edit the panel's "Display Text" property, change it to "Properties"  (this is the name that will appear on the panel once it's added to the UI).
15. Right-click the "Home-ACADProperties" panel in the "Customizations…" section and select "Copy" from the context menu.
16. Right-click the "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" node and select "Paste" from the context menu.
17. Click the "Save" button.
18. Click the "OK" button.
19. Observe your UI, the new Properties panel will appear at the right end of the "Home" tab.
20. Drag the panel to the location you would like it.

a.  NOTE: Adding this panel to the tab causes the other panels to resize so the ribbon fits the screen/UI width.  If there are any panels that you aren't using, turn them off to allow more room for the other panels.  (I turned off the "Transparency" panel, the new "Properties" panel includes those commands in the slide-out, making it redundant.)

b.  To turn a panel off, right-click a panel title, select Show Panels, then uncheck any panel you don't want displayed.

Now, my ribbon looks like this:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Drawing Screen And Printer Line Weight

Feb 23, 2013

I´m using Inventor Professional 2013 64-bit build 138.No matter what I get 1 pixel wide lines on screen and on printer.

I can control line colour and line type (as in solid, dashed, dotted etc) from Manage - Styles editor - Layers.

When I make changes to the "Visible" layer:

- the line colour changes come through both to screen and printer

- the line type only comes through to the screen, but not to the printer

- the line weight is ignored both by screen and printer

Tools - Application Options - Drawing - Display line weights

seems to have no effect at to get drawing line weights to come through to the printer

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Change Line Weight To Less Than 1pt

Jul 29, 2013

Suddenly, I am no longer able to make a line .25pt or .5pt. I can go thicker but not thinner than 1pt. What gives? I'm working in CC.

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Revit :: Change Line Weight Of Cut Walls

Jul 15, 2010

I'd like to build a new wall type that displays with a different line weight than is set in the Cut Line Weight for the Wall objects. 
I've been using object overrides to do this, but I'd like to have a wall style the pervasively dispays with a different cut weight than the rest of the walls. So it would have a different weight when cut in section as well.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Color And Line Weight

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to create a script who could act as an Autocad plot (ie convert each color to black, with a different line weight). 
Here is the first script I melted, who create my Black swatch

if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
//add Black swatch
var newSwatch = app.activeDocument.swatches.add()
var newColor = new GrayColor();
newColor.gray = 100;
[Code] ......... 
And here is the second one, who replace one color by Black (it don't change the text, nor the lineweight yet…
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
//test de dialogue
function csDialog() {
var fabGroup = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.getByName('Fabrics');
var allFabs = fabGroup.getAllSwatches();
var fabNames = Array();

[Code] ........

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Photoshop Elements :: Change Weight Of Drawn Line After Saving?

Feb 9, 2014

I am making a conatct sheet of photos.  I wanted to define the outside edge of the photos, so I used the Rectangular Marquee to draw an outline around the perimeter, and then I went to Edit>Stroke (Outline) Selection.   I chose the weight of the line (I made it 3 pix) and successfully had the outline.  I then saved the file.
But now I want to change the weight of the line (down to 1 pix).  But I can't figure out how to delete the 3 pix line. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Changing Color / Line Type And Line Weight

Mar 8, 2012

How to change the Color, line type and Line weight for the Line using .Net. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Block Name

Jun 27, 2013

How is possible to change the name the block? I tried to do that through the properties window and it was not possible.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Cannot Change Dynamic Block Properties At Command Line

Jul 24, 2012

I have created a library of dynamic blocks in AutoCad10. When I craeted them I could click on the Grip for a Linear Parameter that was associated with a Stretch Action and the current value would be displayed (Example: The width of a block). I could type in a new value and the block would stretch to that value. Something changed this week when I attempted to use my blocks. When I click on the Grip no dimension is displayed. The command line shows "Specify point location or [Base point/Undo/Exit]". I can drag the grip to change my block but I cannot simply type in a new dimension as before.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Weight In BOM / Title Block

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to include the weight for all components in assembly BOM as well as calculated overall weight in TB, but there are no available property to choose from in the drop-down list.

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AutoCad :: Line Weight When Exporting To PDF

Nov 24, 2013

when i export my drawings to pdf and then print them them i am not seeings any line weight .

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AutoCad :: Line Weight Not Working

Oct 26, 2012

Why is it when I increase the lineweight, on the current layer, to a thicker lineweight from the default .25mm, it remains the same thickness/weight? I can change everything else, style, color, but not the weight. I need it to be a thick line, instead of the normal thin line.

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AutoCAD LT :: Fixing Line Weight When Printing

Apr 24, 2012

I have been giving a drawing that I am unable to print dark enough with out my layers in some areas becoming way to thick and I was wondering if it is at all possible to select the whole drawing and just reset the line weights to a default setting with out having to go layer by layer.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Control Weight Of Line For Hatch?

Jan 30, 2013

Is there a way to control weight of line for hatch?

I'm trying to make some style for number of areas and when I do hatch on a paper it's almost invisible because it's weight!

Tons of hatch patterns and they all useless!?

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AutoCAD LT :: Fixing Line Weight When Printing?

Oct 30, 2013

I also use SpaceClaim 3D.

Generated drawing and created dwg. file.

Drawing looks good in AutoCad LT on screen.

Print Preview shows very heavy lines for dimension lines.

Dimension layer shows "Default" line weight.

Both print preview and actual printing has very heavy line weights for Dimension lines.

Not sure what to do to correct.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Dwg To Pdf / Line Weight Too Big

May 24, 2012

Is there a way to export to pdf so that the lines match closer to the original drawing? I've tried using different pdf drivers, using trueview, exporting to a larger paper size (which improved output, but still not good enough). I know there has got to be a setting to increase the rasterization quality but the obvious ones don't work.

The firest image is an example section of the exported pdf and the second image is what it looks like opened in autocad.

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AutoCad 2D :: Get Line Weight In Layout? Printing OK

May 12, 2012

I am aware some users like their lines very sharp and neat in the layout and make the line weight appear in the printing process.

However, I am wondering if I can see the the lines weight applied while drawing in AutoCAD. Is just I believe it will give a better "print preview" as I am working. It will be very annoying to keep going back to print layout to "hummm... How does the line look?"

PS: Yes, I know how to change the line weight.

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AutoCad :: Line-weight Changed Accidentally

Feb 13, 2012

I accidentally changed the line weight halfway through my drawing, and many of the lines are printing fat! I know about displaying them on screen, that is not my issue. The fatter lines are not specific to any layers, so in the layer dialogue box all line weights are listed as default. How can I change the lightweights after the fact, without redrawing the whole thing. Also, any line that I add to the drawing is still fat. I am using 2012 Autocad.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Change Line Style

Nov 20, 2012

For some reason I cant change the line type on the file with my drawing on, but when I open a new file, I can.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Weight Disappears In Views In IDW?

Feb 14, 2012

When dimensioning views on idw my line weights disappear on the view I am dimensioning. The Display Line Weights check box stays checked during this.

The only way to get them to display correctly is to select a line in the view and right click select properties and hit OK.


Inventor 2012 Professional SP1
Dell Precision 3500 Intel Xeon W3565 @ 3.20 GHz
12 GB Triple-Channel Memory
AMD/ATI FirePro V7900 2 GB video card

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