AutoCAD Architecture :: Cannot Change Dynamic Block Properties At Command Line
Jul 24, 2012
I have created a library of dynamic blocks in AutoCad10. When I craeted them I could click on the Grip for a Linear Parameter that was associated with a Stretch Action and the current value would be displayed (Example: The width of a block). I could type in a new value and the block would stretch to that value. Something changed this week when I attempted to use my blocks. When I click on the Grip no dimension is displayed. The command line shows "Specify point location or [Base point/Undo/Exit]". I can drag the grip to change my block but I cannot simply type in a new dimension as before.
Im a user of Autocad 2012 but in the new array command of autocad 2012 , when a block is arrayed the entire array acts as one unit and all the objects in it move together . This can be changed by exploding the arrayed objects and i can move the objects individually but when this is done my block properties are lost...Auto cad renames this block and no longer identifies as my old block.
How can i retain my block properties whilst using the array command in autocad 2012!
Is there a way to select a number if not all objects in a drawing and then change the properties (specifically color) from the command line i.e. without a dialog window?
Custom Build with Win7 Pro 64Bit SP1 Gigabyte Tecohnology Co. X79-UD3 3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820 16GB GSkill Ripjaw Z PC3 2133 PC17000 PCI-E ATI FirePro V7800 2GB 256bit ATA SanDisk SDSSDX24 SCSI Disk Device (256 GB) Dell 2001FP and (2) 2407WFPHC Triple monitor setup
I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.
I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.
The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )
is it possible to define more than one block properties table in a DB?
I have a block definition with several attributes. I would like to pick a (predefined) value for each of the attribute. Making just one block properties table means that I need to fill all the possible combinations of these attributes.
It's about "Block Properties Table",I want to use a Block Properties Table to manage a Dynamic Block.
I have defined a Dynamic Block a and its Block Properties Table in Autocad2010,this is the screenshot of the Block Properties Table(a1:d1=100,d2=200;a2:d1=100,d2=400;a3:d1=100,d2=600.) Now I want to insert the Dynamic Block using .NET API.after I input a command,the block of a2(d1=100,d2=400) is inserted. I have the code about it, but the code is not complete. this is the Dynamic Block
this is the the screenshot of the Block Properties Table .
the result:
the code about it:
[CommandMethod("readBlockTable")] static public void CmdReadBlockTable() { Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager. MdiActiveDocument.Editor; // select a block reference [Code].......
Is there a way to modify the properties of a dynamic block after the insert and before a jig?
I've tried a quite a few things but here is some code as a starting point. The blocks are affected by the change but not in a good way. The blocks have several parametric constraints. I wonder if this is part of the problem.
<CommandMethod("TestEntityJigger7")> _ Public Shared Sub TestEntityJigger7_Method() Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase Dim pr As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbLf & "Block name:") If pr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim bt As BlockTable = TryCast(tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), [code].........
A simple dynamic block using a Block Properties Table to control the value of an attribute. The block also has flip & rotate actions, but I cannot get the Block Table grip to flip or rotate with the rest of the block even though it is part of both selection sets.
The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table.
I am new to dynamic blocks. I have figured out how to use the Properites block for "preset" definitions but we offer a product in infine sizes (within limits). For example the width may range from 30" to 200" in fractional increments which is impossible to set up presets. Is there a way that a person can set up the properties block so that a person would be prompted to enter required information, I.E. Width = xx", Height = xx" etc.?
I created the attached block to add spot elevations to a drawing. The block has attributes allowing elevations to be manually typed in, but also includes many dynamic features for rotation, lengthening, mirroring, etc. The block was created as an annotative block.
The block and all of its features work perfect as long as the dynamic features (rotation, etc) are not used after additional annotative scales are added. I often times have a drawing set at 1:10 or 1:20 scale and need to do an enlarged detail at 1:5.
What I would like to do is have this block set at 1:10 scale and 1:5 scale and manually rotate it (ideally using the dynamic features) at different angles for each scale. Is this possible and if so, why is it not working with this block? This works flawlessly when using annotative multileaders, so why shouldn't it work with blocks or is this just too labor intensive for the software?
I have also tried attsync, etc. and often times when rotating at different annotative scales, the text attributes go "bonkers" for the opposing scale when applying attsync.
When I'm into reference edit mode (REFEDIT) I can make match properties command also on objects which are not in working set - this was not possible to do before and it is pretty annoying. Is this a bug or some new function, hopefully turnable on/off?
Also I never understood, why is not possible to copy anything from reference edit mode, but it is possible to paste into, also there are no problems in Block editor mode? It seems to me like artificial set limit with no obvius explanation why would that be good especially when I see that it is possible to match properties on outside objects.
I have created a dynamic block with a stretch, flip and rotate. Everything works great in its file. When I insert it in another file, the grips move but the block does not change.
My work requires me to create programs for our CNC router. It is done in AutoCAD 2008. To making programs faster I've created series of dynamic blocks. I am attaching a file with one of those blocks.
The file is actually illustrating what I need to do number of times a day. I would like to make the process even faster and more fool-proof. The "old way" in file shows what my current way of creating programs. The "new way" is my attempt to make it faster.
My problem is automatically dividing a line in dynamic block into a variable number of segments that are always equal. Naturally I use divide command after I stretch and explode my dynamic block. It would be much faster if the block would be able to do it all by itself.
My attempt of solving this was to use Visibility Parameter. However, if you look closely at it, you'll notice that if I want to do it for all the possible combinations it will be extremely complicated and easy to mess up. If only there was a way to have two visibility parameters. Then I'd make one for horizontal holes and another for vertical. Unfortunately I can't.
How to accomplish this? LISP, maybe? Unfortunately, I don't know LISP.
I am working on a dynamic block that I figured would be fairly simple. However, it is proving to be a huge annoyance. What I want for it to do is stretch the end of a polyline with a stretch action, while at the same time moving the grip of my block properties table. No matter what I do to it, the block properties grip won't move/stretch.
i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.
See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.
dynamic block in a drawing - when i make a change in the block editor, it doesn`t apply in the model space although i save all the changes. There is also another dynamic block and this time everything is working properly - all the saved changes appear in the model space. The only difference between the two blocks is that the first one has attributes. I think attributes should not be the reason for not applying changes, but i just don't know.
Do you need to use the join command on an object before making it into a dynamic block? I have these stairs I need to scale down to fit my floorplan, but when I place grips on it in order to scale them down, I can only scale of the block while the rest becomes totally distorted.
I've update AutoCAD 2012 to AutoCAD 2013 and I have a problem when I type "L" or "C" to draw a line or a circle, the command line says "Unknown command "L". Press F1 for help". It's the same thing if I fully type the command "line" or "Circle". But some other commands works normally.
Working on: Windows 7 Intel Core i7 2.93Ghz 8 Go RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800
Attached is a dynamic block of a smoke/c.o. detector. I have a few of these on a floor plan and at times the entire floor plan needs to be mirrored. I would like the text itself to mirror as well so I don't have to select each dynamic block and mirror it again to read correctly.
I have mirrtext set to 0. I have read that creating attributes will solve this problem however I have created attributes in the dynamic block and I still cannot get it to read correctly when mirrored.
we have a strange problem showing up here on Autocad Architecture 2014 on Windows 8: We use the "space-bar" to confirm a command or shortcut. After start of AutoCAD everything seems fine but suddenly a hit of the space bar is interpreted as two hits:
Line <space> Specify first point: Specify first point: Specify next point or [Undo]: [cursor ready for next point]
No chance to point the "first point". It is either 0,0,0 or the last coordinate.
Using the <Enter> button (or selecting an icon) is working as expected / normal but very unhandy because on the right side of the keyboard.We tried different keyboards but this is not a hardware problem!
Walls are being created on layer A-Wall, in color Cyan, Lineweight .020, etc. I'd like to edit those layer properties. There must be a matrix somewhere that shows a list of all of the Architectural Objects, the layer that each object will be created on, and the properties of those layers. Where in ACA2008 have they hidden this top-secret matrix? I've accessed Layer Key Styles via about 6 different routes, and nowhere do I find a list of Objects. I see that I could define an override for every component of a Wall object in the Style Manager / Display Properties, but it sure would be easier to just change the layer color once, wherever that's defined. There is only one Layer Key Style accessible through Style Manager, and layer A-Wall doesn't appear in that manager- layers A-Wall-Abov, A-Wall-Blow, etc appear, but not A-Wall. Neither does layer A-Glaz, which is where Window objects are placed.
How does a Wall object know to place itself on layer A-Wall, and where are the properties of layer A-Wall defined?
I was using 2009 Architecture. I kept getting a message in the command line: "WARNING: Xdata tag 100 is missing" like hundred to 1000 times and while its scrolling through this same message in the command line I can not do anything but wait for it to finish. Not sure if a recent windows update has anything to do with it. I am using XP Pro. I have a Dell with 3GB of ram and a Radeon X300/X550/X1050 video card and am running dual monitors. I have an upgrade to Archtiecture 2010 so rather than reinstall 2009 I installed 2010. Unfortunately, same problem. In 2009 I seem to remember that it was more random. In 2010, it pops up when I do an xref reload.
Having issues with multi line attributes in dynamic blocks. On the odd occasion I get the attribute moved for example i use multi line attribute for title block information and sometimes it moves where i don't want it .
m in the middle of a little project and want to know if its possible to save the info that the _MEASUREGEOM command displays when applied to measure distance or angle to the project.
I used to use a lisp script to do this but that was on my PC. Im not running autocad on my mac and it wont alow me to run the script. it loads it but then gives the error
error: vl-load-com not supported on "Mac OS X Version 10.8 (x86_64)"
when i try and apply the command. Does MEASUREGEOM have a built in feature to save these details to the project i.e. next to the line or shape measured?