AutoCAD Architecture :: Add Layer Key Via Command Line
Jan 31, 2012I know how to add to the layer keys, and it seems to me that you can add a layerkey via the command line. Is this accurate or just wishfull thinking?
View 1 RepliesI know how to add to the layer keys, and it seems to me that you can add a layerkey via the command line. Is this accurate or just wishfull thinking?
View 1 Replieswe have a strange problem showing up here on Autocad Architecture 2014 on Windows 8: We use the "space-bar" to confirm a command or shortcut. After start of AutoCAD everything seems fine but suddenly a hit of the space bar is interpreted as two hits:
Line <space>
Specify first point:
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: [cursor ready for next point]
No chance to point the "first point". It is either 0,0,0 or the last coordinate.
Using the <Enter> button (or selecting an icon) is working as expected / normal but very unhandy because on the right side of the keyboard.We tried different keyboards but this is not a hardware problem!
I was using 2009 Architecture. I kept getting a message in the command line: "WARNING: Xdata tag 100 is missing" like hundred to 1000 times and while its scrolling through this same message in the command line I can not do anything but wait for it to finish. Not sure if a recent windows update has anything to do with it. I am using XP Pro. I have a Dell with 3GB of ram and a Radeon X300/X550/X1050 video card and am running dual monitors. I have an upgrade to Archtiecture 2010 so rather than reinstall 2009 I installed 2010. Unfortunately, same problem. In 2009 I seem to remember that it was more random. In 2010, it pops up when I do an xref reload.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat is the command line procedure to restore or reset the preset Isometric views. e.g. SW Isometric, SE Isometric etc.
Just want to create a lisp to set these views but I need to know the command line input.
m in the middle of a little project and want to know if its possible to save the info that the _MEASUREGEOM command displays when applied to measure distance or angle to the project.
I used to use a lisp script to do this but that was on my PC. Im not running autocad on my mac and it wont alow me to run the script. it loads it but then gives the error
error: vl-load-com not supported on "Mac OS X Version 10.8 (x86_64)"
when i try and apply the command. Does MEASUREGEOM have a built in feature to save these details to the project i.e. next to the line or shape measured?
I am using 2011 and have created a project for a 2 story structure. I have constructs for each floor, each floor slab and roof slab.
In which construct do I apply the roofline command? I am unsuccessful so far. Does the roof slab need to be in the same construct as the walls?
When entering a command with autocomplete on and the List option on, the list dropdown only displays two or three of the possible choices, because the list box opens below the command line, which is at the bottom of the screen. Unless I minimize acad and adjust the window to only fill part of the screen, I can't see the list. This is a shame, because it is a cool feature. Having a dialog box display off the screen? how to get this to either display on the screen? Here is a screen shot of how it looks at window max and window minimumized.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting controlling typed text visibility in the command line when using a leader? In 2004, text would show in the command line as it was typed. Now, to see what I am typing, I have to enter the leader dialogue box.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a room with a cathedral-style ceiling. I'd like to create a freeform space. What's the secret? I've changed the properties from extruded to free form, and then selected the boundaries (floor slab, ceiling slabs & walls), then hit "G" to generate the space. The command line reads no space generated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you create a profile into a structural via the command line?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have created a library of dynamic blocks in AutoCad10. When I craeted them I could click on the Grip for a Linear Parameter that was associated with a Stretch Action and the current value would be displayed (Example: The width of a block). I could type in a new value and the block would stretch to that value. Something changed this week when I attempted to use my blocks. When I click on the Grip no dimension is displayed. The command line shows "Specify point location or [Base point/Undo/Exit]". I can drag the grip to change my block but I cannot simply type in a new dimension as before.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt one point I had a layer command that I could select a line, type in the layer I wanted (with no extra prompts required) and it would change. The best part is if the layer didn't exist it would automatically create it (without prompting me Y/N).
Using LAYMCH in the command line is very close. However I have to press N for name, then enter the layer. If it is a new layer, it prompts me Y/N.
I am producing some floor plans which I am having to split into several sheets. I am reusing the overall plan in small scale as a key/location plan (in a seperate viewport).
As the viewport is at small scale I want to make the pens thinner so walls don't come out too thick so I go into the layer manager and change the viewport pen colours and freeze off unwanted layers. Trouble is although I can copy the viewport between sheets and drawings it won't remember the layer settings is there a way that I can either: Set a variable to remember the layer settings within the viewport when copying Write a script to change the layer colours within the viewport and vp freeze the unwanted layers so all the keyplan match between all of my sheets.
The script wouldn't be too much problem for me as I mostly use key commands but when I tried changing the layer colours using -la -> c -> red all the viewports changed not just the current one. Is there a different command to change the viewport colours or is it just not possible from the command line.
How can I avoid getting zeros when creating dimension line with quick dimension command. the Zeros indicates the line itself. how it can be avoided?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'd like to change a layer's color from command line because of a user icon. I figured out from previous topics that I should use macro similar to this: ^C^C_filedia;0;-la;s;Verdeckt (ISO);c;1;l;dashed;;_filedia;1;re;
(I want to use this macro to change layer's linetype, too, but that's not the point)
The only problem with this macro: layer's name contains a space therefore Autocad tries to recognize Verdeckt as a command (and macro interrupts there) instead of setting Verdeckt (ISO) as the current layer. I've tried using different quote marks, none of them worked (' and " and <>). I hope there's a method for entering a parameter that contains space.
Software: Inventor Series 2011 SP1 x64
OS: Vista Business x64
CPU: E6400
RAM: 2*2Gb GeIL
VGA: Quadro FX 550
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
Using Windows7
without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
Command: _move
Select objects:
Select objects:
same with QSAVE and who knows how many others.
line command is a multiple command. there is a way to execute it like a single command?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am currently writing a series of routines for setting the layers for text, leaders and dimension commands. The end goal is a system where any annotation command sets the correct layer for the duration of the command, then reverts back to the layer that was active before the command.
I have managed to complete all the code, and it appears to be working fine, I just have one question: I have used -layer "m" "Lay_name" etc... for all layer setting commands, rather than any code to see if the layer exists already. In my limited testing this seems to be suitable, nothing that exists on that layer seems to be affected.
I know how to write code to determine if the layer exists already and set the layer instead, but so far it seems unnecessary??
if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
2013 Civil 3D
Basically I got a process which is quite long , let's say 30 seconds.
I want put a counter at command line showing to
user how many objects has been processed so far. But I don't want to use New Line Feed to change the line and keep each new number at same line and same location of command line.
I don’t know if there is some way to draw, or somehow to say to AutoCad that it let me to input measurements from line but not from main base pint.
For example in Revit I can make angular dimension between lines and then apply any angle that I want, maybe AutoCad has such tool?
I want to know if I have understand this correctly or not: layer previous undos the last change in layer related command. Then If my last action is on layer, unod command will do the same. layer previous advantage is when you want to perform an undo which is not your last action.
View 0 Replies View RelatedI need to find all instances, references, etc, of a layer and change it to another layer. I'm not talking about lines and objects or even blocks, but more like properties nested inside of wall styles and cleanup definitions, anything like that. I can't use the QSELECT or any similar command because the layer in question is being referenced inside of individual styles (i'm guessing that's the only place).
We drew our interior walls and our exterior shell for our building on two different drawings so that two people could work on them at the same time. They were xref'd into each other. We got to a point where we needed to put them back into one drawing so I binded the Shell Xref into the interior drawing. This saved us a lot of time but now all the layers from the Shell drawing have this prefix to it "01Shell&0&". This isn't really a problem but I'm a bit OCD and it bothers me to have two different layers for the same thing, one regular and one with the prefix. It means everytime we change the properties of a layer, we have to do it twice. I've already changed everything I could back to the original layers but the Shell layers still show up from time to time. They are nested deep inside of wall styles and custom cleanup properties, custom encaps, and so on.
For example, I'm making revisions to a plan and drag a block or xref of the floor plan changes where walls/doors/windows have moved. I want to be able to simply pick the underlying linework as opposed to tracing over each line of said xref/block.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI wan't to move a line with color red and linetype continuous on layer Kader to another layer called Plaatuitslag.
Which code must I use to select the specific line and move it to the other layer Plaatuitslag?
Is it something like If line has color red and linetype continuous then move etc??
At the end i wan't to select all objects in the drawing which aren't on layer Plaatuitslag and delete all those objects.
The Array command does not work in the same way like in previous versions and I find it difficult. Also the snap mode does not work propel y when no command is in process and no object is activated.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can not find the tcircle command
View 2 Replies View RelatedHaving issue with isolating a layer (any layer other than one that contains a hidden line type), and then having the hidden layer appear behind it when attempting to initiate a command?
Attached is an example. The first image shows my drawing with object layer isolated. But as soon as I enter some type of editing command (move, rotate, etc), in this case copy, my hidden layer appears (see second image).
In my LAYISO settings, I have it set to lock and fade, but it does not lock unless I manually set my hidden layer to lock in the layer coAttachment 37450Attachment 37451mmand.
I navigate (all functions, pan zoom, etc) with my space explorer in autocad architecture 2011 any autocad command will be cancelled by the 3d mouse. when use the 3d mouse, the cursor in autocad changes to the default windows cursor display. I have an updated version of autocad 2011 with all of the service packages and hotfixes, the space explorer software driver is up to date too, windows 7 ultimate x64 is updated too.command line example:
Command: _line Specify first point: "I move the 3d mouse" Specify next point or [Undo]: *Cancel*
Command: *Cancel*
I tried reinstalling both autocad and 3dconnexion, restored the default settings of the 3d mouse. I also shutdown the logitech mouse software to make sure it was not interfering with anything. I also double checked that it was not a display refresh issue with the graphics card or the display settings for autocad, I also played with the profiles in the 3dx sofware.
I installed Aucad Architecture 2012 and same freaking issue. The only way to solve it "half way" (so not a real solution) is to change the visual style to other than 2d wireframe, but when doing so, whatever object you are manipulating seems to freeze on the screen and doesn't refresh untill you move the mouse (normal one), basicaly the manipulated object doesn't zoom with the rest of the objects in the screen.
This is very anoying since the purpose of these stuff is to create an uninterrupted worflow not the complete oposite!! this mouse is worth around 200-300 dolars and Autodesk took responsability for it's drivers!! and it doesn't work!! it's faster to work with your regular mouse. Also you should develop the driver version for the Autocad Mac version.
I have been using Architecture 2013 for a while now, but now there is what I beleve to be a configuration issue. Essentially, ACAD loads,but does not recognise any AEC components. The tool pallette no longer has an icon to add a wall, for example. If I load an older drawing that has a wall in it, and select the wall, the Properties window says it is a wall, but none of the blue grips is visible. Right clicking does not give the option to "Edit Wall Style" for example. It behaves as though it does not know what an Architecural element is. If it type "WALLADD" at the command line, it says ""Unknown Command".
The company I purchased it from initially had me do a "repair", then a "reinstall" and then a "Clean reinstall". All of which I have done.