The Array command does not work in the same way like in previous versions and I find it difficult. Also the snap mode does not work propel y when no command is in process and no object is activated.
Im trying to use the array command in lt2014, using the rectangular I can nearly get there apart from where is the old "row offset" and "column offset" buttons gone? If I don't know the offset as its on say louvre blade block by others I just want to snap to 2 points to set the distance. How is this done with the new array command?
Im a user of Autocad 2012 but in the new array command of autocad 2012 , when a block is arrayed the entire array acts as one unit and all the objects in it move together . This can be changed by exploding the arrayed objects and i can move the objects individually but when this is done my block properties are lost...Auto cad renames this block and no longer identifies as my old block.
How can i retain my block properties whilst using the array command in autocad 2012!
Started to play with dynamic blocks now got my head around stretch and tables but I'm looking to use the array command
this is what I want to try to achive
I have a dynamic block which has a array command in it so by simply pulling on the arrow the block will array horizontally giving me multiple items side by side
what I want to do is count the array example if I insert the block and and array to say 12 items side by side then I want to get the value 12 placed into a block attribute which is part of the dynamic block
I can then pull this data out of the drawing into spreadsheet so I can then create a purchase list of items
My immediate thought was to divide the the total length by the width of the item to get me a count but I don't know yet how to get this to work in the dynamic block
previously i was using civil 3d 2010, now while i am using 2012. i want to create a grid of points with easting and northing. i have manually created a point but when i use array command it does not work properly. as u can see in this image.
i created point with proper values of easing and northing but after array easing northing values becomes just -19.
I have an ipart I'd like to create w/ surfaces. The surface color is important because we use that as plate thickness ID in FEA. When I color a surface blue, then another red I continually get the default color when using the mirror or array command. We're creating a customizeable ipart where there will be some intelligence surrounding how big the array (we may need 3, 4, or 5 beams based on the unit size). I need a way that the colors on the surface propogate to the new surfaces created by the commands.
I do not understand how to draw a polar array around a rectangular shape. If it were a rectagular dining table of any size how do I array the dining chairs around the table's shape. Alternatively what if I had a large square table and wanted to array 12 chairs with 3 chairs on on each side of the table ????? I get polar arrays around a circle or polygon but do not understand the rectangle concept ???
The content browser in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 does not seem to be working on a standard users computer. The profile has been rebuilt alongside a repair/reinstall through the control panel.
Tools > Content Browser
and typing content browser in the command do not result in anything.
I'm trying to use the PATH array feature on 2013 to array stairs, and I can't get the array to be 100% accurate. It seems like CAD rounds the decimal to the nearest 3/4" which could be causing the problem.
I set my run to 10.5" and rise to 7.25", array along the angle of the stringer, and there's always a small overlap on the stairs. The "distance between" should be 1'-209/256" and CAD rounds it to 1'-3/4" which is where I believe the error is. Is there any way to fix this or array this correctly? Otherwise...back to the COPY method I suppose.
we have a strange problem showing up here on Autocad Architecture 2014 on Windows 8: We use the "space-bar" to confirm a command or shortcut. After start of AutoCAD everything seems fine but suddenly a hit of the space bar is interpreted as two hits:
Line <space> Specify first point: Specify first point: Specify next point or [Undo]: [cursor ready for next point]
No chance to point the "first point". It is either 0,0,0 or the last coordinate.
Using the <Enter> button (or selecting an icon) is working as expected / normal but very unhandy because on the right side of the keyboard.We tried different keyboards but this is not a hardware problem!
I navigate (all functions, pan zoom, etc) with my space explorer in autocad architecture 2011 any autocad command will be cancelled by the 3d mouse. when use the 3d mouse, the cursor in autocad changes to the default windows cursor display. I have an updated version of autocad 2011 with all of the service packages and hotfixes, the space explorer software driver is up to date too, windows 7 ultimate x64 is updated too.command line example:
Command: _line Specify first point: "I move the 3d mouse" Specify next point or [Undo]: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel*
I tried reinstalling both autocad and 3dconnexion, restored the default settings of the 3d mouse. I also shutdown the logitech mouse software to make sure it was not interfering with anything. I also double checked that it was not a display refresh issue with the graphics card or the display settings for autocad, I also played with the profiles in the 3dx sofware.
I installed Aucad Architecture 2012 and same freaking issue. The only way to solve it "half way" (so not a real solution) is to change the visual style to other than 2d wireframe, but when doing so, whatever object you are manipulating seems to freeze on the screen and doesn't refresh untill you move the mouse (normal one), basicaly the manipulated object doesn't zoom with the rest of the objects in the screen.
This is very anoying since the purpose of these stuff is to create an uninterrupted worflow not the complete oposite!! this mouse is worth around 200-300 dolars and Autodesk took responsability for it's drivers!! and it doesn't work!! it's faster to work with your regular mouse. Also you should develop the driver version for the Autocad Mac version.
I have been using Architecture 2013 for a while now, but now there is what I beleve to be a configuration issue. Essentially, ACAD loads,but does not recognise any AEC components. The tool pallette no longer has an icon to add a wall, for example. If I load an older drawing that has a wall in it, and select the wall, the Properties window says it is a wall, but none of the blue grips is visible. Right clicking does not give the option to "Edit Wall Style" for example. It behaves as though it does not know what an Architecural element is. If it type "WALLADD" at the command line, it says ""Unknown Command".
The company I purchased it from initially had me do a "repair", then a "reinstall" and then a "Clean reinstall". All of which I have done.
I was using 2009 Architecture. I kept getting a message in the command line: "WARNING: Xdata tag 100 is missing" like hundred to 1000 times and while its scrolling through this same message in the command line I can not do anything but wait for it to finish. Not sure if a recent windows update has anything to do with it. I am using XP Pro. I have a Dell with 3GB of ram and a Radeon X300/X550/X1050 video card and am running dual monitors. I have an upgrade to Archtiecture 2010 so rather than reinstall 2009 I installed 2010. Unfortunately, same problem. In 2009 I seem to remember that it was more random. In 2010, it pops up when I do an xref reload.
I like the new feature in 2012 where I can type a couple of letters at the Command Prompt and get several commands to pick from but I would like to have the command alias back (for me) such as typing E and the Erase command would be there. I went to Express Tools and loaded the acad.pgp file; typed RE-INIT at command prompt but there was not change. Closed the program and restarted and still no change. When I type E, the first command is EATTEDIT. I don't see any of the aliases abbreviations. How do I get these to show up?
I know Ribbons have been out for a while, but I just finally updated to ACA 2010 from ACA 2008. Why these ribbons are suppose to be so much better. I can obviously re learn where everything is... but it takes multiple steps to get to a command that I used to be able to access in one click.
I recently downloaded the trial version of Autocad Architecture 2013. I changed my main customization file to aca.cuix so that I would have the build panel. The build panel is now there, but it is not working. All the icons are questions marks and when I click on the ceiling grid icon it says 'unknown command'. How can I get the ceiling grid function to start working?
We recently upgraded to Autocad Architecture 2013 and the trim command is driving me mental. Lets say I have a window mullion pattern with 4 intersecting lines and I want to trim out the center. (see attached example) I start the trim command, then right to left window to select the 4 lines, then use another right to left selection window to trim out the lines. It always leaves on of the lines leaving me to have to click one more time. This is a huge pain when you have to do this multiple times. That is a lot of extra clicks. What gives? I never had this issue before.
m in the middle of a little project and want to know if its possible to save the info that the _MEASUREGEOM command displays when applied to measure distance or angle to the project.
I used to use a lisp script to do this but that was on my PC. Im not running autocad on my mac and it wont alow me to run the script. it loads it but then gives the error
error: vl-load-com not supported on "Mac OS X Version 10.8 (x86_64)"
when i try and apply the command. Does MEASUREGEOM have a built in feature to save these details to the project i.e. next to the line or shape measured?
when doing the "distance" command, typically as you go from point to point, the distance will be listed on the page next to my cursor as I go. Then if you left click, right click, it will list the final distance down in the command window. The machine in question no longer displays the distance on the page as you go. This is a very useful feature for us, and although we can distance things, using the text readout in the command window takes much longer.
When entering a command with autocomplete on and the List option on, the list dropdown only displays two or three of the possible choices, because the list box opens below the command line, which is at the bottom of the screen. Unless I minimize acad and adjust the window to only fill part of the screen, I can't see the list. This is a shame, because it is a cool feature. Having a dialog box display off the screen? how to get this to either display on the screen? Here is a screen shot of how it looks at window max and window minimumized.
Is there a setting controlling typed text visibility in the command line when using a leader? In 2004, text would show in the command line as it was typed. Now, to see what I am typing, I have to enter the leader dialogue box.