AutoCAD 2013 :: Select Line Then Enter Command - Line Unselects
Jun 28, 2012
if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
2013 Civil 3D
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Oct 12, 2012
Is there a way in the command line to select certain objects. For instance if there is a cirlce a line and a square can i just select the circle using the command line. When i try to save as an STL file i can't find it anywhere. Does surfsculpt not work? Everytime i use it it says it failed. Also when i make an ellipse is there anywhere to specify the X Y and Z lenghts?
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Aug 1, 2011
I have a problem and as this has happened the first time I fire up autoCAD I can see that I am not going to have as easy a time as I did with 3D studio Max.
I found a tutorial on line, and it was talking about the command line, so i was entering points like it said, fine. I had to put it down as something came up at work. Go back to it to play some more, now I can no longer specify points in the command line, pressing space or enter just clears everything and asks to specify a point again.
What have I don't to make this happen, or is it a bug in the program. I have tried restarting again but still no.
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Jan 25, 2013
autocad lt 2010 crashes when I hit the enter key.
example: typed UCS in command line then hit enter key and crashes.
I installed update 1 & 2. still crashes.
restarted computer,still crashes.
Any thoughts besides unistalling and reinstalling?
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May 15, 2012
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on
- if I plot to a real device or in PDF
- if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
Using Windows7
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Nov 23, 2011
How I can select all layers using the command line?
I am going to write a piece of lisp which will reset all the lineweights for all layers to default and have started by doing it manually on the command line to see what I need to automate.
To start with I choose -layer then LW then type default and it is here I have a problem. It asks enter name list of layers for lineweight default which is where I need to choose all.
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Apr 13, 2013
I've been searching for a command that could actually cut lines for purpose. For example, if I'm drawing a 2 line crossed, wish I could cut the 2 lines so they are now 4 segments. On a circle, I could actually draw a line that pass trough the circle on cut it off the way I wish. Does such command exists for autoCAD? Very often, I've many lines at the same time that I wish I could cut with a single one. The problem is that I don't wish to trim 'em and extend (losing time and long process). Sure there is also the div cmd, but this isn't what I'm seeking for.
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Apr 3, 2012
I turned off the command line because I don't use it or need it on my screen. But each time after I do a plot preview the stupid thing automatically turns itself back on.
Is there a way to permanently turn this thing off because apparently hitting the "x" on the toolbar isn't working correctly.
Also, why did they do away with the flyout option on the commandline. At least then I could dock it somewhere and collapse it.
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Apr 6, 2013
As an Autocad user since Rel. 2.1. My favorite is when attempts to draw a line using feet and inch input while units are set to decimal. How "Point or option keyword required" is supposed to guide using the correct units setting? With DYN Input on, the red outline offers even less information. Are the prompts user editable?
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Dec 5, 2012
Is there a way to set a profile by the command line instead of through OPTIONS? I'm contract and do not have admin rights on the PC so I can't change the startup target to my profile.
I can write a script to make the changes I need at every startup but can't find the profile setting command/variable.
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Jul 13, 2012
My command line is partially off the screen as shown in the attachments below. It started doing this after a reboot this morning. I can't drag it, select it, or find a way to move it in any way. I tried changing the resolution of my monitor thinking it might "bump" it back on the screen. I'm probably missing something easy but I can't seem to make any difference. Is there a command to prevent the floating option?
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Jun 10, 2011
Basically I got a process which is quite long , let's say 30 seconds.
I want put a counter at command line showing to
user how many objects has been processed so far. But I don't want to use New Line Feed to change the line and keep each new number at same line and same location of command line.
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Nov 8, 2012
When I try to use the move tool and hover over an object, the marker tool bounces around and has trouble finding the selection point. When I zoom in close to get the exact point on a line - it doesn't select anything, so I can't actually move an object.
I've tried adjusting the object snap settings however this doesn't seem to be working.
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Oct 1, 2012
I want record a macro to update a title block. We've revised the formatting of our title block. The block name is the same, only some appearances change.
I noticed in the insert command, "You can replace an existing block definition with an external file by entering block name=file name." This would be great. I could just type in the block name and the file name and AutoCAD would replace the current with the new version in the file. Then do an ATTSYNC and we're done.
The path and the block name both have spaces in them. Is there any way to make AutoCAD stop taking the space as a return?
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Nov 28, 2012
I like my command line to be near the left hand corner and not "docked" (meaning taking up the entire bottom of the screen) like this:But each time I plot, and open AutoCAD 2013, It snaps back to the middle like this:
I've tried saving my workspace (I'm very familiar with customizing and how that all works) but it just always snaps to the middle.I really like the floating command line and found that if I have it just to the right of my UCS icon at the bottom left of my screen, it's out of my way, but gives me the lines of info I want.
How to make it stay near the corner and not snap back to the middle?
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Oct 19, 2012
Is it possible to clear the command line history? Im running a series of commands that output data to the command line, from there I'm copying and pasting off the command line to notepad. Is possible to clear the command line so that I can run these commands again and not get confused by the previous sequence of data?
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May 10, 2012
I've update AutoCAD 2012 to AutoCAD 2013 and I have a problem when I type "L" or "C" to draw a line or a circle, the command line says "Unknown command "L". Press F1 for help". It's the same thing if I fully type the command "line" or "Circle". But some other commands works normally.
Working on:
Windows 7
Intel Core i7 2.93Ghz
8 Go RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800
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Oct 1, 2012
Is there a way to display more "lines" at the command line?
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Mar 14, 2013
When programming in Autolisp, I like to view the values set to my variables so you type an exclamation point followed by the variable name on the command line to have it display the value. My command line will not display the value. I have to hit the F2 key to bring up the text window to view it. how to get the command line to view this information? We have other computers that show it, but mine will not.
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Jul 13, 2012
My command line is partially off the screen as shown in the attachments below. It started doing this after a reboot this morning. I can't drag it, select it, or find a way to move it in any way. I tried changing the resolution of my monitor thinking it might "bump" it back on the screen. I'm probably missing something easy but I can't seem to make any difference.
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Oct 16, 2012
For as long as I have been using Autocad (10 yrs), if I typed an autolisp expression (in brackets) on the command line any output from the espression was echoed to the command line.
E.g. I type (+ 2 2) on the command line and Autocad returns with 4.
I installed SP 1 for Autocad 2013 and this bevaviour ceased, i.e. 4 did not appear in the command window although it did appear on the text screen.
I then un-installed SP1 and "normal" behavior resumed.
When SP 1.1 came out I installed that and again find that I do not get the returns from autolisp functions eched to the command window, only to the text screen.
I have now uninstalled SP 1.1, which I sort of hate to do, because I use those one line Autolisp functions quite alot.
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May 1, 2013
We (the entire office) haven't had this issue in 2012, but in all of our 2013 installations, this is occurring.
In 2012, several rows are displayed in the command prompt, say for example you do a distance command, there are two rows of text showing the information the user might want to see. It displays the first row of, distance, the angle in XY plane and the angle from XY plane. The second row displays the delta X, delta Y and delta Z.
In 2013, it only displays delta X, delta Y and delta Z. The user have to hit "F2" to invoke the "AutoCAD Text Window" to view the first line of text.
I hope there is a variable setting for this, and not an oversight by Autodesk.
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May 12, 2011
I wan't to move a line with color red and linetype continuous on layer Kader to another layer called Plaatuitslag.
Which code must I use to select the specific line and move it to the other layer Plaatuitslag?
Is it something like If line has color red and linetype continuous then move etc??
At the end i wan't to select all objects in the drawing which aren't on layer Plaatuitslag and delete all those objects.
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Sep 23, 2012
I've just installed 2013 and Service Pack 1.1 and downloaded (and installed) off line Help.All the Tool Palettes except my custom ones, are blank.
I can't find the command line, even after typing "commandline".And the search feature doesn't do anything.And I can't find where to send a helpdesk plea for support.
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Mar 5, 2013
Is there a way to change the cursor color in the command line in AutoCAD 2013?
When I change the background (active command) to black, the cursor blends into it and not visible. Can’t see where is my current position when editing coordinates. The command background was black and text white for the last 10 years for 20 drafters; we would like to keep it this way
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Aug 28, 2013
Why is it that when I click in the command line history field (when docked) and roll the mouse wheel I can't scroll it up or down? There is no visible scroll bar until the cursor is moved to the other side of the window (a long way on the 30" display), and grabbing this will scroll the command history, yet the wheel wont work.
If the command line is undocked and the disclosure triangle is clicked to display the history, the scroll wheel DOES scroll the list.
AutoCAD 2014 Win 7 x64
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Jul 9, 2013
I am using AutoCad 2014
I want to paste text (numbers) into the command line as I am drawing a line.
In AutoCad 2011/2012 if I paste (CTRL+V), then the numbers in the clipboard will be pasted into the command line and all I have to do is push enter.
In AutoCad 2014 if I paste (CTRL+V), AutoCad will paste the clipboard contents as an mtext object into the drawing.
How do I change the behavior of AutoCad so that I can use "CTRL+V" in the command line?
For clarification these are the exact steps I am trying to do:
1. {type L}
2. {click a point in the drawing}
3. {type CTRL+V} // paste a number as a distance into command line
4. {type ENTER}
I know I can right click the command line and select paste. This option is unnacceptable for my use. I want to be able to CTRL+V text into the command line.
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Apr 19, 2012
I've noticed some issues with Osnap tracking not working consistently with a floating command line. It seems to happen especially when trying to track back along an object.
No problems whatsoever when command line is docked.
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Apr 6, 2012
We have hundreds of macros for inserting blocks into drawings. Many require the user to input values for attributes. The command line in 2013 does not display the user prompt for entering values. ATTREQ is set to 1. ATTDIA is 0. We don't want to display the dialog box, just the prompt. Here is what a macro looks like...
There are two pauses before text orientation for a user to enter information.How do I get the attribute prompts to appear in the command line? Works fine in 2012!
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Jul 10, 2012
I am testing using script files to automate inserting blocks for As-Built drawings. My script files run fine, but AutoCAD is placing the blocks at a location that is different than what the input on the command line shows. For instance, I am placing a block at (6,6), which is reflected in the command line, but the block is actually placed at (6,5.898). The 5.898 does not appear anywhere in my script file, and the command line even shows that (6,6) was entered for the insertion point.
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May 15, 2012
To reproduce this bug, you must set the Command Line in the new semi-transparent style as featured in AutoCAD 2013. If it's docked in old-fashion like previous AutoCAD versions, the bug won't work.
When there's no command active, you have the following Command Line with the text "Type a command":
If you press the Escape key to cancel (weither you're in a command or not), AutoCAD focus on the command line with a bar sign and the transparent background turns white:
Now if you move the crosshair with your mouse in the drawing area, the Command Line bar sign will revert back to the "Type a command" text, which is fine.
But if the mouse cursor hovers the Ribbon region and you press the escape key, and then you click a Ribbon button, instead of executing the button's command/macro, the Command Line will simply revert to the "Type a command" text. So in the Ribbon area, if you want a Ribbon button to work, you must not have the bar sign in the Command Line. This gets annoying when you often have the habit of pressing escape while in a command and having the mouse ready to chose another command in the Ribbon.
My guess is that the new Command Line format in 2013 may have focus priority issues with other AutoCAD pallettes like the Ribbon. In AutoCAD 2012, the Command Line did not have a friendly "Type a command" message. So it probably has to do with this new implementation when AutoCAD decides when you have the "Type a command" text or the sign bar.
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