I'm using an HP Envy x2, which is a tablet-laptop hybrid with an attachable keyboard, and I'm having an issue with Adobe Photoshop Elements 11. Â When I attempt to start a new line of text in a text layer by pressing "Enter," it doesn't let me start a new line of text; instead, it stops editing the text layer altogether. I would like to be able to press "Enter" and have PSE11 start a new line of text in the text layer; I have been using Elements to create graphics since 2007 and have never encountered this problem. Â Â I have already tried: - Uninstalling and re-installing PSE11 - Ctrl + Enter, Shift + Enter, Fn + Enter - Resetting the type tool - Making sure the spacing is set to Auto - Turning on and off the Num Lock key via on-screen keyboard
Is there a setting controlling typed text visibility in the command line when using a leader? In 2004, text would show in the command line as it was typed. Now, to see what I am typing, I have to enter the leader dialogue box.
if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work
I have a problem and as this has happened the first time I fire up autoCAD I can see that I am not going to have as easy a time as I did with 3D studio Max.
I found a tutorial on line, and it was talking about the command line, so i was entering points like it said, fine. I had to put it down as something came up at work. Go back to it to play some more, now I can no longer specify points in the command line, pressing space or enter just clears everything and asks to specify a point again.
What have I don't to make this happen, or is it a bug in the program. I have tried restarting again but still no.
What's the setting to draw dimensions as objects? For some reason it's drawing them as seperate lines, text, etc. and they only show after hitting enter. I've had this problem in the past and i'm not sure what setting does this
Just upgraded to PS CS6, and am having a problem manually entering a value for the magnification level in the status bar (same goes for Navigator panel).Is it supposed to automatically zoom to the amount entered without hitting enter/return? For example, if I want 25%, the box will read 2%5 and tells me my value is invalid by the time I hit return (the document will go to 2% automatically before I hit the 5). I can find nothing on this anywhere online, and the documentation mentions typing a number then having to press enter/return. Is this a feature? A glitch? Can it be disabled/fixed?
I am running a Mac and small Cintiq with an on-screen keyboard (so typing speed is slow and screen area at a premium), and the button on the pen (set to be an 'option' key) sticks on occasion.
This error message appears when I have the Direct Selection tool selected, but have not selected an object. Every time I press Enter I get the alert: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." It doesn't matter what file I have open. Â I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.5, 2.2 GHz, 16 GB memory. This is just one of several weird bugs I've encountered in CC.
In AutoCAD LT 2013, The typed copy is centered with the line and follows at the end of the line. When the leader runs left, the typed copy runs to the left like it should until a left click or Enter is clicked. The Click sends the leader line to the left thru the typed copy and a bit below center. Sometimes the copy is above the line. Justification will change this until Enter is clicked or a left click is clicked and the copy returns to the line thru it layout.
how to change the DTEXT command to be typed on a specified layer. I have poked around and came across some macros editing but this did not do the trick.
I'm putting together a simple lisp routine to issue bound, purged drawings.
I have code that will do the binding & purging but need handling the saving.
This is my approach :
(1) ask the user to save the drawing using this line (command "_saveas" "" "~")
(2)Â run a subroutine that binds xrefs etc (this works ok)
(3) run the QSAVE command
Trouble is, if the user cancels or hits escape during the SAVEAS command the subroutine & QSAVE will still run, overwriting the current drawing. How do I handle this scenario? Or should my appoach be different?
In AutoCad LT 2013, on Windows 8, I experience a 1/5 - 2 second delay afte 'enter' on a Copy command. Â The enter may be used in either right-click command or spacebar modes. Â This is the only delay I am experiencing in any command used so far. Â Other than that, the 2013 is flawless in Windows 8.
I'm having a problem entering line lengths - something I remember occurring some time ago - but I can't' recall how I remedied it. The '@' symbol take time to register - instead of registering immediately as previously. I now have to check the command line each time and allow a moment for it to register before entering the values.Â
Whenever I try to enter source record mode the programs crashes and quits. I've tried with keyboard shortcut, using the option dropdown and the same thing happens. This did not happen with previous version.
I am writing a program that allows the user to select hatched areas in a drawing and return the quantity, area, and the weight for the equivalent areas covered by tread plate.
My goal is to insert the data with text at a point of the user's choosing, so the end result is a text object in model space that looks like this:
Total Objects: 2 Total Tread Plate Area: 20.83 sq ft .125 AL Tread Plate Weight: 40 lbs .125 Steel Tread Plate Weight: 128.33 lbs
How to do is to have the text appear on multiple lines, instead of all across one line. Is there a way to mimic the enter key to enter the next line of text, just like when you use the text function in AutoCAD, instead of using multiple text commands and having to position each one using code.
(defun c:tread (/ cnt tot ss p sqft alwt stwt) (vl-load-com)  (setq   cnt 0    tot 0
I press CTRL+9 to make the Command Line disappear while drawing. When I plot (or when doing a plot preview) , the Command Line appears again by itself. So I always have to turn the Command Line off manually after each plot
The bug still happens;
- if Dynamic Input is turned off or on - if I plot to a real device or in PDF - if the Cammand Line Palette i docked or floating.
This is not an issue in AutoCAD 2012 so I guess it has to do with the new way they programmed the revamped Command Line palette in 2013.
without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. Â so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
Basically I got a process which is quite long , let's say 30 seconds.
I want put a counter at command line showing to
user how many objects has been processed so far. But I don't want to use New Line Feed to change the line and keep each new number at same line and same location of command line.Â
I have tried to load dbconnect on several 64 bit workstations usinf "dbc" and "dbconnect". In all cases AutoCAD Map 3d stops working. Generally, the workstation just spins and you have to end the program with task manager, but I do have on Win 7 machine that crashes all the way out. There is never an AutoCAD error message or opportunity to report the issue to Autodesk.
I am looking for the correct TypedValue to get only polylines.
 PublicSub WATakeoff() Dim myDocument AsDocument = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim myDB AsDatabase = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase  ' Database of Drawing Dim myEd AsEditor = myDocument.Editor
Civil3D 2014 Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit Intel Xeon E31225 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM
Often we have to re-type the same number (value) in the command line. Not the point coordinate triplet, but a single number as input, for example in Move Copy command.
I always wonder if there is a trick in AutoCAD to recall the previously typed-in number quickly and easily (apart from Ctrl+C Ctrl+V method).
Microstation does it very conveniently by pressing up and down arrows in Accu-draw dialog, and even places a graphical mark on the screen when cusor moves over the previously entered value.
AutoCAD C3D 2012 has been crashing nonstop over the past 3 days on me whenever I try to "Create a Feature Line from Object". I know that it is a localized problem as a co-worker has been in the same drawing and done grading work without any problems. The error has occurred in multiple drawings.Â
Product Version: F.107.0.0. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
Starting a few weeks ago Photoshop CS6 crashes every time when selecting the print command with the error : "Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working" This happens using different printers and when printing anything, including a blank page. Printing works fine from other applications.
Running Photoshop CS6 v.13.1.2 x32 on Windows 7 Professional 64bit
This is a Dell Optiplex 990, I7 3.4GHz, 4GB RAM, 250GB HDD system, AMD ATI RADEON HD 6350 PCIe Video Card on a 16x bus  1) Photoshop has been updated 2) OS has been updated 3) Video drivers have been updated with new ones from the manufacturer 4) I tried new drivers for our Kyocera TaskAlfa 3550ci 5) I tried new drivers for our Kyocera FS-3140MFP 6) I also tried removing all of the printers except "Adobe PDF" printer
Here is an example event from the Windows Application Log after photoshop crashed.
I've been searching for a command that could actually cut lines for purpose. For example, if I'm drawing a 2 line crossed, wish I could cut the 2 lines so they are now 4 segments. On a circle, I could actually draw a line that pass trough the circle on cut it off the way I wish. Does such command exists for autoCAD? Very often, I've many lines at the same time that I wish I could cut with a single one. The problem is that I don't wish to trim 'em and extend (losing time and long process). Sure there is also the div cmd, but this isn't what I'm seeking for.
I had a problem this morning where for some reason I needed to do a drawing recovery on a map - which is fine, all seems well.
The problem is that now when I type a command, it doesn't appear next to the cursor anymore. It's not really a NEED having it there, but I've gotten to like that in the newer CAD versions, and now I can't find the setting that makes it come back. Sure I CAN type everything and have it show just at the bottom of the screen, but I'd rather have my dynamic field back.
This is the problem I have. When I type something, ie a line length or a command, ie purge, whatever it is I type it is not shown in the command line... what am I doing wrong or what setting do I need to change..