3ds Max Animation :: How To Make Object Oscillate

Feb 19, 2013

I want to make an object oscillate. I know of the "param curve out-of-range types">loop but this makes the object oscillate at time=0 to infinity.

How do I make my object oscillate:

1) stationary from time=0 to x

2) then oscillate at time=x to infinity?

3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010
NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM

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3ds Max :: How To Make Object Slowly Appear In Animation

Mar 21, 2011

I'm looking for a way to make an object (in my case a kind of girder) slowly appear in animation. I mean that in first frame there is nothing visible and then frame by frame object grows untill it's visible completely. I thougt I could make it by cutting the girder into parts and then "fly" them one by one into position to create the final object. But is there any way to make it smooth, like gradient from nothing to whole?

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz
4GB RAM, Radeon HD 6870, DX 11, Space Navigator
3DS MAX 2012

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Maya Animation :: Make Object Deform Another?

May 12, 2013

I have this minecraft rig which I downloaded from Shrogg2. I have added a few of my own features but wanted to add things to the facial rig. How the facial rig has been made but I have this plane which has stubble on it. I want it to be fixed in one location but follow the deformation of the jaw when it moves. The controller which is used to move the jaw down is already there, I just need to get it to deform this plane.

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GIMP :: Make Object Have Rotation Animation?

Apr 14, 2012

i'm trying to make an object have a rotation animation.. i did this by making duplicates and rotating them different angles. When i save it and play the gif, it shows each frame show up and overlay one after the other. I want to only show one frame at a time. How do i do this? Here:


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Edge Animate CC :: Make One Object Stay Fixed In Animation?

Aug 28, 2013

I'm trying to make one object stay fixed in my animation while the background is moving, controlled by arrow keys. Just like this: [URL]

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended Timeline Video Animation - How To Make Rotation Animation

Apr 19, 2013

In the timeline panel in CS6 EXTENDED, you have a video feature, where you can animate three things:

Position Style Opacity
What I would like to know, is: How can I animate rotation of a layer? I want to rotate my layer at an angle and animate it. But when I rotate, the first animation frame is also rotated, resulting in NO animation between the frames.

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3ds Max Animation :: Remove Object From Animation Layer

Nov 14, 2011

Is there a way to remove object from an animated layer? Or better yet disable animated layers on an object altogether?

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Get Object To Follow Another Object

Feb 12, 2012

How can I get an object to follow another object as well as reorient when the parent is deformed? See the attached image. Here I have wrist band rigged by using the "Path Deform Binding" modifier. I want the metal part to follow it as well as reorient to the flat surface it sits on. Here I had to manually rotate the metal part which is tedious if I want to try several band states.

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Photoshop :: Make Existing Object With Multiple Layers / 3D Object?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.

I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.

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AutoCad :: Make Polyline Object Instead Of Line Object?

Oct 15, 2011

I want to Make Polyline object instead of Line object. How to change the object?

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Illustrator :: How To Make Object Partially In Front And Behind Another Object

Sep 7, 2013

I have the words Kuhns Creations here, it is going to be the logo for my website. In the end the letters will all be the light blue color that "Kuhns" is right now, I'm just using the different colors to explain my problem. I want the pink part of the "C" to be in front of the "K", but I want the black part of the "C" to be behind the "K", giving the illusion that the "C" is passing through the "K" (this will only be visible cause of the drop shadows on both letters, since they wil both be the same color) Is there a way to do this?

I got this effect in Photoshop, but I need to do it with vectors because the size of the image that has to be uploaded to my website is so small that you lose all detail if its a bitmap (52 pixels x 103 pixels) In addition to the effect explained above I am trying to get a bevel effect. In Photoshop it works and is easy to do but in illustrator the settings are all different and anything I enter looks totally different.

The settings that I'm using in Photoshop are: Style: inner bevel, technique: smooth,depth: 1%, direction: up, size 10 px, soften 0 px, angle:,120 degrees, altitude: 30 degrees, highlight mode: screen, Opacity: 75%, shadow mode: multiply, Opacity:75%. How do I get this same effect in illustrator?

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3ds Max :: Sub-object Animation In Set Key Mode

Jun 29, 2011

I am trying to animate an object in sub-object mode, using set key, but can't get the keys to animate. In the 3dsMax Help Documentation, it says the following:

Using Set Key with Sub-Object Animation

When using Set Key with sub-object animation, you must first assign a controller before creating a key. Sub-objects do not have a default controller assigned upon creation. The controller is assigned by animating at the sub-object level.

To animate a vertex using Set Key:

Create an editable spline.
Select a vertex.
Turn on Set Key mode.
Move the selected vertex.
Click the Set Keys button.

Now a controller has been assigned to the vertex. From this point forward, you can animate.

I tried the above process with a line converted to an editable spline, and still can't get the keys to stick.

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3ds Max Animation :: Mirroring Animated Object?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to mirror an object (wipers). But i can't. Mirror tool not mirrors the animation, just the model, so when i play the animation on the mirrored object, it moves weirdly. Symmetry is nor an option. I'm not using bones or anything, just 3 objects, two with rotation, one with rotation and translation.

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Morph Object At Constraint

Nov 13, 2011

I want to morph an object based upon a look at constraint.

That is, assume object (A) has a look at constraint target object (B).

I want to morph object (C) to (A), based upon movement of (B).

Is this possible ?

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Maya Animation :: 2 Constraints On 1 Object?

Jun 25, 2011

say objectA and objectB are both Parent constraining objectC. how would I remove the constraint of say, objectB? because in the outliner it only shows up as 1 constraint that has 2 W values.

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3ds Max :: Remodeling Single Object For Use With Animation

Apr 5, 2012

I am new to 3DS and modeling in general. I am interested in getting into the programming end of game design and was hoping to get decent at working with animations in the process. I have downloaded tons of fantastic models/scenes, but all of them are single objects and that makes animation difficult. Primarily, I am working with biped models and need to be able to move their limbs independently and faces where I need features to be able to be moved simultaneously in different ways.

I have looked up tons of tutorials and have the concept of how to move independent objects through the time frame, but I have no clue how to take a single object, break down its components, and use them individually while still having them be linked. Again, I know how to make simple objects and join those objects at pivots, I just seem to be having trouble working backwards.

I tried working with the object as editable mesh and had trouble getting all of the wires into objects and maintaining any sort of realism in animation as things seemed to be willing to go all over the place (having done a bad job at attaching the mesh into good objects), is there a better way than clicking and dragging and hoping you go everything you needed without things you don't?. I was hoping there was a way place pivot joints within your model and then connect those pivot points with bones.

where I could get prefabbed scenes with models created specifically for animations. I could be missing something completely here, but there has to be a way to animate individual components of single objects, or else the purpose of having single object models is lost to me .

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Maya Animation :: Object X-ray As Joints

May 3, 2011

Is it possible to make an object, say a NurbsSphere to always be on top of the geometry in the viewport, like x-ray on joints. That way, I could use a small sphere in say the Elbow as a controller, and it could be inside the mesh but not hidden. Much like what you see here:


Is that really not possible?

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3ds Max Animation :: Rotate Target Cam Around Object

Dec 18, 2013

I'm trying to rotate a target cam around an object. It is part of a bigger animation. so the use of a spline would be no option.

Is there a way to retain a fixed distance between the camera and the cameras target?

3ds Max Design 2011
Win7 HP Xeon 16 core 3.30 GHz
32 RAM with Nvidia Quadro K5000

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3ds Max Animation :: Multiple Pistons On Object

May 8, 2012

Im modeling the engine on the image attached so im doing an example for the rig, looks simple enough, the left one(second image) has the pivot of the box near the center, so if you rotate it all pistons follows, but the right one works by just moving the pivots on one side, so you rotate any of the red point dummy(on local so you see the only rotation allowed), im thinking this is how it works, since i doubt it has a ball joint on the center and that the pistons are just for decoration, now the 4 red point dummys are just linked to each other so if you rotate the last on the chain the rest will just stay on the air so i wont be able to rotate it on another direction.

How do you emulate this kind of movement? the idea is that the pistons on a side push so the box gets a rotation, the first solution uses pistons on both sides to get a rotation.

what if i animated the pistons instead so they "pull" the box? would i need a physics simulation for that? with links theres always an order so i really don't get how to make it have "multiple pivots".


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3ds Max Animation :: Motion Capture On Object

Sep 19, 2011

If I have "dummies" 1 - 3 positions animated, is there a controller I could add to the curved object to rotate and position it in respect to the dummies? I guess the dummies are acting like motion capture points.

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3ds Max Animation :: Hiding An Object For Just One Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

Is there any way to hide an object for just one frame of animation? Actually, I want to hide it for several-- I'm doing renderings for a game, and at one point I want to render the character's hands without the object he's holding.

But when I hide an object, it hides everywhen. How can I say "this object doesn't appear between frames 17-30?"

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3ds Max Animation :: Object Rotating Around An Axis

Aug 8, 2013

I need to animate an object rotating around an axis, and moving away from the axis simultaneously.

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Photoshop :: How To Render 3D Object During Animation In CS6 Extended

Mar 11, 2013

How do you render your 3d object during animation in photoshop cs6 extended.In my animation, there is no rendering. 

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3ds Max Animation :: Object Visibility Switch To 0 Automatically

Aug 4, 2011

I want to animate a cut-away of a house. Slice the corner off it so we can see into the rooms.

If I make the outer shell of the house as a single object, I could boolean it with a moving box to have the cutaway appear.

I'd rather build it from bricks, and have them disappear when my moving 'cutaway' box intersects them. It should leave a nice jagged brick-edged hole.

So - is there any way to have an object's visibility switch to 0 automatically if the object is contained in another (unrenderable) object?

(There are so many things I'd use this for. If you want lots of objects to appear in sequence, like a long row of dominoes, there's gotta be a quick way of having them pop into existence, rather than custom scripting or manually staggering keys in dope/track view)

I'm still on Max 9,

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3ds Max Animation :: Moving Cylinder Along Imported Object

Apr 10, 2012

I am trying to use it to do something for school. I imported a 3d object from a dwg file and there is a channel that curves along it cut into that. I want to move a cylinder in this channel. I cannot seem to find anything that will allow me to make a spline that mirrors the edge of the object or to constrain the cylinder to the object.

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3ds Max Animation :: Inverting Camera And Object Motion?

Mar 2, 2012

I am tracking points on a moving object, it doesn’t deform, it tracks nice. Using Matchmover. Back in Max, it sees it as a static object, and the camera is moving around it.

Any way to invert the animation between a camera and an object so the other one is the one that moves, but they retain the same relational animation? Did that make sense? Right now the object (represented by a Group of 3D tracked points) is still but the camera moves, I want this opposite, the camera is still but the tracked points move, and it looks the same through the camera.

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Maya Animation :: Getting Position Of Object At Different Time?

Apr 25, 2011

In the expression editor, is it possible to get the position of an object at a different time ?

For example, we are at time 100, and I would like to get a given object's position when we were at time 50. Is it possible?

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Maya Animation :: Set Neutral Pose To A Object?

Jan 6, 2011

i created a sphere that will control the rotation of the fingers. i align the sphere to the bone so it has the same angles. the bone angle is 0,0,0 but the sphere is (15, 10.23, 2)if i freeze the sphere, the angle get 0,0,0 but they get align with the world axis as X Y Z, how can i 0,0,0 and maintain the align rotation of the bone?

in Softimage there is something call set neutral pose, only change the angle displays to zero so the animator dont have a hard time.

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3ds Max Animation :: Lock Sub-object Face Selection

Sep 6, 2013

I have a triangular shape that is against a thin surface. I need to move the pointed end around but I need for the wider end 'face selection' to stay put or be locked in space. The rig was made with bones and skin with constrain and look-at controllers on the bone and nub.
I've tried linking verts to point helpers with linked xform and I've tried every kind of contrasting I can find and I just can't get the result I need. My goal is to have the end faces lie on the thin purple wall and be perfectly locked to it so that when I move the point everything else follows but the faces against the wall to be rock solid. 
You'll see me move the pointed end around. Then you'll see me select the faces on the end.

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Maya Animation :: Add Object To Skinned Character?

Jan 1, 2012

I have setup everything for my charecter painted weights, so im now ready to animate but now i watched that my charecters eyes are not attached...im a newbie so i've struggling here....i like to combine the eyes to face..i dont animate eyes..

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Maya Animation :: Separating Imported Object?

Jul 9, 2013

I imported a character model that I downloaded off of the internet into maya, and I have run into a snag as I'm rigging, skin binding, etc.  The model has a main body, but its armor is actually separate geometry.  My problem is that the shoulder pads and leg armor are mirrored, so that when one moves, the other one does as well, which is a big problem when I want to animate the model.  Is there a simple way to split the pieces up so that they are not mirroring each other?  My guess is that they were originally created that way so that each side didn't have to be individually worked on.

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