Xara :: MASSIVE Print Banner - Too Large To Export

Dec 19, 2013

I have a client who asked me to create artwork for a banner she is printing for a trade show. The banner is 19.5 FEET long and almost 8 feet high. I have designed the banner as 6.5x2.6ft with the intent of then dividing it into 9 equal parts which I would blow up to 6.5x2.6 and send off to the printer. So far so good. The problem is that the segments are still so large that when I try to export them as PDFs, I am running out of memory. I tried doing them as jpegs, but when I change the resolution for export to 300dpi, nothing changes- the number of pixels x umber of pixels doesn't increase. My client needs this artwork off to her printer asap and I am at a complete loss.

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Xara :: How To Export Two Files As PDFs For Large Format Print

Nov 1, 2013

i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.

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Illustrator :: Creating Banner With Size Of 96x36 - I/Q Error When Print Or Export To PDF

Mar 13, 2014

I'm creating a banner with the size of 96x36. Every time I try and print or export to a PDF, it comes up with a I/Q error.

So, I thought it might be something in my file, so I created a new file, and just put one small red square on the document.

Same error??? So I made a smaller document 65x25 or something to that effect. It printed. So is there some sort of
size restriction??

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Xara :: How To Print And Export Transparency

Jul 4, 2013

Reading the Help document it says that transparency in a document is rendered as a bitmap when printing because PostScript can't handle it. This is also the case when exporting to certain file formats.

Isn't there a better solution to this? There are some truly magnificent tools in Xara and I'm sure this means that the technology is there to render documents in a suitable form when printing and exporting.

I've just tried to get a simple logo using some flat transparency from Xara into a Microsoft product and the transparent parts have given me big headaches as I want a true vector solution. The only way I found to work was going via Adobe Illustrator. If Illustrator can do it then why can't Xara? Isn't there some way that Xara can analyse the parts with transparency and create new vector objects where possible?

How does everyone else handle this - do you all simply ignore the transparency tool and work without it?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Massive Export Of DWG To Shapefile By Layer?

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way to do massive export of dwg file to shapefile by layer?

I have number of drawings that need to be converted to shapefile and I don't want to do export layer by layer.

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Photoshop :: Large Banner File

Jun 8, 2011

I created a design for my fraternity's new rush banner we need to have made. It's going to be 10ft x 8ft. I originally sent the design scalled down to 1000pixels x 800 pixels. The gentleman working with us replied that I must send him the image scaled down at 350 dpi or in real size at 72dpi. After changing the resolution to 350 pixels per inch (I'm assuming that means dpi), I tried scaling it up just to make sure everything looked correct. *The problem is though that when scaled up to 120in X 96in, the text as well as edges of the colors have a haze around them. Will this come out when printed?

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Illustrator :: Sending File To Newspaper For Printing - Export MASSIVE PDFs

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to send a file to a newspaper for print. Only thing is Illustrator makes the files massive.
A normal newspaper ad ends up to be 58MB when converted to PDF. When i make something in Indesign it only exports to about 8MB for PDF.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Generate A4 Tiles Of A Large Banner?

Jul 13, 2012

I am trying to generate A4 tiles of a large banner (13m x 3m).

In the layout mode, I can't seem to get the image size to be set at 100%. If I manually set the image size to 100% and click on apply, this drops back to 38%. 38% is the highest it seems accept.

Is this a limitation with CorelDraw? Is there a way around this?

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Illustrator :: Grainy Text In Large Vinyl Banner?

Jun 10, 2013

Created 4' x 8' artwork in illustrator for a vinyl banner (w/my company logo, tagline & images).  Saved file as a PDF and sent to printing company.  Just received banner and everything looks great, except our Logo/tagline... they look grainy as if either it was a JPG or I'm thinking the logo/tagline did not link up and the low quality place holder printed?  Either way, I'm trying to find out if it is something the printing company messed up or if it's something I messed up—and if it was my fault, how to avoid this in the future.
Logo with tagline was created in illustrator.I did not "Place" the logo & images in the banner file.  Rather I opened the files in illustartor and "Drag & Dropped" them in the banner file.Converted the text of Logo with tagline to "outlines".Then saved as PDF from illustartor. 

The picture below is hard to see, but you can really see it best at the top of the "t" as if it was cut out with a polygonal lasso tool.

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Photoshop :: Can Resize A Large Image Into A Small Banner With / Without Distortion

Mar 31, 2012

I'm trying to make an image 879X593 px into a banner about 950 x 130 px.  Is this possible to do this in Photoshop without causing the image to stretch or distort the items inside it? Are there other options even in Fireworks?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Cannot Print Imported Images - Large Bitmap

Sep 7, 2012

I work in AutoCAD 2010.

(AMD 64 X2 4200+, 2Gb RAM, C: 7Gb free, D: 17 Gb free)

I can not print imported images (JPG or TIFF) large size 80 - 260 Mb.

Print all but the raster! I tried to print on a plotter in JPG, TIFF, in whole or in parts, useless.

If I export the whole project in JPG 2000x3000 pix, all right, but I have 9000x10000 pixels - that size is not exported.

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Illustrator :: How To Export Banner Within Borders

Jul 3, 2012

How I can export this banner within the borders? When i export it as a JPEG it exports the whole thing instead of just the borders. I was expecting it to be a bit like Flash, where you can draw outside the borders yet it will only show within the borders.

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Photoshop :: How To Save A Large Banner Design (108" X 18")

Apr 9, 2013

I design custom banners which include both text and images and have no problem saving my files as PSDs or PDFs as long as I stay under 96" wide. 

The minute I go wider, CS4 no longer gives me all my normal options, instead it gives me TIF, PSB, Photoshop RAW, or DICOM. 

I usually try to give my banner production house files that are not undersized as I don't want to have all the edges aliased and jaggy. 

Especially photographic portions of the banner.  Is there a size limitation with CS4 Photoshop regarding saving in "normal" file formats? 

Typically I give my production house 300dpi PDFs and it works out great.

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Photoshop :: Vista Print Banner (XL) For PC Gaming Store

Nov 13, 2012

I own a new LAN Gaming/IT Store thats been open for around 3 weeks and I am in need of a photoshop master for 2 high res banners from Vista Print. I've uploaded their XL Banner Photoshop template, and 2 images that I would like incorporated (this type of design is used on the window advertising), or a new design with the same color and feel (Blue, PC ...components). The first banner needs to say "Solutionz Computing", and display a list of our services in a computing style font, in dot points or however you can creatively display it - it needs to say:

- iDevice/Screen Repairs
- PS3/Xbox/Wii Modifications
- Eyefinity Racing Simulators
- Gadgetry (Solar, USB, novelty etc)

The second banner can have the same background, same "Solutionz Computing", just different dot points as follows:
- Party Hire
- Members Discounts and Benefits
- In-Store Gaming
- LAN Party Nights and Event Hosting

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GIMP :: How To Create A Banner With Colorful Zebra Print

Aug 16, 2012

How to create a banner with colorful zebra print on the inside of the text and a sparkly black glitter border on the outside of the text? I can't find any zebra glitter fills .

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Banner Plotting With 2011 And Ricoh W3601?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm using AutoCAD 2011 with a Ricoh Aficio W3601 plotter.  Occassionally I need to plot out pipe wraps for projects that would be longer than a 36" sheet.  Our plotter has a 36" x 150' roll capacity.  I have figured out how to define a custom user size paper and get it to show up correctly under the properties button in the plot dialogue box.  The print preview is correct, and the plotter cuts the paper off at the correct length, however, the printed portion of the plot is always cut off at 36" or is printed the wrong direction and limited by the roll width.  I have tried every combination of landscape/portrait combination without success.  I am trying to plot from the model tab using a 1:1 scale. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Macro For Banner Print - Preparation Of Grommets And Bleed

Jun 29, 2011

There is a new plug-in for Illustrator from Onyx for banner print preparation:[URL]

Is there any macro or external program with similar functions for the preparation of banner print (Bleed, grommets, marks - see attachment) for CorelDraw?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Export JPG (text File) For Banner That Was 6ft X 18ft?

Apr 18, 2013

(CORELDRAW X6.3) Today I tried to export a .jpg file (text file) for a banner that was 6ft x 18ft.  The export function wouldn't allow the 18ft, but changed it to like 9ft.

Tried in same in X3 and had the same result.

I could export the file as a .pdf and it worked just fine.

The question is, is there a maximum export size?

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Photoshop :: Stacking Layers Top-to-tail To Create Long Banner Print Of Software Code?

Aug 31, 2013

I have lots of software code (in tSQL, html, JavaScript, XAML, and C#) that I need to print in a long scroll. The scroll will be no more than 440mm wide and as long as it needs to be (though the roll of paper is 45 m long so I’ll need to make sure it is shorter than that).

The resulting code listing is to from part of an exhibit contrasting the ‘sketching’ phase in a multidisciplinary project between design, social science, and software engineering. The exhibit will form part of the Research Through Design conference [URL]...
At first I thought I’d print straight from the development environment (Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio) but I realise now that is not possible because
1) Both tools assume standard page sizes, and
2) I need to rotate the software code listing 180 degrees so that the end of the listing is at the tail of the paper roll.
For these reasons I’m doing it in Adobe Photoshop (CS5, 64 bit, on Windows 8).My workflow for this is verging on the ridiculous.
1) If I cut-and-paste the code listings file by file from Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio into Photoshop (or Illustrator) I lose the formatting, for example the coloring of comments differently form variable declarations. (See [URL]...)

Thus Step 1 is to cut-and-paste each file into a Microsoft Word document.
2) If I cut-and-paste from the Microsoft Word document into Photoshop I still loose the formatting, and Microsoft Word does not seem to be able to cope with the paper roll nor rotating the print. So I save the Microsoft Word document as a PDF and open that into Photoshop.
3) I now have 51 Photoshop files each with one layer containing the text for that ‘page’, though I think it’s an image as it is not editable as text. I then save each of these files.
4) Using Adobe Bridge I open all 51 Photoshop files created in Stage 3 and “Load Files into Photoshop Layers” so that I have a new single Photoshop file with all 51 text image layers in.
5) The layers sit on top of each other. What I need is for them to sit head-to-toe. I don’t know how to do this without spending a million years selecting layers and moving them by hand.
6) If I ever get Stage 5 done I will then group the 51 layers and rotate the result through 180 degrees.
7) I will then resize the result to have a width of 400mm and print the resulting file on our banner printer, having first calculated the resulting paper ‘height’ and turned off the automatic paper cutting.
So my questions are:
1) Is there a better way of doing this?
2) I can see the Photoshop actions that will align layers by their tops, their bottoms, or their centers but how do I automatically align them so that the bottom of layer 1 touches the top of layer 2, the bottom of layer 2 touches the top of layer 3, etc.?

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Xara :: Importing Large PDF Files?

Sep 7, 2011

I am using xara xtreme 4, i always used it to import large A1 size pdf files to resize them with xara on A4 page. I am trying to import now a 50 mb pdf file, after asking me if i need to optimize for editing i click import, it shows that it is converting the document then it asks me if i need to merge or insert to a new page i click merge and finally nothing shows on my sheet, still empty!

is there a better way to resize that pdf file?

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Xara :: Designer Pro 6 Only Large Buttons?

Jun 25, 2010

how do you change the tool bar buttons to small buttons? The options are all greyed out! I am old but not that blind yet. This is a work stoppage, and abandon software problem for me.

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Xara :: Out Of Memory When Exporting Large JPG?

Jan 26, 2011

I love designing vehicle wraps in XD Pro6 but what can I do to export a large image. If I design at half scale then try to export at 200 dpi it crashes and says out of memory.

Have a quad core with 8gb ram Win7 64 bit.

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Xara :: Large Font Collection Management

Sep 24, 2012

My wife is designing in Xara pro and has 1700 fonts she wants to be able to use.How can she organize them into like 20 categories and have access to them in Xara?

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Xara :: Large Poster Sized Non-pixelated Picture

Jun 5, 2012

I am about to venture into creating a poster using a picture that I haven't gotten yet.

I'm wondering what I will need to do in order to get a reasonably non-pixelated poster when enlarging a picture from a smaller size.

Is the most important feature of the picture it's resolution? I know at times I've tried enlarging pictures and they are pretty pixelated after the process. I'm guessing that resolution is the key but I would love to hear from the experts that do this on a regular basis.

I know some of you have made building size signs, are these from pictures or are they from vector creations? How do you get these to be so clear when enlarging?

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Xara :: How To Link To Different Sections Of Large Photograph To Different Popup Text

Nov 27, 2013

Im using sing Designer Pro X9, I have a large photograph and I would like to make links in different sections in the photograph so when the cursor goes over a section a popup layer with text would appear and go away when cursor is moved away again. I have tried putting layers over it but I cant get more than one layer to work.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - AI To PDF For Large Format Print

Mar 7, 2013

I am working with Illustrator CS6 and I have to prepare a file that will be printed as a 6 foot x 1.5 foot banner. Actually, it will be several banners; the same design but only the name of the organization will change. I have everything on different layers in the .ai file.
I've done the artwork as an .ai file, everything is a vector, there are no rasterized images in it at all.
The problem is, I'm not sure the best way to save the file to send to the printer. So, do I save the .ai file as a pdf, a pdf/x-1a, pdf/x-3 or pdf/x-4? Should I convert the text to outlines? There's a symbol in the artwork that includes text, does that text have to be converted to outlines as well?
Or should I just send them a file any which-a-way and see how the proof comes back?

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AutoCad :: How To Print Large TIFF Image

Dec 2, 2011

Is there any work around that will force AutoCad to spool when trying to print a large .tiff image? I am trying to print an image whose file size is 150mb to a plotter.

It doesn't spool at all, it instantly prints (leaving out the image). The image is on a layer set to print etc.

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Paint.NET :: Large Print File Size

Jun 7, 2013

I need to prepare a very simple poster (one color for back ground and one for the font, no further editing at all) but it has to be around 50x50inch size which is big. I have never worked with such a large images before hence my question.
When I click 'new' and then set print size to 50x50 and 150ppi resolution the file size is around 250mb. Does it really have to be this big? It seems like my laptop cant handle files this big.
Is there some way around it? Vectors? Inscape?
My laptop is Hp Pavilion g6 Core i3
Attached Thumbnails

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Illustrator :: Can't Print Large Documents To Plotter

Jun 25, 2013

For years, we've been printing large documents to our plotter without issue.  Suddenly last week, nothing large will print.
I've seen a few different error messages, and have tried different computers, and different versions of Illustrator, but nothing large will print.
When trying to print, I currently get the following:
I've also seen an error suggesting not enough memory is available, which is bogus.  And I think another error that was more vague, something to the effect of "can't print"
I've setup a clean install of illustrator on a clean windows install, same issue. I setup an alternate print server with our rip software, same software we've been using for years.  Same error on the alternate server.
Nothing changed, and it's effecting everything here, and new installs.  I don't know what happened, but this is getting critical, we need the ability to print.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Pages For Large Print From One Image

Aug 19, 2012

I have a Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5.1 and have just hooked up my Epson RX580. On the window platform in another software program the multiple pages and/or poster options appear in the print window. But not in Photoshop on my mac. I have made sure to download the newest drivers etc.

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Photoshop :: How To Print Large File On Multiple Paper

Jun 24, 2012

I have 1 large photo (33cm x 200cm) i like to print on A3+ paper. Not cropped or reseized, but on about 4 papers i can glue toether after printing and so get 1 large file.
So in all i'm looking for a way to print from PS cs5 so that , part by part, the image is split on the 4 sheets i like to use.
I can of course manually 'cut' the photo into 4 pieces myself, but i really hoped PS CS5 could do this job automaic for me.
Is their a way i simply did not find yet?

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