Is there any work around that will force AutoCad to spool when trying to print a large .tiff image? I am trying to print an image whose file size is 150mb to a plotter.
It doesn't spool at all, it instantly prints (leaving out the image). The image is on a layer set to print etc.
I have a Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5.1 and have just hooked up my Epson RX580. On the window platform in another software program the multiple pages and/or poster options appear in the print window. But not in Photoshop on my mac. I have made sure to download the newest drivers etc.
I want to convert a large tiff(490MB) into a JPEG in Photoshop with CS5. The "save as" options don't show JPEG as an option. The image is in 8 bit mode already, and I've tried cmyk and rgb mode. "Save for web and devices" is also not an option. The image is one layer.
how do I convert a large (1-3.4 GB) .pbs, .raw or .tif file to a pdf or back to a .psd? I made a large psd file to keep as much detail as possible for a 24" x 16" actual size graphic without pixelating and with sharp edges.
The vendor wants a pdf file. How do I convert back without reducing quality of the graphic. I am using photoshop CS4.
In general, I save my documents as uncompressed TIF files. On a recent project I have noticed that the files being created appear particularly large and are significantly bigger than the size indicated in the status bar.
An example:
Document is 16-bit RGB with Background layer, copy of background layer, a new layer that contains a small amount of retouching work and 3 curve adjustment layers.
Status bar shows Doc 223.3M/502.1M.
Saved file size as uncompressed TIF is 1.22 GB. This would seem rather large to me, considering how many layers are in use. Perhaps I have just overlooked the size of files generated before. I do note that deleting unused layer masks reduces the size of the saved file to about 989MB.
I saved the file as a PSD for comparison and the resulting file is 611.7 MB (with Maximize Compatibility turned on).
So, I am wondering if the above is considered normal and, if so, what the second figure in the status bar shows? Does the size displayed in the status bar refer to the document size when saved as a PSD file (rather than uncompressed TIF), is it merely an approximation of the saved file size, or do have an issue with my installation of Photoshop?
For information, I am using Photoshop CS 6 Extended (13.1.2) on OS X 10.8.2. Forgot to add that I am not using any smart objects.
An associate is trying to open a 60,000 x 60,000 tiff file using PS CS5.1-Extended on a windows 7 platform with 6G RAM.
He gets the error message "Photoshop can only decode JPEG encoded images up to 32767 pixels wide of tall."
I suggested that he might have a jpeg whose extension got changed to tiff. He says no, it's a tiff, and besides how would one generate a jpeg that size.
I am trying to automatically slice a very large TIFF file (800 MB) into 28 equally-sized rectangles using Actions (it is a scanned image of 28 scientific slides and reducing the resolution is not an option). My goal is to start with the TIFF file and end up with a folder that contains 28 separate files. I'll do this on many such TIFF files, so it needs to be coded into an action.
So far I have an action that creates guides in a grid pattern and then converts the guides to 28 individual rectangular user slices that together cover the entire screen. Unfortunately the file is far too large to use with the "Save for Web & Devices" tool and I also can't export to TIFF from that tool. So I made an action that individually selects each slice (using the slice select tool), copies it, creates a new file, pastes the image, saves it as a flattened, non-compressed TIFF into a new folder, then closes the file. When I try to run this I get the following error:
The command "Select" is not currently available
-- Continue -- -- Stop --
If I press Continue the action is not carried out. If I press Stop and select the slice manually there is no problem (but then my action will not be fully automated). The image is in 8-bit RGB mode, and I've also tried converting the locked Background layer into a standard layer. I don't see any reason why the select command shouldn't be available! There is only one layer and there are user slices available for selection. I tried separating the slicing and select/import jobs into 2 different actions but it still didn't work.
Photoshop CS 5.1 Extended, v. 12.1 x64 - I have installed the recent update Windows 7 64-bit 6 GB RAM
I scanned, as a tiff file, a full-center spread of a large newspaper. This had to be scanned in eight sections, the pages were so big on my A4 scanner window. When I joined all the sections up in Photoshop CS5, the size of the file was huge (about 21 inches by about 19 inches) It is also digitally large (about 320 MB, since the resolution is 300 dpi).
Because I want to keep the composite photo but don't want the file to be so digitally large, yet need the good resolution, I thought it would be a good to save it as a JPEG file, which would give me the dimensions I need but not be so digitally bulky as the original. On pressing the drop-down menu for Saving As, the JPEG option did not appear in the dialogue box. Why is this, and how may I save the file in JPEG format?
I have a job to do. It requieres me to open around 40.000 tiff files. Each file i around 1-2 GB. Some of them have to be rotated and saved, but mostly I just have to check that they looks ok and close them without saving them. Code:
I've inserted several TIF images into my model space, toggled the frames of the TIF's then attempted to print them out in paper space. When I view or print/plot the images are missing. I've downloaded the raster inabler to no avail.
Our local agency has come up with a requirement that CAD-generated drawings be submitted to them as 200 dpi TIF files, of between 300kb and 900kb. They do not accept dwg, dwf, or even pdf.
When we create a new plotter in AutoCAD, using any of the raster file formats, setup for the format only allows 100dpi. You can create larger numbers of pixels, 1024x768 vs 1600x1200, for example, but that is not translating into higher resolution.
We have tried the route of printing to pdf, then converting to TIF, but the file sizes are coming out far too large.
If we are unable to find a solution, I guess we can always print to hardcopy and then scan to tif. In 1996 I would have been happy to do that, but not now.
Our specific version of AutoCAD is AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, but I am sure this is more a generic AutoCAD issue.
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
Trying to print out a large arc on paper using fill to thicken it but as the attached picture shows, the filled part turns out blocky, leaving noticeable gaps. Basically, it's not smooth and needs to be more rounded. Is there anyway to fix this?
IV2012 Windows XP SP3 32-bit Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram 2 GB Ram 160GB HDD
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I am trying to create a Chuck Close style image for a Fine Arts class. I created the base image by resizing my image to 4 px sq and 12" by 12". The image looks great when saved, meaning the pixels are sharply defined from one another. However, when I go to print, a dithering of a sort is added to the image and one pixel fades into another. I need precise sizes because I am actually gluing smaller images to the base as pixels. I would use the mosaic function, but the sizing never turns out right.
I am working with Illustrator CS6 and I have to prepare a file that will be printed as a 6 foot x 1.5 foot banner. Actually, it will be several banners; the same design but only the name of the organization will change. I have everything on different layers in the .ai file.
I've done the artwork as an .ai file, everything is a vector, there are no rasterized images in it at all.
The problem is, I'm not sure the best way to save the file to send to the printer. So, do I save the .ai file as a pdf, a pdf/x-1a, pdf/x-3 or pdf/x-4? Should I convert the text to outlines? There's a symbol in the artwork that includes text, does that text have to be converted to outlines as well?
Or should I just send them a file any which-a-way and see how the proof comes back?
Question: I have a file in Tiff format (large file 145 MB) that I'm not able to print out of CS6. I've tried to save as JPEG, but have been unsuccessful because it is not an 8bit file.
I set up films for screenprinting for remote clents, so work at 35, 45 and 55 lpi a lot. The best way, of course, is to save a pdf with postcript halftones and angles set correctly and have the client print to film through their RIP. Most of my clients don't have RIPs and never will. So I end up working with the bitmap/halftone settings in Phtoshop a lot. It takes a long time. If I could print photoshop or Illustrator seps to hi rez .tiffs (I know they have to be 1200 ppi, but we can work with that) through a RIP via a virtual printer or some other thing, it would save me a lot of time.
I need to prepare a very simple poster (one color for back ground and one for the font, no further editing at all) but it has to be around 50x50inch size which is big. I have never worked with such a large images before hence my question.
When I click 'new' and then set print size to 50x50 and 150ppi resolution the file size is around 250mb. Does it really have to be this big? It seems like my laptop cant handle files this big.
For years, we've been printing large documents to our plotter without issue. Suddenly last week, nothing large will print.
I've seen a few different error messages, and have tried different computers, and different versions of Illustrator, but nothing large will print.
When trying to print, I currently get the following:
I've also seen an error suggesting not enough memory is available, which is bogus. And I think another error that was more vague, something to the effect of "can't print"
I've setup a clean install of illustrator on a clean windows install, same issue. I setup an alternate print server with our rip software, same software we've been using for years. Same error on the alternate server.
Nothing changed, and it's effecting everything here, and new installs. I don't know what happened, but this is getting critical, we need the ability to print.
I have 1 large photo (33cm x 200cm) i like to print on A3+ paper. Not cropped or reseized, but on about 4 papers i can glue toether after printing and so get 1 large file.
So in all i'm looking for a way to print from PS cs5 so that , part by part, the image is split on the 4 sheets i like to use.
I can of course manually 'cut' the photo into 4 pieces myself, but i really hoped PS CS5 could do this job automaic for me.
I've been a long term Photoshop (elements) user, but rarely use it. I primarily use Aperture. I have a shot that I've printed successfully in 20 X 20 on aluminum and would like my next print to be bigger, 30 X 30 would be ideal.
I have a JPG Aperture export that measures 2318 X 2318 pixels. I was talking to a person at an art show this weekend, discussing my goal for this photo and he mentioned a feature of Photoshop that can take this image and basically adds more pixels. It's a 3 second motion shot in low light, so I'm not too worried about losing sharpness.