Photoshop :: Automatically Slicing Large TIFF Files With 5.1?
Sep 27, 2012
I am trying to automatically slice a very large TIFF file (800 MB) into 28 equally-sized rectangles using Actions (it is a scanned image of 28 scientific slides and reducing the resolution is not an option). My goal is to start with the TIFF file and end up with a folder that contains 28 separate files. I'll do this on many such TIFF files, so it needs to be coded into an action.
So far I have an action that creates guides in a grid pattern and then converts the guides to 28 individual rectangular user slices that together cover the entire screen. Unfortunately the file is far too large to use with the "Save for Web & Devices" tool and I also can't export to TIFF from that tool. So I made an action that individually selects each slice (using the slice select tool), copies it, creates a new file, pastes the image, saves it as a flattened, non-compressed TIFF into a new folder, then closes the file. When I try to run this I get the following error:
The command "Select" is not currently available
-- Continue -- -- Stop --
If I press Continue the action is not carried out. If I press Stop and select the slice manually there is no problem (but then my action will not be fully automated). The image is in 8-bit RGB mode, and I've also tried converting the locked Background layer into a standard layer. I don't see any reason why the select command shouldn't be available! There is only one layer and there are user slices available for selection. I tried separating the slicing and select/import jobs into 2 different actions but it still didn't work.
Photoshop CS 5.1 Extended, v. 12.1 x64 - I have installed the recent update
Windows 7 64-bit
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May 9, 2013
Windows 32-bit OS cannot open TIFF files bigger than 4GB. I need to work on TIFF files that have a size up to 10GB. Does Photoshop support this?
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Mar 25, 2013
Windows 32-bit OS cannot open TIFF files bigger than 4GB. I need to work on TIFF files that have a size up to 10GB. Does Photoshop support this?
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Feb 22, 2013
In general, I save my documents as uncompressed TIF files. On a recent project I have noticed that the files being created appear particularly large and are significantly bigger than the size indicated in the status bar.
An example:
Document is 16-bit RGB with Background layer, copy of background layer, a new layer that contains a small amount of retouching work and 3 curve adjustment layers.
Status bar shows Doc 223.3M/502.1M.
Saved file size as uncompressed TIF is 1.22 GB. This would seem rather large to me, considering how many layers are in use. Perhaps I have just overlooked the size of files generated before. I do note that deleting unused layer masks reduces the size of the saved file to about 989MB.
I saved the file as a PSD for comparison and the resulting file is 611.7 MB (with Maximize Compatibility turned on).
So, I am wondering if the above is considered normal and, if so, what the second figure in the status bar shows? Does the size displayed in the status bar refer to the document size when saved as a PSD file (rather than uncompressed TIF), is it merely an approximation of the saved file size, or do have an issue with my installation of Photoshop?
For information, I am using Photoshop CS 6 Extended (13.1.2) on OS X 10.8.2. Forgot to add that I am not using any smart objects.
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Apr 9, 2013
I scanned, as a tiff file, a full-center spread of a large newspaper. This had to be scanned in eight sections, the pages were so big on my A4 scanner window. When I joined all the sections up in Photoshop CS5, the size of the file was huge (about 21 inches by about 19 inches) It is also digitally large (about 320 MB, since the resolution is 300 dpi).
Because I want to keep the composite photo but don't want the file to be so digitally large, yet need the good resolution, I thought it would be a good to save it as a JPEG file, which would give me the dimensions I need but not be so digitally bulky as the original. On pressing the drop-down menu for Saving As, the JPEG option did not appear in the dialogue box. Why is this, and how may I save the file in JPEG format?
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Dec 10, 2005
I have a job to do. It requieres me to open around 40.000 tiff files. Each file i around 1-2 GB. Some of them have to be rotated and saved, but mostly I just have to check that they looks ok and close them without saving them. Code:
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Jun 15, 2012
Every time I open a RAW file into Photoshop CS5 from LR3, it automatically creates and saves a PSD or TIFF file. Is there a way to stop lightroom from doing this? When I used LR2, I saved these files only if I choose to. I always convert my files to jpg after I'm done editing in PS and don't need these huge files hanging around.
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Mar 28, 2012
I have been reporting this problem in PhotoPaint for many years now, and was hoping it might be fixed with the 64 bit implementation. Sadly, it still does not work. Certainly this cannot be such an impossible problem to resolve.
The last version when it worked was with release 12, which I kept around for quite a while until I switched to a new system. I have tried it on each release of PhotoPaint since then, and it has failed on X3, X4, X5 and now it still fails in X6.
It works with smaller images, but when the image is greater than some 3000 to 4000 pixels wide, the results are totally scrambled..
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Jul 11, 2013
I want to convert a large tiff(490MB) into a JPEG in Photoshop with CS5. The "save as" options don't show JPEG as an option. The image is in 8 bit mode already, and I've tried cmyk and rgb mode. "Save for web and devices" is also not an option. The image is one layer.
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Jun 28, 2013
how do I convert a large (1-3.4 GB) .pbs, .raw or .tif file to a pdf or back to a .psd? I made a large psd file to keep as much detail as possible for a 24" x 16" actual size graphic without pixelating and with sharp edges.
The vendor wants a pdf file. How do I convert back without reducing quality of the graphic. I am using photoshop CS4.
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Feb 29, 2012
An associate is trying to open a 60,000 x 60,000 tiff file using PS CS5.1-Extended on a windows 7 platform with 6G RAM.
He gets the error message "Photoshop can only decode JPEG encoded images up to 32767 pixels wide of tall."
I suggested that he might have a jpeg whose extension got changed to tiff. He says no, it's a tiff, and besides how would one generate a jpeg that size.
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Apr 12, 2013
Whenever I save out a TIFF file it automatically resizes the image down to 300 ppi. What setting is this so I can uncheck it?
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Aug 8, 2012
When saving tiff files in CS4, how can I have file names automatically created with ".tif" extension. Currently they are saved as non specific file types unless I include, or later add, ".tif" every time.
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Mar 15, 2006
I have a psd file and there are a bunch of caption bubbles all on their own layer. How can I easily slice each bubble to their own new .png image file? All the bubbles are spaced nicely and they don't overlap.
Can't I automate some of the process?
I have PhotoShop and ImageReady.
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Aug 27, 2012
I have a very large PDF that I need to open in Photoshop (It is a template image). The size of the image is 125.9843" x 91.5354".
However, when I open in Photoshop the image is automatically resized to about 106" x 79". I have tried to manually input the dimensions upon opening the file, however, when I open the file and check "Image Size" the dimensions are 106" x 79" again.
I can open the image in Illustrator at the correct dimensions automatically, and the PDF file itself is at the correct dimensions.
[I am using Photoshop CS5.1]
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Dec 2, 2011
Is there any work around that will force AutoCad to spool when trying to print a large .tiff image? I am trying to print an image whose file size is 150mb to a plotter.
It doesn't spool at all, it instantly prints (leaving out the image). The image is on a layer set to print etc.
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Feb 15, 2014
I want to blow up some prints into large formats.... How can I export in TIFF instead of Jpeg in LR5?
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Jul 5, 2004
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
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Apr 24, 2013
I got this workflow,
1) From LR export to PS
2) Do all essential editings.
3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy)
4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg'
5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'.
6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
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Nov 11, 2013
I got over 160 color corrected RAW files from my photographer when I thought I was getting TIf or PSD files. I need to put them into an in design doc to send out for printing. Is there a way to convert all of these in one fell swoop without messing up the work that has already been done?
I didn't allow in my timing to save each one individually since i didn't know I was going to need to do this. I am really unfamiliar with batch processing, so how to best go about this, or if I even can. I am working in Photoshop CS6. version 13.06 x 64.
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Mar 29, 2012
I have a fairly new Panasonic Lumix LX5. I've recently converted a few files to DNG. They're turning out to be @ 37MB, over three times larger than the original file.
I'm not embedding the original raw files in the DNG. NEF files I convert from my Nikon D2x are around 9.5MB. I'm running Mac OS 10.5.8, DNG v 6.6 and also use PS CS5.5 and Lightroom 3.0.
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Oct 30, 2013
I am trying to attach a number of tiff files to individual dwg files. There are about 300 so I am writting a script that will open a new dwg, insert the tiff and save the dwg at a given name, so i have filedia set to 0 and everything is user input.
The problem I am having is that when I use the iinsert command and enter the path for the tiff I get this error: (filename)was not found or is not valid. This is pathed to a network drive. When I copy the same folder to my c: drive and run the command everything works as should. is there any reason for this?
When pathed to the c: drive and working correctly it looks like this:
C:UsershbrittDesktop11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF
When pathed to the network it looks like this:
G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70-B-F101.TIF
I get this error:
G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70 was not found or is not valid.
I noticed in the error message it cuts the end of the file name off. Is there a character limit?
I have done this before with a path to the network and everything worked as should. We have recently upgrade to 2013 but i would'nt think that would be an issue.
So basically, file on local drive everything inserts fine. File on network, get error.
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Dec 29, 2012
In following Julieanne's Adobe TV topic here -> http:[url].....-creating-32bit-hdr-images-in-lr-41/ a problem arises when trying to save from Photoshop CS 6. According to Julieanne you hit ctrl-s so that PS saves the HDR image and then it should show up in Lightroom. What I have found is that hitting crtrl-s saves it as a PSD file which does automatically show up in Lightroom, however Lightroom but can't read it. If I do a save-as, and select TIFF as the extension Lightroom will not automatically see the TIFF file. I have to synchronize the folder in order to have Lightroom import it.
Why would Lightroom automatically see a PSD file (that is of no use) and not see the TIFF file?
Is there a setting in PS that will change the preferences to save as a TIFF instead of a PSD file?
Using Lightroom 4.2 and Photoshop CS6.
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Aug 2, 2012
In Photoshop CS6 when I save a TIFF file it saves with the .sgi extension. When I save a png it saves it with the .raw extension. I haven't had this problem with previous versions of PS. I'm on a Mac with OSX 10.6.8. I also noticed that I have a plugin in the Plugins folder that's called SGIRGB.plugin. What's going on with saving in these file types or what this plugin is?
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Oct 25, 2013
Occasionally my TIFF files open in ACR instead of opening directly into Photoshop. It doesn't happen with every file. Why would this happen? How do I prevent it?
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Aug 30, 2013
i have file in tiff format on a seperate hard drive can i play them on my tv without a computer if so how ..also if i have the same type files on a memory stick can i ply these on my tv without a computre .. is there a device to play both.
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Mar 9, 2012
I was working on a big tif file 2g at size, I edit it with photoshop through adobe lightroom. Due to unknown reason, when i tried to save the file in photoshop, and I was informed the file is non-accessible. It ends up the file is disappeared from hardisk and I used some recovery software to retrieve the tif files. However, it seems a corrupted tif files which can't open in Photoshop or Irfanview.
the error message I got from photoshop is 'could not complete your request, because it is not the right kind of file'.. it is a tif file with layers.
I had tried to google and search, it seems there is no way to repair a corrupted tif files.
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Jun 24, 2008
Photoshop 7 has suddenly started saving TIFF files without a preview or thumbnail. That is, I can't see the preview or thumbnail in Windows Explorer (Windows XP) or Windows Picture & Fax Viewer--which says "no preview available."
This just happened--I've just saved dozens of pics in TIFF with previews.
I tried resetting my Photoshop preferences--no change. In the File Handling Preferences, for Image Previews, "Always Save" is selected. When I save an image, in the "Save" dialog, "Thumbnail" is checked (and grayed out).
However, if I try to open a file from within Photoshop, in the Open dialog box, when I click on the file, I do see a preview.
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Oct 9, 2006
When I save my work as a .tiff, the .tiff files are always much darker than the original file. All work is being done in CMYK on Photoshop CS 8.
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Mar 26, 2013
I have loads of dwgs made by a former employee at another site that have our company logo in the tile block. I need to replace the company logo with a new one. If it were not made from a dwt, I could change the .dwg file and just reinsert the block and let it redefine the block, done. But since all of the text in each drawing was input using a template, I cannot do this without losing all of that data. We are not permitted to explode the title block, delete the old logo & add a new one as the drawing format needs to remain as one entity. Is there a way to automatically update these dwgs without re-entering all of the title/revision block text on every drawing?
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Mar 12, 2012
Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?
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