I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
I found that all of the Version Sets in my Catalog of 50,000 photos became expanded when I restored my Catalog onto a new computer (with an empty catalog). Is there a global command in the PSE9 system to collapse all of the Version Sets throughout the Catalog, not just a particular set of selected photos?
What it is, my client has asked me create 4 different size transit frames all similar in design. Now I use the skeletal modelling technique to create all my models and this one is very easy to edit, all I have to do is change a couple of sketch dimensions and the transit frame assembly will update to suit any given size.
So, I have completed the drawings set for the first one (There is about 7 drawings in total, each containing about 5 sheets), and I would like to just copy the whole assembly and drawing set for the next frame, and I would just change the dims in the main sketch to suit the new size of transit frame that is required, BUT I dont want to alter the original frame.
Usually to do this, I would create a pack n go then open up that pack n go project in design assistant and change all the names of all the files, then place all these files into another project.
Now doing this is VERY time consuming, as if I am renaming all the files, then I am going through around 1000 files to do so!!!Even after I do all this I still run into some problems with assemblies looking for part files or idw's still picking up and showing the old project assemblies.
Is there an easier, more efficient way of doing this?Also, I would like to add that each of the 4 transit frames would have their own project BUT all 4 projects will be inside 1 parent folder within the vault. This is just the way that we structure or file system as each folder is for the entire job.
Anyone know of a way to print out a list of brush sets like you can print out a list of fonts? I am tired of having to go and look all over the place for the brush that I need.
It's possible to create a dynamic block programatically? I want to create a command that captures different selection sets of drawing objects and assign them to different Visibility States of a new block deffinition, on run time.
I have created an assembly that has a parts list, and in this parts list I have up to 100 mono detail drawings. I would like to know if there is a way to print all of these drawing from that list in a massive plot.
At my previous company we had something like this in AutoCAD where a script was created to look at the drawings and print all drawings mentioned in the assembly BOM and subsequent sub-assemblies, it worked beautifully.
I find that I have to print all drawings to paper or PDF individually.
way to renumber an entire sheet set without having to stop at each subset? Currently, I right click on a sheet and select "rename & renumber". The Rename and Renumber dialog box pops up and I type "1" then click on "next", type "2", "next", and so on. This continues until the end of the subset, the stops. Then I have to right click on a sheet in the next subset and start over.
I want to renumber the whole plan set without stopping at each subset. Obviously, I can get rid of the subsets, but that isn't my question. I want to keep the subsets and have the ability to renumber the whole set.
Is there any work around that will force AutoCad to spool when trying to print a large .tiff image? I am trying to print an image whose file size is 150mb to a plotter.
It doesn't spool at all, it instantly prints (leaving out the image). The image is on a layer set to print etc.
I have made a model with 40 viewframes. I have used the option to export 4 layouts to one drawing. My question is can I revise the original model and get the revisions automatically updated in the 10 drawings or do I have to redo the export option?
When I create my sheet sets, where there is a curve in my alignment, there is a black space outside of the matchline. When I move the matchline closer to the end of the view frame, the black space gets smaller. Then I cannot acheive my overlap.
I am trying to create a best fit alignment from parallel linear sets of COGO points. When I run the command, about halfway through the data set the alignment suddenly curves out of away from the COGO points. I tried doing a best fit individually on each side, one side works fine, the other sets station zero about a quarter of the way into the points and runs it back toward the start, leaving out 3/4 of the points.
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
Trying to print out a large arc on paper using fill to thicken it but as the attached picture shows, the filled part turns out blocky, leaving noticeable gaps. Basically, it's not smooth and needs to be more rounded. Is there anyway to fix this?
IV2012 Windows XP SP3 32-bit Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram 2 GB Ram 160GB HDD
i have a bunch of pipes we surveyed in the field, the linework code we were using was p01 B 10"
the "B" being "begin"
my description key set is set up as follows:
p## = Code
Ex Pipe $1= format
the trouble is, this works nicely for all of the inbetween shots, but for shots containing "B" and "E" it uses the B for the $1 instead of the desired 10" pipe size. How do I prevent this from happening?
We were origially using the code B p01 10" but the description keys were geting hung up on the B and not sorting the point to the desired layer.
what is the best method for coding in the field? and how do I get the 10" to show up in the label instead of the B and E
I'm trying to figure out where to control the section label sets that are attached to the section "entities" when I create multiple section views. It seems to default to 'standard' for all entities sampled. I have created the section label sets that I would like to use for each entity, eg. subgrade, finished grade etc., but don't know where to select it when sections are created. I can get desired results by selecting each entity in a section view individually, but it's very tedious since I will have over a hundred sections views to show with 3 entities sampled each. These sections were created from sample lines across multiple surfaces and not from a corridor. It seems logical that the section label set would be tied to the section style, but I don't think it is. The only thing the section style seems to control is the layer and a name, it's nearly useless.
I'm having an intermittent issue with my publish command. So far the pattern seems to be on drawings with a larger number of sheets (last one was 15, this one is 7). When I get the publish dialog box, I'll set the number of copies to however many I need but it ends up only printing one set. It doesn't happen every time. Just with these two drawings so far. They have nothing to do with each other and haven't shared any data. The only similiarity is that they're both older projects that were started some years ago on previous CAD versions.
I was wondering if it was possible to restore a rule set to an existing pipe. we created a pipe network with about 100 pipes in it with a min. depth set to 6 ft. the pipes all came in with varying slopes, which is what we intended. someone in our group went through and set all the pipe slopes to zero for some reason and we need to undo that. this was done on the same day the drawing was created, the changes were saved and the drawing was closed so we can't "undo" and there is no previous version to restore to. my question is, is there some way we can select the network and "restore" the origially intended rules, or are we stuck with either redrawing all the pipes or manually changing the slopes back. (both would be an extreme waste of time)
Any way to stop the recently opened Sheets Sets from showing up? To me, it's highly irritating and they always crowd out my .dwg's. All you have to do is open any sheet file and the Sheet Set Manager opens automatically.
I am currently working for pepsi factory with huge machines in their factory building. My problem is that these drawings are very big and not loading quite well even in high performance systems. My current drawing size is about 120MB, without any hrefs.