Xara :: How To Export Two Files As PDFs For Large Format Print
Nov 1, 2013
i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a client who asked me to create artwork for a banner she is printing for a trade show. The banner is 19.5 FEET long and almost 8 feet high. I have designed the banner as 6.5x2.6ft with the intent of then dividing it into 9 equal parts which I would blow up to 6.5x2.6 and send off to the printer. So far so good. The problem is that the segments are still so large that when I try to export them as PDFs, I am running out of memory. I tried doing them as jpegs, but when I change the resolution for export to 300dpi, nothing changes- the number of pixels x umber of pixels doesn't increase. My client needs this artwork off to her printer asap and I am at a complete loss.
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Mar 28, 2011
I have drawn all this apart from the egg in XDP 6 and when I export to PDF everything except the egg and drop shadow has turned solid black.
If I turn the stroke/shapes back to constant from Dab it comes out fine!
I have attached the original file and the two resultant pdf's.
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Jun 27, 2012
This post is regarding using Designer Pro to edit print ready PDF's (with crop marks, colour bars etc) created using Photoshop and Illustrator. I can do the edits, but if I try and export the file it corrupts (colour values change, some text changes col)
The files are supplied to me by a designer and sometimes I need to do urgent changes myself before going to print. I have unticked the 'add printers marks' box to avoid a double set of marks and colour bars and have the fonts installed too.
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Mar 7, 2013
I am working with Illustrator CS6 and I have to prepare a file that will be printed as a 6 foot x 1.5 foot banner. Actually, it will be several banners; the same design but only the name of the organization will change. I have everything on different layers in the .ai file.
I've done the artwork as an .ai file, everything is a vector, there are no rasterized images in it at all.
The problem is, I'm not sure the best way to save the file to send to the printer. So, do I save the .ai file as a pdf, a pdf/x-1a, pdf/x-3 or pdf/x-4? Should I convert the text to outlines? There's a symbol in the artwork that includes text, does that text have to be converted to outlines as well?
Or should I just send them a file any which-a-way and see how the proof comes back?
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Aug 3, 2012
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
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May 23, 2012
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
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Apr 17, 2013
Exporting large file sizes. In short I'm trying to export some images for large format printing but am having trouble preparing the right size in LR4.
Specifically I'm trying to produce w 30" x h 20" images. I understand that to do this I'll need a image that is 9000 x 6000 pixels set at 300 ppi. My problem is that when I export this, with the dimensions set to width and height in pixels and resize unchecked LR4 produces an image that is 9000 x 4887?
what i'm doing wrong here? Is it simply that the aspect ratio of image is wrong to produce this size image? My concern is not producing an exact file size for printing.
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Sep 11, 2013
Recurring problem i'm having with bitmaps im trying to export to our large format printer. Some bitmaps are coming up with a grey type filter or lens that corel is automatically putting over my photo.
When i export this' filter' remains on the picture.
If i hit 'edit bitmap' the photo comes up normal with all the colours as it should be. Hit 'save' and it goes straight back to having a grey filter over it? Its only with some photos and the other ones are the same profile on the same page? It seems to be always the physically largest one in size (not dpi) I have tried converting to a cmyk bitmap instead of RGB.
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Feb 25, 2012
I am trialing the DG&P of xara. I am creating embroidery files in another software. I need to import in .emf. Most of my clipart, etc that I use is jpeg or png. I am wanting to take those into a program, create the vector file, and import to the embroidery software so that I can manipulate/simplify how I need to to create the stitch out. So, when I am in xara and I bring the image in, I select all and choose export in the .emf format....I figured that out. But, when I bring it into the other software I have a blank page. So, I figure I am missing something. Is there a quick way to convert the outline I bring in (in png) to vectors so that it can export and be manipulated in the other software in .emf? or do I trace the file in xara as I would in the other software, have a rough sketch, and then export? Where is the best info on what to do? I am pretty good at following tutorials and lessons but before I buy I just want to make sure it does what I am wanting it to do.
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Aug 10, 2011
I have been using Xara Designer Pro 7 for almost a month now and love it so far, but I cannot seem to export graphics in the PSD format. I never had this problem with Xara DP 6. When I go to export, I have tried it both ways, as "Selected Images" and "Entire Page" and all I get is a blank image.
I would really like the PSD export to work because I design web pages in Xara and then bring them into Photoshop Elements 9 or Photoshop CS5 or Fireworks CS5 to slice them up for html pages. This worked great in Xara Designer Pro 6.
I know this probably an issue for Xara support, but I figured I would ask here first because I might get a quicker response. Maybe I can doing something wrong? Do I need to do something with layers?
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Nov 28, 2011
I am using AutoCAD LT for Mac and would like to be able to make large format PDF files. I have only one printer installed and the maximum page size is legal. It makes great PDF files as long as they are letter or legal. Is there a way to install a "phantom" printer that has architectural sheet sizes, preferably in color?
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Sep 26, 2012
I use Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 2013. Is there a way to export vector graphics (obviously) to DXF or DWG format?
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May 18, 2009
I want to format a large batch of high res files to 4x6 to send to a lab for 4x6 prints. How do I do this?
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Sep 7, 2011
I am using xara xtreme 4, i always used it to import large A1 size pdf files to resize them with xara on A4 page. I am trying to import now a 50 mb pdf file, after asking me if i need to optimize for editing i click import, it shows that it is converting the document then it asks me if i need to merge or insert to a new page i click merge and finally nothing shows on my sheet, still empty!
is there a better way to resize that pdf file?
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Feb 19, 2014
I work in a print shop that prints biggish stuff. I will frequently have files that postscript to close to a GB or more. Working on simple vector art with a few images in CC is not too much of a problem, but I still notice CC is slower than CS 6. The big problem is when I get a few 200mb PDF's, or files with layers of transparent PSD files in them etc, big busy files, then AI CC really bogs down, or frequently crashes altogether. CS 6 is MUCH better. I don't have the font issues, AI CC works fine with simple files. Saving & opening these big files is such a problem, I just save them back to CS 6, but that causes problems too, I do not want to, nor should I have to have 2 versions open at the same time.
I always try to optimize the files as best possible, but it is tough sometimes as they R supplied by the customer, and the time it takes. We save to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box over gigabit network, which I know is not best practice, but no choice with the sheer volume of files. Would B insane to try to keep track & copy them back & forth, and it was never a big issue with CS 6. I am the first victim in our office, but the other 3 Mac Pro's will B switching over to CC this week, and I know the operators will B crying.
Mac Pro 2.4GHZ 12 core 32GB 1TB
Mac OS X 10.7.5
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Jul 4, 2013
Reading the Help document it says that transparency in a document is rendered as a bitmap when printing because PostScript can't handle it. This is also the case when exporting to certain file formats.
Isn't there a better solution to this? There are some truly magnificent tools in Xara and I'm sure this means that the technology is there to render documents in a suitable form when printing and exporting.
I've just tried to get a simple logo using some flat transparency from Xara into a Microsoft product and the transparent parts have given me big headaches as I want a true vector solution. The only way I found to work was going via Adobe Illustrator. If Illustrator can do it then why can't Xara? Isn't there some way that Xara can analyse the parts with transparency and create new vector objects where possible?
How does everyone else handle this - do you all simply ignore the transparency tool and work without it?
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Mar 12, 2013
I'm new to Lightroom and was attempting to prepare a file to send to a print lab. I want to produce a large format single image with dimensions of 52" x 36". I've prepared this in the 'print' module but when I press 'print to file...' it warns me that the file is 760mb and I may run out of memory! Is this file to large to sent to a printer, how can I reduce the size of the file without reducing the quality of the print? or is this just a standard file size for a large format printed image?
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Mar 20, 2014
I have created a file in illustrator 23in x 67in which is 137mb how can I reduce this as small as possible to be able to print it, as when I save it as a pdf it reduces to 27mb which is still to large.
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Apr 11, 2012
Dealing with large prints (72in x 36in @350dpi).
I've been commissioned to make a large print (12ft by 3ft) for a gallery. They want me to use a preferred printer who requires a final output resolution of 300-350dpi. My source file is an Illustrator file (CS5.1) containing MANY (100's) overlapping, transparent polygons). The printer initially told me that it was fine to supply the Illustrator file as two parts, 6ft x 3ft with everything as vectors. They just got back to me and rejected my files, now requesting full resolution TIFFs.
I have tried to flatten the transparency and output to TIFF, but either Illustrator hangs indefinitely halfway in the process or errors out, telling me that the combination of size and resolution is impossible to output. I've even tried to import to photoshop as smart object, etc. It appears that I'm running out of memory/cpu power/illustrator abilities even though I tried this on a quad cpu mac pro with 12GB of memory. At the moment, how to rasterize my vector art at anywhere near acceptable resolution. The image is very dense, and full of subtle changes in color and density due to the transparency. I need to preserve it as much as possible.
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Sep 13, 2012
We have a computer that using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 and Acrobat 9 Standard. When printing a large sheet (30"x42") with images in it to a PDF the images do not appear in the newly created PDF. However, if the same file is printed to fit an 11x17 the images display correctly. Any thoughts as to why the large sheet size is not printing properly?
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Jul 20, 2012
Is there any way for CorelDraw X6 to export very large TIFF files? e.g. greater than 30,000 pixels in each dimension? I am currently running X5 on XP 32-bit and it cannot seem to handle it, even though Photo-Paint appears to have the ability.I finally manage to get our IT guys to give me a Win7 64-bit test machine for me to trial X6 64-bit, but seems to only do marginally better than my X5 installation. The test machine already has 7GB RAM installed plus a very, very large drive.I also had to run the same test on Adobe Illustrator and it was able to deal with this very quickly and smoothly, no troubles at all.You may find it hard to believe, but I actually like using CorelDraw :-), which is so far the standard package for our company, but if I cannot get X6 doing what we want, I'm afraid it's the end of the line.
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Oct 27, 2005
Is there a way to batch print all of them, multiple files per page in thumbnail or so size?
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Aug 3, 2011
Just a guess but with 64 bit Coreldraw maybe we would be able to Print Merge large files without crashing or having to break it into digestible bits.
Do vector conversion of complex images.Use Coreldraw like a publishing program, - kick Indesign
Computer memory is no longer the issue - 32 bit computer programs are.Until then I will stay with X4. run in Windows 7, 64 bit with 12 Gigs RAM.
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Jun 25, 2011
Having problems with pdf export in Pro 7. People are telling me that they can't open the files.
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Jun 8, 2011
In XDP7 is there a way to batch covert .xar files to .svg? Is there a plugin maybe?
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May 29, 2012
I have somehow lost my ability, in P&GD7, to export and open previously-created pdf files. It's not an "option" in the exprot drop-down. Where the heck did it go? I re-installed and it's still not there and I need it!
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Oct 25, 2013
I'm currently using Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 2013.
I'm unable to convert pdf's using a cmyk model. I don't have that option available to me.
Which version should I upgrade to, in order to have that functionality?
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Nov 13, 2013
Certain pdf files will not import even though they look as if they are when I chose to merge. Same thing when I try to open.These very same files can be imported (placed) into Indesign. I have checked layers and there is only one (the visible current one which shows a pdf in the layer properties. It just is not visible though.
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Jul 26, 2013
When you open a PDF you have the choice of opening it for editing. Unfortunately it produces small chunks of text instead of a nice text block. So, you really cannot manipulate it to add text the middle of a paragraph say.
I tried to be clever and selected a bunch of chunks and tried a "combine shapes"" XDP9 did not like that a that at all and went belly up.
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Jan 10, 2012
I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (non Pro) version 6. I have a custom page size of 10"x7.5". I have turned off the page shadow in File>Page Options>Tab[Page Size]:Section[Spread]:Checkbox[Show page shadow]. The shadow is gone from the view of the document, but when exporting to PDFs, it's back!
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