Xara :: Opening PDFs For Editing
Jul 26, 2013
When you open a PDF you have the choice of opening it for editing. Unfortunately it produces small chunks of text instead of a nice text block. So, you really cannot manipulate it to add text the middle of a paragraph say.
I tried to be clever and selected a bunch of chunks and tried a "combine shapes"" XDP9 did not like that a that at all and went belly up.
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Jun 27, 2012
This post is regarding using Designer Pro to edit print ready PDF's (with crop marks, colour bars etc) created using Photoshop and Illustrator. I can do the edits, but if I try and export the file it corrupts (colour values change, some text changes col)
The files are supplied to me by a designer and sometimes I need to do urgent changes myself before going to print. I have unticked the 'add printers marks' box to avoid a double set of marks and colour bars and have the fonts installed too.
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Oct 25, 2013
I'm currently using Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 2013.
I'm unable to convert pdf's using a cmyk model. I don't have that option available to me.
Which version should I upgrade to, in order to have that functionality?
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Nov 13, 2013
Certain pdf files will not import even though they look as if they are when I chose to merge. Same thing when I try to open.These very same files can be imported (placed) into Indesign. I have checked layers and there is only one (the visible current one which shows a pdf in the layer properties. It just is not visible though.
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Mar 28, 2011
I have drawn all this apart from the egg in XDP 6 and when I export to PDF everything except the egg and drop shadow has turned solid black.
If I turn the stroke/shapes back to constant from Dab it comes out fine!
I have attached the original file and the two resultant pdf's.
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Sep 30, 2013
I work for a large format printing company. We receive thousands of files every year from many different designers. We started to notice that gradients would drop out of some PDFs when opening them in Illustrator but they would preview fine when opened in Acrobat. I searched high and low for an explanation for this glitch. The only response I received is "Stop opening exported PDFs in Illustrator." The downfall with these workarounds: all spot colors located in the gradients will convert to CMYK mixes. I'm still researching to see if there is a way to keep spot colors intact in these areas.
A little back story: InDesign is converting the gradients into something called NChannel. It enables more accurate handling of color blending by including additional dot gain and color mixing info. Both InDesign and Acrobat have the ability to display these elements whereas Illustrator, from what I’m finding, does not. Which is why we’re seeing gradient elements drop out when opened in Illustrator.
Workaround for CMYK Gradients
Open PDF exported from INDD in Acrobat
Go to Tools > Print Production > Convert Colors
Object Type: Smooth Shade (this tells Acrobat to hone in on Gradients only)
Color Type: DeviceCMYK
Check Embed next to Conversion Profile (should be SWOP)
Expand Document Colors on the right and Select DeviceCMYK in Color Spaces then click ok
Save the PDF
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Jul 3, 2012
If I open a 4-page PDF in CorelDraw, I can edit anything in it. But if I save my changes, it saves as a 4-page cdr file. But I want to save the changes to the PDF. Is the only way to save the changes to the pdf file to re-publish the whole 4 pages to PDF again and have it replace the old one when asked? Wouldn't this further compress any jpgs?
Re-publishing the whole thing and changing the settings to no compression (and remembering to reset them back again later!) seems very inefficient......The question, of course applies to single page pdf's as well, but I'm thinking of deleting or adding a page or changing page order.
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Jan 10, 2012
I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (non Pro) version 6. I have a custom page size of 10"x7.5". I have turned off the page shadow in File>Page Options>Tab[Page Size]:Section[Spread]:Checkbox[Show page shadow]. The shadow is gone from the view of the document, but when exporting to PDFs, it's back!
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Nov 1, 2013
i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.
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Mar 15, 2013
I like my coreldraw x4. This sign shop actually has a copy of x5 but it was so so so so awful that we had to take it off of the computer.
I am having more and more problems opening pdf's. I end up with a rectangle with a line across the corner. I'm assuming the people sending have newer adobe than what x4 can handle? I can open the pdf;s in adobe reader but only give option to save as pdf. I just looked and it says PDF VISTA . Is there a way to save them as an older one? Kind of how corel draw can be saved as an older version?
And for some odd reason, on one of the computers (the one that has the email that these pdf's come from) doesn't show them with the pdf icon on the desktop. It has the green corel draw icon instead.
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Nov 8, 2013
I work with PDFs generated in AutoCAD.When opening these files in Illustrator, the default font is always set to Myriad Pro.
How can I substitute my desired font for Myriad when opening EXISTING files, short of copy/pasting into a new file? That workaround is just as time-consuming as resetting the font every time I work on a new document.Illustrator has to be referencing something when defaulting to this font. It seems unbelievable that this setting cannot be altered.
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May 28, 2011
If I have some items that are grouped. In XDP6, I used to be able to double-click on one part of it and edit the colors etc. If text was grouped, then you could double-click on the text and edit that.
Well, in XDP7, if you double-click on a part of grouped objects, you are now taken to another page called 'Edit Inside...'
I don't want to be taken to another page because the things I wanted to be able to see at the same time are on the original page.
Is there a way of stopping this annoying 'Edit Inside..' page opening up?
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Feb 17, 2011
First issue (see screen shot 1): As an example I created a simple b&w text image, which I subsequently saved to file as a GIF. At a later time I decide to open the saved file in order to edit the image. In editing all I want to do is remove the 2 dots over the letter "i" and re-save the image. Screen shot 1 shows the image unlocked on the page after re-opening the file. I cannot figure out how to edit the image at this point in order to remove the dots over the "i. I know I am overlooking a simple step, but I've tried everything. What is the secret to going back and cutting out just part of an image after the image has already been created.
Second issue (see screen shot 2): After many, many, many attempts I am still unable to create a simple GIF image with a totally transparent background so I can use the image on colored backgrounds. Using the same image example as above, I first went to Arrange>Create Bitmap Copy. That brings up the "Create bitmap options" window. For color depth I choose True color+Alpha. Then I hit the create button. The image I just created is selected on the page, and I then click the Export button to save it. After naming the file and clicking the Export button, I am taken to the GIF Export Bitmap Options window. At this point I have tried both transparency options. If I choose the option to make the background transparent, I end up with an image surrounded by white artifacts when the image is placed over a colored background (as shown in the top of screen shot 2). If I start over and choose instead to make a color transparent (in this case I chose to make white transparent since the image was created with a white background), I end up with the image surrounded by a block of white (the lower image in screen shot 2). What is the proper way to make transparent GIFs?
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Jul 28, 2013
I've drawn a freehand closed curve. I click on a node and try to convert it to a line - but when I click "make line" - nothing happens - it stays a curve. BUT, if I draw a straight line like a "v" shape and click on the bottom node, I can use the "make curve" icon.
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Mar 7, 2013
I exported a swf file to my computer, which i made with Xara designer 10. I would like to re-edit the file but don't know how to open it again in Xara.How do I do that?
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Sep 13, 2012
I haven't posted here in a while because I haven't needed to but recently I switched from X5 to X7.1 (because it was only $25), I have it downloaded and for the most part working. I'm having a problem and I'm not sure why. I simply cannot open AI, EPS, or SVG files. I know th files aren't corrupt because I opened them with X5. With every file I get the error message attached. I've tried run as admin but it didn't change anything. I've ran debug and it doesn't show those filters as loading. Could this be quirk of the downloaded version?
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Dec 3, 2011
how to preview the edited shape of videos. It previews the imported version only?
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Mar 10, 2013
Problem opening multiple pictures in Photoshop. I tried to Edit.
Purge>All, Reset Preferences, Delete the Adobe Photoshop x Prefs.psp folders and Ctrl+Alt+Shift on Photoshop startup. Did not work, what next? Delete all the PSP folders.? There are 45 more in my computer.
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Aug 4, 2011
Quick one here.... how do I keep DP7 from opening up the last doc worked on? And would that include choosing the desired doc/template to open when loaded?
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Jun 17, 2013
I can add my own colors to the strip at the bottom of the screen, but time and time again I need to use grayscale that has to be just gray and its not! For instance if you pick 50% black and then click on CMYK scale it turns out to be C:49% M:45.5% Y:32.5% K:11%...Why is it not 0 0 0 50?
if you send something off to the printers with what you think is small grey text that looks sharp on your RGB screen it may well be fuzzy when you see it in hard copy from an offset press.So it would be great to redefine the standard strip, or at least be able to load a user strip every time the program starts.
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Jan 24, 2011
Running Xara Designer Pro on win7 64 bit
How to handle this scenario:
I have several photoshop images loaded into xara and trying to make a sensible 4 way arrangement of 4 images. Imagine that one image is outsized compared to the others and needs to be cropped.
I open the original image in photoshop and make the edit, now what is the most expeditious way to refresh/replace/reload... etc the newer state into xara.
I don't see any replace/reload sort of menu item anywhere and have just been deleting the the bad image and reimporting the newer one.
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Nov 5, 2012
I'm putting the finishing touches on a painting I've been working on using PSE4 and Xara Pro 7, and I've run into a problem: Xara won't open the image. The image is in TIFF. The error code I get is this: 0ee3d87d-4061-4c60-ad08-89d82ea87ffc. I've been able to open previous versions of the image in Xara. This image has a lot more detail, so I wonder if file size is this issue?
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May 27, 2011
I've had this problem with XDP6 and now I have it with XDP7 as well.
If I am opining a file (double-click on it to open) and I don't have all the fonts that may have been used in the file, then I get a message telling me so, but, I cannot click on the 'Continue' button to do so.
Designer is simply frozen, no matter how long I wait. I can click on all sorts of things but nothing happens.
I have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE to shut down Designer.
If I have Designer open already, then sometimes I can click on 'Continue' but not always.
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May 24, 2013
I am attempting to edit a scanned abstract drawing where many of the colors are similar, resulting in them printing as all the same shade of red. I am attempting to change some of the reds to have a greater degree of shading. I am aware that I can probably do this using masks and RGB tweaking; but it occurred to me that I can also use a drawn shape and color fill with transparency to change the shade. This worked very well; but it caused one problem I don't know how to solve.
The image I am editing is intended to be uploaded to a website named Zazzle that takes your artwork and puts it on their products. This includes anything from notecards to canvases, to clothing, to shoes, etc., etc. Customers browse the site to find products and images they like. I also have a free webpage on the site where I can promote the sale of these items with my artwork on them.
The image must be a high resolution preferably png file which can be resized greatly for the canvases or left as is for notecards and the like.
While experimenting with the size of my image, I discovered that the edits I performed stay the same size while the rest of the image increases. Is it possible to make the edited shapes part of the scanned image so they will increase and decrease with the rest of the image?
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Dec 17, 2012
Putting aside the fact that you really can't see stars at sunset, and that if Polaris ever shows up near a setting sun, it's the End Of The World -- it's equally easy to add the stars to a nighttime photo..Next. Am trying to build a collection of photo-editing tips on the Xara-Users forum -- [removed link -link broken and or requires membership to view]
Xara's a LOT easier to use than Photoshop. But it is different. I know Xara's really for vector artwork, but when you end up using it more and more for photo editing, it's useful to have a bunch of techniques in one place.
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May 5, 2009
My designer has created some pdf portfolios from In Design (which I don't own and have never used) . They are quite blurry and off color. I have taken the same images and run them in PHotoshop and Bridge 4 and the pdfs produced by PS and Bridge looks 10 times shaper and clearer.
This gets complex becuase they are all formatted quite complexly for In Design, and it will take too much time to re-formatt them for Photoshop or Bridge. But she has no idea why they are not coming out sharp and nice with In Design.
It's not compression.
She has been outputting with no compression from In Design and they still look subpar.
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Jun 16, 2008
I figure many of you do as I do, drawing things to plot blueprints. It just so happens that I'm often sent PDFs of drawings to plot, but for some reason I have trouble with them.
Suppose I have a standard drawing that is meant for a 24x36 Arch D sheet size. It will always plot 36" because it has to, that is the paper width of the roll. But for some reason, it will stop shy of 24" and cut the paper as much as 4 or 6 inches short, instead of printing the full 24".
The drawing inside the PDF is exactly right, the Adobe Acrobat Reader shows the drawing fine, it fits within the margins, it's not scaled, the sheet size is shown accurately. Based on the visuals and settings, all things are great. I've got the paper set to 36" roll, opaque bond, no scaling because I need it to print accurately.
However, when it prints, some of the drawing is cut off at the bottom and at the top, and instead of 24" it cuts the paper at 18 or 20". I don't get it. It shows 24" in the print wizard, the correct paper size is shown, the preview images looks great. All things check OK, and then it prints and cuts off the graphic and makes a short sheet.
I'm afraid to try scale to 100% or scale to sheet size, because the people who have to use this need to scale it on paper with a ruler and I can't have it stretching or shrinking the print.
What gives with Acrobat printing? Need to plot PDFs accurately? It would be one thing to simply cut the sheet where the graphic ends, but this is actually stopping shy of printing the graphic altogether and cutting the sheet early before it reaches 24".
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Oct 24, 2012
I have over 150 ISOs made and ready to be converted into PDF but I don't know a way to do this without opening each one idividually and printing it to my PDF writer. There must be an easier and faster way to do bulk PDFs.
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Apr 21, 2013
I produce documents in AI, and save them to pdf. Then, in order to reduce the file size, I load then into PS, flatten image, then resave as pdf. All are in CMYK.
There appears to be a big difference in the output pdfs from AI and PS. In the PS ones, blacks are very grey, and drop shadow effects become exaggerated. I've attached some screen shots. I hope you can see the differences. The AI ones are on the left. It is quite hard to see the differences here, but across a whole document it is very obvious.
What can I do to stop the PS pdfs turning out this way?
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Jan 10, 2012
I email a lot of pdf's out of Illustrator and have a saved setting. I am basically using the smallest file size setting but with bleed and trim marks. Files normally come out about a MB or smaller. We recently upgraded to CS 5.5 just after All of a sudden for about the last 2 weeks when I save a pdf the files are 10 MB or bigger. I have tried just about everthing to reduce the file size and nothing is working. Why this would have happened and what I can do to fix it. I had to export the files as jpgs in order to make them small enough to email.
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Mar 31, 2013
I'm on a MacPro using the latest version of Lion, 10.8.3.I'm trying to convert my .psd files (CS6 13.0.4 x64) into PDFs with embedded fonts, but if I do a Save As and select Photoshop PDF and then select High Quality Print, the resulting PDF files show text that appears to be partly corrupted, no matter what application I view them in.
Examples, first the original PSD file:
And here's how it looks as an exported Photoshop PDF: The text that looks normal (starting with Holmes) can be selected, but the rest does not act normal at all.
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