If I have some items that are grouped. In XDP6, I used to be able to double-click on one part of it and edit the colors etc. If text was grouped, then you could double-click on the text and edit that.
Well, in XDP7, if you double-click on a part of grouped objects, you are now taken to another page called 'Edit Inside...'
I don't want to be taken to another page because the things I wanted to be able to see at the same time are on the original page.
Is there a way of stopping this annoying 'Edit Inside..' page opening up?
As I remember somewhere read that there is some way of it without ungrouping, however now reading the Designer Pro help it seems that is needed
To add more objects to a group
Select the group. Ungroup ("Ctrl + U") Select the extra objects. Group again ("Ctrl + G")
Basically this group is a repeating object on several pages so maybe would not touch that with ungrouping, but of course if there will be no other choice
Is there an easy way that I am missing to create lines around a group? For example, when I want a rectangle with rounded corners on only one side, I usually just make 2 separate rectangles, one with rounded corners, one square, then group them together. However, when you put a line around it it also makes a lines where the two meet each other. I have always worked around it by adding another square rectangle between the 2 with no lines, to cover up the lines. Am I missing something obvious?
How do I arrange a shape within a group forwards or backwards? I can select the shape in the Page & Layer Gallery, but I cannot drag it higher or lower in the hierarchy. I simply want to move a shape within a group so that it is behind another shape.
Right-click drag on an object is a neat way of quickly cloning an object.
If you do this on an object that is part of a group (by using CTRL click to select inside first) then you see the clone of the object as you drag it but it disappears the moment you let go of the mouse button.
I am brand new to web design and I have Web Designer 6.0. I've looked at video instructions and can not figure this out. I am trying to group a simple rectangle filled with color to some text that will make the rectangle in the background, the text in front, and be one object. It says choose both objects and then group them, but I can choose the rectangle or the text, but not both. I know this is a simple thing to do, but I'm brand new and can't figure it out.
I'm trying to fix up the iproperties of a content centre item. However the part has been used before and saved in Vault. I have edited the library and then when I tried to use a part from the library, the part is just pulled from Vault, hence not having the edits on it. I tried a part that hasn't been used before and it works ok. How can I force it to rebuild from the content center so I can save over the copy in Vault?
I have a part published in my content center that was not authored with Tube & Pipe connections. I was wondering if there was a way to edit that part and re-publish it, or would I have to delete it from my Content Center.
When X7 and its Group Editing mode first came out, there were grumblings about the "Closing Document" dialog that appears when clicking on the little "X" found on the Edit Inside tab.
I am sure most folks have found that can all be bypassed (assuming you want to keep the edits you just made). But for those that haven't, simply click the Save Icon in the Standard Toolbar.
Coreldraw X6 seems to be much much slower when editing text content.
When I work on a product brochure with a lot of text involved, CorelDraw become very low responsive when I edit the text e.g. select, move, typing, etc etc. It happens to both paragraph text and artistic text.
I've been tasked to turn our 2D cad dwgs to 3D in inventor.
I'm working on a frame at the moment, I got all the square and rectangular tube from the CC and constrained them to match the CAD dwg, now I need to add the mounting holes but if I add holes to one copy all the copies get the holes.
What option can I use to make each instance stand alone?
Maybe it's a problem with Mavericks or with my Mac Mini late 2012. But when editign text with anchored images and other text frames, all the contect disappears. When I click outside the box with the selection tool, everything works ok again. It seems to me a visual glitch, because the content does not really disappears, only in does not allow you to "visually" edit it. If I use a visualization setting of low quality (image boxes shown as gray boxes) everything works as usual. Any clue?
The website is run on WordPress, and so I did not design the site in Xara. However, I designed the graphics. I had them all in one Xara file. Today, I wanted to add more mouseovers. You can see the ones I have by hovering over the right-hand side of the page. There were 5 or so pages in the file with a variety of ideas and small graphics that I exported to png files and uploaded to the site.
When I opened the file, it had only 1 blank page. I was horrified. I noticed that the latest and greatest Xara is a bit quirky, compared to the previous 2 versions.
After editing a value in the Family Table in the Content Center Editor I still get the old value. I tried to refresh this Content Center part (as administrator) but without succes.
In the logfile the error message is: "Failed: Unable to create part file. Unknown error."
Earlier (probably with older version of Inventor) I was able to refresh.
Is this a bug, or has this something to do with false settings
Publishing parts to C Center or Editing tables in C Center Crashes Inventor Prof 2014
Before i say anything let me say that this problem occured last night.Was always there as i had not used the feature before in 2014. I uninstalled ONLY Inventor from the suite and re installed. It worked !!
Tonight i was publishing new parts and then Inventor crashed. Since its crashed again i cant publish or edit part family tables to make additions etc with Inventor crashing.
I believe something has corrupted again within the Inventor 2014 install and i dont know what.
Im looking for some pointers as i dont really feel like uninstalling and reinstalling Inventor to fix it.
I have cleared the cache from users folders etc. Im guessing i need to clear some thing else as well. This crashes in both Vault and local CC files.
I had a ipart that i already published into the content center library, how do i go back and edit the model? not all the published data but the ipart model its self
First issue (see screen shot 1): As an example I created a simple b&w text image, which I subsequently saved to file as a GIF. At a later time I decide to open the saved file in order to edit the image. In editing all I want to do is remove the 2 dots over the letter "i" and re-save the image. Screen shot 1 shows the image unlocked on the page after re-opening the file. I cannot figure out how to edit the image at this point in order to remove the dots over the "i. I know I am overlooking a simple step, but I've tried everything. What is the secret to going back and cutting out just part of an image after the image has already been created.
Second issue (see screen shot 2): After many, many, many attempts I am still unable to create a simple GIF image with a totally transparent background so I can use the image on colored backgrounds. Using the same image example as above, I first went to Arrange>Create Bitmap Copy. That brings up the "Create bitmap options" window. For color depth I choose True color+Alpha. Then I hit the create button. The image I just created is selected on the page, and I then click the Export button to save it. After naming the file and clicking the Export button, I am taken to the GIF Export Bitmap Options window. At this point I have tried both transparency options. If I choose the option to make the background transparent, I end up with an image surrounded by white artifacts when the image is placed over a colored background (as shown in the top of screen shot 2). If I start over and choose instead to make a color transparent (in this case I chose to make white transparent since the image was created with a white background), I end up with the image surrounded by a block of white (the lower image in screen shot 2). What is the proper way to make transparent GIFs?
I've drawn a freehand closed curve. I click on a node and try to convert it to a line - but when I click "make line" - nothing happens - it stays a curve. BUT, if I draw a straight line like a "v" shape and click on the bottom node, I can use the "make curve" icon.
I exported a swf file to my computer, which i made with Xara designer 10. I would like to re-edit the file but don't know how to open it again in Xara.How do I do that?
When you open a PDF you have the choice of opening it for editing. Unfortunately it produces small chunks of text instead of a nice text block. So, you really cannot manipulate it to add text the middle of a paragraph say.
I tried to be clever and selected a bunch of chunks and tried a "combine shapes"" XDP9 did not like that a that at all and went belly up.
I can add my own colors to the strip at the bottom of the screen, but time and time again I need to use grayscale that has to be just gray and its not! For instance if you pick 50% black and then click on CMYK scale it turns out to be C:49% M:45.5% Y:32.5% K:11%...Why is it not 0 0 0 50?
if you send something off to the printers with what you think is small grey text that looks sharp on your RGB screen it may well be fuzzy when you see it in hard copy from an offset press.So it would be great to redefine the standard strip, or at least be able to load a user strip every time the program starts.
Running Xara Designer Pro on win7 64 bit
How to handle this scenario:
I have several photoshop images loaded into xara and trying to make a sensible 4 way arrangement of 4 images. Imagine that one image is outsized compared to the others and needs to be cropped.
I open the original image in photoshop and make the edit, now what is the most expeditious way to refresh/replace/reload... etc the newer state into xara.
I don't see any replace/reload sort of menu item anywhere and have just been deleting the the bad image and reimporting the newer one.
This post is regarding using Designer Pro to edit print ready PDF's (with crop marks, colour bars etc) created using Photoshop and Illustrator. I can do the edits, but if I try and export the file it corrupts (colour values change, some text changes col)
The files are supplied to me by a designer and sometimes I need to do urgent changes myself before going to print. I have unticked the 'add printers marks' box to avoid a double set of marks and colour bars and have the fonts installed too.
I am attempting to edit a scanned abstract drawing where many of the colors are similar, resulting in them printing as all the same shade of red. I am attempting to change some of the reds to have a greater degree of shading. I am aware that I can probably do this using masks and RGB tweaking; but it occurred to me that I can also use a drawn shape and color fill with transparency to change the shade. This worked very well; but it caused one problem I don't know how to solve.
The image I am editing is intended to be uploaded to a website named Zazzle that takes your artwork and puts it on their products. This includes anything from notecards to canvases, to clothing, to shoes, etc., etc. Customers browse the site to find products and images they like. I also have a free webpage on the site where I can promote the sale of these items with my artwork on them.
The image must be a high resolution preferably png file which can be resized greatly for the canvases or left as is for notecards and the like.
While experimenting with the size of my image, I discovered that the edits I performed stay the same size while the rest of the image increases. Is it possible to make the edited shapes part of the scanned image so they will increase and decrease with the rest of the image?
I have table, several chairs and some glasses and plates on table. I want to group them and instance that group, hundred of times. Problem is that I do not have materials implemented and I will not until client is satisfied with arrangement. I have problems later, even using many scripts I found, to add material to all instances. Only way is to select one by one.
Other thing is that there might be new objects added into set, so best way would be to add to master group and that will be added in instances of that group automatically, but that does not work with Maya.