Photoshop :: CS6 Save As PDF Creates Bad PDFs

Mar 31, 2013

I'm on a MacPro using the latest version of Lion, 10.8.3.I'm trying to convert my .psd files (CS6 13.0.4 x64) into PDFs with embedded fonts, but if I do a Save As and select Photoshop PDF and then select High Quality Print, the resulting PDF files show text that appears to be partly corrupted, no matter what application I view them in.
Examples, first the original PSD file:

And here's how it looks as an exported Photoshop PDF: The text that looks normal (starting with Holmes) can be selected, but the rest does not act normal at all.

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Photoshop :: CS6 (Save As) Creates Wrong Types?

May 9, 2012

On photoshop cs6 (Mac Lion) trying to save file as tiff, creates .pxr, trying to save .png creates .pcx, raw creates .mpo, eps creates .gif, gif creates .bmp etc. etc.

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Photoshop Elements :: Save As Creates Border

Mar 23, 2013

Whenever I save a file as a jpeg, the resulting file has a white border around it. I can't find any way to turn that off. Is it possible?

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Illustrator :: Save For Web Creates White Lines On Artwork?

Jul 1, 2012

This is my deconstructed crest logo, all pieces taken apart. I tried to find the source of the problem but it doesn't seem to be anything that I can track.
This problem ocurrs (the white lines on the "body" and on the two "wings") only when I use Save for Web with the GIF, JPEG and PNG options. If I use the WBMP, SWF, or SVG options then the white lines do not appear. They also do not appear if I use the regular Save As, or if I export to PNG, JPEG, etc.
The black forms are just shapes with black fills (no strokes) on them - so there is no reason that I can find for this happening.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Does Not Save PDFs To Artboard

Apr 16, 2013

The first time it happened, I uninstalled AI and did a fresh install which fixed it for a short time. When I save a PDF out of AI, it does not save to the artboard constraints. This is a screen shot of my AI document which has 2 pages.

When I save as PDF, this is what the file looks like:

(Pg 1)
(Pg 2)
After the original file has been saved (incorrectly) I can open it and save it again and it will be fine.

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Illustrator :: Why Save Selected Slice Always Creates Image Folder Every Time

Nov 15, 2013

I know in Adobe PhotoShop you can save each image indivdually  without an image folder being created.

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Illustrator :: Save Blank PDFs With Information About Missing Content

May 22, 2013

I use Illustrator CS6 on OS X 10.8. Yesterday I noticed that my PDFs come out as blank files with the text
This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was saved without PDF Content.To Place or open this file in other applications, it should be re-saved from Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF Compatible File" option turned on. This option is in the Illustrator Native Format Options dialog box, which appears when saving an Adobe Illustrator file using the Save As command.
which is actually a description that typically appears in AI files saved without PDF compatibility. It's not document-wise but rather application-wise issue because it happens even if I create a new Document, draw something in the middle of the canvas and save it. Also, all of my existing documents which used to save well before, do that now. Basically, I cannot save correctly a single PDF. But it seems that the exported documents must contain the data because they have different sizes based on the content.
There's no problem with saving in AI format.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Printing In An Action Creates A...

Nov 29, 2008

I have CS4 on a Windows platform, as a trial. I wanted to see if the printing issues that keep me from using CS3 in production were solved before I bought it.

Pretty much right out of the chute, I ran into problems. I use actions to get photos formatted to print. The action at the end, it calls Print (in CS2 was called Print with Preview). This Print step is done with modal control to allow different printers or settings to selected.

This action works fine in CS2 and in CS3. In CS4, the print comes out as a negative image. I have deleted the step from the action and re-recorded it in CS4, still comes out as an negative. Interestingly, if I use a CS2 Print command (not the new Print Preview version) in the action, then it works fine. The problem is extremely repeatable in different action or to different printers. If I disable the print step in the action and just print it without the action, it works fine.

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Photoshop :: PDF Creates Text And Images That Are Not Sharp

Jul 15, 2013

I know that Photoshop is not the premier pdf creation software. I do have InDesign as well, but I'm much more familiar and comfortable with Photoshop (I have the CC versions of both) so I prefer to use it as my design and layout tool.
However, when I save as a pdf the resultant pdf file is blurry for images and text, not horribly so, but not sharp and clear as I would like. My pdf files are for the web and emailing so I need to keep the file size in check, but even when I up the PS resolution to 300psi it still is not as clear as I would like. Still blurry.
What do you Photoshop experts out there do to produce the sharpest pdf possible? Is it even possible using Photoshop only or do you have to use InDesign or Acrobat Pro to get the clarity and shapness?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Creates Too Many History States Within 1 Stroke?

May 26, 2013

I'm on MAC OSX 10.6.8, Photoshop CS6, using a Wacom Cintiq 12".
Too often Photoshop remembers way too many History states within one pen stroke. In previous versions I don't remember this behaviour. Previously, each stroke, no matter how long, was registered as only one History state, until I raised the pen from the tablet. Now, totally sporadically without any obvious rule, Photoshop decides to remember even 100 history states within only one stroke.

Although this is sometimes useful, if you work on really long strokes, but mostly it's highly disturbing, as after using just one tool to paint only one little circle, I loose all my other, much more important History states.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Find A Plugin That Creates Kaleidoscopes?

Jun 12, 2013

i have a photoshop cs6 and im trying to find a plugin that creates Kaleidoscopes. I have been looking at Kaleidoscope 2.1 version however its only made for windows and not for cs6!

find a plugin that i can download, or knows anywhere that helds them.. i dont mind paying for it

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Photoshop :: Looking Or A Filter That Creates 2 Color Images

Sep 19, 2007

I used to have a filter that would take an image and convert it to what amounts to a 2 color image, say orange and blue, with all the original tonal values of the master image.

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Photoshop :: Action To Creates New Layers On Top Of Smart Object

Sep 17, 2012

If an image is opened from ACR normally, the base layer will be named "Background".  If an image is opened as a Smart Object, the base layer will be named as the filename of the image.
If an action is programmed that creates new layers on top of the Smart Object then selects the base layer, the step in the action will be 'Select _MG_ 1234' or whatever the name of the image file is.  If you try to run that action on a different image file, an error message will pop up at the step where the base layer is selected indicating that the file is not available because the action is pointing to a specific image file name. 
How does one go about making an action with smart objects generic so that it will run on any image file?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Creates Tiled Image When Moving From LR4 And HDR Efex Pro

Apr 29, 2013

Just recently I've had a problem with CS6 where it creates a partial (tiled) image when "Edit In" from LR4 and when saving back to CS6 from HDR Efex Pro. THe image may have one or several rectangles which may be black, white, or part of the image that's in the wrong place if that makes any sense. All software is running with current updates.

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Photoshop :: Refine Edge Now Automatically Creates New Layer?

Mar 9, 2013

For some reason, every time I use the "Refine Edge" option after making a selection, then hit "OK", Photoshop creates a new layer with a mask on it, instead of simple leaving the selection outline there and letting me decide what to do with it (which was the previous behavior).
How do I make "Refine Edge" NOT create a new layer or anything like that?

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Photoshop :: Every Open File Creates Instance On The Taskbar?

Apr 21, 2012

I've just moved back to windows and have an odd thing I don't remember happening before. Every time I open an additional file, a new photoshop icon shows up on the Taskbar (windows 7).  The way I remember it working previously, there was only one icon on the task bar regardless of how many files are open. 

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Photoshop :: Refine Edge Creates Jagged Edges?

Feb 13, 2013

I'm having an issue with Refine Edge. I like to often add a slightly feathered edge to my masks. I figured recording an action of using Refine Edge would give me a quick way to do that to prevent harsh-edged selections. Well, RF gives me a soft edge, but also adds sort of an aliasing to it as well, which of course I don't want. get smooth edges using RF? Below shows an example.
Win7, CS6 64bit

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Photoshop :: Brush That Creates Black And White Line?

Jun 25, 2008

I need to draw lines on photos to matching figure numbers. For example, I'll have a white circle with an "A" in it and a line connecting the "A" to some item in the photo.

I usually draw a black line to the item. However, the color range sometimes forces me to place a white line right next to the black line (so people can see the line). Dashed lines are not desired.

Is there a way to draw a double line (one black and one white) using a brush or pencil?

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Photoshop Elements :: GPS Creates A Pin On Google Map - How To Get Actual Coordinates

Sep 9, 2013

GPS creates a pin on a Google map how do I get actual coordinates

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Photoshop Elements :: Renaming Multiple Files Creates Two Copies Of Each?

Sep 2, 2012

I want to rename multiple files, but each time I try, it creates two copies of each file, and as they are numbered sequentially, I cannot just delete the extra ones at once. I don't understand why it does this, and how I can avoid it!

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Photoshop Elements :: Spherical Filter Creates Horizontal Lines

Aug 9, 2013

When I use the spherical filter in the horizontal mode in order to narrow the center of my picture slightly, the filter creates evenly spaced horizontal lines.  Is there a way to avoid this?  Here is the funny thing.  If I rotate the image 90 degrees, then apply the filter using "vertical only" the lines do not appear.  The lines only appear when I use "horizontal only"!

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Photoshop :: Why Are Pdfs From In Design So Bad?

May 5, 2009

My designer has created some pdf portfolios from In Design (which I don't own and have never used) . They are quite blurry and off color. I have taken the same images and run them in PHotoshop and Bridge 4 and the pdfs produced by PS and Bridge looks 10 times shaper and clearer.

This gets complex becuase they are all formatted quite complexly for In Design, and it will take too much time to re-formatt them for Photoshop or Bridge. But she has no idea why they are not coming out sharp and nice with In Design.

It's not compression.

She has been outputting with no compression from In Design and they still look subpar.

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Photoshop :: Using Arrow Keys Inside Text Creates Unwanted Characters

Oct 1, 2008

I'm running a legit version of Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP. There's a number of things that haven't worked since I installed. Let's start with this one! When editing text, pressing any of the arrow keys to move the cursor creates an unwanted charachter like & '%# etc. Also, when in Move tool mode, the arrow keys don't respond at all.

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalogue Creates Hundreds Of Unwanted Folder Names

Dec 31, 2012

Twice I have attempted to create a catalogue for use and both times I have ended up with a folder list of folders I have never seen before although they do contain pictures if I open them but I don't recognise these folder names.
I am using a iMac with Lion 10.8.2 and all my pictures are in a folder called pictures with sub folders underneath.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Creates Duplicate Files In Temp Folder?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm using Elements Organizer 11.0 with Windows 8. These temp files have been a problem in at least the previous three versions of PSE with the previous three versions of Windows.
Scenario: Suspiciously low on disk space
Problem: Found thousands of duplicate image files in Windows temp folder (ex. C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTemp)
PSE creates these files and never deletes them AFAICS after exiting the program, rebooting, using the Windows 'Disk Cleanup' utility, optimizing the catalog, etc. I found no user preference for deleting temp files or limiting them to a particular size.
These can be created for many reasons, but one sure way to do this is to choose File>Save Metada to Files. (If you don't have any images selected it will attempt to do this for all files displayed.) In my case it makes a duplicate of my 29MB CR2 file and a backup of the associated 4KB XMP file. I've used Windows' fc.exe utility to verify that the CR2 is exactly the same, byte for byte.
Is PSE designed to leave these around for us to clean up after they consume the entire hard disk? Am I missing something?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Not Creating Layered PDFs?

Oct 10, 2013

Why can I not create a pdf file from CS6 that preserves my layers, which are also known as OCG's, Optional Content Groups?  In "save as pdf", I have layers checked and I am indicating I want to preserve Photoshop functionality, which causes the PDF/X box to go to "None".  What am I doing wrong?  I know there is a script for saving each layer as a pdf automatically from which I could build the layered Acrobat file I want, but it I'd like a one-step process.  There is every indication that this should happen, but it does not.

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Photoshop :: Does PS Auto Crop PDFs?

Jan 24, 2007

I've noticed that when I open some PDFs that have crop marks, Photoshop only opens the are within the crop marks - therefore cropping out any bleed on the original PDF.

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Photoshop :: Making Sharp Pdfs

Apr 22, 2009

I notice that pdfs, the imagery comes out soft. any way within making pdfs that they can be sharp? I don't think a setting like that exist.

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Photoshop :: How To Stop PS3 From Importing Transparent PDFs

Sep 5, 2013

Usually, whenever I opened a pdf in photoshop, it would come as the "background layer itself" with white coulour behind the text.
However, for some reason now whenever I open a pdf in photoshop it keeps comming up just like this:
How can I stop photoshop from doing this?
There should be a "background layer" showing up by default. Shouldn't it?
Instead the pdf is showing up as a single layer of text without a "background layer."
Is it possible to configure photoshop to keep this from happening?

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Photoshop :: How To Create High-quality PDFs

Nov 8, 2013

I use PhotoShop 7.0 and PageMaker 7.0 to do graphics (I'm old). 
I need to buy software that will create high-quality pdfs from my PageMaker files.

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Photoshop :: Action Converting PDFs To TIFFs

Dec 5, 2008

I've got a folder with about 200 pdfs in (all single pages as I've split them as such). What I want to do is set up an action that opens them in photoshop, converts them to a bitmap and saves them as a TIFF. Easy right? Nope.

I've set this up by recording the action. What happens is it opens all the files in turn and changes them to bitmaps as I want, but when it saves them, it saves them all with the same file name, which is the name of the first one (the one I recorded the action with), this means it keeps replacing the first file.

what I want it to do is to save each file with it's own file name!

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