Certain pdf files will not import even though they look as if they are when I chose to merge. Same thing when I try to open.These very same files can be imported (placed) into Indesign. I have checked layers and there is only one (the visible current one which shows a pdf in the layer properties. It just is not visible though.
When you open a PDF you have the choice of opening it for editing. Unfortunately it produces small chunks of text instead of a nice text block. So, you really cannot manipulate it to add text the middle of a paragraph say.
I tried to be clever and selected a bunch of chunks and tried a "combine shapes"" XDP9 did not like that a that at all and went belly up.
I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (non Pro) version 6. I have a custom page size of 10"x7.5". I have turned off the page shadow in File>Page Options>Tab[Page Size]:Section[Spread]:Checkbox[Show page shadow]. The shadow is gone from the view of the document, but when exporting to PDFs, it's back!
This post is regarding using Designer Pro to edit print ready PDF's (with crop marks, colour bars etc) created using Photoshop and Illustrator. I can do the edits, but if I try and export the file it corrupts (colour values change, some text changes col)
The files are supplied to me by a designer and sometimes I need to do urgent changes myself before going to print. I have unticked the 'add printers marks' box to avoid a double set of marks and colour bars and have the fonts installed too.
i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.
having only used Photoshop elements for about 6 months. I have frequently imported PDFs into Elements, where they always showed up as the background. I could see the information clearly, draw on the PDF, and then save it as a jpeg with the modifications that I made (work project).
However, today the PDFs are showing up checkered (which I read has something to do with transparency). It also is imported with the title "Layer 1" not a background layer, like before.
I edited the transparency preferences to reduce the grid size to "none", but that only created a white block where the PDF should be--the information that was in the PDF didn't show up. It's like the PDFs are not showing up at all when I import them.
Exporting PDFs from an InDesign file, have tried X-1, X-3, Interactive. When I try to open the PDF in Acrobat, dialog pops up that says "Acrobat could not open <filename> because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged...
This isn't a PDF that's been emailed or moved between computers, this is right after I export from InDesign on my home PC.
What's going on? I need to print this document tomorrow for a final presentation!
I am unable to open my own pdfs in my Photoshop (ones that I have created in same Photoshop).I get the message "This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened."
I have to keep recreating the art...ugh!! Is there a way to pull up history to replicate my artwork until I get this resolved?
I'm having trouble with applying curves. I import a PDF and try to apply curves to it. After I open up curves and change the settings, I see the live preview on the PDF, but when I press OK to save changes, it goes back to the original PDF as if none of the changes were saved.
I also tried applying curves as a new adjustment layer, and that appears to make the changes stick. But if I resave the PDF or print it out, it still comes out looking like it did before the changes I made.
Lastly, I tried adding curves adjustment layers, and then merging all the layers, or flattening the image. In both cases, the PDF went back to what it looked like originally.
I'm trying to import graphics into XDP X that are the following dimensions (in pixels):
1130.6x592.8 1132.6x445 535.6x317.4 536.2x317.4
When I try to import these graphics (created with XDP X and saved as PNGs), the dimensions of the imports shrink by a lot (example: the graphic with the dimensions of 1132.6x445 shrinks to 500x196). I also have Lock Aspect Ratio turned off. Why is this happening and is there any way to fix this? I'm trying to piece these graphics together and I don't want to mess with the dimensions, if possible.
can i import web templates from the web into xara pro 7? i have pro 6 now but going to upgrade over the weekend
Web Templates (do any of these import into xara?) HTML/XHTML/CSS Template Flash Website Templates PSD (Photoshop) Website Templates Joomla/ Drupal/Wordpress/ OS commerce
I'm running DP6, love it btw..I'm doing something wrong or if my software has issues since importing .eps files results in these errors. Or perhaps the question should be can you import .eps files, if so, how?
Up until this morning I have been able to successfully import .eps files into Xara Pro Designer 6.
This morning, try as I might I am unable to open a new .eps file which has been sent to me.
All 'old' .eps files already on the system can be opened correctly. The artist sending me the files is not doing anything different at their end. I'm not doing anything different at my end.
To add to the confusion ... an .eps sent yesterday opened correctly. Today it does not and displays "Access violation exception at 0.09681E2C". I did 'tidy up' my folders so it's possible I may have messed up the directory for this one.
I've been trying for a white to import an .eps file into Designer Pro 6. It's from .ai CS4. I can import the native .ai file, but not the .eps.All I seem to end up with is a blank page.
Well, I was playing around with Xara's own EPS format and went to load one into another XDP document and..But no worries, Illustrator can open it for editing...
I have created a webpage using Xara Designer Pro 6 and am trying to import my rotating GIF image. (I have created this image using Xara 3D). When I import this image everything else on the page dissapears. How can I import this correctly?
X1: I have no clue what I might have done to cause this, but all of a sudden when I copy/paste or import a graphic it comes in empty with red dash line around what would be the graphic plus the handles. The files are JPGs and PNGs. Any clues?
I am wondering how, for example, I could fill the letters of text with a pattern or texture or image (...) I found on the internet (google images for instance). For example, I found a knit pattern I like and I want to fill the text words with that. How would I go about that?
In general, I am having some problems getting onto how to import various fonts, textures, etc.. that i find.. I've read the instructions and can't figure out where to place the folders, etc.. Any links to very detailed instructions would be great..
I should be able to import a .cdr file but when I try the message I get is "There was some error while importing XPS document. Possible wrong format". Listed under "Other Imported Formats" is .CDR CorelDRAW (3,4 & 5). The file I have is from version 5. How to be able to import Corel files?
Is it possible to import my existing webpages I have saved on my PC. I want to re-design them and make a few changes etc. I only seem to be able to import the images from a page. Am I being dim or is this simply done? I am using Designer Pro 6
why many images (mostly .jpg, .gif, .png) that I drag into xara from other programs such as email software, fire fox, etc. that I have a message that says "Out of memory" (even if i just choose import image location or import image from file, there is no such message) or, the screen just blinks as if it were adding the image to the screen, and nothing is changed or added?Am I doing something wrong here, or should I just give up on dragging?
how can i export my xara t shirt designs so that they can be imported into coreldraw, converted to outlines and mirrored so that the vinyl cutter can cut them?
i have been using xara as my main graphics tool for years, and i enjoy it. however, the person who's cutter i use only knows coreldraw as that is what is preferred with the Roland gx-24 vinyl cutters. i dont want to have to learn coreldraw.
i have loaded my designs as gifs, jpegs and bmps into corel, but even after using the 'trace' feature on corel, all the lines are not perfect like they are in xara. the cutter cuts the lines in a jagged way, and the curves are not smooth. save my xara designs as .cmx or .svg. i did that and tried importing into corel and i got an 'I/O Error', so that didnt work.
the only way i can get the straight cut lines is if i load my fonts into corel, and re-create my design in corel, which i just dont have the time for.
I need to make a pdf to upload my book to Createspace. I've read that I can format the book in Word 2010 using one of their templates.
I've also read that it won't handle photos well.
So I'm wondering if it's possible to import formatted text from Word into Xara Designer Pro 6, then add photos, then export a pdf file.
I tried importing one formatted page (I'm doing 6X9 inches) into a 6x9 page in Xara, but it pastes the whole thing as a lump that is the wrong size, way too big, and I would have to try to shrink it...
Is there a way to do this simply, that would be accurate for every page of a book?
I have 10 years worth of .pngs with layers that I created using Fireworks. I recently rebuilt my system and really really didn't want to install/reinstall any Macromedia software in the new system so I got Photo & Graphics Designer 6.
It looks great for editing photos, however I still need to get to the individual layers of some graphics that are in Fireworks .png format.
Is there some conversion/import in any Xara software that accesses the layers? Any other raster program other than Photoshop or Fireworks.
EPS files are "iffy" when it comes to importing into Xara. I found the perfect image on Can Stock Photo, available as either a 300dpi JPG or as the above-noted Adobe EPS file. I'd much rather have the vector file. It's the same price and can be more easily manipulated if necessary.
The Support team at Can Stock gave me the info on which program created the image. Xara PD6, whether an EPS created with this particular version of Adobe is compatible with Xara?