AutoCAD Architecture :: Images Not Appearing In Large Format PDF (small Format Okay)
Sep 13, 2012
We have a computer that using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 and Acrobat 9 Standard. When printing a large sheet (30"x42") with images in it to a PDF the images do not appear in the newly created PDF. However, if the same file is printed to fit an 11x17 the images display correctly. Any thoughts as to why the large sheet size is not printing properly?
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Apr 17, 2013
Exporting large file sizes. In short I'm trying to export some images for large format printing but am having trouble preparing the right size in LR4.
Specifically I'm trying to produce w 30" x h 20" images. I understand that to do this I'll need a image that is 9000 x 6000 pixels set at 300 ppi. My problem is that when I export this, with the dimensions set to width and height in pixels and resize unchecked LR4 produces an image that is 9000 x 4887?
what i'm doing wrong here? Is it simply that the aspect ratio of image is wrong to produce this size image? My concern is not producing an exact file size for printing.
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Nov 28, 2011
I am using AutoCAD LT for Mac and would like to be able to make large format PDF files. I have only one printer installed and the maximum page size is legal. It makes great PDF files as long as they are letter or legal. Is there a way to install a "phantom" printer that has architectural sheet sizes, preferably in color?
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Aug 3, 2012
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
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May 23, 2012
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
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Jun 7, 2012
Best option for large format printing and scanning? We print about 5000 pages a year. Our Xerox 8825 has servered us well but it doesnt communicate with Windows 7 and now appears to have stopped communicating with everything.
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Sep 25, 2013
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 /
EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel
950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller)
Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82
SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
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Aug 12, 2013
CS6: why does a TIF image saved to Jpg format becomes so small?
tif = 292700 kB becomes Jpg = 936 kBJpg options: large file Quality 12, format option: Baseline standard.
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Apr 16, 2013
I have just installed Photoshop Elements 11 for Windows and am wondering if there is a setting to format text in small caps?
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Apr 23, 2008
I am trying to design a billboard, and I cannot save this document as a PDF to submit it for approval. What format should I build this in and what program is the best, photoshop or illustrator?
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Mar 7, 2013
I am working with Illustrator CS6 and I have to prepare a file that will be printed as a 6 foot x 1.5 foot banner. Actually, it will be several banners; the same design but only the name of the organization will change. I have everything on different layers in the .ai file.
I've done the artwork as an .ai file, everything is a vector, there are no rasterized images in it at all.
The problem is, I'm not sure the best way to save the file to send to the printer. So, do I save the .ai file as a pdf, a pdf/x-1a, pdf/x-3 or pdf/x-4? Should I convert the text to outlines? There's a symbol in the artwork that includes text, does that text have to be converted to outlines as well?
Or should I just send them a file any which-a-way and see how the proof comes back?
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Aug 23, 2011
I am trying to get from dwg to wmf format in 2011 autocad architecture. There is no WMF extension to choose from.
My main goal is to give this to my marketing department.
When they convert from DWG to illustrator on my DWG detail which has color, the color goes crazy. The software is incompatible. (They have a MAC) What format works best??? We have tried EPS, JPEG, DXF
FIrst is first. How do I get a WMF File from DWG?
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May 29, 2013
I have this photo here as an example and its specs are:
2200 x 2134 px 300 dpi
cm 17.8 cm 18 cm
if I was asked to do a large banner for example 10 meters x 10 meters(i'm converting 10 meters to pixels and I get :37795.275590551) to go on a building wall.the fact that the photo is 300dpi would that be efficient enough to get a good result without pixelation? or do the pixels within the image need to be even more to secure a better print? if the pixels were double the amount would that be more efficient for example 6000 pixels x 6000 pixels does that secure crystal clear print? I read in various forums that the distance would also play a large role,in order to set the resolution value.
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Apr 8, 2013
Not sure how to search for this. I will ask my question. Using PS CS6 need to create at photoshop image to print on a large banner 10' x 12' How should I go about setting up the file...should I create to actual size? should I set up for 72 or 300 DPI? Should I create at a smaller size in order to NOT take up so much hard drive space and then allow printer to enlarge.. and if so how do we NOT get the pixelation when going from small to extremely large? Is there a file that can be save as (PDF.. TIFF) that you can enlarge indefinitely like a EPS?
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May 18, 2009
I want to format a large batch of high res files to 4x6 to send to a lab for 4x6 prints. How do I do this?
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Jun 1, 2008
I've been drawing stuff for web pages that people come back and want to use in larger formats. Like printing on their truck, or business cards, letterheads, or even large banners.
I didn't draw them with that in mind, it's this tiny image that is made for the web and is like 72dpi. So now I have to take these things somehow and convert them to scalable vectors at 300dpi if possible, but I don't know how.
How do I take any random graphic (or a handful of layers at once) and convert it to a higher DPI and make it scalable so I can send the large tiff or even the PSD to a graphic printing company who can scale it to whatever size they like and have it still look the same?
Case in point:
I am supposed to take a logo and convert it to a basic black and white print to put on their van. So I have to take off gradients and shadows and extra stuff, but I am still left with a graphic at 72dpi and very small in size. All it is, however, is text using a standard font, but I did a custom letter that kind of flows vertically between 3 lines of text. So I have 4 layers, 3 font layers and one regular drawing layer for the custom letter. The only effect I have now in this basic version is an outer glow, with yellow color overlay.
Can I make this scalable AND with effects? Can I just convert all the layers into vector paths somehow? Or is there a way to just make this 300dpi and make it 5 times bigger and look nice?
I'm just not sure how to convert or get this ready for a printer.
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Nov 5, 2011
I have a large model that I'm trying to export to .dae to use in Torque3D. The problem is when I export it, I loose all of the textures. I read that in order to export the model properly I have to change the map# of the textures to be within a certain range?
I tried just exporting a single object from the model but when I export I receive warnings/errors saying that It was not able to apply the texture map# 20 because it is not supported outside of 3ds max..
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Aug 13, 2013
I've been using GIMP for a while now, but have come across an issue I'm having difficulty solving regarding the optimization / shrinking of a large HD sized PNG image.
The dimensions of the image are 1920 by 1028 with opacity set at 33%, for a website background. The website template uses another image to create a 'noise' effect. If I leave the image as color and optimize with the "Save For Web", it comes down to 968KB from 3.7MB! If I remove the color / De saturate and save as GIF, down to 424KB. If I save as GIF and Dither, comes down to 125K, but the end image is dithered, and very ugly .
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Apr 13, 2006
I have to create several large format banners (3' x 7') in a 1:1 printing ratio.
When I type in text (at approx. 145 pt type), half or more of it disappears when it is rendered. I have tried reducing the text amount by line, but that hasn't helped. I don't want to to every single word as a separate layer either.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using PS6 in a Windows XP OS and I have 2 GB of RAM.
The printer we are using specifically asks for a "Photoshop file saved as a JPEG".
I am desparate on this as I am under the gun on this project - short notice.
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Dec 22, 2003
where I can find the latest Lisp manual in pdf format. I looked under AutoCAD support/documentation on the site and it says it's available only under ADN and Subscription. I have a subscription for ADT 2004. I've logged on and can't find it anywhere.
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Aug 23, 2011
I get the message "One or more objects cannot be saved to the specified format" when using Architecture 2011 and 2012. My other other machines running the same software have no problem. Have purged and audited but it still does it.
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Nov 11, 2012
How can you format or resize the photos as wide screen format so they will display in wide screen mode on Sony photo frame players?
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Jul 2, 2013
How do i assemble an extremely large format image to be used in a convention display?
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Nov 1, 2013
i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.
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Feb 19, 2014
I work in a print shop that prints biggish stuff. I will frequently have files that postscript to close to a GB or more. Working on simple vector art with a few images in CC is not too much of a problem, but I still notice CC is slower than CS 6. The big problem is when I get a few 200mb PDF's, or files with layers of transparent PSD files in them etc, big busy files, then AI CC really bogs down, or frequently crashes altogether. CS 6 is MUCH better. I don't have the font issues, AI CC works fine with simple files. Saving & opening these big files is such a problem, I just save them back to CS 6, but that causes problems too, I do not want to, nor should I have to have 2 versions open at the same time.
I always try to optimize the files as best possible, but it is tough sometimes as they R supplied by the customer, and the time it takes. We save to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box over gigabit network, which I know is not best practice, but no choice with the sheer volume of files. Would B insane to try to keep track & copy them back & forth, and it was never a big issue with CS 6. I am the first victim in our office, but the other 3 Mac Pro's will B switching over to CC this week, and I know the operators will B crying.
Mac Pro 2.4GHZ 12 core 32GB 1TB
Mac OS X 10.7.5
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Mar 23, 2014
How do i reduce oversized art scanned by a large format scanner so it can be printed by a standard office size printer?
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Jun 4, 2013
I am working on a 3' x 10' banner with 300dpi in Photoshop and it takes all of my time to do the extra tools to do, and it takes 10 minutes to save it or more. I have powerbook and CS6 on me. I put the highest memory in Photoshop preference. So I am bearing to work with it for hours for one small assignment, but why does it takes so long? is there a better way to do to save time and speed to make the poster banner to look greater than life? even in 200 dpi?
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Feb 12, 2013
How do you put photographs into a drawing using the smallest file format possible to keep the file size small?
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Oct 18, 2013
Is there a way to change the material definitions to CTB format in the plot style under the material style? See attached image.
I have a client that wants everything in CTB format and in AutoCAD Architecture. I can get the drawings into CTB but the materials plot way too heavy and when I go in the styles they show Full Saturation or Wide, Thin from the STB plot styles.
The Drawing is in CTB and I am pulling my hair out trying to get the couple materials used set to Color based plotting.
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Sep 11, 2013
Recurring problem i'm having with bitmaps im trying to export to our large format printer. Some bitmaps are coming up with a grey type filter or lens that corel is automatically putting over my photo.
When i export this' filter' remains on the picture.
If i hit 'edit bitmap' the photo comes up normal with all the colours as it should be. Hit 'save' and it goes straight back to having a grey filter over it? Its only with some photos and the other ones are the same profile on the same page? It seems to be always the physically largest one in size (not dpi) I have tried converting to a cmyk bitmap instead of RGB.
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Mar 23, 2013
I have used Gimp a bit, and before that PS quite a bit. I have never had to use the size constraints for sizing a file to fit a large format printer. I will be getting one any day so I would like to be prepared as much as possible. When I was at another shop, the owner used one of the cropping functions to set the finish print size and then she could move the box around to locate the best print area and remainder to be cropped. She was using PS. I would assume I could do it also in Gimp, but have not found a way to do it yet. What am I missing. Even if the printer software will do it on the printer, I would like to be able to show my customer on a PC monitor what they might expect.
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