GIMP :: Use Size Constraints For Sizing A File To Fit Large Format Printer
Mar 23, 2013
I have used Gimp a bit, and before that PS quite a bit. I have never had to use the size constraints for sizing a file to fit a large format printer. I will be getting one any day so I would like to be prepared as much as possible. When I was at another shop, the owner used one of the cropping functions to set the finish print size and then she could move the box around to locate the best print area and remainder to be cropped. She was using PS. I would assume I could do it also in Gimp, but have not found a way to do it yet. What am I missing. Even if the printer software will do it on the printer, I would like to be able to show my customer on a PC monitor what they might expect.
My company will be getting a new large format printer to replace the current one we have. We don't have room enough to have both running at the same time so I'm imagining one-day down then viola, we have a new printer.
How I can prepare for this as far as creating the necessary Plot Styles, pc3, pmp...files? Because i have many items on my to-do list, this could take a day or two with all the testing and i can't image the uproar from our CADers about going without a plotter for two or three days.
Recurring problem i'm having with bitmaps im trying to export to our large format printer. Some bitmaps are coming up with a grey type filter or lens that corel is automatically putting over my photo.
When i export this' filter' remains on the picture.
If i hit 'edit bitmap' the photo comes up normal with all the colours as it should be. Hit 'save' and it goes straight back to having a grey filter over it? Its only with some photos and the other ones are the same profile on the same page? It seems to be always the physically largest one in size (not dpi) I have tried converting to a cmyk bitmap instead of RGB.
I've been using GIMP for a while now, but have come across an issue I'm having difficulty solving regarding the optimization / shrinking of a large HD sized PNG image.
The dimensions of the image are 1920 by 1028 with opacity set at 33%, for a website background. The website template uses another image to create a 'noise' effect. If I leave the image as color and optimize with the "Save For Web", it comes down to 968KB from 3.7MB! If I remove the color / De saturate and save as GIF, down to 424KB. If I save as GIF and Dither, comes down to 125K, but the end image is dithered, and very ugly .
I have to reduce 4 very large TIF files [each one is about 250MB!] to a more manageable size to stitch together and apply as a watermark. They seem to have been taken at about 1.5km above the ground and are very high resolution at 8000x8000.
I still want to retain reasonable resolution at about 250m above the ground so my question is what is the best way to reduce each down?
Would I resizing them in actual size as well as reducing dpi?
I've recently started trying to learn how to use GIMP through making signatures, and for the past 2 weeks or so, it has been going fine.
Today, when attempting to resize the large image down to signature size, even though the preview shows a good quality render, after it scales the image loses all quality. Whats more, thinking it might just be a poor image, I tried to resize previously succesful images and got the same bad result.
Here are some screenshots showing pre / post scale [URL]...
Preview there is fine, and shows a good quality render (exactly what I'm looking for)
This is the result
I understand that the aspect box is unticked, but even with that selected the image became distorted
I have also tried cubic / Sinc, both resulting in blurry picture.
The most frustrating thing is that the preview shows that the picture can be made that small and retain it's quality, and up until now this has not been an issue.
We have a computer that using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 and Acrobat 9 Standard. When printing a large sheet (30"x42") with images in it to a PDF the images do not appear in the newly created PDF. However, if the same file is printed to fit an 11x17 the images display correctly. Any thoughts as to why the large sheet size is not printing properly?
When I try to set a large page size (13X19) in the print screen from GIMP, it will not go beyond 8 X 11. What do I have to do to set up to print larger. When I do page set up, it always reverts to defaults.
I can't for the life of me figure out why a 9 page PDF containing only outlined text, is ending up at 4.5mb. It's pretty intense lines and text, etc. But still. It seems too large.
Ive got this blank DWG with a file size of 4MB... ive ERASE > ALL on all layouts, then PURGED a few times, i cant see any layer filters. The STATUS command says it has 241007 objects. but i cant find or get rid of them.
Take a look at this DWG and let me know how i can clear it out and reduce the file size?
Uploaded to DropBox... the DWG was too big to attach to the post.
I need to prepare a very simple poster (one color for back ground and one for the font, no further editing at all) but it has to be around 50x50inch size which is big. I have never worked with such a large images before hence my question.
When I click 'new' and then set print size to 50x50 and 150ppi resolution the file size is around 250mb. Does it really have to be this big? It seems like my laptop cant handle files this big.
I have a file that doesn't have a lot of stuff in it, but the file size seems to be quite large in proportion. Is there a way that I can use DBList, and export the data to a spreadsheet? It would be a lot easier to search through than the F2 way.
I have successfully printed a dwg to a pdf but instead of its file size being 450k it is 1.4 m. This makes sending pdfs via email too cumbersome. It seems that even though the outcome is B&W somewhere along the line "it" thinks it is Color. I noticed that in Page Setup I no longer have the option of "DWG to PDF.pc3".
Is my illustrator running slow? I have an i7 3770K, 16gb ram, gtx 660i 2g, h100i, ax1200i and maximus formula v. I'm running dual 24" 1920x1080 monitors. File size is 800x600 pixals with 5 layers and 100+ paths in each layer. Is the program running slow because the file is too big or is there a problem with illustrator?
Some of the thumbnails on elements 12 organizer have an error message of "File Size too Large" and are not displaying. All of the photos are jpeg file and are aound 8mb.
After inserting quite a lot of linked images (without embedding), the file size becomes much larger, up too nearly 400MB.
I saved without pfd compatible function already, but the file size is sill very large. I did not face the same problem working with CS5 before, is that a bug for CS6?
I have some large images that I would like to print at full size, which will involve tiling across multiple sheets of paper. I can't seem to find a way to setup tiling at the Print dialog or through Gutenprint.
Sometimes an assembly file can become really very big.
Try to delete all components, all custom ViewReps, Positional Representations and Level of Details and save the file. If the file empty is till very big, then this post might be interesting.
What is the best way to reduce the file size of an Inventor IAM 3D Model when exporting to a DWG format? My client only needs a couple of 2D views in order to take measurements in AutoCAD.
I am wondering if there is a way to put the old save method back into the new gimp 2.7.3. I would like to be able to export to a new file format and automatically be using that file instead of the original file that I have just opened. If there is a plugin like this that would be great.
I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
Spent 9 hrs creating a slideshow that I saved. Closed PSE 11 and reopened and can no longer find the slideshow. When I select Find, Media type, Project, nothing appears, but there is a gray box in my grid that says "File size too large". Is this my slideshow and if so how can I recover it?
I need to print large photos on a small printer and then mount them together on a large board, but no matter how I do it I seem to get either overlap of gaps between the printed photos. I found a good way to mount the photos so the edges of the paper are not too visible (from a distance), but I can still see gaps and overlays. The Photo image has a width of 24 in by 33 in. I'm trying to print it on nine (9) 8X11 papers.
I downloaded Gimp because I wanted to add text to photos. I have a "bazillion" photos, most of which Gimp does not recognize. These are photos imported into iPhoto from my Fujifilm digital camera or they are scans from my HP printer scanned into iPhoto. I hope I don't need to open each file in iPhoto and export it to a different format...
For some reason Gimp 2.8 forces me to save in xcf format. Most times I want to save a file in jpeg or png format. Having to save as xcf, and then export to jpeg or png is a pain in the unmentionables. Especially when reopening the file for editing, requiring another pointless dance with the export system.
Is there some module, upgrade, improvement, fork or other means by which export is merged with save/save as functionality, thus removing the additional steps in the process of saving a file? Ideally it should involve nothing more than hitting Ctrl S for an a file that already has a name. Put another way, something that works the way everything else does.
I am trying to reduce the file size on a large number of jpeg photo's for unsertion into Windows Movie Maker. How do I compress the slides in a batch job? Can I do it in Photoshop Elements?