Xara :: Gradients Not Showing Up When Open PDF File?
Nov 22, 2011
I use Xara Xtreme Pro 3, and when I open a pdf file for editing, the color gradients don't show up. They are definitely there in the pdf file (I can see them in Adobe Reader) but Xara doesn't seem to display them.
Let me know if I can upload images, pdfs, more info, etc
I have been working with Xara for two days now, and it's great! I am using the trial version of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 9. I created a file with a couple of transparent shapes (love the transparency tool - so easy!), and it looked great. I exported to .pdf, and the transparent gradient was all gone. The shapes are there, but have no gradient whatsoever.
I also exported it as a .jpg and the gradients are present in the .jpg. In other words, the .xar file looks great and the .jpg looks great. Just the .pdf doesn't work.
I often have trouble bending shapes with nice gradients, typically a tube on technical concept drawings
I'm using a workaround of adding lines on top of each other with gradually brighter colours feathered but it's not really elegant and there are issues at the end of the lines.
How would you this if I want to keep the nice gradients and the tube needs bending?
I am creating a design which uses an elliptical fill. When exported as a .pdf and opened in Illustrator, the fill is given the name "non-native art" and is rasterized. My question is this: if the print job were for the side of a van, could XDP be used to do this and retain a pure vector output?
Is it possible to open a Photoshop .ESP file in Xara Designer PRO X (v8.1.3)?
e.g. When I open an .EPS using file Open (Filetype=All files), Xara goest through the motions of opening it but when you look there is nothing inside the file!
e.g. If I try to IMPORT the .EPS file (which fwiw, is a very small simple file...) it fails too.
While working on a drawing the file would not save (message - failed to save), then Xara DP7 crashed. The file disapeared from my hard drive. I restored the file with a utility. Now when I try to open file it says - Failed to read XAR file, Failed to read record buffer.
When I click on File>Open The dialog box no longer has a thumnail preview. Only a small grey box hovering on the right that says "Initial View" with a check box. I have attached a snapshot of my Autocad File> open dialog box so you can see what I'm getting on my end.
If I browse for files in windows explorer and change view option to thumbnail I can see the thumbnails just fine.
I've tried everything but I cannot get back my File> Open thumbnail preview.
In Tools> Options I have the thumbnail preview settings all set to save thumbnail preview image. Nothing has changed that I know if for the thumbnail preview to go away.
It's really slowing me down not being able to have thumbnail preview in the file> open dialog box.
When I use the open command in C3D the file date is incorrect for a file. I also have a explorer windows open and it shows the same file with the current date.
This file is located on my local hard drive. C3D shows 11/15/2013 for the date the actual date of the file is 11/26/2013. Even after a save it's still wrong. My isavepercent is set to 0 .
I have a psd file that apparently has an unsupported color scheme (not rgb or hex) for WD7. How can I open and work with this file? Its 3MB and I want to create a smaller web friendly image that fits my site header area.
I am having difficulty with the pdf export settings.It seems like it is working fine but text will not show up when viewed on Apple computers/ipad/iphone. Pdf opens fine on my windows system.I know that I can "print" to a pdf viewer like "cute pdf" or similar but those viewers distort and cut off pages and are a general pain to use with xara.
I could also convert the text to "editable shapes" but then all the 'l' 's look terrible and the text generally looks very rough and horrible.
I have been exporting docs to pdf/x and the fonts are not showing up on Macs only on pc's? If this is a bug I hope we are not going to have to wait until next version for this to be fixed.
I know that I can animate using basics animation feature un Xara. Any way to create an animation showing every line drawn. Like in this exemple : [URL] I could record xara using screencast software but maybe there is a way to do it in automaticaly in Xara one the drawing have been made or maybe a software in wich I can import svg file to animate the lines.
I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (non Pro) version 6. I have a custom page size of 10"x7.5". I have turned off the page shadow in File>Page Options>Tab[Page Size]:Section[Spread]:Checkbox[Show page shadow]. The shadow is gone from the view of the document, but when exporting to PDFs, it's back!
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
I am saving work as jpeg into desktop file.... sometimes (not always) when I go to retrieve it ...it shows up as a file that I cannot open, not a normal jpeg. I just tried to copy and paste to show here..then draged into this space and it opened...tried to save it to desk top from here but it is still showing up as a very weid icon that will not open...? In the properties it shows as a jepeg, but the icon is totally different..
What is the easiest way to open/import SVG files in Xara Designer Pro?
It's funny you can export as SVG but I cannot find SVG format when importing graphics.
My current workaround is to open SVG files in Illustrator, select, copy, jump over to Xara and paste as enhanced metafile. But what if I don't have Illustrator?
Certain pdf files will not import even though they look as if they are when I chose to merge. Same thing when I try to open.These very same files can be imported (placed) into Indesign. I have checked layers and there is only one (the visible current one which shows a pdf in the layer properties. It just is not visible though.
why a drawing would open without a number of objects (text) showing? I open it up and all notes are gone, yet another user opens it up in "eDrawings" and it opens fine. Oddly, when in ACAD I click OPEN, the preview ACAD gives me when I click this file once shows the missing text etc. But when I open it they're missing.
Below is a screenshot of firstly the drawing open in ACAD and secondly open in eDrawings.
It is there in the directory, and I can see it in xara 6 as well. But I go to use it and it says it isn't installed and that I should install from help menu.
I have tried so many tings and recently I tried changing the permissions, still no go.
It's weird cause I also own Xara Web designer 6 and they open in that program fine...
Is there any way to force Xara to open an empty document and no other files? On load, my DP7 attempts to open a prior document that involves a complex Photoshop filter render. DP7 is hanging up here, the status bar reading, "Please wait: rendering Live Effects..." I could always reinstall if it comes to that, but if there's an easier workaround,
When saving images in CS6 I can see them as preview icons of the image in finder by itself, but if I open a file in photoshop to find an image, i only have titles and not the images. ALSO when I go to upload an image to blog or facebook, again I have no image icon of what is there, only a blank space and a file name. I HATE THIS as it makes it takes too much time to figure out where the picture is. I am a graphic artist and a painter and I cannot work like this. Does not matter what type of file.. tiff, png, jpg etc... there is no image to see when opening through photoshop or any upload situation. I am able to see the images from FINDER by itself or if I am placing them into MUSE or INDESIGN.
Why I cannot see them to load on blogger or facebook or to open them in photoshop.
Mac OS X lion 10.7.4 NVIDIA GEforce 7300 GI 256 MB 2x2.66 GHx Daul Core Intel xcon 10 GB 667 mhz ddr2 fbdimm
I have CS6 and am using Photoshop, but when I try to open any image on my desktop the `open with` option does not include Photoshop CS6, only other Adobe applications; even when I browse I can only find the Adobe systems file, with the .exe doc; I have a lot of images to edit, preferably without having to open Photoshop and individually open them from their folders; how to make Photoshop CS6 `open-with`-able for any desktop/external hard drive images?
I have somehow lost my ability, in P&GD7, to export and open previously-created pdf files. It's not an "option" in the exprot drop-down. Where the heck did it go? I re-installed and it's still not there and I need it!