Is there any way to default the "Area to Save" option on the export menu, to "Page"? This is nothing crucial, but it would save me some time, because I select that hundreds of times. If I could pre-define "Page", I would be even more happy
Does Xara Designer support the ability to change one object on for example page 1, and that the change propagates to all the same objects on all other pages? I'm doing a lot of web design work, so this would be quite handy, but I haven't found a way to do that.
I'm wondering why, all of a sudden, the pasteboard area around the page is tied directly to the page. Example: If I draw full-scale out in the pasteboard area on page #1, then go to page # 2 or whatever, everything in the pasteboard area disappears. In a multi-page document this is really a problem as I have to click on every page to find out where my full scale drawing is. It wasn't always like this. What ever was out in the pasteboard area was always visible no matter what page I'm on. This is something new and it's very inconvienient. How do I reset so the pasteboard is unaffected by which page I'm on?
How to fill an area with a colour in Xara 6, when that space is surrounded by different 'objects'?
So say I drew 3 separate lines to form a triangle. How can I fill that triangle with a colour? If I select the Fill Tool and choose a colour, then click in the centre of the triangle nothing happens.
If I were to do the same thing in Illustrator then it would simply create a new shape that fitted the space.
Perhaps this is not possible? Such a simple thing though, I feel I must be missing something. Is it perhaps available on Xara 7?
I'm wondering why, all of a sudden, the pasteboard area around the page is tied directly to the page. Example: If I draw full-scale out in the pasteboard area on page #1, then go to page # 2 or whatever, everything in the pasteboard area disappears. In a multi-page document this is really a problem as I have to click on every page to find out where my full scale drawing is. It wasn't always like this. What ever was out in the pasteboard area was always visible no matter what page I'm on. How do I reset so the pasteboard is unaffected by which page I'm on?
Why the dashed line (view area) changes on a page layout between plotting to pdf and plotting dwg to pdf? I have a title block that measures 16.25 x 10.25 that will print fine to pdf (for 17x 11). This same block will not print completely when using dwg to pdf.
In creating the page layout for pdf (only)the offset is .125 x .125. Once created, if I use this layout and then choose dwg to pdf as my plotter I do not have the ability to "fit to paper"
In creating the page layout for dwg to pdf the offset is .228 x .70. When bringing in the title block at 0,0 there is no way for this block to fit inside the dashed viewing line. The amount that this block extends beyond the top dashed line is way beyond what is available at the bottom.
I create a square, 300px by 300px. I duplicate the square, resize to 200px by 200px. Highlight both, press Ctrl-F4 and remove the inside box. What I have left looks like a picture frame. Is there a way to shadow the inside area? (the part I cut out)
I've been an avid user of the Xara Graphics designer for about 2 years and I've been trying to deal with an annoying issue for quite some time when dealing with Shadows. I've come to realize that every shadow is given an outline and if I have a shape with a shadow that goes to the edge of my drawing the outline will actually continue passed the edge of my drawing. When I export the whole image the edge where the shadow outline bleeds over gets rendered as a blank margin. I've attached examples.
The shadow outline can be seen as the box bleeding over the edge...annoying....this is how it looks when I change the quality to "outline"
This is the actually image at "very high quality" you can see..the shadow outline edge has exported as empty margins around the graphic
The shadow outline grows or shrinks as I change the shadow blur...this can be seen in the "outline" view... I want to export to the edge of the colored area but I also want the shadow effect...
I am owner of the Xtreme5 Xara version (i've not already get more recents ones ! ), and I would like to know if it is possible to change the text area, not to have a squirreled shape for this text. (Or if there another method, I am interested in too !)
Very useful when you have to surround the shape of a picture, for instance...
When I'm working on a design for which I'm generating options, like a logo, I usually work with one Xara file and a new page for each option. When it's time for me to export each page as a JPEG or PNG, it's really frustrating that each and every time I have to tell Xara to save the Page, NOT the default Page Content. I'm thinking there should be a way for Xara to remember and repeat my last export settings, but I can't find it...
I have just started to design my first webpage using Xara Designer Pro 6. I am attemptimg to add a clock widget to the page. how to add the embed code to a page.
I have managed to create a hyperlink from an image, to another page on my site. For some reason I am not able to create a link for some other images and I do not know why. (Designer Pro 6). I have used the same settings via link but as said this does not work? Do images have to be a certian format for hyperlinks to work?
I just tried to fill a page with black-filled hexagons so that they are all aligned perfectly vertically and horizontally. I duplicated and positioned as best I could by hand. Then, I used Alignment>equispace on horiz row selections then vert selections. No matter what I do, it will never be perfect with hand placement, obviously.
Is there a way to fill a page with the hexagons so that it looks like the attachment (ie everything perfectly squared in respect to the page)? I would need perfectly uniform spaces between the shapes so that it comes out perfectly squared with the page. This would be the first step I need to do in making a seamlessly tiled alpha for ZBrush.
Is there a way to set what the default page size when you start XP&GD 2013? It always starts with a page size of A4 which I never use. I have a custom template that I would like to set as the default page size.
Is it possible to import my existing webpages I have saved on my PC. I want to re-design them and make a few changes etc. I only seem to be able to import the images from a page. Am I being dim or is this simply done? I am using Designer Pro 6
I am using Xara Xtreme 5.1. I am trying to add a new page to my file. Its the first time I have attempt to create a new page. At each attempt it duplicates the 1st page and all its layers. I have unchecked the boxes in the Page Options: Page Size: Document: "All pages in the document the same" and "same layers on all pages in document " and pressed "Apply" . I have tried afresh we a brand new file and yet cannot prevent the duplications.
effective way of removing a selected coloured area from an image (a jpeg in this instance) without affecting other parts of the image. I've added a sample to illustrate what I mean.
I,ve tried the select color/ erase tool but find that it select the white from all parts of the picture, even from other colours.The picture is too complex for the freehand mask tool and time consuming.
Is there another way, or even a plug in that could vouch for?
I am feeling a bit dumb at the moment. How does one print something larger than the "physical" page size--ie., tiled pages--in Designer Pro 6?
I have a drawing that is 3 times the length of US letter size (actual size of the drawing is 7.5" x 30"). US letter size is 8.5" x 11". The page is defined as landscape, so 11" width, 8.5" height.
I regularly do this using another program and will have constant need to do so in the future.
I try Xara Designer Pro X9 and use PDF Export Options with selected objects for page generation (PDF Export Options).
After PDF export done page size is A4 with my rectangle drawing instead page size with my rectangle size. How can I export to PDF selected rectangle with rectangle page size?
I have just switched to using Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 6 for my graphics design needs. Is there any way to create a default page size so that no matter when the program is opened it will always open up to that particular page size?
I am used to working and creating on a full "blank canvas" or pasteboard, rather than using page sizes that Xara seems to prefer. Every time I open the program I have to return to page options to re-set all of my workspace parameters and it gets frustrating after awhile.
For example, my preferred page settings are as follows: Page Size=A0 (which provides me all white space to work in); Outer Margin=0in [8in is always automatically pre-set by the program]; and I always choose Landscape, but the automatic pre-set is always Portrait.
There should be a way for the user to control how the workspace appears each time the program is opened, but how to make my page settings "once" and then have those settings be the default from there on out. It's just time consuming to go into Options every time I open the program and have to re-set everything all over again.