Xara :: Convert PNG Image To Icon In Windows Icon Format
Sep 8, 2011I need to convert a PNG image to an icon in Windows icon format.Can I do that in XDP7?
View 9 RepliesI need to convert a PNG image to an icon in Windows icon format.Can I do that in XDP7?
View 9 RepliesWhen I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need. How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhy does the update icon always stay on the photoshop 10 icon on my desktop?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have problem with the Photoshop CS5, i want to save as to icon format, so i download the icon format.8bi file from internet, and take it to the plus-in / file formats, and then i open Photoshop but not any change.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to make my own icons and i need to save the images in icl (icon format).
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy for some reason or other, all my xar.files have changed to DP7's icon? I have hundreds of files and not being able to see a thumbnail of them is a nuisance. They were all showing just fine then when I switched on the next time, they had all changed to icons. I'm still running Windows Vista 32 bit, which I have never had a problem with, so how to get the thumbnails back?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow would you convert a picture of your into an icon.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust installed the CS 6 of Photoshop on my Windows 7 PC.
It seems, that the small icon for arranging like two or more open windows (files) have been disappeared in CS 6. I only can arrange them via the drop down "Windows" which I think is one click to much, as I use this feature very often. Is this gone for good or is there a way to bring this icon back?
This is CS 6:
This is CS 5:
I'm sure it's something obvious, but I've checked the documentation, and cannot figure out how to get the Mask Icon on after selecting a .jpeg image. Tried doing "Window>Show Mask" as well, but "Show Mask is greyed out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat on earth do you do to have bridge display files? Some do, some don't. The ones that don't just show a windows paint icon. Windows paint?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen i open the control bars dialog the options for changing icon size are always greyed out. Sometimes the menu item for control bars is also greyed out had to close Xara just to access it again. how to control icon size other than at one point it says you can. The actual image it shows in the help files also have all the options for icon size greyed out.
Im just really starting to use 7
How would i convert an icon file to (say) a .gif file and keep the alpha intact ??
Also, can anyone recommend really good icon sites ?
the "icon" and "windows thumbnail" settings are missing from the File Handling Preferences in photoshop cs6 windows version.
View 5 Replies View Relatedlike the headline says, I'm looking for a way to change the direction to which the windows in photoshop pop up. To make this clearer, I have illustrated what I want to do
Is there an option in the preferences (if so i can not find it)? Or any other way to do this?
I have multiple computers in my department that just received multiple Microsoft updates, a service pack update to Windows 7 and an upgrade to Internet Explorer 9. When they restarted and browsed in Windows explorer, all the Autodesk icons have been replaced by a generic icon. We tried to reset by re-establshing the file association and that did not work.
How do we rebuild the Autodesk icon cache on these machines?
I am trying to insert a JPG image in my IDW, but the "image" icon is greyed out?
View 5 Replies View RelatedA tiny icon like + in a circle (like a gunsight) has appeared in a Photoshop CS5 image. I must have clicked on something, but how can I get rid of it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI found out how to do this recently so I decided that I wanted to make a tut for those who don't know how to make an icon image. This icon image is for the libraries tab on your computer. Under the libraries tab there is Music, Pictures, Documents, and Photos
First you will need the ICO (Icon image format) Format extension for Photoshop which can be downloaded here:
The download link and tutorial on how to install it is all in the link above. Once you have that all set you can now launch Photoshop to create your icon image. Once you have launched it, create a new document with the size as in the image below.
Create the image you want. I used a simple one by using the custom shape tool by pressing "U" on your keyboard and with the basic blending options.
The reason why the image is pixelated is because it is an icon image. Since the image is only 256x256 pixels when you zoom in on it that will get you the pixely result. The reason why I zoomed in is so you can see it. But don't worry this is no the end result. Just continue reading and you will see.
So once you have created the icon go ahead and press
file>save as>(under format choose the ICO)>and choose the name that you want to name it. And save it in your C: drive. You will see why to save it in your C: drive in a sec.
So now that you have created the icon and saved it now you can create the new library.
Name the library whatever you want I named it "Sample" for tutorial purposes. Notice how it gives you a default boring icon image for your library.
So now once you have created and named your library now it is time to get the icon image into place. Go to computer/c: Drive/users/YOU/ And now once you have reached this area you will need to access a hidden folder named "appdata" to do so press "Alt" then a menu bar will show. Click tools>folder options>and view. Find the option to view hidden folders then press apply then ok. Now we shall continue so AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Libraries
Now you should see all the libraries including the one you just created.
Once you have reached your destination then open a new text document with notepad and drag the library you just created in notepad. The result should look like this:
once you have reached this point click at the end of the second to last line down then press enter and enter in this information
<iconReference>c:"NAME OF ICO FILE YOU CREATED IN PS".ico</iconReference>
Once you have entered that information go to file>save and the icon image should appear on the library you created.
Now you are officially finished. Go and spread the news and joy.
When I was running GIMP 2+ under Win XP all icons of *.xcf displayed the image in the icon.
Under Win 7, only the GIMP icon is displaed. Is there a CODEC or other method to have the *.xcf image to display properly as an icon?
I have this icon and I'd like to use it on a website but with interchangeable colors.So, what I'd like to do is create a png file with solid colors simulating the background.And, where the actual icon colors are, use transparency. That way I can specify any color I want in the background and it will filter through!
how I could extract the different alpha transparency information to make the result similar to the pic shown above.I know it's possible as I've followed some tuts but the result isn't exactly the same.
Every time Corel comes up with a update, they change my default jpeg, bmp - all my pictures - to their new camera icon. How can I reset back to default settings? get Corel to stop this practice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Visual Studio 2010 VB.NET program creates a shortcut to an ACAD.EXE file. I want to use the out-of-the-box AutoCAD icon image. The default path to the icon image is:
I use the following methodology:
Dim objShellClass As New IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_Class Dim objShortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut
objShortcut = CType(objShellClass.CreateShortcut(strPathFile), IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut)
With objShortcut
.Arguments = strArguments
.Description = strName
.IconLocation = strIconLocation
Everything works fine except the shortcut image is blank. When I right-click on it and select properties, then Change Icon... it is pointing to the correct icon image. If I select OK and OK the icon image appears on the shortcut.
Why does the image NOT appear when the shortcut is initially created?
But is there a way to get an image icon in the project list? I have a lot of projects and descriptive names only go so far with me. A little image next to each one would jog the memory. Rather than plod through a bunch looking for the right one.
View 5 Replies View Relatedmaking my desktop icons. I stated out with either a jpg or png image. Using gimpshop I get the image resized and it looks fine. However, after exporting as an ico the image is very recognizable but shorter and fatter. I use to use photoshop so with gimpshop I look for something that said retain aspect ratio but as of now I haven't found it. It seems to adjust both width and height when I scale it but something happens during the export.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add an image or icon as an attribute to a block?
I have created a lot of dynamic blocks and use eat text to extract data to a table for an equipment legend/table. I always have to add the legend symbol to the list manually and was wondering if there is a way to insert or link an image so that when I create the legend the symbol will automatically be loaded.
With this link [URL] ......
I wrote my code,
but my result- the dwg preview is very small I only white screen without figures which I wrote in it. How to resize and fit the image into the icon ? (when i press command button I would like to see maximum image in icon ).
I have been using Photoshop CS2 for many years and have constantly "lived with" a bug in Bridge whereby, instead of an image thumbnail, there is just an icon shown.
This is the same icon that appears before Bridge has read all the images to produce the thumbnails - but some of them get "stuck" and there seems to be no way to make Bridge "read" the image and produce the thumbnail. Pressing "View" "Refresh" (or PF5) does not work. Is there any fix I can download for this?
I am getting triple images on the work area from tool icons such as the crop tool, hands, etc. How do I get back to single image. I have reinstalled CS4 and windows 7 but have the same problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm writing because after reinstall the Mountain Lion (10.8.4), I realized that dragging an image from Chrome (29.0. 1547. 62) to the dock icon Photoshop CS6 the icon is not active and therefore the program does not open with the image, I tried with firefox (23.0.1) and the dock icon photoshop is animated and open photoshop but show the following message "Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file." I tried with SAFARI and all fine, without problems. I note that before reinstallation and after doing a clean install (I do a back up, I formated the hard drive and install the mountain lion) this option worked perfect.
I check the following path ~ / Library / Caches / TemporaryItems that is where store the pictures as you take the browser and when stored in the folder but never open photoshop, I want to emphasize that opening photoshop and open a blank canvas, I can drag and drop (drag and drop) and the image appears, but with the dock icon anymore.
I have many theories but also not solve:
1. It's a permissions problem.
2. Any option is not enabled (OS X or photoshop) or not installed
3. Some kind of incompatibility, but again and worked without problems.
Using Inventor 2012 latest SP
My Image tool icon is grayed out in Insert Panel of the IDW.
I created a sketch in the IDW & have no way to insert a graphic.I checked multiple files including a new file forma template & cannot get the Image icon to work, it's always grayed out.
Is there an option setting I need to change?
We really should have the ability to cut & paste into IDW's.
My system is Win 7 64bit Home premium. See the screen capture.
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