Lightroom :: 5 Not Showing Warning Icon That Image Is In PV 2010?
Jun 13, 2013My system is Win 7 64bit Home premium. See the screen capture.
View 2 RepliesMy system is Win 7 64bit Home premium. See the screen capture.
View 2 RepliesSince converting from Lightroom 4 to 5 I the Process Version warning icon does not appear in the lower right of the preview panel when the file was processed using a 2003 or 2010 version. How can I re-establish the icon?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to convert a PNG image to an icon in Windows icon format.Can I do that in XDP7?
View 9 Replies View Relatedbrush icon doesn't show in screen when painting photoshop cc
View 1 Replies View RelatedWorking with CS2 on a VISTA machine. If I save a file as .psd, the file icon is the generic leaf with the PSD banner. All other "save as" will create the icon of the file showing the actual picture. I can't seem to get the picture icon to show up on .psd files. "Save as" .jpg, bmp etc. all show the picture icon fine.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a few viewport on a drawing and when I hit Print I get the following warning:
" some viewports do not fit the right zoom conditions. Do you want to update them before plotting"
It then proceeds to print correct.
What is the reason for this error message and how do I get rid of it?
Now every dwg that is opened the dwg recovery warning box pops up. how do i turn that off?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to get rid of this warning dialog:
It appears at startup. I recently installed software (Simtra PathPlanner) that works with AutoCAD that may have caused this.
Using AutoCAD 2012 on Windows 7 64-bit.
In addition to no icon showing the type of cursor (Standard or Precise) w/in PSE some cursors diplay as tripple symbols of the selected tool. For example, if the Crop tool is selected three pictures of the Crop tool display as the cursor. I have tried the Control-Alt-Shift reset w/o success.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having a problem with my AutoCAD LT 2010 completely deleting files after I have saved them and closed them. There is no file in the recovery manager, no back up file, nothing. It has happened three times without warning and it always happens to files I've been working on for awhile and have opened and closed multiple times. Is there any way to recover these files and how do I keep it from happening again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter downloading the 5.3 LR upgrade I expected to have "visualize spots" below my image when using the spot remove tool. It is not there. Is there a menu option to bring it into view, or is there something wrong. (Mac mavericks 10.9 on MacBook Pro Retina)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been using lightroom 4. At first it decided that the center image just wouldn't display on some photos. The previews look fine, the selected photo preview seemed to work, but the center image would just gray out like there was no photo at all. I tried to uninstall several things, updated my video drivers, even changed virus protection just in case but nothing worked.
I have the creative cloud, so I uninstalled version 4 and upgraded to version 5. Went into my catalog and almost exactly the same thing started happening. This time, I can see unedited photos, but if I apply a preset the image disappears again. If I click off the photo and click back I can see the image unedited in the main window and the previews show it with the edits. Sometimes I can see the edited photo but at low resolution, but it will not sharpen up to the full image. I even cleared my preview cache just in case but nothing seems to be working.
I don't want to have to re-install windows just to try fix this.I should not that the only thing that changed is that I installed a new Epson printer in windows. I have now uninstalled all but the driver for that printer and still have the issue.
I've been using Elements 7 with great satification for several years now, but recently, the picture thumbnails started to show up as an hourglass icon. I updated to Elements 11 and still had the same problem. I followed some direction I found online for eliminating the catague cache, and it fixed the problem in 11, but not in 7. Till I learn to use 11, I would like to continue to use 7, so how do I fix this problem in Elements 7?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having continuous problems with acad 2012... I installed SP1 and SP2 but the problems continue when the users trie to use the preview option cad in down in a abrupt form without warning.
View 3 Replies View Related2 days ago all was fine Lightroom worked like a champ... yesterday all I get are gray squares insted of photo image. I have reloaded Lightroom 5.3 no change......From the same usb harddrive all works great on my desktop computer.. With laptop the gray squares. I have tried the Synchronize folder no change tho numbers showed up in loup view.........but no images. From the stand alone hard drive I can get photos in Photoshop and BRIDGE.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to either print or save an image that shows the crop lines from Lightroom (i.e. shows what is both in AND out of the image as it is cropped). I'm working off a scanned negative and I want to show my printer just how to crop the image. She was hoping to see both what's inside and outside the crop? Possible to get that to her either by printing that from my computer or emailing it to her?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use Lightroom with the LG 29EA93 29 inch Widescreen LED Monitor Lightroom 5 initially looks and works OK but when I try and make changes using develop I get a gray area where the image should be (see below). I have tried other resolutions and that made no difference. Other apps/programs work fine.
I tried my old monitor 1680x1050 and Lightroom 5 functions fine on that one.
how to disable the "You have selected more than 10 files" warning in PSP X5. It's not listed in the warning preferences and as I work with more than 10 images every day it's a total pain.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI must have fat fingered something and I now when I click on the Eraser Tool or the Brush Mask Tool instead of getting a circle or square, I get and icon of the tool instead. They still work but they're harder to use without seeing the circle or square depending on what's selected. I've been using Corel for many years and never had this happen and I can't figure out how to switch back.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhere do I tell PSPx4 not to give me this warning?
"Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
I have been through the Preferences / Warnings & Auto Actions and can see no place to set it. I resolved it in PSPX2 but I can't remember how I did it. I have compared the 2 version's settings & can't see any difference.
When choosing an Import-preset with "Make a Second Copy To" selected and the external drive is not connected (e.g. working on location, ejected ext. drive temporarily), LR starts the copy process to primary location first. Only after copying LR notices that second copy location is offline, displays a warning dialog and won't start preview rendering until warning dialog is dismissed. But user might have left his computer to grab a coffee since rendering eats up CPU power.
Result, Problem:
1. Processing time is lost if user comes back to computer after intentionally taking a break only to discover that computer will be slowed down under processing load again.
2. Files have to be backed up manually. If "eject card after import is selected", user even has to re-insert card again.
Solution A: When Import with backup to external drive is selected, check and warn immediately if drive is not connected.
a) Import button is greyed out with a little red ! or some sort of indicator. User is asked to connect drive or skip backup this time
b) Warning dialog is displayed immediately after clicking Import button. Options as in a) are given. Disadvantage: user might miss warning, if sound turned off and turns away from computer immediately after clicking.
Solution B: Allow drive re-connect and copying later
1. Copy to primary location
2. Copy to second location, skip if drive not connected
3. Render previews
4. Display message "The following files could not be copied..." with added new feature "Please connect drive, then selct "copy now" button.I am using Lightroom 3.6 on Mac OS 10.7.2
s it possible to have a warning, if you're about to export just from the Smart Preview data? I really love Smart Previews and it speeded my workflow very much, but it happend some time that I exported my data without having my external harddrive connected, just working with Smart Previews. So the only "warning" was that it's much faster than usual if you export your files :-) It would be great to have kind of a dialog, if' you're really sure to export just from Smart Previews!
View 6 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine has seen the colors of the highlight and black clipping warning triangles in the LR3 histogram panel change color to cyan (pink) and yellow but doesn't know what these are indicating.
I tried to replicate this in LR4 but only saw (what looks like) pink (but may be red), blue and green.what the yellow and pink triangles mean?
I've tried to install Lightroom 5.0 and, just now, Lightroom 5.2. The installer fails with a warning: "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 can't be installed on this disk. An error occurred while evaluating JavaScript for the package." Not exactly clear. It also displays a warning for my primary drive and for the installer volume.
When I look in the installer log I see the following entry:
Oct 12 13:34:26 TM-MBP-2.local Installer[721]: JS: Package Authoring Error: Exception thrown while running volume check. TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '')
When I look into the console for errors I found the following entry:
10/12/13 1:34:23.000 PM kernel[0]: HFS: Vol: Lightroom 5.2 Very Low Disk: freeblks: 1084, dangerlimit: 1178
Apparently the Lightroom installer is complaining about the amount of disk space available. The drive I'm trying to install it has 134 gb of space available.
how to get LR 5.2 installed?
I work in a studio where we use a DNG workflow - delivering DNG files to prepress. We are currently upgrading to LR4 to support some new cameras. Long story short, our prepress provider is using PSCS5 (and ACR 6.7) which means we'll need to keep our work in process 2010 for the forseeable future.
Given that I'll be sticking with process 2010 for a while, is there a way to turn off/disable the little exclamation point version warning?
I am trying to insert a JPG image in my IDW, but the "image" icon is greyed out?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing two problems. One is the tool icons in Photoshop are disappearing on the screen. I move the cursor and see nothing on my screen.
The second problem is at other times the proper tool icon and function is not showing up and working. I select for example the pen tool and the hand tool icon show up and the function works as the hand tool not the pen tool?
Why was I not told before downloading and paying for LR 5 that vista home premium is not supported?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen selecting objects in AutoCAD a 3d style USC icon shows up on the object about the centerpoint of the object or objects.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe AutoCAD video tutorials on the site such as "AutoCAD 2010_ 01 Getting Ready for 3D" show a 3D UCS icon which has some nice arrows at the end of each axis, this looks similar to the icon in Solidworks.
Has there been some change in design to this icon from 2010 to 2014? The UCS 3D icon in the version 2014 that i'm running does not have these arrows and if I can find a setting to have it display in this way, it certainly doesn't show up in any of the visual styles e.g. xray, conceptual or realistic. I've not found any info anywhere documenting the change, if any.
Here is a pic from the above mentioned video tutorial with arrows on UCS:
Here is a pic from 2013-2014 UCS with no arrows.
The AutoCAD deadline-sensor is working well this week as this Project near completion.
The closer we get to the deadline, the more AutoCAD slows down.
My UCS Icon has disappeared from Modelspace.
It's were it belongs in Paperspace.
The USC Icon is set to "Noorigin" and the color is set to RED for Modelspace.
I need it to orient the many angled spaces we have in this Plan.