Lightroom :: Showing Crop Lines On A Printed Or Saved Image?
Aug 17, 2012
Is it possible to either print or save an image that shows the crop lines from Lightroom (i.e. shows what is both in AND out of the image as it is cropped). I'm working off a scanned negative and I want to show my printer just how to crop the image. She was hoping to see both what's inside and outside the crop? Possible to get that to her either by printing that from my computer or emailing it to her?
most of my crops are set for custom. i want an 8x10 print. if i change the aspect ratio from custom to 4.5/8x10 it screws up my crop completely. that means that i cannot upload to an online website, be printed automatically and have it come out the way it want. but can that custom crop image be printed 8x10 manually?
The grid lines I used when creating a watercolour are showing when I print the image, however they are not showing when I am in Photoshop, making it impossible for me to correct them. Is there a tool I can use to bring these lines to the forefront so that I can correct them?
Had this drawing sent to me , and I always like to show the lighting switch lines dashed, but the guy who did this drawing had all his lines solid, anyways I have tried to change them but no matter what line i choice non of them show up as dashed in paper space or when printed?
I have added just part of the drawing as it was to big for the whole drawing to upload here
I've received two orders of CDs for a client, and in the printed artwork there are some flaws that have me wondering what to do to avoid this.
Files were submitted in PDF format with text converted to curves. I believe the artwork is then imported into AI at the other end before going to print.
Along the edge of an object with a drop shadow, there is a fine white line showing. On the two products with identical artwork, the line shows on different edges, but appears to be where the drop shadow ends.
In other spots, there is what I would call "scratches", where, within an image there is a fine white line. This is not an edge or overlap, so I'm at a loss for this.
In another place, one character in a word essentially did not print. So I'm wondering what my "best practice" would be to avoid this. Should I "flatten" everything when I'm done, essentially converting the entire page to a single 300DPI bitmap?
Should I include text in the flattened bitmap, or is it best to leave as curves? My gut says leaving as curves preserves maximum resolution, but does it matter if it is not being scaled?
I've never before had issues with getting artwork printed from PDFs. In most cases, I imagine the print is created directly from my submitted PDF.
I am trying to find my way, of how to submit my photos to the external lab for printing. Print module is kind of useless for me - the page setup is printer driver dependant and none of my installed printer drivers allows me to define borderless print and so LR does not allow me to set margins to zero. I think, that such desing limitation is pretty strange, especially if you just want to print to the jpeg file.
So - then I moved on to the crop tool. What a bunch of inconsistencies and design limits:
- LR seems to use some kind of catalog dependant storage, instead of just some for e.g. custom XML or other kind of list
- LR mysteriosly remember your last 5 settings. If you do a mistake, you need to reenter all of them again
- you can't even name your custom ratio settings - that's imo pretty much insufficient
- I need to set precious ratio setting for the Noritsu machine, so that I get exact resolution. Good for two of my settings, but when I try for my 13x18cm (2268 x 1625 pix), LR deletes my custom setting and marks 5x7 for me. But it is off by 10 pixels on one axis! Some strange rounding and matching was applied, but I can't it set exactly to what I need. Why does LR mess with what I want, if I select custom ratio?!
So I thought, that I might make a preset. I noticed, that when you copy setting from an image, there is a crop section. But - exactly the same dialog, which allows us to save settings, does miss a crop section. What a bummer! I found xy requests, where ppl were asking for the functionality few years ago. I am very negatively surprised, that it was yet not granted for implementation, especially as some of crop tool facilities are pretty arcane at best.
What I am now thinking about is to prepare three model images, make separate folder for them, and use them as a source for the cropping setting to copy from, but of course I would like the crop functionality to be enhanced/fixed.
A digi image, cropped (crop tool), resized (resample), and saved (save as). Everything on 'default' (usual settings for this) or as I would like. Close and re-open, the image shows as the cropped image, but the thumbnail is the original.
I bought a new camera card today, having run out of settings to try. Took a pic, copied over, and it cropped and saved fine. So I went back to those taken yesterday, still full image thumbnail. Took new ones on new card, but full image thumbnails. Recropped the original photo that saved earlier today with cropped thumbnail - the full image is now in its thumbnail.
I have an issue with a transparent image. So, I have an image of someone & I want to paste an image of a transparent heart around their face, which I also have. I open the heart in & notice the checkerboard background, which means that the background is transparent. I then copy & paste it onto the image of the person but the heart still has the checkerboard background instead of being transparent & it is covering the face. Also, when I saved the heart image on my Mac desktop, the thumbnail had a white background but when I opened it in Preview & iPhoto, it was transparent.
PS: I have Parallels Desktop so I'm running Mac & Windows side-by-side.
I save a photo that I've edited in photoshop cs5, either jpeg or tiff, and when I go to Lightroom 3.6 I can not locate the file. It shows up in bridge under the right location. I reinstalled both Lightroom and photoshop and no change.
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
I am very news to photoshop and I am using CS4 and have experienced a problem today that I have not encountered before.l When cropping a picture just a small green box with the normal red outline exists in Navigator howeverf if I click on Histroy the original pictgure will show back up on photoshop.
for the first three weeks I did not have a probloem with this issue, I am trying to get a fell for photoshop and then upgrade to the newest edition.
In the past, I have been changing my default image size to a 2:3 format by selecting it from the drop down list while in the Develop module or by pressing R. After adjusting the image, it used to display 2:3 under the lock, but now it is going back to AS SHOT.
I am using a Windows 7 machine with LR 4.2.
I like knowing I have a custom crop ratio, but have no idea if it is being applied by looking at images in LR.
I am using Lightroom 4.4 and an Epson 3880 with printer driver ver. 6.6. I want to print a 16 x 20 image on 17 x 22 paper. I select a paper size of 17 x 22, and in the Lightroom print module, I set the margins to zero, and the cell size to height=16 and width=20. I turn on the ruler guide, and it shows that I will get a 16x20 image on the paper. However, when I print it, the image is about 3/8" larger than that in both dimensions.
Debian updated GIMP this morning (2.8.2) and I notice that after cropping an image, the crop lines remain on the picture. Is this a bug or a "feature" ?
Can the pictures file name be printed directly on to each image so that a preview book could be printed by Blurb with each photograph numbered.I can do this in slideshow but when I export the files for printing the numbers are gone.Several of my friend in the profession would also like the ability to apply the file names in this way.
I need to crop image in autocad, path for croping is made of lines and arcs and one picture needs to be croped with circle. Is it possible to crop this way?
I'm having an issue on my full scale detail sections for a set of entry doors. I used layoutwizard to create my layout and I'm adding text (dtext) and leaders and it all looks good on my screen. When I print it out the text is rotated 90 degrees. I imagine it's any easy fix but I sure can't find it.
I thought I should add- when I look at 'print preview' the text is rotated. When I go back to the layout the text looks correct. I tried unchecking the "match text orientation to layout" and checking it again and it didn't work. Seems like this might be a glitch of some sort?
update: If the text is in model space it prints properly. Only the text in paper space shows up rotated.
I own a company that designs and sells sewing patterns for men's clothing to be made by home sewers. I have my patterns professionally drafted and sent to me as a poster-sized PDF. I then open it in Illustrator, move things around, change some fonts, etc... and make a 34" wide copy to be printed at a copy shop. That's all fine and dandy, and it prints out perfectly.
I then use Acrobat XI Pro to open the 34" version and print to Adobe PDF with the poster setting of 7.5" x 10" for people to print at home. Then I open each page of the multi-page PDF in Illustrator to add a border, alignment marks, page numbers, etc... and save as the same PDF.
Now here is where the weirdness begins. For some reason, there are random chunks of lines (identical to the pattern lines throughout the rest of the document) that aren't supposed to be there. They don't show up on my screen when I open the file in Illustrator or Adobe, but they get printed every time. I've even started the whole process from scratch, tested the 34" wide version at the print shop (prints perfectly), and split it into pages again, and the phantom lines are still there!
I've attached a photo I took of one of the pages in question. The file on my screen is the exact one I printed, and as you can see, they are definitely not the same
I have been saving the PDF files as Press Quality from Illustrator.
I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
A friend of mine sent me a jpeg file, which when viewed by most viewer programs looks the same.
But when I view it using Zoom Browser (the program that came with my Canon DC), I find that the picture contains much more. I guess that the picture might have been cropped using a DC's digital zoom function.
Can I view the orginal image before the cropping using Photoshop? (Using Zoom Browser, I can only view the original image in thumbnail mode which is not large enough).
I am interested in the mechanism of the cropping process. Could you kindly tell me a little about that?
So I'm cropping to a square, but I want the crop to extend off the image area because I want to replace the missing bit in photoshop. This effectively makes the image bigger than the original. the only way to achieve the same effect is to scale the image, that keeps the pixel dimensions the same but effectively reduces the size of the image.
in dummy terms, how to crop a image for print. If I have a image that I have cropped, and I want to print a 4X6 and a 8X10, how do I crop it so parts of the edges do not get cut off?
I have vertical lines spaced at 1/2 inch in my printed pictures and would like to get rid of them. It happens with Photoshop CS-6 but not with Microsoft Photo Editor. I'm using a HP Officejet 6500A Plus and the color printing is fine.
Additional info: I am using Windows 7 on a Dell. Service pack 1, 32 bit system.
It happens with pdf files, jpeg, and psd. I am managing colors with the printer. I am using best quality printing. I have tried Color Smart and Adobe settings for RGB on the printer dialog page. I have tried telling the printer that I am using HP premium plus, plain paper and Other photo papers (My paper is actually Staples high gloss photo supreme).
What is remarkable to me is that I get high quality prints with the same printer, same paper, same settings using Microsoft Photo Editor - no vertical lines at all. However MPE is not very versatile, and the pdf I am currently trying to print will not load onto MPE.
inDesign CC OSX Mavericks Acrobat X1 Kyocera FS 10-20D
After exporting a pdf from indesign (high quality settings), pdf looks fine on screen and in print preview but printout misses 2 lines of text for no apparent reason.
Document also prints fine direct from indesign.
Have tried various fonts (including standard ones) with no change.
Searched for a new driver for my printer but the last update was for OS 10.5.
When in the develope module I have the film strip at the bottom of the page, I export the current image to CS 6 and then save from there. On returning to LR the last image saved is always at the right hand end of the film strip. You then have to scholl all the way to the left to find your next image to edit. Is there away of stopping this happening..
PSP X4 does not save the last crop settings which I used. In older versions the program saved the last used settings (dimension of the crop frame in pixel) and this was a good thing. Now in version X4 this does not work anymore. Is there a setting to switch that on or is it a bug?