InDesign :: Lines Of Text Missing From Printed PDF
Feb 12, 2014
inDesign CC
OSX Mavericks
Acrobat X1
Kyocera FS 10-20D
After exporting a pdf from indesign (high quality settings), pdf looks fine on screen and in print preview but printout misses 2 lines of text for no apparent reason.
Document also prints fine direct from indesign.
Have tried various fonts (including standard ones) with no change.
Searched for a new driver for my printer but the last update was for OS 10.5.
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Feb 7, 2013
Im working with a clients file and being told Im missing some fonts. There is text ALL OVER this thing and it will be a major headache to see where the font problems are located. When I open a file like this in InDesign where a font is mssing, its highlighted in large pink boxes that stand out real easy. Does Illustrator have a similar feature?
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Jan 23, 2013
The grid lines I used when creating a watercolour are showing when I print the image, however they are not showing when I am in Photoshop, making it impossible for me to correct them. Is there a tool I can use to bring these lines to the forefront so that I can correct them?
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Aug 21, 2013
I own a company that designs and sells sewing patterns for men's clothing to be made by home sewers. I have my patterns professionally drafted and sent to me as a poster-sized PDF. I then open it in Illustrator, move things around, change some fonts, etc... and make a 34" wide copy to be printed at a copy shop. That's all fine and dandy, and it prints out perfectly.
I then use Acrobat XI Pro to open the 34" version and print to Adobe PDF with the poster setting of 7.5" x 10" for people to print at home. Then I open each page of the multi-page PDF in Illustrator to add a border, alignment marks, page numbers, etc... and save as the same PDF.
Now here is where the weirdness begins. For some reason, there are random chunks of lines (identical to the pattern lines throughout the rest of the document) that aren't supposed to be there. They don't show up on my screen when I open the file in Illustrator or Adobe, but they get printed every time. I've even started the whole process from scratch, tested the 34" wide version at the print shop (prints perfectly), and split it into pages again, and the phantom lines are still there!
I've attached a photo I took of one of the pages in question. The file on my screen is the exact one I printed, and as you can see, they are definitely not the same
I have been saving the PDF files as Press Quality from Illustrator.
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Feb 24, 2013
I have vertical lines spaced at 1/2 inch in my printed pictures and would like to get rid of them. It happens with Photoshop CS-6 but not with Microsoft Photo Editor. I'm using a HP Officejet 6500A Plus and the color printing is fine.
Additional info: I am using Windows 7 on a Dell. Service pack 1, 32 bit system.
It happens with pdf files, jpeg, and psd. I am managing colors with the printer. I am using best quality printing. I have tried Color Smart and Adobe settings for RGB on the printer dialog page. I have tried telling the printer that I am using HP premium plus, plain paper and Other photo papers (My paper is actually Staples high gloss photo supreme).
What is remarkable to me is that I get high quality prints with the same printer, same paper, same settings using Microsoft Photo Editor - no vertical lines at all. However MPE is not very versatile, and the pdf I am currently trying to print will not load onto MPE.
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Feb 16, 2011
Had this drawing sent to me , and I always like to show the lighting switch lines dashed, but the guy who did this drawing had all his lines solid, anyways I have tried to change them but no matter what line i choice non of them show up as dashed in paper space or when printed?
I have added just part of the drawing as it was to big for the whole drawing to upload here
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Mar 15, 2014
why are there lines across printed picture
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Mar 25, 2013
Just upgraded to REVIT 2013 and now many types of lines are not visible on screen- randomly it seems. Also, sometimes they don't print, either. I've tried increasing the fineness of the view, changing the material definitions, etc. Most often this is happenning when I have opened an old file and had it automatically update the file. Also, it seems to happen within asurface texture, but it is not limited to that circumstance.
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Apr 21, 2011
we are using AutoCad 2011 and 2008.When any draw is open everything seems to be just fine, but when we print it out then it came out with lines around the objects(green, grey...)
We have tried 4 different printers with all drivers that we could found on internet, with no success. On the ploter we aren't having any problems and the lines are gone.Also the AutoCad 2006 is without the problems, but we want to move on to the version 11
Is there any setting which we should change?
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May 11, 2012
When I print out a certain drawing, there are a couple of lines that show up that are not visible in the drawing or on the preview of the drawing. Therefore, I don't know where the lines are coming from nor can I delete them.
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May 26, 2013
I am printing to a Brother laser printer and a Kodak inkjet using logos in a size I have never used before. None of the content is postscript, none of it should have halftone, and none of it is bitmap-based. I have resized simple CDR and AI vector line art logos for clothing care from large size (about 4") down to 0.25" for a project I am working on. Uniform fill in black is used and some of the logos have outlines and some do not. When I print the tiny logos on the laser printer, even with a DPI or 600 or 1200, some (not all) of the lines have a noticeable saw tooth appearance under magnification, instead of smooth. Fonts that are around 5-point print with clean lines. When I print on the inkjet printer with the same DPI settings, the logos appear smooth under magnification. There may be a hint of a saw tooth, but it is barely noticeable. Font that are around 5-point print with clean lines. Perhaps I went beyond the capabilities of the laser printer, but I question that because the fonts print cleanly with much finer lines than in the logos. Note that I did notice a 45 degree halftone appearance in laser printed text with a uniform fill that was much larger than the logos, even though it is not postscript. This did not occur with the inkjet.
how I can make these logos have crisp solid lines in the tiny size I am using? I'm not printing separations. I haven't found any settings in CorelDraw X5 to fix this.
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Feb 3, 2012
I just printed of the design for my first t-shirt. There are faint horizontal lines, about 1/2 inch apart, thru an ellipse with a green-blue fountain fill that are not part of the design. Is this my printer, or is there something in the program that I am (not?) doing?
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Aug 17, 2012
Is it possible to either print or save an image that shows the crop lines from Lightroom (i.e. shows what is both in AND out of the image as it is cropped). I'm working off a scanned negative and I want to show my printer just how to crop the image. She was hoping to see both what's inside and outside the crop? Possible to get that to her either by printing that from my computer or emailing it to her?
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Oct 12, 2013
How do I correct black lines running horizontally through a printed photo?
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Nov 3, 2013
I've received two orders of CDs for a client, and in the printed artwork there are some flaws that have me wondering what to do to avoid this.
Files were submitted in PDF format with text converted to curves. I believe the artwork is then imported into AI at the other end before going to print.
Along the edge of an object with a drop shadow, there is a fine white line showing. On the two products with identical artwork, the line shows on different edges, but appears to be where the drop shadow ends.
In other spots, there is what I would call "scratches", where, within an image there is a fine white line. This is not an edge or overlap, so I'm at a loss for this.
In another place, one character in a word essentially did not print. So I'm wondering what my "best practice" would be to avoid this. Should I "flatten" everything when I'm done, essentially converting the entire page to a single 300DPI bitmap?
Should I include text in the flattened bitmap, or is it best to leave as curves? My gut says leaving as curves preserves maximum resolution, but does it matter if it is not being scaled?
I've never before had issues with getting artwork printed from PDFs. In most cases, I imagine the print is created directly from my submitted PDF.
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Apr 21, 2010
When I export a PDF from my InDesign doc I am missing letters "fi" and "ff", and some are appearing as a block x, in the eps files I have placed in the InDesign doc. I have tried several fixes such as turning off ligatures in the original eps and the InDesign doc. I also changed the setting in the PDF export window from subset font percent from 100% to 0%. But nothing fixes it and the error is still occurring?
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Mar 7, 2014
A netwrok group policy has kicked in on my machine (which I have managed to evade for 2 years) and the recently opened items has stopped displaying. The recent items options in Preferences>File handling is also greyed out. The recently opened items in the Start menu>properties is greyed out too. I know its the policy that is the root cause.
The list does not generate at all, even while I am active in the program.
However, Illustrator and Photoshop are still recalling the recently opened files as they normally would. While I know they are all different programs this gives me hope that there is a slim chance I can find a work around? Maybe redirecting where the data is saved or somethign along those lines?
Running CS5.5 Master Collection, Windows 7.just to add there is nothing in the group policy that is specifically directed at Indesign as i am the only person that has it.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have an InDesign document with one missing image.The strange thing is that this image is not (longer) placed in the document. The links palette also can't tell me where the placeholder for that missing element is: There is no page number shown in the links palette, there are no elements beside the pages or on the master pages. There just don't seem to be any placeholder containing that image!Selecting the missing image on the links palette and clicking on the "go to image" button doesn't work - nothing happens.I also tried to the relink the image to a file that's existent, but the relink button doesn't work here as well.
After that I placed a file with the same name at the path InDesign expects it but now the links palette shows the link as modified and I'm also not able to refresh it.Something seems to be stuck.
Would have saved the document as .idml but unfortunately it's a document in our content management system and saving it as .idml will result in loosing all article links.Because of the content management system I'm also not able to get a PDF out of that document because MadeToPrint / InDesign Server throws an error for all documents with missing or modified links.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a client who is complaining that apostrophes, quotes and em dashes are missing from the interactive PDF I created from InDesign CC. The client is viewing the PDF on Windows 8.
Punctuation is present when I view the same PDF file on my Windows 7 computer using Adobe 9 Pro and on my Mac using Preview.Is there something I'm missing when i export the InDesign file to PDF?if my client has to send out instructions for reseting his client's Adobe PDF Reader settings in order to have the file view correctly, it just won't work
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Apr 8, 2014
I am trying to add alt tags to objects in an InDesign CS5 project. The guidance I can find tells me to go to Object > Object Export Options.The problem I have is, there is no Object Export Options option available..
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Oct 12, 2012
I have created a document using an image and text and the text is blurred when printed - ?
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Jan 18, 2006
I'm having trouble printing out a Photoshop picture with some text. The text comes out noticeably pixelated. I know there is a way to print it in a non-pixelated way (the font is much more smooth) since I can print out another Photoshop picture with text of the same font, color, size, and everything else and there is no pixelation. Both pictures are exactly the same size (863 by 1125), and neither text layer has been rasterized. Why would one print out pixelated and the other not?
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Jul 1, 2009
I have tried for the life of me to figure this one out...why is my text ALWAYS fuzzy when I print it out, no matter what I do? I am not manipulating it at all, just typing it on my page, then printing. I have tried checking and unchecking "scale to fit media", I have tried printing straight from the psd file, I have tried printing from a saved jpg image. It doesn't look fuzzy/blurry at ALL on my computer screen.
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Apr 11, 2014
I am using CS6 v8.0 and Apple 10.6.8 to produce a 240 page book with many illustrations bleeding off the page. Where this is along the centre line, part of the image appears on the facing page crop area when the file is exported to pdf, which my printer is not happy with. I have tried turning off all options (including compressions) when exporting, which cures the problem but results in enormous file sizes. At the moment, if I reduce the frame for the photograph to stop 2.9mm from the centre line, the effect doesn't happen: any nearer and it does.
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Apr 21, 2014
I am finding missing fonts when I publish a PDF document from InDesign CC file.I tried to install the custom fonts in my system, but the installation is not getting completed.
I am using the fonts like, Akzidenz-Grotesk and Helvetica family fonts.
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Nov 28, 2012
In photoshop I created a document that is 8.5x11, the size of standard printing paper, with a letter in a handwritten font. When I print my letter the print quality is not so great. I have resolution for the image set to 100. There is a little bit of a blur around the edges of the font and overall it is not very crisp.
If I take that same font when printed through microsoft word, it is very crisp, sharp and high quality.
What might be the disconnect between the two? Why is the same document much more crisp and clean when printed through word than through photoshop?
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Jan 7, 2012
I notice that whenever I add text to a photo, and get it back from the lab that the text is ugly! It looks nothing like it does on my monitor. These are hi-res photos taken with my Canon 5D MkII. I save them as .jpg's at the highest resolution.
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Apr 24, 2004
working with printed material and the CMYK enviroment.
I'm designing some full color business cards entirely in photoshop 7 and I have a couple questions:
1) Is it true that one should turn off Anti-Alias when creating text for printing? I know it looks jaggy on the screen but I heard it is suppose to be better for printing.
2) Should I set the text layer to "Multiply" not "normal"?
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Feb 28, 2003
I would like to make a stamped/printed type effect but don't know how to do such a thing
To be more clear I've placed some examples of this text effect :
how to achieve such an effect?
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Feb 1, 2011
I'm having an issue on my full scale detail sections for a set of entry doors. I used layoutwizard to create my layout and I'm adding text (dtext) and leaders and it all looks good on my screen. When I print it out the text is rotated 90 degrees. I imagine it's any easy fix but I sure can't find it.
I thought I should add- when I look at 'print preview' the text is rotated. When I go back to the layout the text looks correct. I tried unchecking the "match text orientation to layout" and checking it again and it didn't work. Seems like this might be a glitch of some sort?
update: If the text is in model space it prints properly. Only the text in paper space shows up rotated.
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Mar 19, 2014
When I place a .psd picture in INDD 5.5 and do a drop shadow, the resulting pdf shows the outline of the canvas as a thin line. It doesn't show when the picture has no shadow. How can I get rid of the lines?
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