InDesign :: Missing Punctuation On Windows 8 Computer
Feb 10, 2014
I have a client who is complaining that apostrophes, quotes and em dashes are missing from the interactive PDF I created from InDesign CC. The client is viewing the PDF on Windows 8.
Punctuation is present when I view the same PDF file on my Windows 7 computer using Adobe 9 Pro and on my Mac using Preview.Is there something I'm missing when i export the InDesign file to PDF?if my client has to send out instructions for reseting his client's Adobe PDF Reader settings in order to have the file view correctly, it just won't work
I have a new computer with PsCC installed. Unfortunately, I have to have my hard drives reformatted and Windows 8 reinstalled, so I have to reinstall PsCC on this same computer. Do I simply sign in, download and install PsCC and Bridge again when my computer is ready? Will Adobe count it as a second installation or do I need to deactivate PsCC before I reinstall it on the same machine?
Recently installed and then updated Photoshop CS6 Extended - "About" says Version 13.0.1 x32.
Sometimes Photoshop comes up and I can use it, but then I get a Windows XP error"bark," with no error message or error dialog. Once that happens I can no longer open or edit or save images. Other times it will not completely start up.
The "universal" Microsoft Windows "fix," a re-boot of the computer makes the problem go away, until it happens again. I have made sure that there are no errors in the registry with Norton Utilities. Windows XP is up to date.
Is there an error log someplace that Photoshop issues? All other apps on the computer seem to work fine.
I have photoshop 7 which I have used for years. My computer died (windows XP) and I had to buy a new one with windows 8 . I have re installed Photoshop 7 and now when I click on the Photoshop icon it begins to load then halfway through I get a message that says "You currently have Adobe Photoshop's primary scratch and windows primary paging file on the same volume which can result in reduced performance. It is recommended that you set Adobe Photoshop's primary scratch volume to be on a different volume, preferably on a different physical drive" The only option here is to press "OK" then it automaticly closes.
i just update my Gimp to the new 2.8.6 and for some reason it keeps crashing whenever i start opening up GImp(the loading screen)! I kept uninstalling it and installing it again,but,the same crash always appears! I then restart the computer and it happens again!
I recently had to repair my Windows Home 7 Premium. Since the repair, a number of programs would not start...this System Error dialog appears:
The program can't start because .DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem.
The programs were Lightroom 4.1, Acronis True Imeage 2012, AVG Antivirus and Vegas Movie Studio 10. Photoshop Elements 9 was unaffected.
I uninstalled and reinstalled all affected programs. TrueImage, Antivirus and Vegas started working again with no issues. Lightroom 4 kept showing the same error (even though the reinstall is always successful). I tried installing 4.0, 4.1 and 4.3, all of them have the same problem.
We have one Mac and two Windows machines in the office. Our Indesign CC documents link to images on the file server. The file server was really messy so I cleaned up the folders and relinked our documents using my Mac. Now, the new paths are not showing up on the Windows PCs until they relink them but my Mac is showing everything fine. I've had the Mac about a year now and we've never had any problems with the paths up until today (the PCs use network shares as opposed to mapped drives).
When I export a PDF from my InDesign doc I am missing letters "fi" and "ff", and some are appearing as a block x, in the eps files I have placed in the InDesign doc. I have tried several fixes such as turning off ligatures in the original eps and the InDesign doc. I also changed the setting in the PDF export window from subset font percent from 100% to 0%. But nothing fixes it and the error is still occurring?
A netwrok group policy has kicked in on my machine (which I have managed to evade for 2 years) and the recently opened items has stopped displaying. The recent items options in Preferences>File handling is also greyed out. The recently opened items in the Start menu>properties is greyed out too. I know its the policy that is the root cause.
The list does not generate at all, even while I am active in the program.
However, Illustrator and Photoshop are still recalling the recently opened files as they normally would. While I know they are all different programs this gives me hope that there is a slim chance I can find a work around? Maybe redirecting where the data is saved or somethign along those lines?
Running CS5.5 Master Collection, Windows 7.just to add there is nothing in the group policy that is specifically directed at Indesign as i am the only person that has it.
Have just migrated to new PC (Ver 7) from an CP machine. LR 2.7 is loaded on the new machine and I have a folder called Photo Universe that contains 15,000+ photos with keywords, modifications, etc. Quustion is how to import the existing folders and photos so that my previous keywords, configurations and settings carry over as well.
I tried "Selecting All" sub folders, but that didn't work. I guess I'm hoping and looking for a silver bullet. On the other hand, I'll do whatever it takes to make this happen.
I was able to fix issue of "offline", so at least LR is seeing the right drive. HOWEVER see all the ? next to folders? and where did the extra LR CATALOG PREVIEWS Irdata folder come from with no question mark?
inDesign CC OSX Mavericks Acrobat X1 Kyocera FS 10-20D
After exporting a pdf from indesign (high quality settings), pdf looks fine on screen and in print preview but printout misses 2 lines of text for no apparent reason.
Document also prints fine direct from indesign.
Have tried various fonts (including standard ones) with no change.
Searched for a new driver for my printer but the last update was for OS 10.5.
I have an InDesign document with one missing image.The strange thing is that this image is not (longer) placed in the document. The links palette also can't tell me where the placeholder for that missing element is: There is no page number shown in the links palette, there are no elements beside the pages or on the master pages. There just don't seem to be any placeholder containing that image!Selecting the missing image on the links palette and clicking on the "go to image" button doesn't work - nothing happens.I also tried to the relink the image to a file that's existent, but the relink button doesn't work here as well.
After that I placed a file with the same name at the path InDesign expects it but now the links palette shows the link as modified and I'm also not able to refresh it.Something seems to be stuck.
Would have saved the document as .idml but unfortunately it's a document in our content management system and saving it as .idml will result in loosing all article links.Because of the content management system I'm also not able to get a PDF out of that document because MadeToPrint / InDesign Server throws an error for all documents with missing or modified links.
I originally installed my CS5 on a computer running Windows Vista & it worked great. I just got a new computer running Windows 7, installed my Adobe Photoshop Elements & CS5 on it, but now it doesn't work properly. When I click on the right hand triangle at the bottom of any of the tools, it doesn't open to show the different tools like it used to.
Because the new Building Suite Design programs won't run on windows vista, I've been upgrading some of our older computers to windows 7. Most are working fine but having problems with one computer.
Specs of this computer (it's pretty old I know) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz Asus P5K SE/EPU NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 8gb ram
So I formatted this computer and installed windows 7 64x pro, installed all the software etc. This computer is also part of a domain. Problem now is opening some AutoCAD files on the server, edit the file then hit the x in the corner to close it, we hit yes to save it then the whole computer just freezes. It doesn't happen with all files, just some and I can't work out what the problem is. ALSO when copying some CAD files from one project folder on the server to another project folder on the server it freezes. No problems copying files to the local computer/desktop, just server-server. The graphics card driver is up to date etc.
I have both Photoshop CS3 and CS5 installed on a Windows 7 64-bit system. Photoshop CS5 has two Helvetica fonts: one TrueType and one Type 1. The TT version only offers italic and bold italic styles. The T1 font offers the full suite of bold, italic, bold italic (or oblique), and medium (or regular). This seems odd, but it's sufficient. Photoshop CS3, on the same computer, only offers me the Helvetica TT font, with just the two styles mentioned above. Why can't CS3 see the T1 Helvetica? Why does the TT Helvetica only show me two styles? In case it's relevant, I believe the Type 1 version is the only one I deliberately installed, and I recently upgraded to a 2010 version of the font made available by Adobe.
I have a new Macbook Pro. I transfered all my programs, including Photoshop CS4 extended, from my old Macbook to the new one. Whenever I try working on...ANYTHING, I get the following message, and then CS4 closes:
Fatal Error Missing Component
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Version Cue CS4/Client/4.0.0/VersionCue.framework
Im working with a clients file and being told Im missing some fonts. There is text ALL OVER this thing and it will be a major headache to see where the font problems are located. When I open a file like this in InDesign where a font is mssing, its highlighted in large pink boxes that stand out real easy. Does Illustrator have a similar feature?
I am trying to add alt tags to objects in an InDesign CS5 project. The guidance I can find tells me to go to Object > Object Export Options.The problem I have is, there is no Object Export Options option available..
I am finding missing fonts when I publish a PDF document from InDesign CC file.I tried to install the custom fonts in my system, but the installation is not getting completed.
I am using the fonts like, Akzidenz-Grotesk and Helvetica family fonts.
When typing numbers or punctuation on Photoshop CS6, they always glitch and go back to the beginning of the sentence and can't be made to go after the letters.
My Type tool is adding punctuation to the beginning of a sentence. Checked the only thing I could think of (type preferences) and these are the options..