VideoStudio :: Edit Footage From Muvi HD Camera
Feb 28, 2012
I've been using Corel Video Studio X4 to edit the footage from my Muvi HD camera which is usually mounted on my bike frame or cycle helmet.
If I upgrade to X4 Ultimate it comes bundled with some software that is supposed to stabilise the recorded video. (proDAD Mercalli SE)
Any experience of this software plugin, is it worth upgrading for this component, or any alternatives to steady video recordings?
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Dec 19, 2012
I have been using VS11But, I have just bought a new camera, a Panasonic HC V500. A small section of the info on the camera are the following lines:- 2D-to-3D Conversion.The camera processing engine automatically converts your 2D footage to 3D without the need for the optional 3D lens, to then be able to view on your 3D TV for an enhanced viewing experience.
Progressive Video Format for Smooth Action.The Full HD format employed in this model uses 1080/50p (AVCHD Progressive compliant) imaging. The Progressive format carries roughly double the image information of a 1080i interlace signal, minimising flickering and after-images.
As I edit and convert all my video footage into movies, will the latest VS programme retain the 3D conversion ability/facility, if so, what is the latest (or best) VS edition to purchase.
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Oct 23, 2010
I currently have a copy of Corel Video Studio Prox2 that runs on my Windows XP. I'm planning to purchase a mini camcorder (KODAK Zi8 Pocket Video Camera) which, according to the specs, has video formats as: H.264 (MOV), AAC LC.
Will I be able to import and edit my recordings from the camera? I don't want to convert mov files into different formats so the quality remains the same.
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
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Apr 14, 2013
I have a Sony camera wich can record 1920x1080 50p.It's the absolute best quality that camera can capture. The raw footage looks marvelous. After open in Videostudio X6 it plays ok but the final disc blu-ray or avchd even on dvd format the footage looks juddery especially on pans and moving subjects.
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Jul 20, 2011
What settings I should use to put HD footage -after editing in VS4,using smart proxy etc..- to DVD with a minimal loss of quality. I'm using the Ulead and Corel products since years but I'm a newcomer on the level of HD-editing. I use a Pansonic HDC-SD90 with the following specifications.
Signal System 1080 / 50p, 1080 / 50i, 540 / 25p
Recording Format <Original Format>
1080 / 60p : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
<AVCHD standard compliant>
HA / HG / HX / HE : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
<MPEG-4 AVC file format compliant (.MP4)>
iFrame : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Recording / Playback Mode
(1920 x 1080) 1080 / 60p (28 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HA (17 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HG (13 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HX (9 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HE (5 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
iFrame (28 Mbps / VBR), (960 x 540)
Audio Recording System 1080 / 60p / HA / HG / HX / HE : Dolby Digital (2 ch) iFrame : AAC (2 ch)
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Jul 29, 2011
It seems VS always output a video file with 29.970 fps even if the footage was taken at 24P, 30P. Can video studio output a video that is the same as its capture fps rate?
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May 12, 2011
I can see that saving my 50p footage as 25p would be ideal as it would just drop every other frame. However vsx3 doesn't give me the 25p option. mp4 hd 1080x1920p only offers 30p
Is this because I set vs up as PAL region ? If I changed it to ntsc would it then offer me the 25p option?
I'm really trying to find my best "saving " option for my 1920 x 1080p footage. I use 50p so I can get good slow motion but 25p or 30p would be good output if it plays nicely..
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a DVD of some old 1937 film footage. It was obviously taken as a direct transfer from degraded film stock. I have loaded it into Videostudio from the DVD (which VS has loaded as .mpg files) I have applied some sharpening and visual filters and want to export the footage. Is it best to export to DV and then use that to remake a DVD or burn the DVD direct from VS? I am assuming that trying to reburn the DVD will involve some re-encoding anyway, so either way isn't going to make a difference other than having a DV file to archive.
what I am trying to do with reference to the file conversion aspect and minimising loss of quality.
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May 4, 2012
I have a project that was filmed in DVCAM and captured as an AVI file. I want to mix in some footage that was filmed in HDV, on the same camera. Presumably I can capture it as an AVI too and just add it to the project? The project is:
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
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Apr 4, 2012
You can see what I mean by spasming: [uRL] ... (jump to about 30 seconds in).
The above video is the 1st time that happened. It just happened to me again for the 2nd time, yesterday. I checked the raw footage and it doesn't spasm, so it's not my recording software. I loaded it into Sony Vegas and it doesn't spasm. It's JUST in VideoStudio. But it also displays as spasming when rendered out.
Why it has happened only twice in about 1000 opportunities. And, to show it's not a fluke... when it happened yesterday, I re-did the work immediately after and it still spasmed. However, I recorded something else today and it worked perfectly.
I use WMCapture for screen recording and also had Audacity running for capturing my microphone. However, I did the same thing a week ago, with no issues. It's 2 completely isolated incidents.
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Jun 10, 2011
Well, I bit the bullet, and I'm slowly learning the tricks of Video Studio. Here's my question... is there anyway I can "park" footage on the lower video tracks without them showing up in my preview video? In other words, I typically place clips on lower timeline tracks and eventually insert them into the final video after tweaking the main video track. When "other" clips are parked at the lower tacks, they appear in the preview footage, which I do not want to see.... yet.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 and my operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm trying to put together a film, including some sequences which have been filmed on an IPad (I think) for which the aspect ratio is a thin vertical rectangle. I would like to change the shape to a horizontal rectangle by removing segments at the top and bottom.
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Jun 7, 2013
basically my 24fps footage isn't rendering smoothly ON X5 Ultimate.
What i've done is put the same clip together twice, as strangely the first clip is smooth, then subsequent clips are all jerky. This has been going on for some time, so switched to 25fps. 25fps from my Canon 5D MKII wasn't as good as 24fps, so switched back and decided to try and sort this out.
I have been through multiple settings, deleted all older versions of Corel, removed then re-installed X5, made sure all patches and updates were installed - made no difference.
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Sep 21, 2013
When you are burning HD footage (video type H.264, Upper Field First) to a DVD, do I keep the project input and output on UPPER FIELD FIRST? Or am I supposed to change both to FRAME BASED?
This is what I know:
SD is Lower Field First
HD is Upper Field First
"Still Photos" is Frame based
I had a videographer tell me today that to burn HD to a DVD i'm supposed to use FRAME BASED. And HD to a BLUE RAY disc is UPPER FIELD FIRST. I thought Frame Based was only for Slideshows.
I'm currently using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Ultimate
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-NTSC), 16:9
Video data rate: 8000 kbps
Audio data rate: 128 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)
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Mar 31, 2013
Video studio prox5 ultimate. I am capturing footage using a canon dv video camera, 1394a firewire adapter and firewire cord. I purchased video studio in October 2012. Now, while capturing the footage, I am experiencing a problem with the audio being captured very choppy, like there is static in the audio. This just started happening. The audio is playing fine on the camera but not capturing smoothly.
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Jul 3, 2013
I currently have X5 and am wanting to burn my 1080P footage to a blu ray disc. However the settings when I select 'create disc' only allow upper or lower field, and not frame based. Does X6 have the capability to create a disc at 1080P, is it worth purchasing? Or does it even matter if I output to upper field first (quality-wise)?
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Apr 13, 2013
I have Canon 60d original footage shot at 1080p 25. The clip is only 9-1/2 sec long. When I play the clip straight out of my pc folder inside VLC the clip is smooth. The moment I import the clip into VS proX5 timeline and straight away, share / create video file / AVCHD / 1920x1080p preset, VS introduces 4 dreaded stutter problems into the render finished product which is very noticeable and ugly to watch.. I am in PAL land and VS was installed to PAL. I have also tried the WMV hd1080p preset and mpeg-4 and the results where just as disappointing.
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Jun 4, 2011
I've been working on a project (original is HD footage) and got a successful render to SD DVD. In trying to render a copy for my ipod i get an added audio problem no matter what ipod setting VSP x3 offers me. It's a background distortion, similar to that of clip that goes in very slow motion and the audio is echoing with reverb. The background noise appears to be in continual " waves".
However, the clip does look excellent otherwise in picture, vocals, musically etc.
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Apr 20, 2013
I am using VSX5 and after rendering a project of video, where I have added transitions and titles, the video image is not as clear as it was before I rendered.
I have captured the footage from a mini dv camera using firewire, or, someone else has captured the video footage on a dvd using a dvd burner and given me the dvd to import into VSX5. Sometimes VSX5 will not read that dvd for import, so I have used freemake video converter, and converted the dvd into an mpeg file and put it in a folder on my computer where VSX5 "grabs" it. During the edit phase, the video is clear, after render, it loses some of it's clarity and is blurry.
This has not always been the case. The only thing that has changed with VSX5 is I installed sp2.
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Jan 30, 2011
Trying to convert video footage on VHS video to AVI files which I can burn to DVD disc. I bought EasyCap and installed it along with Ulead Video Studio. The program seems to be running OK, the device appears to have been installed OK. I connected the VHS recorder to the Easy Cap device with the Scart to RCS lead supplied with it. When I go to capture video, nothing happens, apart from the clock starting. The screen remains blank and no video is recorded.
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May 27, 2013
I am confronted with a considerably quality loss when I edited and rendered the material from my Sony HDR-CX130 camcorder. It shoots *.m2ts 1920x1080 at 50i (this is in fact 25 fps, I assume).
The loss is visible when there are moving objects or when the camera moves: very not-fluent and not-smooth movement-representation, while the original footage playbacks fine and smoothly in any mediaplayer (Sony PMB or Windows Mediaplayer).
As if the rendered material has a framerate of 12 fps! Which isn't the case, in fact.
I did some experiments: render to other formats like MPEG, tried it on the laptop of a friend who also has CVS X4 installed (W7 SP1, i5 2,3GHz, 4GB RAM),I used properties of first videoclip (which actually doesn't happen), set camcorder at 50p; all without better results.
Project properties I use in CVS X4:
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI-files
8 bit, 1920 x 1080, 25 fps
Microsoft Video 1
This I was told here to use in order to get stills that are also 1920 x 1080 in size.[URL]
Is the un-fluent playback of edited AVCHD normal, will it be better in version X6?This is visible when playing back the rendered footage in Sony PMB and WMplayer as well.
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Sep 22, 2013
I was wondering if there is a plugin or app that I can use to either edit or erase the Exif camera data in Mac.
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Nov 11, 2005
I want to shoot RAW images on my digital camera but I'm at a loss when it comes to how to edit RAW files.
I don't really want to use the RAW software that came with my camera but have read somewhere that you can edit RAW files in Photoshop. I have Photoshop CS but can't figure out how to use the RAW plug in.
Would the Photoshop CS RAW plug in work in the same way as the RAW shooter software I got with my camera? I mean if I used the Photoshop RAW plug in it's not going to compress my images. The reason for shooting RAW is that they are like a digital negative.
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Dec 5, 2012
Can I edit my camera raw photos in both Photoshop elements 9 and light-room 4?
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Jan 12, 2014
I just applied the Lightroom 5.3 and Camera Raw 8.3 updates and now am no longer able to open RAW or DNG files into Photoshop CC. When I select a file and choose "Edit In" Photoshop, photoshop will launch, then nothing will happen. After 2 to 5 minutes, an error will popup in Lightroom saying "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop CC could not be launched." An error I've never seen before. When I click "Ok", Lightroom will show that it's "preparing a file for editing" in the upper left, it will create and save a psd to disk and in the catalog (another new behavior), then it will open in photoshop. All other file types (jpgs, tiff, psd) seem to work/open fine between applications. No difference if I open photoshop prior to selecting "Edit In". Selecting "Edit In" other applications, like Viveza, work fine.
I tried first deleting preference files in both applications. No luck. Ditto for plugins. Notta. Eventually I completely uninstalled and fresh installed Photoshop, Lightroom, and Bridge from the cloud. Same deal...can't open raw/dng files into Photoshop.
I'm on a PC running Windows 7 64bit.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have elements 11. It was working just fine. I went to edit a photo and camera raw is missing. I did the update, but it's still not there.
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Jun 24, 2013
Every time I try to open and edit a picture (specifically using a raw file in camera raw) after double clicking on it to open it, I get this message, "could not complete your request because of a program error" I have tried over and ove again and it wont work!
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Dec 17, 2012
I have PSE 10 and I recently decided to start some shooting in RAW. However, when I open my photos( I have a Canon Rebel T2i so the file extension is .CR2), it says, "processing Camera RAW file" and then opens the photo in the full edit mode instead of the Camera RAW dialog box. I checked my plug-in, and I have version 6.7 of the Camera RAW plug in. I'd really like to start working with Camera RAW! Oh, and I am working abroad for a couple months and do not have my installation disks with me, so uninstalling and re-installing PSE is not an option.
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Jun 5, 2011
Is there a tutorial, procedure or technique to easily edit footage from two video cameras?
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Oct 29, 2011
Is there a way to edit using a multi camera "technique" ? ( having several videos synchronized with an audio track and just switching between the video tracks) or is there some way to do that ?
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