Photoshop Elements :: Camera RAW Dialog Not Appearing - RAW Photos Open In Full Edit?
Dec 17, 2012
I have PSE 10 and I recently decided to start some shooting in RAW. However, when I open my photos( I have a Canon Rebel T2i so the file extension is .CR2), it says, "processing Camera RAW file" and then opens the photo in the full edit mode instead of the Camera RAW dialog box. I checked my plug-in, and I have version 6.7 of the Camera RAW plug in. I'd really like to start working with Camera RAW! Oh, and I am working abroad for a couple months and do not have my installation disks with me, so uninstalling and re-installing PSE is not an option.
Every time I try to open and edit a picture (specifically using a raw file in camera raw) after double clicking on it to open it, I get this message, "could not complete your request because of a program error" I have tried over and ove again and it wont work!
I have PSE 9 with RAW update 6.5 installed and have the following cameras Canon G11, Powershot S100, and Sony NEX-7 all on the camera supported list. Checked in "PSE 9 help" under "system" and it shows thar Raw 6.5 has benn installed but I still can not open Raw photos from any of the cameras.
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
How can I prevent the Getting Media dialog appearing, I have left Organiser running for hours and it never disappears. The Stop button does nothing. It is not possible to to close the program without Ctrl Alt Del.
When I open the file.psd to edit or file.jpg (Any file type) The program will appear the dialog and then When I click "OK" to close this dialog.After that, it will appear the dialog to close program.
I could not continue to work.I must close and reopen the program. (Do not open the file.)
to Photoshop elements and will be needing to make: collages consisting of multiple photos from my personal files usually between five and 10 total photos. Yesterday while browsing Photoshop elements frequently asked questions I came across an answer explaining how to do this using full edit.
When I click Start >Adobe PSE PSE starts in Organizer mode. I want to go directly to Full Edit mode. I looked for a setting in Edit > Preferences, did not find a setting there. How can I tell Adobe, PSE what mode to start in?
When I try to open multiple raw photos from cs6 mini bridge, after selecting them, none open up. If I do one it works fine. I also tried the review mode and only one opens.
How do I get the list back in the panel bin? I clicked every icon there and there are no list. It was there from my old iMac but not in my new MacBook Pro.
I'm using pse10 on a computer with an i7 processor with 12GB of ram and windows 7 with a color laser printer. The print function works fine while in organizer and sharing mode, but not from full edit. When I try to print from full edit, I get an error message with a red "X" on it that says: "Before you can perform printer related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer." I can't figure it out. The printer is in "ready" state, and works fine in the organizer mode, and in share.
When I'm working in guided or quick edit I'm fine but if I switch to full edit mode I lose the gray background and my workspace turns parent with my desktop showing through. I can still work on the photo but the workspace itself is changed.
I accidently changed the color of the background outside of my docked image from grey to black and can not figure out how to reset it to the default grey. The workspace dock color is grey until I dock an image and then the color surrounding my image changes to black. This is occuring in the Full Edit Mode.
Photoshop Elements 12 will not display photos in Organizer in full screen mode. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the application but it still doesn't work.
Today I'll tryed to open Photoshop and it says "Error: 1, uninstall and install application again". I uninstalled and installed it and after that trying to open photo/photos from Lightroom to Photoshop and found it does not work anymore. Photoshop starts but it only Pop up "Open As" windows and that's it.
I am a full member of creative cloud so all progs are the newest ones.
I have now tryed to install both Photoshop and Lightroom again. No change...
My PSE 12 download and the Catalog worked fine for two days but something changed and it now only opens videos, not photos. I've tried "reconnecting" with no change. I suspect I need to replace the catalog. I have full backups with TLY and BUC files on external hard drives but I'm past my skill level to proceed.
I have upgraded from pse9 to 11 and after selecting a photo in organiser then viewing in full screen and enlarging to 100% then exiting, organiser loses the highlight and reverts to the first photo. This also occurs when the photo is edited and saved you have to find where the editedd photo has gone to, it is time consuming when you have a large number of photos in the organiser. pse9 did not do this.Also pse11 does not sort photos properly by the shot date especially when the photos ard edited
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12: I need to create a Web Photo Gallery so I can upload thumbnails and full-size pictures to my own website. No Facebook, Flickr, Adobe Revel etc.
Or do I have to open each photo individually? I've taken four or five of each subject, so I would like to be able to whizz through them to see which one is best before I start working on it.
I have loaded about 10 pictures in the editor of elements 10. I want to save them to an sd card. When I try to do that it tries to save all of my pictures instead.