Is there a way to edit using a multi camera "technique" ? ( having several videos synchronized with an audio track and just switching between the video tracks) or is there some way to do that ?
I'm trying to enable multi-sound track editing in Max 2011. I assigned ProSound from the Animation tab of the Preferences dialog, but do not see any changes made to the track view in my window. The help documentation specifies that new tracks would appear under the "World" object in the Track View, but alas, I do not see them there. How to enable that feature?
3DSMax 2011 | Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Apple iMac 27" Bootcamp Intel Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB RAM ATI (AMD) Radeon HD 6970M
I use a lot of Multiline text, copy and paste that text to other areas of the floor plans that I draw, then edit the text. My problem is when I select the text for editing my cursors always appears in a different location other than Align left.
Coming from a FCP background, and I see this in FCP and in AVID, but I can't seem to do it in premiere, though I really want to. I want a multi monitor set up where the first monitor has my timeline, source window, and project window, then my second monitor has my bins & effects & metadata, then the third will be a full screen of the project window that is still on my first monitor, and then finally a fourth, 65" 4k tv also displaying the project window (mirroring the third monitor). Dragging the project window around and toggling in and out of fullscreen is a waist of time since there was no need to do that with FCP for so many years. I need 3 project windows in premiere (and I dont mean using the reference) , how do I do this with premiere?
I have a multi body part with an extruded cut through all solids. Each solid is derived out to its own part. I edited the extrude feature in the multi body part and removed one solid from the selection set. The cut was correctly deleted from the solid, but when I open the part its still there. The only way to make it update correctly is to manually edit the derive feature in the part. Caught it just before it went off for cutting. 2012 SP2, all hotfixes, win7 64 bit.
Is there a way to modify the text insertion point of multileaders using lisp? We have a problem with some of our multileaders getting a landing distance set to a negative value. My lisp routine will correct these to a default value, but then the text jumps a bit. If I could get the insertion point prior to changing the landing distance then I could restore that point after changing the landing distance.
;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(defun c:zld (/ e th dogleg doglegllength sf ss c mlss mlcount) (setqss (ssget (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "MULTILEADER"))))DWATxtHgt (getvar "userr1")sf 1dogleg (/ 3 32.0)th (if dwatxthgt dwatxthgt dogleg)c 0mlcount 0mlss (ssadd)) (IF ss (while (< c (sslength ss)) (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss c)) c (1+ c) ) (= (vla-get-ObjectName e) "AcDbMLeader") (progn;;change the dogleglength if
where the suction cups and bar was still. Does anyone have any tricks or tips for getting rid of the rig in the shot? I've been using the clone stamp tool, along with the vanishing point tool.
Whenever I try to edit an image with Bridge I get a message saying: "Camera Raw editing is not enabled. Camera Raw requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature"
So just a few questions here, I have a process where I go through my RAW D800 photos and do general touch-ups in camera, but have been wanting to do skin touch-ups in photoshop. My problem lies in the photo sizes (45mb per RAW photo to begin with). Is there any sort of way to make a workflow that would allow me to retain the raw photos and seperate photoshop files in a convenient manner?
I'm simply looking to avoid having 2GB folder for just a few images, and wondering if there's maybe some appropriate file formats for that.
I have Camera Raw 5.0 through Bridge CS4 and I shoot photos on my Nikon D40X in JPEG. Should I NOT be using Camera Raw to edit my non-RAW photos? Is it degrading my images? I noticed when I did some editing and saved the photo, the new photo size was about 25% of the original JPEG size.
if it is possible to take a camera raw file from lightroom and open it directly in Camera Raw for editing rather than use the editing in LR itself. I thought I read somewhere that it is possible to do this as an automatic setting - when choosing the "edit in Photoshop" menu option a raw file will be opened in Camera Raw and the changes tracked in LR. I prefer the Camera Raw interface in Ps so am hoping I can do this and then proceed on to Ps if I need to do further processing. I am using LR4 and Ps6 on a Mac with the latest updates. I am a recent convert to LR/Ps from Aperture so am still learning.
I am having a problem trying to create a DVD with multiple "independent" videos. I want each one to be selectable on the main menu and to act independently of the others. When the selected video is finished, rather than going on to the next video, I wanted it to return to the introduction screen for the user to select another video or exit.
Because i still don't have audio when loading a video in the timeline and go to projectmode. The audio is also not in the output file. It is when playing original clip in library and when in timeline choose the clip but not in project mode and output file.
Thats why i split audio and video in Virtualdub to wav (direct stream copy) and then load audio and video in VS4. Now i want to multi-trim the clip. But only the video is trimming the audio is not trimming with it so audio is off sync.How can one multi trim a video with the audio who is seperatly loaded in the audio track?
I can consistently get VSP X4 to crash if it slows down during mouse click inputs in the multi-edit window trying to advance frames and I put too many clicks into the buffer.
I've just started using VS X6 Pro, after not doing much with video for a few years. I previously used VS 10 and 9.
We have a canon P&S camera which produces HD H264 mov files which I am editing for the first time and getting a weird problem. The files play fine on the time line, but when I try to use the multi-trim tool I get two issues:
1. Audio is badly out of sync in the multi trim window, like 1/2 second in a 20sec clip. (again, same clip plays fine on the time line) 2. When I make a multiple trim, the "play trimmed video" button does not work properly. eg if I make two selections from a clip with a gap between them, play trimmed video plays the whole clip to the end, then returns to the start of the second trim selection and plays that.
If I load up an mpeg2 .avi clip, the multi-trim tool works perfectly: audio is in sync and it correctly plays only the trimmed sections.
I have enabled smart proxy on the clips, and following another hint in a thread here, I downgraded quicktime to 7.5.5 but neither worked. Also I have installed sp1.
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.
Basically I do a lot of dog rescue/foster stuff and doing videos (even if they are slide shows) of the dogs really get adopted. I am "ok" at doing a normal slide show. Here's a link for one I have already done
But, I would like to "spice" them up a little. One thing someone suggested was doing a slide show, like above, but having multiple pictures on the screen at once. For instance a picture appears in the Upper left, then upper right, then lower left, then lower right. So there are 4 pictures that are on the screen at the same time, but appear at different times. Like if you were showing some one snapshots and setting them on a table, with some covering up others.
I can compose my own multi track music, but how to I get it into a format that Corel Video Studio could use -- to allow me to use Set Mood to adjust the layers?
I'm trialing VS ProX5 and have uploaded multiple video files and have trimmed them and multi trimmed them and now would like to join them together to make one video and put a voice over on top. Is that possible?
I haven't tried the voice over bit yet cause I haven't been able to figure out how to join the videos.
I am editing .CR2 files using camera raw, and when I save the edited version as a .tiff, my changes are being applied to my original .CR2 as well. I am losing the original .CR2 files.
I'm using Lightroom 5 and Photoshop CS5. The problem is that if I apply a custom camera color profile created by X-Rite Passport Color Checker, I can no longer use an external editor, such as Photoshop, to edit my photos. Before I apply the custom profile, the external editor function works just fine. If I apply a custom profile in the Camera Calibration panel, then the ability to use external editors no longer works. There is no error message, but nothing happens when I try to edit in an external editor. If I go back and turn off the custom profile and go back to Adobe Standard, then the external editor function works again. What is going on? Is there a way to make it possible to apply a custom profile in Camera Calibration and still be able to use the external editors?
I use VSX3 to edit down .mov files created with a contour HD helmet camera. I have been using a 720p version of the helmet camera and have had no issues with editing (other than the ocasional C++ runtime errors and the VSX3 program crashing randomly which just seems to be a Corel programming issue) Recently I got to use a 1080p contour HD helmet camera and have problems editing the files in VSX3. In the preview window in the edit screen the 1080p file plays fine. But when I try to trim the file down using the "multi-trim video" function the file is very jittery, takes a long time to load and the sound is in and out, almost like the program can't handle a 1080p file for editing. The "mult-trim video" works fine for the 720p videos.
One of my soap box rants is about Owners Manuals and user guides. Most are a direct translation from the Japanese or Mandarin.
The VS User Manual also is fairly useless as it glosses over the useful detail. (previous query about files used by VS) In this case the Multi Trim tool has two unexplained buttons, the Ad-Zapper and the Merge CF.
I suppose the Ad-Zapper relates to our overwhelming desire to eliminate commercial breaks. (Have you noticed how much longer they have become in recent months? At least one brew and a slice of toast before the program restarts) But what is Merge CF? And how does Ad-Zapper know what is program and what is an Ad?
I made the stop motion effect by the multi trim,and every time after 35-50 sec the software crash,i have to save my work every time before the vs4 crash,what should i do?
When I move the slider VS PRO X 4 gets an unexpected error and closes.Digging around I found the Ultimate version and tried the trial download. It worked for a while and then the application terminated again.
I reloaded X4 Pro and installed SP 1 & 2
I find confusing that the X4 Pro Build number without either SP 1 & 2 is:
The Build after Sp1 is:
The Build after Sp2 is:
Then this ULTIMATE version has a build of Looks like the same family and from the same department.
The GUI is also the same no mention of Ultimate - and the Sp's think it is another pgm?
What does the Ultimate do that the Pro X4 does NOT?
Should I try and work with two different formats in my time line or should I convert both files to the same format first, I'm using dv-avi files and MTS (AVCHD) files. Project will be going to a standard dvd. Both files are filmed in 16:9 .
I am trying to edit .mts (from Panasonic HD video a camcorder) files as a project. Its very jerky and the sound does not synchronize the the video. I am using X4 pro on a Dell 420 XPS windows 7 64 bit with 6GB of ram.
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).