VideoStudio :: Creating Multi-video DVD?

Feb 28, 2011

I am having a problem trying to create a DVD with multiple "independent" videos. I want each one to be selectable on the main menu and to act independently of the others. When the selected video is finished, rather than going on to the next video, I wanted it to return to the introduction screen for the user to select another video or exit.

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VideoStudio :: X3 Multi-trim Video 1080p Jittery?

Jan 13, 2011

I use VSX3 to edit down .mov files created with a contour HD helmet camera. I have been using a 720p version of the helmet camera and have had no issues with editing (other than the ocasional C++ runtime errors and the VSX3 program crashing randomly which just seems to be a Corel programming issue) Recently I got to use a 1080p contour HD helmet camera and have problems editing the files in VSX3. In the preview window in the edit screen the 1080p file plays fine. But when I try to trim the file down using the "multi-trim video" function the file is very jittery, takes a long time to load and the sound is in and out, almost like the program can't handle a 1080p file for editing. The "mult-trim video" works fine for the 720p videos.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - Creating Video File And DVD?

Nov 18, 2013

I'm using Corel Videostudio Pro X5 and have been filmimg in ACVHD.MTS format this year for the first time on motorsport events, I've edited all my 2013 footage and all is looking great.and now i want to save the footage into a file on my PC to upload into Sony DVD Architect to make a quality DVD production.

I have done this routine with my SD footage for several years and had no issues at all and created some great DVDs but now i'm using HD footage i'm getting lost with all the video formats that are available.

Basically which is the best format to save my video file onto my PC before i upload it into Sony DVD Architect? I tried the first option HDV which looked great and a reasonable file size but then it started to flicker and freeze during play back on my PC.

Also, even though i've been filming in HD i still only want to make a standard DVD because i share my work with friends who do not have Bluray players, will this be an issue since i have filmed in HD all year? All i after after really is the best quality footage i can produce for my DVD.

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VideoStudio :: Creating AVCHD Video

Feb 2, 2011

I am using VS2 and have been working on creating a "hybrid DVD" AVCHD video. I have a Canon HD video camera and an HP computer (w/regular DVD burner) with an i7 quad. Hybrid DVD is played on a Bluray player and HD TV. Everything is working well with editing the clips etc... Rendering has gone well with no real problems. I recorded video at the highest setting 24 Mbps. When I click on properties for a (m2ts) clip in the timeline it indicates 21,0000 to 22,000 Kbps that seems normal. I than go directly to the burn step (Create disc>AVCHD) and proceed to burn the disc at 4X. When I click on the middle icon (thumbwheel) these are the properties:

MPEG files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(HDMV-NTSC), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 18000 kbps)
Audio data rate: 384 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)

These settings seem normal to me. Also, the "do not convert compliant......" is checked.

This is what I am not understanding. When the 18 minute HD project is brought into the burn disc module, it shows only 1.45 GB of data and after the disc is burned, the video file properties found on the disc show a total bit rate of 11,768. As a test with the same project, I did a (create video file>same as first clip) and created a mpg file that is 2.75 GB in size with a total bit rate of 21,649 which seems normal. I understand VS has a max of 18K but shouldn't I be able to create a hybrid disc with a data rate close to 18K. The video at the lower bit rate plays and look ok using my BR player but I wanted to find out if I could create a higher quality video on disc.

I have read probably every post relating to what I think my problem is and after trying a couple of things, I cannot increase the total bit rate of the video on my hybrid disc.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files?

Jan 2, 2011

Groupe a.png

(45.64 KiB) Downloaded 51 times

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files

May 10, 2012

I am interested in saving my projects for both uploading to the web and for storing on my hard drive. I'm having some issues

I get by ok with the actual editing part of the VS 4 program. However, I am really struggling to figure out how to create the files in the most efficient format that would balance both quality/file size. I use two HD cams that record in the mp-4 format with h.264 compression 29.97fps. One is a Sanyo Xacti, the other A Kodak Playful. I like to record with the 720p/30 setting, and would prefer to retain the same frame resolution when I create the finished projects. Also these cams record at a rate of about 9000 kbps or so, but would like the finished project to be reduced to about half of that or maybe even less.

OK, so to this point I have experimented in saving my finished project to several different formats. And based on my first impressions, the AVI format looks best (when selecting ffd show and h264 compression). Only there's a problem...the audio is out of sync. About 1-2 seconds ahead of the video I have tried several times always with the same result. If I instead select xvid or h263 or h263+ as an alternative to h264, then everything seems fine. I have also tried creating a movie template with these parameters, as well as just going into the create custom file option and selecting AVI. Can't seem to solve the audio-video sync with h264 as the compression, no matter what I try.

Oh, and now that I've mentioned "Creating Movie Templates" I have another question dedicated just to that.

Why is it that when I save my project using my newly created template, the result is that I end up with several short saved files (portions of the complete project) instead of one single and complete file of my project? Have tried with both an AVI template in h264, as well as a WMV template. Doesn't happen when I don't use a template.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 Error When Creating Video File

Mar 6, 2012

I've been editing with no problems for a while now but every time I try to share/create a video file it fails every time at 95%. I'm assuming it must be something specific for it to fail every time at the same point and i've tried it in multiple formats but always with the same result

I have included a screenshot.

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VideoStudio :: Video Clips Pause When Creating DVD?

Jul 4, 2013

I just tried creating my first video using VideoStudio X6 ultimate. I have multiple video clips, a jpg, an audio and a couple of music tracks. I've created it without problems and it plays great in the program during preview. My problem was when I tried to burn it to a DVD+RW disc. When I play the disc in my player, each time a video clip ends, there is a split second pause before the next clip starts. It also appears this way during the preview in the DVD creating utility. I submitted a ticket to Corel Support, and they told me to install the SP1. But I had trouble installing that service pack, but looking at my version, I see that I have So maybe I already had installed it?

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VideoStudio :: Creating The Best Quality Video File

Dec 14, 2010

So, I have created many bluray video files which I store in my hard drive using the Corel pro "create a videofile feature" and they have worked pretty good, but I have found that burning the same bluray video onto a disc using Corel DVD factory has a superior picture quality, specially when you look at strong colors like red, they don't smear and have a rock solid look to it, I have also found that when the camera pans this problem shows its ugly face even more when creating a video file to the hard drive, but not in the burning disc process. I always choose two pass encode and the highest quality setting when burning a bluray disc.

Question, Is there a way to choose "two pass encode" in the Corel pro program or a way to change settings so that I get rid of the problem, or Can I use the Corel dvd factory in a way that I don't have to burn a disc, but just create a video file?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video File In BD Format

Nov 5, 2011

I created a 4 minute video project in VS Pro X3. Source of video clips were from a Sony HDR-CX550V camcorder. I added some titles to a few video clips and 3 titles on a "Graphic - Color" background. When creating a video file (under SHARE) and choosing Blu-ray ----> NTSC MPEG2 (1920 x 1080), I found the following: Video clips are sharp, no problem, but the titles have black lines at irregular intervals, to the point that the letters cannot be read. What may be the cause and how can I eliminate this problem.

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VideoStudio :: Sound Echo After Creating Video File

Oct 29, 2012

Using X5 to create a video file from a project file in the timeline.

After the file completes rendering, the project preferences default is set to play the rendered file. But I find that when the playing commences after rendering, the sound has an echo effect that isn't part of the original files. Like the original sound is reflecting off walls, and you get the same sound just spaced apart by a small time period. I've tracked this to what appears to be X5 playing both the rendered file and the project file at the same time. If I turn the project preferences item "play after render" off, off course nothing happens after rendering completes. And separately playing the rendered file, the sound is normal.

Is there a way to stop this echo effect? Ideally, just play the rendered file only. But failing that, change the preferences default. However, there does not seem to be any way to change the project preferences default for this item.

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VideoStudio :: X3 Crashes While Creating Video File With Error

Feb 9, 2012

The error says as follows:

The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump file for analysis.


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VideoStudio :: V15 Trial / Creating Video File In HDV Format?

May 30, 2012

I own VS 12, and when I work with HDV footage, I'm able to create an HDV video file either with MPEG optimizer or Same as first video clip. The project smart renders and I get HDV file. I've downloaded VS 15 trial as a test, as it has some additional features I'm interested in. However, with the VS 15 trial, following the same steps produces a file formatted as NTSC DVD 4:3 and no smart render. Am I missing something or is this a bug/limitation of the trial? Corel says the trial is fully functional. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit i5 4 GB ram. I even tried installing the VS 15 trial on my old XP laptop and had the same issue.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files In AVCHD Format

Oct 18, 2013

In order to create a video file in the AVCHD 1920X1080 format, I have the following options in the VSP X6:

AVCHD (1920X1080)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 24P)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 25P)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 50P)

What is the differences between those formats, so I don't know what to choose. My original clips are 25 frames/sec, does it means that I have to choose the 25P?

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VideoStudio :: Change Default Options When Creating Video?

Mar 26, 2012

how to change the default options when creating a video?

I keep forgetting to turn off "smart render" and "non-square pixel rendering" in the options dialog when I convert.

Also it would be nice to be able to turn on Dolby 5.1 by default as well.

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VideoStudio :: Creating 1440 X 1080 MPEG2 Video File In X4

Apr 28, 2011

I'm struggling to create a 1440 x 1080 mpeg 2 video file with a variable data rate.

The original HD footage is 1440 x 1080 but I can't find this option when I try to create a video file from my project. I am sure that I had many more options when rendering a video file in X2.

If I try using Create Video File/Same as Project Settings I can only get a 720 x 576 file.
If I try using Create Video File/Same as First Video Clip it looks like it's doing the job but I think I'm getting a file with a fixed data rate of 25,000 kbps which is too much for playback on my Western Digital TV gizmo (whereas a variable data rate of 25,000 kbps would play okay).
If I try Create Video File/Custom I can only get what I want by switching from mpeg2 to MPEG Transport-Stream Files (whatever they may be) but when I try playback on my Western Digital TV player I get the message "no audio channel" although the image is very good.

So how can I get a Video File the same as my original footage but with a variable data rate?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video File - Unable To Open MPEG Encoder

Aug 19, 2012

I was trying to 'create a video file' when I received this message, 'Ulead VideoStudio [2000:1:1] Failed to open the MPEG encoder.

I've made countless movies and this is the first time I'm having this problem. Maybe I had it in 2008, but I've just turned 70 and remembering what I did then is a thing of the past!

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Premiere Pro :: Multi-speed Video Footage

Mar 25, 2014

I want to film my CEO standing on London Bridge as people walk over it. The trick is is that I want to film him at normal speed (for obvious reasons), and i want the people walking past us to be shown at double the speed.
Having thought logically I guess I need to film people walking over the bridge separately from filming my CEO, then somehow superimpose him on the that footage.

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Photoshop :: Creating A Multi-Layered Ring Effect

Mar 26, 2003

i'm learning the tut "Creating a Multi-Layered Ring effect", then when i've got at step "5", i had some problem, it tells us to "ctrl click" layer alpha1 at channels window, then go back to layer window and keep selected ring1 layer, but it doesnt work, cause i can't keep both layers selected, when i go to the apply lightning effects and change all the values to those mentioned at the tut, all i have back is a dark image, nothing alike to that one at the tut.

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Photoshop Elements :: Creating Multi-page Doc / Add Blank Pages In 11?

Nov 19, 2012

I am creating printable PDF files and up to yesterday I was using a free trial of PSE 10. To create a multi page document I first saved it as a PSE project file, then added blank pages, then when I was done I saved it as a PDF and voila - done!
Now my trial has run out I have bought the paid version (which is now version 11) and I seem to have lost that option entirely. The product is useless to me without a way to create multi page PDFs
Alternatively can I downgrade back to PSE10 which was fine for me!

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VideoStudio :: Split Single Video File Into Multiple Video Files?

Feb 13, 2011

I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:


I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.

As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.

as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!

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VideoStudio :: Video Filter For Specific Times In Single Video?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?

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VideoStudio :: Multi Cam Editing / Support

Apr 17, 2011

Does VSPx4 support multi cam editing ?

I did visit the product website but could not find any reference to multi cam support.

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VideoStudio :: Multi-trim With Audio

Nov 27, 2011

Because i still don't have audio when loading a video in the timeline and go to projectmode. The audio is also not in the output file. It is when playing original clip in library and when in timeline choose the clip but not in project mode and output file.

Thats why i split audio and video in Virtualdub to wav (direct stream copy) and then load audio and video in VS4. Now i want to multi-trim the clip. But only the video is trimming the audio is not trimming with it so audio is off sync.How can one multi trim a video with the audio who is seperatly loaded in the audio track?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Multi Camera Editing?

Oct 29, 2011

Is there a way to edit using a multi camera "technique" ? ( having several videos synchronized with an audio track and just switching between the video tracks) or is there some way to do that ?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Crashes During Multi-Edit?

Jul 3, 2012

I can consistently get VSP X4 to crash if it slows down during mouse click inputs in the multi-edit window trying to advance frames and I put too many clicks into the buffer.

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VideoStudio :: X6 Pro - Multi Trim With MOV Files

Aug 17, 2013

I've just started using VS X6 Pro, after not doing much with video for a few years. I previously used VS 10 and 9.

We have a canon P&S camera which produces HD H264 mov files which I am editing for the first time and getting a weird problem. The files play fine on the time line, but when I try to use the multi-trim tool I get two issues:

1. Audio is badly out of sync in the multi trim window, like 1/2 second in a 20sec clip. (again, same clip plays fine on the time line)
2. When I make a multiple trim, the "play trimmed video" button does not work properly. eg if I make two selections from a clip with a gap between them, play trimmed video plays the whole clip to the end, then returns to the start of the second trim selection and plays that.

If I load up an mpeg2 .avi clip, the multi-trim tool works perfectly: audio is in sync and it correctly plays only the trimmed sections.

I have enabled smart proxy on the clips, and following another hint in a thread here, I downgraded quicktime to 7.5.5 but neither worked. Also I have installed sp1.

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VideoStudio :: X6 Ultimate - Multi-picture Slideshow

Aug 3, 2013

Basically I do a lot of dog rescue/foster stuff and doing videos (even if they are slide shows) of the dogs really get adopted. I am "ok" at doing a normal slide show. Here's a link for one I have already done

But, I would like to "spice" them up a little. One thing someone suggested was doing a slide show, like above, but having multiple pictures on the screen at once. For instance a picture appears in the Upper left, then upper right, then lower left, then lower right. So there are 4 pictures that are on the screen at the same time, but appear at different times. Like if you were showing some one snapshots and setting them on a table, with some covering up others.

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VideoStudio :: Multi-Layer Music Creation

Nov 18, 2013

I can compose my own multi track music, but how to I get it into a format that Corel Video Studio could use -- to allow me to use Set Mood to adjust the layers?

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VideoStudio :: Joining Multi-Trimmed Videos

Apr 13, 2012

I'm trialing VS ProX5 and have uploaded multiple video files and have trimmed them and multi trimmed them and now would like to join them together to make one video and put a voice over on top. Is that possible?

I haven't tried the voice over bit yet cause I haven't been able to figure out how to join the videos.

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VideoStudio :: Multi Trim Tool / Ad-Zipper And Merge CF

Nov 2, 2012

One of my soap box rants is about Owners Manuals and user guides. Most are a direct translation from the Japanese or Mandarin.

The VS User Manual also is fairly useless as it glosses over the useful detail. (previous query about files used by VS) In this case the Multi Trim tool has two unexplained buttons, the Ad-Zapper and the Merge CF.

I suppose the Ad-Zapper relates to our overwhelming desire to eliminate commercial breaks. (Have you noticed how much longer they have become in recent months? At least one brew and a slice of toast before the program restarts) But what is Merge CF? And how does Ad-Zapper know what is program and what is an Ad?

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