Premiere Pro :: Multi-speed Video Footage
Mar 25, 2014
I want to film my CEO standing on London Bridge as people walk over it. The trick is is that I want to film him at normal speed (for obvious reasons), and i want the people walking past us to be shown at double the speed.
Having thought logically I guess I need to film people walking over the bridge separately from filming my CEO, then somehow superimpose him on the that footage.
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Dec 17, 2013
I am trying to edit a video for a friend. He shot the video with his phone and it shows up sideways when it is imported to Premiere. Everything works fine till I rotate is 90 degrees. When I rotate it the bar on top becomes red. The audio and video still play perfectly fine though. When I render the video and it plays back, the audio stays the same, but the video speeds up by almost 10 seconds. Also, when I try to just start over with the clip and just reimport it, it will only let me add audio to the sequence. The video plays in the preview, but will not add to the sequence after telling it to render the first time. I have deleted the project, all prefrences for Premiere, and even did an uninstall and reinstalled it.
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Mar 14, 2014
I opened up my project and all the footage has seemed to change to look like a "film negative". Colors are reversed, etc... Clips on the timeline and clips in the project folder. How can I correct this..
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Mar 19, 2014
The capture went just fine when digitizing my tape and the .mov file has both audio and video during playback in both quick time and Adobe Premeir Pro, but when I drag it into the time line only audio will show up. Even weirder it's 4 layers of audio instead of just one audio and one video. This only began with videos that I catured today. When using footage I captured on a previous day it works just fine. What went wrong? Where's my video!?
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Jan 13, 2014
I have 2 years of footage related to a project and I'm looking to have it centralised and have metadata attached to it that will allow me to cross reference footage, for example, when someone in an interview talks about losing weight and to be able to pull up clips that relate to that.
I got a feeling that an Excel spreadsheet is the way...
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Mar 16, 2014
Ive been attempting to import AVCHD video footage captured on a Panasonic into Premier Pro CS6 on my MacPro. I've tried this from the camera and after copying the entire folder to my desktop. The footage is there, but has no audio!
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Feb 16, 2014
I want to import footage from a DVD (self burnt). Can I do this directly with Premiere CC or do I need a programm like Handbrake (I'm a Windows user)?
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Mar 18, 2014
I am currently working on a 24fps project with R3D footage in Premiere.Some of the footage for a new sequence I am working on was shot at 48fps (and will need to be exported to 24fps while retaining 48fps' slow motion effect).
Can Premiere play back in the program monitor at 48fps? Can it interpret/render 48fps footage to export to 24fps while retaining the original attributes of the 48fps footage? Or would I need to use additional software to accomplish this?
I would like to be able to edit/playback the footage at the correct frame rate within Premiere as I need to synchronize it with music to see which segments of the clips I have will work best.
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Apr 15, 2014
Is there a way to have a certain preset of effects activate on any and all footage dragged into the timline? I'm working in a 24FPS 2K timeline with 60FPS 1280p footage. To have it play the way I want I have to drag down the footage, set the scale of the clip from 100% to 150% so it fits the screen. Then set the time playback to 50%. Is there a way to have the time playback and scale change automatically affect every piece of footage dragged into the timeline?
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Dec 8, 2013
I've been editing a piece recently that requires me to do a lot of green screen keying, I've just started out using premiere and whenever I finish keying something and then force rendering it, it cuts my peice in half at a slight angle and no matter what I tweak it doesn't change.
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Apr 4, 2014
i preview my footage and it looks fine, but when i drop it in the time line it cuts alot off
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May 6, 2012
I have a question about conforming material from Abode Premiere CS 5.5..I have a 720@50p source that was converted to Avid DNxHD 10bit 720@50p in Quicktime .mov container, using Media Encoder.Then material was edited in Premiere, cuts, dissolves and etc. Timeline in Premiere is set to 720@25p, because I need to output 720@25p finals.Premiere DOES NOT slowdown shots in timeline, it just plays them skipping every 2nd frame (I thinks so), so it is played in a normal speed and audio is in sync also. In Interpret footage settings nothin is changed - so, it still treats as 50p footage.
Problem is that I dont understand how to conform this footage correctly in Smoke.If I use automatic conform using wiretap import of AAF (same dir as footage is), Smoke thinking about this operation about 10-15 mins and then it creates a 1080@50p timeline where all shots are smaller it's native size and timing is completly wrong. They starts early than they should.If I use Video I/O I have correct sizing but timing issue is still present.
I need to create a project with PAL settings and override resolution to 720p?
How make Smoke to play footage same as Premiere does? Whithout shifting in out points?
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Mar 18, 2014
I've been getting a "Serious Error" message consistently when using Premiere Pro CC on my Macbook Pro. It only seems to remedy itself after a system restart, but eventually it will happen again. Most recently it happened after I used After Effects without issue. Here are my system specs and a copy of the error log.
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Jan 16, 2014
I have two recent model 27" iMacs running CC. On one system, playback freezes or I getting a Media Pending screen when playing AVCHD (.mts) footage. The second system can playback all the footage with no probplem.
The troubled system specs are: iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
Software OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
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Mar 25, 2014
Not having used Premier all that much - as I leave that to the editor, I have a question around Premier and its file usage. We save our source footage in several location on a local server. Video in some folders, Sound in others, backgrounds in yet other folders. The editor creates a project, then a sequence where she pulls all the files together - so, for instance, lets assume it is a prject sequence that consists of:
1) Background footage of a field
2) Green screen footage of character #1 moving around
3) Blue screen footage of characters #2 mocing around
4) Music Layer
5) Vocal layer
She creates and saves her project on the server in the specific project folder. I am now interrested in collecting those files through premier and storing them all in one place, then copying that collected structure to her local machine to see if response will be better for her editing - our network is not the best at the moment, and we are still working on solutions. She will then have all the source footage and files sitting on her local maching, along with the Premier project file.
She now completes her edit and we are all happy with the way it looks. How do we get that specific edit back onto the server (at the end of the specific edit, as well as daily for backup purposes)? Do we have to recopy and replace the entire folder every time, or do we just copy the project file back to the server? Will this require a relink of every single piece of footage?
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Jan 29, 2014
I shot some footage in AVCHD with the Canon XA25 and I would like to edit it in Premiere Pro CC. In the Media Browser though, there's no thumbnail and the clip is just called "private" - In FCP7 I can just open the log and transfer and easily convert to ProRES. Is there a way to easily deal with clips from this camera in Premiere?
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Dec 20, 2013
Clips play to choppy in timeline to edit and take far too long to render since update to Premiere Pro CC 7.2 and 7.21.
XAVC HD footage from Sony F55 in Slog2.
Have reverted back to 7.01 and clips play, but now cannot render a single clip in it's entirety. The render process freezes even with no effects applied to the clip. What can I do to fix this?
Mac Book Pro Retina
Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
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Dec 6, 2013
Using a Mac and CS6.
I have used the Media Browser multiple times with different footage shot to an AVCHD camera, and after bringing the 1080p video into CS6, I get audio dropouts and sometimes no audio at all, even though there is definitely audio with the footage.
1. Is this a known bug?
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Jan 3, 2014
I'm cutting a project using multiple codecs in Premiere CC, but I want to grade it in Davinci Resolve- a software that can't handle MXFs and MP4s and H264s in the same sequence. My colorist is asking for a sequence in a single codec- preferably Pro Res.
I'm trying to do the equivalent of "Media Manager" in FCP to simultaneously move and transcode the footage from my finished sequence to a new location, but I'm having trouble finding this.
The "Project Manager" feature in Premiere Pro CC was incredibly buggy. It took 15 minutes to export a test sequence that was 15 seconds long and it didn't even trim my clips- even though I selected that box. This took up a ton of hard drive space. More importantly: It doesn't give me the option to transcode on export.
Does this feature exists? I'm a professional editor and Premiere needs to play nice in finishing if I'm going to continue to use it.
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Jan 12, 2014
I'm using Preimer Pro CC and I have a clip which is 1min long - I want the first 30sec to play at normal speed and the last 30sec at 200%. I can work out how to speed the whole clip up but not a portion of it.
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Feb 3, 2014
I want to edit 4K source footage inside of a 1080p timeline in order to do alot of shot stabilizing throughout my project with the plug-in "Warp Stabilizer" that is standard inside of Adobe Premiere CC. BUT as soon as I drop the plug-in on my 4K footage that is inside of my 1080 timeline there is an error message that says "Warp Stabilizer requires clip dimensions to match sequence (fix by nesting)".
So I guess the "fix" is to nest my clips first then drop the plug-in on the nested clip. My question is this ... is the plug-in using the true resolution of my 4K clip that has been nested to stabilize my shot? Or is it basically using a 1080 proxy type file of my 4K source footage since it is "nested"?
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Feb 12, 2014
Due to consolidating space on my hard drive I changed the location of the orginaly linked files (MXF footage). Having relinked in both Pr and Ae (CS6 latest updates as of posting date) to the new file location all looks good until I try to view the horizontally flipped clip in the sequence. If I look at the footage on Ae its all there, every frame. In the effects for the clip the opacity is as it should be -100%- but there is no image. I see the background footage (working with green screen foreground -hence the Ae project using Keylight plug-in). The non flipped footage from the exact same Ae file is as clear as day.
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Jul 11, 2011
I'm trying to understand why adding colour correction, or auto contrast to my some of my clips is causing them to have flicker. It's not a consistent flicker either, but random.
The footage affected is 720p at 29.97fps in a timeline with the same settings. The raw footage appears fine. Once effects are added, the image stutters. I have rendered the preview files and the issue remains the same, likewise when exported.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 and my operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm trying to put together a film, including some sequences which have been filmed on an IPad (I think) for which the aspect ratio is a thin vertical rectangle. I would like to change the shape to a horizontal rectangle by removing segments at the top and bottom.
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Jan 19, 2014
Is this a known issue in Premiere Pro CC? I'm using version 7.2.1 (4).
The video clip in V1 has a reverse speed change applied, and the timecode filter is off by one frame. Or maybe the source overlay is off by one frame? Which should I trust?
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Mar 17, 2014
In Adobe Premiere, I am getting an echo when I change an audio clip's speed/duration. The change is from 100% to 103%. I've tried other values in the speed duration but all create an echo.
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Nov 23, 2011
I'm near completion of a year long video project. I inserted several HD video clips into my VS X4 time line which includes many other HD/SD and .jpg clips along with transitions, music, etc. For effect, I used the tool in VS to speed up two or three of these clips by about 300%. Without the effect, the scene doesn't work so I'd like to keep it this way.
I noticed that when playing the clip in the time line after the effect is added, it plays very jumpy and jerky. Without the effect it plays fine as do all the other clips in my project. I am guessing the effect puts a strain on the system but mostly, my system is fine. However, the hard drive may be the culprit and not able to get the data fast enough to provide a smooth video. Is that possible? My cpu (core 2 quad Q6600 clocked to 3.0 g), new video card, memory, and monitor (HD certified) are all new and well within spec.
My question: Do you think the stuttering video will also be present in the final burn of a Blu-Ray? Or is this just a function of the preview window?
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Jan 8, 2012
Can I use "edit in" in Lightroom to move video clips to premier or premier elements to edit them?
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Apr 20, 2013
I am using VSX5 and after rendering a project of video, where I have added transitions and titles, the video image is not as clear as it was before I rendered.
I have captured the footage from a mini dv camera using firewire, or, someone else has captured the video footage on a dvd using a dvd burner and given me the dvd to import into VSX5. Sometimes VSX5 will not read that dvd for import, so I have used freemake video converter, and converted the dvd into an mpeg file and put it in a folder on my computer where VSX5 "grabs" it. During the edit phase, the video is clear, after render, it loses some of it's clarity and is blurry.
This has not always been the case. The only thing that has changed with VSX5 is I installed sp2.
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Dec 19, 2012
I have been using VS11But, I have just bought a new camera, a Panasonic HC V500. A small section of the info on the camera are the following lines:- 2D-to-3D Conversion.The camera processing engine automatically converts your 2D footage to 3D without the need for the optional 3D lens, to then be able to view on your 3D TV for an enhanced viewing experience.
Progressive Video Format for Smooth Action.The Full HD format employed in this model uses 1080/50p (AVCHD Progressive compliant) imaging. The Progressive format carries roughly double the image information of a 1080i interlace signal, minimising flickering and after-images.
As I edit and convert all my video footage into movies, will the latest VS programme retain the 3D conversion ability/facility, if so, what is the latest (or best) VS edition to purchase.
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Jan 30, 2011
Trying to convert video footage on VHS video to AVI files which I can burn to DVD disc. I bought EasyCap and installed it along with Ulead Video Studio. The program seems to be running OK, the device appears to have been installed OK. I connected the VHS recorder to the Easy Cap device with the Scart to RCS lead supplied with it. When I go to capture video, nothing happens, apart from the clock starting. The screen remains blank and no video is recorded.
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