Premiere Pro :: Spreadsheet / Database For Video And Audio Footage In Archive Mode?

Jan 13, 2014

I have 2 years of footage related to a project and I'm looking to have it centralised and have metadata attached to it that will allow me to cross reference footage, for example, when someone in an interview talks about losing weight and to be able to pull up clips that relate to that.
I got a feeling that an Excel spreadsheet is the way...

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Premiere Pro :: Imported AVCHD Footage Keeps Coming In Without Audio?

Dec 6, 2013

Using a Mac and CS6.
I have used the Media Browser multiple times with different footage shot to an AVCHD camera, and after bringing the 1080p video into CS6, I get audio dropouts and sometimes no audio at all, even though there is definitely audio with the footage.
1. Is this a known bug?

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Premiere Pro :: Multi-speed Video Footage

Mar 25, 2014

I want to film my CEO standing on London Bridge as people walk over it. The trick is is that I want to film him at normal speed (for obvious reasons), and i want the people walking past us to be shown at double the speed.
Having thought logically I guess I need to film people walking over the bridge separately from filming my CEO, then somehow superimpose him on the that footage.

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Premiere Pro :: Video Footage Has Changed To Look Like A Film Negative

Mar 14, 2014

I opened up my project and all the footage has seemed to change to look like a "film negative". Colors are reversed, etc... Clips on the timeline and clips in the project folder. How can I correct this..

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Premiere Pro :: Why Is Captured Footage Not Showing Video When Insert Into The Timeline

Mar 19, 2014

The capture went just fine when digitizing my tape and the .mov file has both audio and video during playback in both quick time and Adobe Premeir Pro, but when I drag it into the time line only audio will show up. Even weirder it's 4 layers of audio instead of just one audio and one video. This only began with videos that I catured today. When using footage I captured on a previous day it works just fine. What went wrong? Where's my video!?

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Premiere Pro :: Import AVCHD Video Footage Captured On Panasonic On MacPro

Mar 16, 2014

Ive been attempting to import AVCHD video footage captured on a Panasonic into Premier Pro CS6 on my MacPro. I've tried this from the camera and after copying the entire folder to my desktop. The footage is there, but has no audio!

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Premiere Pro :: Video / Audio Synch Warning When Uploading Video To YouTube?

Feb 13, 2014

when I upload a video to You Tube, I get a warning message that my video and audio are out of synch. Once uploaded, the video plays just fine, looks great. But I don't know why I get the warning when I upload. Video clip and audio track are the same length.

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Premiere Pro :: Get Video But Don’t Get Audio In CS6 (Mac)?

Apr 10, 2014

since I updated my Mac OS to 10.9.2, my Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 has a problem: when I import MTS-files (AVCHD) from a Sony video camera, I get the video, but I don’t get the audio! That’s strange, because when I import other video formats like mp4, everything is fine, and I get video AND audio.
I also tried Premiere CC test version, but there’s the same problem.
Before my update I had Mac OS 10.6 and Premiere worked fine.

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Premiere Pro :: Can Hear Audio But Not See Video

Dec 4, 2013

the original clip is visible perfectly fine,however the edited version now just looks like three coloured bricks instead of an image, and in the preview is simply a blank screen. I can export the clip and view it fine that way, however the quality is much lesser.I'm about to give up on this entirely.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio Not Syncing With Video?

Dec 12, 2013

I am editing footage for a nonprofit and they gave me footage of an interview that is an MPEG Movie, 1920 x 1080, Frame Rate: 29.97 and Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0. There is no in camera audio, but there was audio recorded separately in a .wav file. The interview was shot on a Canon 60D and I created a sequence from the .MOV file off the camera and put in the separate audio file. The problem is when I sync the beginning it will stay in sync for about 2 seconds before it slowly gets off sync the longer it runs. The video doens't look like it is running fast, but I have to slow it to almost 80% before the audio even matches for more than a second. I don't understand why they will not sync up.

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Premiere Pro :: No Video / Audio Tracks In Timeline

Jan 27, 2014

So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio And Video Export Separate

Jan 5, 2014

I am newer to using Adobe CS 6, but I am having a problem I have never had before. When I play the video I edited in adobe timeline everything is perfect. But when I export the video, the video and audio export in different files. The video has no audio, and the audio has no video.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio And Video Not Playing In Sync

Mar 21, 2014

After importing my mp4 video into Premiere Pro, the audio plays perfectly, but the video is out of sync and plays as if though it's in slow motion.I've been using this software for about 4 months and have encountered this problem within the last few weeks.

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Premiere Pro :: Import Only Taking Audio Not Video

Apr 17, 2014

I'm importing a 878,367KB .mov file into Premiere Pro - and while the full audio is there, the video screen is just green.When I put it into a sequence, the preview pane is black - and when I try to render it, it says "Error compiling movie. Unknown error."

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Premiere Pro :: Video And Audio Out Of Sync AFTER Importing Into CC V 7

Dec 19, 2013

I have been editing on Premiere and just recently encountered this problem: the video and audio get out of sync AFTER I have imported my media into the program.  I have been importing my media in the following process:
I upload the media from my SD card in my camera onto my computer.I watch the media in QuickTime and it plays perfectly. Nothing is out of sync and everything plays in normal time.I create a new project in Premiere and import the media from my computer into the new project.I go to play the media back and start editing, and find the video and audio are out of sync.  The video is playing extremly slowly and the audio is playing perfectly fine. I have played around with the speed and duration of just the video (not the audio) and all it does is create weird skips in the video.  I have also tried exporting the media to see if it would somehow render itself out, but nothing seems to work.  The problem is not with the camera or the original media. 
This is how the video looks when I play it straight from QuickTime after uploading the media onto my computer from the SD card.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio Falling Out Of Sync After Importing Video

Dec 18, 2013

I've been using Xsplit to record games while I play. I recorded a ~2 hour video and toward the beginning of the video  it seems to be pretty a-okay but later in the video when I play it in premier pro, the audio starts falling out of sync.When I play the original raw video the audio and video are both on time.
I read somewhere that the reason why the audio was out of sync was because xsplit uses a "variable framerate".
Not sure if this is true or not, but regardless, I tried exporting numerous times and the audio STILL falls out of whack. I looked on xsplit and there was a setting that i could enable to force constant frame rate..

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Synced Audio With Video For Further Editing

Dec 9, 2013

I'm exporting DSLR footage with synced audio in order to "bake" the audio in. I'm going to bring the export into Prelude to organize and then back into Premiere to edit. What are the best export settings (including target and maximum bitrate) to maintain top quality footage that I'll continue editing?

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Premiere Pro :: External Audio And Video Falling Out Of Sync?

Dec 2, 2013

So I've recorded some footage on GoPro Cameras at 1080p at 29.97 fps. The audio is 48000Hz.

I've recorded audio using Two Zoom h4ns simultaneously. One is at 44100 Hz at 16 Bits and the other is at 44100 Hz at 24 bits.
Now I've tried both a 24fps sequence and a 30 fps sequence, but neither of Zoom recordings match the video, they start off in synch (because i synch them) and then fall out of synch (obviously).
Is it that they fact that they were recorded at different Hz or fps/bits affect it? Is there any way to fix it that wouldn't destroy the footage aesthetically?

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Premiere Pro :: Restore Corresponding Audio (or Video) To A Clip On Timeline?

Jun 27, 2013

This is a daily occurrence.  As I go along editing, I inevitably come upon some video clip (or audio clip) on my timeline that is missing it's original audio (or video) counterpart.  I've previously deleted the audio portion (or video) at some point earlier in the edit, when it made sense to do so.  Now, though, I change my mind, or I need to hear the audio to sync other clips, or just hear the audio for reference, etc.
How do I bring back the corresponding media?  I love the new "Join Through Edits" command in Premiere Pro CC, it seems that a companion feature would be something like "Restore Original Linked Audio / Video"
Match Frame seems close to what I need, but involves a few more steps than a right-click, or keyboard shortcut (maybe I don't properly understand how it works).  Does any command exist that would do what I'm needing?  I can't imagine I'm the only one who would need this function DAILY.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio Gradually Goes Out Of Sync When Video Imported Into CS5.5?

May 9, 2012

Audio sync problem I'm experiencing with videos recorded with the latest iPad 3 (well, that's what I'm calling it anyway).
I believe the iPad 3 recording format is 1080/30p with 44.1Khz / 16 bit audio, but when I match those settings on a Premiere Pro CS5.5 project (or try 48KHz audio as a test), the audio gradually goes out of sync. If the video is several minutes long, it becomes quite obvious, and by 10 minutes, it's terrible!
I should add the file plays back fine on the iPad itself and was imported to a Mac via iTunes. It also plays fine on the Mac itself in Quicktime.
On a related note, I additionally captured the audio using a Zoom H2n which i intended to replace in Premiere, but foolishly I captured it at 48KHz, rather than the 44.1KHz of the iPad video file. Should I resample it?
I actually managed to line-up the 48 and 44.1KHz waveforms from the iPad and Zoom in Premiere quite accurately, but again both gradually go out of sync with the video...
I'm running Premiere Pro 5.5.2 on Mac OSX 10.7.3.

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Premiere Pro :: Importing ProRes File - Only The Audio Shows Up - Not The Video?

Jan 30, 2014

I have a several dozen shots, Quicktime ProRes 422 HQ.  When I try to import them into Premiere CS6 all the arrives in the bin is the audio of the clips.  The video has been stripped.  But if I play the clips outside Premiere - just double click them open and play them with Windows Media Player, they play fine.
I'm not having trouble with any other formats.
Just the ProRes.  And I must have the necessary Quicktime ProRes plug-in installed, as the individual clips open and play fine.

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Premiere Pro :: Video Files Playing Audio Only On Specific Computer?

Dec 13, 2013

I started a Premiere Pro CS5 project on my PC at work. Video files played both audio and video, life was good. Unfortunately my PC at work is slow, so I want to continue working on the project on my home PC. Uploaded the needed files with Sugarsync, went home, but when I open the project here all the video files only play audio.
So I know the files CAN display video, so it must be something to do with my home computer and CS5 install? I tried reinstalling PP CS5, no change. Is there a setting I may have accidentally disabled at home to force audio only?

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Premiere Pro :: Lost The Ability To Insert Audio From A Video Clip

Mar 23, 2014

It was working before. Now I can't insert any audio at all. I even tried using some of the video clips that I have already extracted audio from and they no longer work. When I have it up in the source box I can play it and the aeudio is there. But if I ovrwrite the clip or drag the clip it adds the video only with no audio. Even if I try to drag just the audio it won't allow me to put it in any ofc the audio trays. Did I acidentally push a button and turn iaudio off. How do I fix this?

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Premiere Pro :: Timeline Lagging / Freezing When Working With Multiple Video / Audio Tracks 7.1

Nov 28, 2013

I am new to working with bigger projects in Premiere, I moved from FCP last year. I am currently editing a show which is based of Line recorded cameras.

I have 6 Tracks of video, plus mulitple audio tracks and 2 hrs long
My problem. Having made and lifted my selects in the timeline I now am finding the timeline to be very unresponsive to the point of pinwheeling even just to open the sequence. I can't zoom, move or edit anything in this timeline without a pinwheel and a 30 second delay. None of my other sequences are having this issue.  All are the same codec.
Is there a way to set up larger sequences so that this does not happen? I find premiere 7.1 is fine until I build bigger sequences/projects.  My inital thought was drive speed, however the issues only arose when I had lifted all the selects.

Could it be that I have too many tracks of video for premiere to handle?  I have no problem playing the timeline (although it will initally pinwheel) its mainly navigation/clip selction along the timeline which causes an issue
I tried multicam also but that had too many issues
I work on a 2012 Mac Pro 2.4 Ghz 12-cores with 12 GB ram 9 of which is allocated to premiere. I also have my working caches on a dedicated single 3.5" 7200 rpm drive  1gb graphics card.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Importing Data From Database / Spreadsheet Into Polyline

Jun 29, 2012

I have a database with the polyline reference/handle (i.e. '13EE6A') and each polyline has a 'door number' associated with it.

I can easily create a query that produces a table of polyline ref and associated door number.

I need to somehow import that door number into the middle of each polyline on the drawing - i.e. if there is a polyline with that handle, put the associated door number in the middle of the polyline on a certain layer. I do NOT need an active link between the database and drawing - it's just to initially populate several thousand rooms numbers!

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Premiere Pro :: GH2 Video File - Clips Audio Was Assigned To All The Other Remaining Clips?

Mar 5, 2014

I've been working the last 6 months with 4 GH2s and ran into some strange troubles when initially importing them to the timeline. 2 hour shots are divided into 6 or 7 different files, and when brought into PP the first clips audio was assigned to all the other remaining clips. This was pretty strange, but I fixed it by using TSmuxer. It was added time in the workflow/set up, but in the end I could produce; 

The latest update of PPCC now combines the entire 2 hours of footage into each of the 7 files being imported. So it is importing 2 hours of footage 7 times for each camera. The conforming is taking forever! For 4 cameras it's conforming 14 hours of footage each, when it should literally be a 7th of that.
It is taking up large amounts of time and disk space.

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Premiere Pro :: Drag Down Into Editing Section Only Allows To Drag Video And NOT Audio

Jan 5, 2014

In my Adobe Premire Pro CS6 project, When I select a clip that I want to drag down into the editing section it only allows me to drag the video and NOT the audio. I need both video and audio and it wont let me, I don't think I clicked anything wrong but

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Premiere Pro :: Cannot Drag Audio Transitions Or Audio Effects To Sequences

Dec 24, 2013

Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.

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VideoStudio :: HD Footage - IPod Audio / Background Distortion

Jun 4, 2011

I've been working on a project (original is HD footage) and got a successful render to SD DVD. In trying to render a copy for my ipod i get an added audio problem no matter what ipod setting VSP x3 offers me. It's a background distortion, similar to that of clip that goes in very slow motion and the audio is echoing with reverb. The background noise appears to be in continual " waves".

However, the clip does look excellent otherwise in picture, vocals, musically etc.

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Premiere Pro :: Import DVD Footage In CC

Feb 16, 2014

I want to import footage from a DVD (self burnt). Can I do this directly with Premiere CC or do I need a programm like Handbrake (I'm a Windows user)?

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Premiere Pro :: Working With 48fps Footage In CC

Mar 18, 2014

I am currently working on a 24fps project with R3D footage in Premiere.Some of the footage for a new sequence I am working on was shot at 48fps (and will need to be exported to 24fps while retaining 48fps' slow motion effect).

Can Premiere play back in the program monitor at 48fps? Can it interpret/render 48fps footage to export to 24fps while retaining the original attributes of the 48fps footage? Or would I need to use additional software to accomplish this?
I would like to be able to edit/playback the footage at the correct frame rate within Premiere as I need to synchronize it with music to see which segments of the clips I have will work best.

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