Premiere Pro :: Timeline Lagging / Freezing When Working With Multiple Video / Audio Tracks 7.1
Nov 28, 2013
I am new to working with bigger projects in Premiere, I moved from FCP last year. I am currently editing a show which is based of Line recorded cameras.
I have 6 Tracks of video, plus mulitple audio tracks and 2 hrs long
My problem. Having made and lifted my selects in the timeline I now am finding the timeline to be very unresponsive to the point of pinwheeling even just to open the sequence. I can't zoom, move or edit anything in this timeline without a pinwheel and a 30 second delay. None of my other sequences are having this issue. All are the same codec.
Is there a way to set up larger sequences so that this does not happen? I find premiere 7.1 is fine until I build bigger sequences/projects. My inital thought was drive speed, however the issues only arose when I had lifted all the selects.
Could it be that I have too many tracks of video for premiere to handle? I have no problem playing the timeline (although it will initally pinwheel) its mainly navigation/clip selction along the timeline which causes an issue
I tried multicam also but that had too many issues
I work on a 2012 Mac Pro 2.4 Ghz 12-cores with 12 GB ram 9 of which is allocated to premiere. I also have my working caches on a dedicated single 3.5" 7200 rpm drive 1gb graphics card.
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Jan 27, 2014
So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm having trouble figuring out how to edit multiple audio tracks. I put the clip on the timeline and I can hear both tracks but there is only one audio track showing. How do I seperate the tracks?
One track is from a rhodes external mic with phantom power using XLR. The other is from a powered lavalier mic attached by XLR. Is there something I have to do in project set up?
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Mar 21, 2012
I just downloaded the trial version of this software (Video Studio X5 Pro) to try it before I buy it. I am importing RAW and AVI footage capture from a program called DXtory. I am recording those videos with three audio tracks, one track covers the sound of the video game being played, one track covers my microphone input, and the last track covers the sound that comes through my teamspeak server.
When I import a video into Corel am I able to separately edit each audio track? IE change the volume of one input but not the other?
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Mar 29, 2014
I'm trying to get back into making youtube videos and I am running into an issue. I have an Hauppauge HD PVR 2 gaming edition. Now one of the features that makes it easier for commentators like me is the ability to have all of the audio channels [game, mic, PC (aka skype chat)] all on seperate "layers" that way you can go into your video/audio editor and have the different audios so you can tweak them individually.
The problem that I have and wondering about is this, is there a way to import the files and have the different audio tracks be seperate? The files that they come in are either .ts [raw] or .mp4 [in program compression]. I would like to keep it in .ts even though its a bigger file as I like my compression style after I've edited that gives the best look without loss when uploading to youtube.
I have see the free program at mentioned, but the issue is last time I used it I somehow ended up with a virus. I also have handbrake, the Master collection cs 5.5, and VLC.
Operating System: Windows 7
Software Version:
Device: HD PVR 2 gaming edition
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Jun 27, 2013
This is a daily occurrence. As I go along editing, I inevitably come upon some video clip (or audio clip) on my timeline that is missing it's original audio (or video) counterpart. I've previously deleted the audio portion (or video) at some point earlier in the edit, when it made sense to do so. Now, though, I change my mind, or I need to hear the audio to sync other clips, or just hear the audio for reference, etc.
How do I bring back the corresponding media? I love the new "Join Through Edits" command in Premiere Pro CC, it seems that a companion feature would be something like "Restore Original Linked Audio / Video"
Match Frame seems close to what I need, but involves a few more steps than a right-click, or keyboard shortcut (maybe I don't properly understand how it works). Does any command exist that would do what I'm needing? I can't imagine I'm the only one who would need this function DAILY.
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Jul 31, 2013
I'm trying to get my source audio to patch to tracks 3 and 4 in my record timeline. It looks like I should be able to drag on the source clips patch to change it from A1.L and A1.R to A2.L/A2.R.
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Jan 14, 2014
I recently started to work with the Adobe suit so i am not yet used to the workflow. We are serval people working on the post production of a short movie filmed with a red SCARLET in raw which means that the files are pretty big. The audio where captured in serval tracks who all have been merged with the video clips. The clips have thereafter been cut and placed in its right place. So now it is my job to work with the sound design. I have tryd to export the audio in both AAF and OMF and every time i open it up in Audition it sais that the media is offline. On my computer all i have is the orgininal Audio files. Is there anyway to get only the audio (all the tracks) to Audition, without having them searching for the merged files. For example creating new Audio from the cutted tracks?
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Dec 10, 2013
I can edit a video, with resynced sound/dialogue in premiere cc. When I save and close the project, everything is okay. When I later reopen the project all or most of the audio tracks are blank. They are there with the right name and length, but no waveform and no sound. I have put them in manually resynced and then on save and close: again they are gone. So there really is no point in editing if I can`t save the result. How can i restore my edits and also why do I have to do so? I have now redone every scene 5 times and I need a solution asap. Autosave keeps the same useless projects.
on Mac Pro, 10Gb Ram, premiere cc.
I tried the pluraleyes extension (as I was using pluraleyes) but this makes no difference.
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Mar 21, 2014
We are recording in two languages, one in left and the other in right channel. However, in Adobe Premiere Pro we are not able to split the track when we take up for rought cut. Both the tracks are found mixed. Since we need to maintian the split track to dubb into other languages.
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Feb 2, 2014
In Adobe Prem Pro, I'm finishing a short film. All, of a sudden I am bringing over one last clip, and I can't get an audio track. So, if I select a clip and drag it over, only the video shows up.
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Jan 22, 2014
My video clip, brought over into Premiere CS6 from Final Cut Pro 5, has the usual left and right audio tracks, but in Premiere they are not linked into a stereo pair. Thus the volume level has to be adjusted separately in each track.
In Final Cut, I can quickly convert two independent audio tracks into a stero pair by selecting the tracks and then going to the menu Modify > Stereo Pair. I can't figure out how to do this in Premiere.
When two audio tracks are not linked, the volume level has to be adjusted separately in each track, which wastes time. But after two tracks are linked into a Stereo Pair in Final Cut, adjusting either track adjusts them both, together. That's what I want to do now in Premiere.
So, how do I make two separate audio tracks into a linked Stereo Pair in Premiere?
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Mar 3, 2012
Using Pro X4
I have a video file, I have an audio file. Video is loaded in the video track, audio in the Voice track.
HOW in the ... do I sync them? I have the mixer on, I can see the wav graphics, I can see where I want them to line up but either the Video track must slide forward ( and it won't, it's locked on 0 ) or the audio track must slide backward (but it won't slide below 0 start) I've tried splitting, clipping... I can't get it cut just right. All I want is time frame 0 for the video to start at positive time frame within the audio.
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Nov 14, 2013
How do I add multiple audio tracks to a slideshow in Lightroom 5
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Mar 1, 2014
I can see the chosen video on the right side but I cannot see the previews of the other tracks or switch from one to the other. This project was working just fine and I didn't change any settings when it decided not to work. I just hopped over to make some adjustments to another timeline and then when I jumped back over to the master with the multicam nested inside it decided to stop giving me previews and prevents me from switching camera angles.
This shows my multicam monitor:
And this shows the timeline that contains all the tracks for the multicam:
I have multicam editing enabled on the multicam sequence with the above tracks nested inside.
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May 4, 2013
How can I disable, when using of multiple audio tracks, one or more audio tracks?
I use a audio recorder for the sound, so I want to disable the soundtracks of all other cameras.
The settings of the audio mixer are not saved. I am using Premier Elements 11.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have Premiere CC7.1 and am having problems playing back the audio after importing a synced sequence from Plural Eyes. The wierd thing is that everything plays back beautifully until I close Premiere. When I reopen the program, I see the audio on the timeline and it plays back in the source monitor but there's no audio in the program monitor.
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Nov 2, 2013
Last week, I was editing a multicam sequence (in Premiere 7.0.1) and I found it always very usefull to see the waveform. After upgrading and choosing Sequence -> Render Audio, the CTI jumps to the beginning of the timeline and starts playing and nothing more. No rendering at all.
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Apr 30, 2013
I've listed my setup below and then have stated the issue I'm experiencing.
27-inch, Mid 2011 iMac
3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 6970 1024MB
Running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
Currently working off of a portable 1TB G-Technology G-DRIVE via FW800.
Working in Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.2
Editing in a sequence with settings:
1920 x 1080 23.976fps (also tried in a 29.97fps timeline with same issue)
Working with footage that is 23.98fps
Working with a combination of ProRes 422 (LT) and native H.264 Quicktime files strait from a 5D Mark 3.
The issue I'm having is during playback the audio will competely drop out. The video will continue playing on just fine but the audio drops completely out. All audio levels drop as well in the audio mixer meters so it truly is losing all communication with my audio layers in the timeline.
I read in other forums to go into Finder and delete out the .caf files, re open Premiere Pro, wait for them to be recreated then carry on. I tried this approach with no luck. Deleting the .caf did not change anything. Audio is still dropping out as I try to play through my timeline. The only way to get the audio back is to pause then press play again. I have 5 total channels of audio with only 2 of those channel active.
This is incredibly frustrating have to export out a video just to be able to watch it through.
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Jun 30, 2013
Why have we never been able to modify audio channels once a clip is added to a sequence? I'm guessing there's a good reason Adobe has never had this feature. The lack of this feature is explicitly mentioned a few times in the audio section of the Premiere Pro CC manual, as if it's a benefit NOT to have it. But the benefit is entirely lost on me.
In my workflow, I synchronize my double-system video and audio before anything else. I do this in PluralEyes (and unfortunately I'll have to keep doing it this way, until PPr's sync on sound feature gets fixed—for me it's never worked).
Once PluralEyes has synched hours of footage and audio and placed it on a PLURALEYES GENERATED sequence, I import that sequence into Premiere. Note: Since I haven't gone through the step of creating a blank New Sequence, I don't get the opportunity to setup my audio channels the way I'd like in my sequence (i.e. Stereo recordings should occupy ONE track, not two. Typically these tracks come from a camcorder and are used for reference sound, or ambient noise at best, so I don't need them taking up precious real estate in my sequence).
Since PluralEyes doesn't merge my clips for me (or rather I don't want it to since I'm usually doing multi-cam sequences where I want to keep all 14, or so, tracks of audio), I have to go through the clips one by one and do a Merge Clip action once I've adjusted any minor sync issues, or determined which tracks I actually want to keep. But, and here's the key, at this stage I'm not yet 100% certain whether I'll use the nat sound or the wireless mic sound (separate audio recorder, etc). Furthermore, I don't really want to think about that at this point. After I've spent a few mind-numbing hours just ingesting files, sync and merges, I want to jump into the edit as soon as possible, before I lose all will to finish this edit. If I modify my audio channels right now, I'll lose the ability to make some creative decisions later on.
I'd like to start whacking out an assembly edit. And then after I have a rough program, I can start looking at which audio tracks (nat or double-system) I like better in each circumstance. This is where I become stumped that at this stage, I'm locked into whatever audio channels I've setup (or not) in the earliest stage of the edit, back before any media was actually on the timeline! It's at this stage, and usually only at this stage that I want to start Modifying Channels—FROM THE TIMELINE!
Feature Summary: Right-click on any clip, (master clip, sub-clip, merged, nested or otherwise) in the timeline and choose Modify > Audio Channels.
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Dec 1, 2013
I am having an issue with Premiere 6.0 that I can't seem to solve. Some audio clips are showing up in red in the timeline and they just don't work at all. Here is how this went down.
I had to format my computer due to Windows related troubles and so I reinstalled the OS, installed all of my Adobe software and dropped the files back into their original locations. When I fired up premiere and opened the project, everything was looking fine and dandy until certain clips showed up in red and just didn't work.The only clips that were affected were audio tracks from AVI files that I separated from the video. They are not missing , premiere knows where they are and if I drag one into the timeline it will work just fine.
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Sep 17, 2013
I love CC's multicam feature, but keep having this problem:
In Pluraleyes, I would lay all my Cam 1 material on video track 1 (multiple clips), then Cam 2 on video track 2 (multiple clips), add my audio, and create a multicam track that kept all Cam 1 clips on track 1 and all Cam 2 clips on track 2.
in Premiere Pro CC, multicam creation can only be exectued via the browser, not the timeline. So Premiere syncs everything up and throws each clip onto the next video track up, leaving you with a mountain of timeline media that reads out tiny and jumps all over the place when viewed in the multicam monitor (see picture).
What I'm after:
- the ability to create multicam sequences based on the timeline (lay out all clips from each cam on whichever video track I want, select all, then choose "create multicam sequence") so that the end result isn't 20 video tracks I have to manually collapse into 2 (time waster).
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Feb 13, 2014
when I upload a video to You Tube, I get a warning message that my video and audio are out of synch. Once uploaded, the video plays just fine, looks great. But I don't know why I get the warning when I upload. Video clip and audio track are the same length.
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Dec 4, 2013
I am a new VS6 user (coming from Pinnacle Studio). Is there a way to display the video and the video's audio waveform on the timeline at the same time. I see where I can select the Sound Mixer button above the timeline, which does show the audio waveform, but then the video thumbnails disappear.
2nd question, when I put a fade-to-black transition between two clips, it seems like the clips' audio does not get faded out then in with the next clip. Do I have to add a separate audio fade for every video fade?
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm new to video editing and know little about the program I am using (Adobe Premiere Pro CC). How I can add the full size video or pics to the time line. It appears whenever I add something from my Gopro 3 HD camera I only get a partial of the video / pic.
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Feb 6, 2013
Is it possible to nudge a video segment or audio clip in timeline with a short cut key?In FCP7 I used this all the time.
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Apr 10, 2014
since I updated my Mac OS to 10.9.2, my Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 has a problem: when I import MTS-files (AVCHD) from a Sony video camera, I get the video, but I don’t get the audio! That’s strange, because when I import other video formats like mp4, everything is fine, and I get video AND audio.
I also tried Premiere CC test version, but there’s the same problem.
Before my update I had Mac OS 10.6 and Premiere worked fine.
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Dec 4, 2013
the original clip is visible perfectly fine,however the edited version now just looks like three coloured bricks instead of an image, and in the preview is simply a blank screen. I can export the clip and view it fine that way, however the quality is much lesser.I'm about to give up on this entirely.
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Dec 12, 2013
I am editing footage for a nonprofit and they gave me footage of an interview that is an MPEG Movie, 1920 x 1080, Frame Rate: 29.97 and Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0. There is no in camera audio, but there was audio recorded separately in a .wav file. The interview was shot on a Canon 60D and I created a sequence from the .MOV file off the camera and put in the separate audio file. The problem is when I sync the beginning it will stay in sync for about 2 seconds before it slowly gets off sync the longer it runs. The video doens't look like it is running fast, but I have to slow it to almost 80% before the audio even matches for more than a second. I don't understand why they will not sync up.
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Feb 21, 2013
-Inventor 2013 SP1.1 (Issue)
-Inventor 2011 SP2 (No Issue)
Templates have been coverted up from 2011, keeping copies of the old templates in separate folders all under the same parent directory.Have 2013 mapped to the folder with updated templates located on a network drive. Total of 18 temolates including the standard templates.
Computer specs:
Win 7 Pro 64bit Service Pack 1
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz
8GB Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000
The Issue:I start Inventor 2013 or open an .ipt/.iam ect. I now want to create a new file so I click the "New" Icon.Inventor freezes for 10-15seconds and finally shows the templates.After that if you click on any of the templates it freezes instantly. Or if you scroll the browser bar down to navigate the folder. 15-35 seconds
After selecting the correct template it freezes for about 15 seconds.For those keeping track Thats 40-65 seconds just to open a drawing...
For Inventor 2011.Click, Click, Click. Open...Takes maybe 5 seconds.
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Mar 19, 2014
The capture went just fine when digitizing my tape and the .mov file has both audio and video during playback in both quick time and Adobe Premeir Pro, but when I drag it into the time line only audio will show up. Even weirder it's 4 layers of audio instead of just one audio and one video. This only began with videos that I catured today. When using footage I captured on a previous day it works just fine. What went wrong? Where's my video!?
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