Premiere Pro :: CC Multicam - 2 Camera Angles Being Split Into Multiple Tracks
Sep 17, 2013
I love CC's multicam feature, but keep having this problem:
In Pluraleyes, I would lay all my Cam 1 material on video track 1 (multiple clips), then Cam 2 on video track 2 (multiple clips), add my audio, and create a multicam track that kept all Cam 1 clips on track 1 and all Cam 2 clips on track 2.
in Premiere Pro CC, multicam creation can only be exectued via the browser, not the timeline. So Premiere syncs everything up and throws each clip onto the next video track up, leaving you with a mountain of timeline media that reads out tiny and jumps all over the place when viewed in the multicam monitor (see picture).
What I'm after:
- the ability to create multicam sequences based on the timeline (lay out all clips from each cam on whichever video track I want, select all, then choose "create multicam sequence") so that the end result isn't 20 video tracks I have to manually collapse into 2 (time waster).
I can see the chosen video on the right side but I cannot see the previews of the other tracks or switch from one to the other. This project was working just fine and I didn't change any settings when it decided not to work. I just hopped over to make some adjustments to another timeline and then when I jumped back over to the master with the multicam nested inside it decided to stop giving me previews and prevents me from switching camera angles.
This shows my multicam monitor:
And this shows the timeline that contains all the tracks for the multicam:
I have multicam editing enabled on the multicam sequence with the above tracks nested inside.
We are recording in two languages, one in left and the other in right channel. However, in Adobe Premiere Pro we are not able to split the track when we take up for rought cut. Both the tracks are found mixed. Since we need to maintian the split track to dubb into other languages.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to edit multiple audio tracks. I put the clip on the timeline and I can hear both tracks but there is only one audio track showing. How do I seperate the tracks?
One track is from a rhodes external mic with phantom power using XLR. The other is from a powered lavalier mic attached by XLR. Is there something I have to do in project set up?
I am new to working with bigger projects in Premiere, I moved from FCP last year. I am currently editing a show which is based of Line recorded cameras.
I have 6 Tracks of video, plus mulitple audio tracks and 2 hrs long
My problem. Having made and lifted my selects in the timeline I now am finding the timeline to be very unresponsive to the point of pinwheeling even just to open the sequence. I can't zoom, move or edit anything in this timeline without a pinwheel and a 30 second delay. None of my other sequences are having this issue. All are the same codec.
Is there a way to set up larger sequences so that this does not happen? I find premiere 7.1 is fine until I build bigger sequences/projects. My inital thought was drive speed, however the issues only arose when I had lifted all the selects.
Could it be that I have too many tracks of video for premiere to handle? I have no problem playing the timeline (although it will initally pinwheel) its mainly navigation/clip selction along the timeline which causes an issue
I tried multicam also but that had too many issues
I work on a 2012 Mac Pro 2.4 Ghz 12-cores with 12 GB ram 9 of which is allocated to premiere. I also have my working caches on a dedicated single 3.5" 7200 rpm drive 1gb graphics card.
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
i have been working on a pretty long multicam project (About 1h45m) in Premiere Pro CC.I was all done, and during export in Media Encoder i noticed that after about 45m of rendering, the preview window was still showing the beginning of the video. Upon further inspection, i noticed that the video appeared to be Looping. Sencing that something was wrong, i cancelled my render and reopened my project.
when the project reopened i could see that after a couple of edits, there were little white triangles and the top of the clips. I need to stress that before i started rendering, these triangles where not there.
And yes, when i played through my sequence, at every edit (camera change) the multicam clip would play from the beginning again. i have tried to remove everything after where this problem occurs and then drag the footage out. It does allow me to do edits again and it works fine, but i dont really want to spend hours doing it again, not understanding what the problem is and run the risk of it messing up again.
I had a multicam clip already created and have edited it into many sequences. I loaded it into my source monitor and accidently unchecked the enable option. Now that same sequence is no longer a mutlicam clip and when I load it into the source montior, my system crashes. is there any way to make it back in to a multicam clip?
Last week, I was editing a multicam sequence (in Premiere 7.0.1) and I found it always very usefull to see the waveform. After upgrading and choosing Sequence -> Render Audio, the CTI jumps to the beginning of the timeline and starts playing and nothing more. No rendering at all.
Rendering from a multicam sequence with in/out points set. Media consists of RED Epic 5K, Canon 7D, GoPro, and BWF sound. Output is for Vimeo 1080p 23.976. All cams and sound are set to 23.976.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 52aed7f3
When editing a multicamera sequence, I keep running into this weird phenomenon where I can't stop the playback. I hit the space bar, start making cuts, then when I want to stop I hit the space bar again and nothing happens. The sequence keeps playing, sometimes stopping after a couple a minute or so, sometimes not until the end of the sequence.
The nested multi-cam sequence has just 4 streams of DSLR video. The machine I'm using has plenty of CPU power and memory and an nVidia GPU, so I'd be surprised if resources are a problem. The source media is on a Raid-0 array.
I've tried switching the resolution to 1/4, but this makes no difference. I have several layers of audio but have solo'ed just one to see if that would work. No.
What's the best way to copy a selection, via in/out, from a multicam sequence into another sequence? After setting the in/out and then copying the selection, when I paste into another sequence, the entire sequence comes in.
I have just started using the multicam since upgrading to 7.1. Apparently I have got a 2 hour sequence with only two cameras all HDV footage. After about an hour of my live cuts, I started noticing slight freeze of about a second or so when I cut to a camera. I tried this with the mouse and the keyboard and still the same.
I am running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, HP XW6600 Dual Xeon 5450 @ 3Ghz GTX 570 16GB RAM
I was doing some multicam editing a week ago in Premiere CC, and it worked great. But today, pressing the number keys during playback doesn't do anything. I can still make cuts by clicking on the thumbnails in the Multicam Monitor, but I can't figure out why they keys aren't working.
I installed the latest update for Premiere Pro CC a couple of days ago and now every edit I make in my Multicam sequence takes about 10 seconds to take effect. No matter how small an edit I make. While it´s taking affect the computer just freezes.
I'm new to CC's Mulicam feature, but well versed in the more limited equivalent in FCP. I was delighted with everything about it, until I began actually cutting multicam footage into my sequence.
Whenever I try and overwrite/insert/drag the multicam material into the sequence, it brings in 18 audio tracks- in spite of the fact that my multicam sequences have only 4 audio and 2 video tracks.
No amount of track deselection on the destination sequence works with this.This is going to be a real problem as I add new material into an existing a rough cut, with a 5 track temp mix. how I can specify only 1 or 2 tracks of audio?
I'm running 7.2.2, on OSX 8.5.
PS, Also unable to insert images into this post. Using Chrome Version 34.0.1847.116
So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.
Is it possible to change the direction the camera is looking when making a walkthrough?
For example, is it possible to have the walkthrough move along the side of a building, but have the camera facing the building?Basically, If it was actaully a person walking, they would be walking sideways.
I have video files of the same performance from two cameras, and want to cut and match between the two. In the past what I've done is lay the firstone on the main timeline and then cropped where necessary to allow cutting to the overlays in tracks 2 and/or 3 as needed. This however proves to be rather time consuming and occasionally I get timing issues.
is there a facility in VS X4 to lay both tracks side by side (losing the audio from one of them) and then block out sections as required by (eg) making the overlay transparent, and thus keep the timing the same all through a piece...?
I recently started to work with the Adobe suit so i am not yet used to the workflow. We are serval people working on the post production of a short movie filmed with a red SCARLET in raw which means that the files are pretty big. The audio where captured in serval tracks who all have been merged with the video clips. The clips have thereafter been cut and placed in its right place. So now it is my job to work with the sound design. I have tryd to export the audio in both AAF and OMF and every time i open it up in Audition it sais that the media is offline. On my computer all i have is the orgininal Audio files. Is there anyway to get only the audio (all the tracks) to Audition, without having them searching for the merged files. For example creating new Audio from the cutted tracks?
I can edit a video, with resynced sound/dialogue in premiere cc. When I save and close the project, everything is okay. When I later reopen the project all or most of the audio tracks are blank. They are there with the right name and length, but no waveform and no sound. I have put them in manually resynced and then on save and close: again they are gone. So there really is no point in editing if I can`t save the result. How can i restore my edits and also why do I have to do so? I have now redone every scene 5 times and I need a solution asap. Autosave keeps the same useless projects.
on Mac Pro, 10Gb Ram, premiere cc.
I tried the pluraleyes extension (as I was using pluraleyes) but this makes no difference.
In Adobe Prem Pro, I'm finishing a short film. All, of a sudden I am bringing over one last clip, and I can't get an audio track. So, if I select a clip and drag it over, only the video shows up.
My video clip, brought over into Premiere CS6 from Final Cut Pro 5, has the usual left and right audio tracks, but in Premiere they are not linked into a stereo pair. Thus the volume level has to be adjusted separately in each track.
In Final Cut, I can quickly convert two independent audio tracks into a stero pair by selecting the tracks and then going to the menu Modify > Stereo Pair. I can't figure out how to do this in Premiere.
When two audio tracks are not linked, the volume level has to be adjusted separately in each track, which wastes time. But after two tracks are linked into a Stereo Pair in Final Cut, adjusting either track adjusts them both, together. That's what I want to do now in Premiere.
So, how do I make two separate audio tracks into a linked Stereo Pair in Premiere?
My video material holds two voices that were recorded on CH1 and CH2 in mono, resulting in a stereo clip that has one voice on the left channel and one voice on the right channel. So far I always duplicated the audio clips and use fill right and fill left. I just found out about channel mappings in CS2 and CS3, but for my actual project it is too late since it is cut already. It is my first project I'm doing in CS2 and after it is finished I will install CS3. So my first question is: When I use the channel mapping command, how are the resulting mono channels handled in the master? Will each mono channel fill the right AND the left channel of the stereo master track?
With delight I found out that the channel mixer in CS2 allows to use fill right and fill left effects, so I don't have to drag the effects on each clip separatley.
My second question is regarding the mixing of the two voices. Since we couldn't afford to have a professional sound engenieer at the shoot the channel of the voice that was not talking wasn't turned down, so the second voice will be heard on the other channel when the two people stood close together. Is there a more efficient way to mix the two voices instead of using rubber bands to bring down one voice when it is not talking? It's a hell lot of work.
Is there any way to import the extra angles from a DVD? There is only one box to check for each chapter but the additional angles are listed in the box above the preview window. I thought maybe clicking on them would do something but it didn't. I also tried "Select All" but only the first angle was copied.
I'm using Videostudio 12 pro, and am using all 6 overlay tracks for chroma keyed effects. What I'm trying to do is order the tracks so I can control which tracks lays on top of the other. This can be done in Paint Shop Pro or any other publishing software, like Publisher, but I can't find anything that allows me to do this in Video Studio.
I've found that most of the overlay tracks lay on top of the previous track and it's causing difficulty in ordering the people in my clip. Is there a way to control this? Example, I'd like overlay track 5 to go on top of overlay 4 but it won't work.
I asked at Photoshop World this month whether or not Adobe has included the ability to place more than one track of music in a slide show. Unfortunately, this is not possible with the latest release of LR5. However, I would find this incredibly useful for longer slideshows without having to resort to a third party software.