I had a multicam clip already created and have edited it into many sequences. I loaded it into my source monitor and accidently unchecked the enable option. Now that same sequence is no longer a mutlicam clip and when I load it into the source montior, my system crashes. is there any way to make it back in to a multicam clip?
i have been working on a pretty long multicam project (About 1h45m) in Premiere Pro CC.I was all done, and during export in Media Encoder i noticed that after about 45m of rendering, the preview window was still showing the beginning of the video. Upon further inspection, i noticed that the video appeared to be Looping. Sencing that something was wrong, i cancelled my render and reopened my project.
when the project reopened i could see that after a couple of edits, there were little white triangles and the top of the clips. I need to stress that before i started rendering, these triangles where not there.
And yes, when i played through my sequence, at every edit (camera change) the multicam clip would play from the beginning again. i have tried to remove everything after where this problem occurs and then drag the footage out. It does allow me to do edits again and it works fine, but i dont really want to spend hours doing it again, not understanding what the problem is and run the risk of it messing up again.
Last week, I was editing a multicam sequence (in Premiere 7.0.1) and I found it always very usefull to see the waveform. After upgrading and choosing Sequence -> Render Audio, the CTI jumps to the beginning of the timeline and starts playing and nothing more. No rendering at all.
Rendering from a multicam sequence with in/out points set. Media consists of RED Epic 5K, Canon 7D, GoPro, and BWF sound. Output is for Vimeo 1080p 23.976. All cams and sound are set to 23.976.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 52aed7f3
When editing a multicamera sequence, I keep running into this weird phenomenon where I can't stop the playback. I hit the space bar, start making cuts, then when I want to stop I hit the space bar again and nothing happens. The sequence keeps playing, sometimes stopping after a couple a minute or so, sometimes not until the end of the sequence.
The nested multi-cam sequence has just 4 streams of DSLR video. The machine I'm using has plenty of CPU power and memory and an nVidia GPU, so I'd be surprised if resources are a problem. The source media is on a Raid-0 array.
I've tried switching the resolution to 1/4, but this makes no difference. I have several layers of audio but have solo'ed just one to see if that would work. No.
What's the best way to copy a selection, via in/out, from a multicam sequence into another sequence? After setting the in/out and then copying the selection, when I paste into another sequence, the entire sequence comes in.
I have just started using the multicam since upgrading to 7.1. Apparently I have got a 2 hour sequence with only two cameras all HDV footage. After about an hour of my live cuts, I started noticing slight freeze of about a second or so when I cut to a camera. I tried this with the mouse and the keyboard and still the same.
I am running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, HP XW6600 Dual Xeon 5450 @ 3Ghz GTX 570 16GB RAM
I can see the chosen video on the right side but I cannot see the previews of the other tracks or switch from one to the other. This project was working just fine and I didn't change any settings when it decided not to work. I just hopped over to make some adjustments to another timeline and then when I jumped back over to the master with the multicam nested inside it decided to stop giving me previews and prevents me from switching camera angles.
This shows my multicam monitor:
And this shows the timeline that contains all the tracks for the multicam:
I have multicam editing enabled on the multicam sequence with the above tracks nested inside.
I was doing some multicam editing a week ago in Premiere CC, and it worked great. But today, pressing the number keys during playback doesn't do anything. I can still make cuts by clicking on the thumbnails in the Multicam Monitor, but I can't figure out why they keys aren't working.
I installed the latest update for Premiere Pro CC a couple of days ago and now every edit I make in my Multicam sequence takes about 10 seconds to take effect. No matter how small an edit I make. While it´s taking affect the computer just freezes.
I'm new to CC's Mulicam feature, but well versed in the more limited equivalent in FCP. I was delighted with everything about it, until I began actually cutting multicam footage into my sequence.
Whenever I try and overwrite/insert/drag the multicam material into the sequence, it brings in 18 audio tracks- in spite of the fact that my multicam sequences have only 4 audio and 2 video tracks.
No amount of track deselection on the destination sequence works with this.This is going to be a real problem as I add new material into an existing a rough cut, with a 5 track temp mix. how I can specify only 1 or 2 tracks of audio?
I'm running 7.2.2, on OSX 8.5.
PS, Also unable to insert images into this post. Using Chrome Version 34.0.1847.116
I love CC's multicam feature, but keep having this problem:
In Pluraleyes, I would lay all my Cam 1 material on video track 1 (multiple clips), then Cam 2 on video track 2 (multiple clips), add my audio, and create a multicam track that kept all Cam 1 clips on track 1 and all Cam 2 clips on track 2.
in Premiere Pro CC, multicam creation can only be exectued via the browser, not the timeline. So Premiere syncs everything up and throws each clip onto the next video track up, leaving you with a mountain of timeline media that reads out tiny and jumps all over the place when viewed in the multicam monitor (see picture).
What I'm after:
- the ability to create multicam sequences based on the timeline (lay out all clips from each cam on whichever video track I want, select all, then choose "create multicam sequence") so that the end result isn't 20 video tracks I have to manually collapse into 2 (time waster).
I'm trying to create CFX clip with alpha so that i can place it over another clip in timeline. CFX clip is build from source and then i generated mask with gMask node and brought together with Blend&Comp node. I created CFX clip from Blend&Comp node. There is option in CFX clip settings Generate Alpha, but it is greyed out. Does some one know why is this so or how can i achieve same result with CXF output?
I have created 3 different sequences, and placed a clip into each one. I went into #s 1 and 2, and added a dip to black transition to the end of the clip in each. When I went to #3, I was unable to add the dip to the clip in there. Dragging the transition to the clip on the timeline gave me a had with a circle + slash. Double clicking the transition wit hteh clip selected did nothing. The layer is not locked.
I used to have this problem with CS5 and hoped it wouldn't happen again when I bought in to CC.
In the timeline certain audio tracks will not allow me to enable clip keyframes. When I try the 'add keyframe' button is greyed out. I can add track keyframes no problem but using them is a lengthy work around. The error also seems to be radom and trashing my prefs makes no difference.
Specs are:
iMac 27" 3.4GHZ i7, 16GB DDR3, Radeon HD 6790M 2GB
I'm trying to replace the audio of a clip. I know I can easily delete the audio once it's in a sequence, but I'd like to replace the audio entirely so that the new audio is always on the clip as it's viewed in the project bins. You can edit in Audition for the clip, but thre doesn't seem to be a way to save the changes.
I saw YouTube video where a guy cropped down a video and then he somehow selected only the edge of the frame and somehow stretched it to extend the background over. The effect was that he made some junk at the side of the frame go away without effectively zooming in on his main subject matter.
I am unable to find this video now. I know how to do it in Photoshop. Just use the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the edge of the image, copy to a new layer, and stretch it out. I've got to imagine the steps are similar for a video - just need to know which tools to use.
In CS6, is it possible to navigate between clip markers in the timeline.
I'm talking about markers placed on actual clips, not markers placed on the sequence timeline.
I'd like to have a shortcut to navigate between clip markers but that shortcut seems to only work on markers placed on the sequences timeline, not on the clip.
Yes, you can open the clip in the source monitor, then jump to clip markers for that one clip but that's not what I'm after.
I want to mark my clips in the source monitor, bring all those clips to one timeline, then navigate between the markers placed on the actual clip.
I'm on a macbook pro and it seems that I cannot move a clip by selecting it and entering + or - and a number. This can be accomplished with a full sized keyboard by using the number pad on the right, but cannot be accomplished by using the regular laptop keyboard. Am I missing something? Is there a way to edit the keyboard shortcuts to do this?
If you double-click on a clip in a Timeline it will open in the Source Monitor.
That feature is sometimes confusing, because if you do it by accident and think that you are viewing your source clip and set a new Mark In after the original Out point, the clip will disappear from the Timeline.
Is there a good reason for that feature or is it a bug?
I'm using Preimer Pro CC and I have a clip which is 1min long - I want the first 30sec to play at normal speed and the last 30sec at 200%. I can work out how to speed the whole clip up but not a portion of it.
I have a short 5min film for a student film fest, all the audio and visual plays perfectly in the timeline. However, when exported, the last audio clip (which is a 'button' and comes after two soundless title slides) does not play at all. Again, it works perfectly in timeline. All audio files are .WAV and I've tried exporting it in several different fashions, none of which have made a difference.
For the film fest I need to export in 16:9, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I tried this, among regular Quick Time export, Vimeo export, and others...every single export the audio on the 'button' didn't play at all but the clip is there.
Side Note: I tried adding low volume audio to bridge the last clip to the button to see if that made a difference so there would be no gaps in the audio timeline, but it did nothing.