AutoDesk Smoke :: Get Source Audio To Patch To Tracks 3 And 4 In Record Timeline
Jul 31, 2013
I'm trying to get my source audio to patch to tracks 3 and 4 in my record timeline. It looks like I should be able to drag on the source clips patch to change it from A1.L and A1.R to A2.L/A2.R.
I can't seem to get source clips to Gang with the timeline in the record area, did we lose this? I always gang up my reference with my conform so I really hope we havn't lost this!
Whenever I try to enter source record mode the programs crashes and quits. I've tried with keyboard shortcut, using the option dropdown and the same thing happens. This did not happen with previous version.
I am editing in the timeline in Smoke 2013. I bring in a music track onto track 4. I bring in a interview clip on track 1. Only one or the other will playback and not together at the same time. I also notice on the audio tracks patch area a small square that when you place the cursor over and drag left or right I assume channels are being selected. What is this square box for and how do I get all my audio tracks to playback together?
I am using Panasonic P2 footage at 1920 x 1080. 29.97 NDF. I have brought them in through the media hub and created folders that correspond to each P2 card I stored on my Video Array. I am using a ProAvio Video Box with a RocketRAID 644 controller. What gives? Why am I not able to hear all the audio tracks during playback?
Any way of locking all the audio tracks at once. I am using Smoke 2013 on Mac with Smoke Classic Keys Set up, I can lock all the video tracks at once by shift-clicking on the Lock icon of any video track, the same doesn't seem to apply to audio track...
In Smoke 2012 attempting to select two audio tracks for merging and/or splitting results in the message "two layers must be fully selected". I have the two layers are selected in the far left-hand-side of the timeline with the selection buttons. The manual is not specific either.
Conversely, selecting a stereo audio track and applying stereo 'stereo split' results in the message "At least one stereo track needs to be selected". Selection was performed, as above, with the far left-hand-side track selection box.
The point is that creating a 'new sequence' results in a single video track. When two mono audio tracks are created to accomodate the audio portion of the clips they have to be converted to stereo.
In 2012 it was very easy to select a gap segment and click color source in the soft effects. In 2013 it appears to be much more difficult, you need to create it in a folder then edit it into a sequence. Am I missing something? I wish there was a color source option in the effects ribbon.
Where colour source on the timeline is. I am always droping black or coloured frames into the timeline either as a background for some softFX text or even as a fill for the softFX text so I can then track that text to the background.
I might be being really thick but my old method of managing clips and handles in a master was to perhaps conform from rushes with 75fr handles, save that conform but then in my wip master I would consolidate all sees down to 10fr. This way if I was sharing shots around the facility you could match a shot out (using the old match to segment preference rather than match to source) and it would respect the handles you had set in your master.
I can't seem to replicate that old behavior in 2013 smoke. It will either match to source or to just the segment without handles. How can I get it to match out with the handles I have consolidated?
When matching a source clip from the new sequence area it appears that you now have to have the widget on the clip you wish to match rather than just select the clip. Is this a change in the way 'match' works or is it a bug?
It was always nice to just tap the clip and press match rather than now having to scrub your widget to the right layer and clip before pressing match.
I just installed Smoke Ext 1. I noticed that all of my source files on an existing job, that are H264, don't show up...they just have a black screen with audio.
Any way to scrub the audio in the timeline using the arrow keys or the sequence positioner? Also, with "Snap" on, is it possible to have the positioner snap to a marker in the timeline?
I have been using smoke for about 2 weeks now and I keep having audio glitching and skipping on my timeline as well as when I try to export my project to proresHQ. I am working with proresHQ media and a mp3 music track. Sometimes I can restart smoke and it will go away for a while but it always seems to come back and at random places and always shows up when I export. I am unable to export any projects do to this
System smac2013ext1 osx 10.8.5 32GB RAM nvidia quadroFX4800 nvidia Geforce 8800 GT 512MB onboard sound used AJA KONA 3G(Installed but not used in Smoke2013, no monitors hooked up) Internal 6TB RAID0
So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.
I am new to working with bigger projects in Premiere, I moved from FCP last year. I am currently editing a show which is based of Line recorded cameras.
I have 6 Tracks of video, plus mulitple audio tracks and 2 hrs long
My problem. Having made and lifted my selects in the timeline I now am finding the timeline to be very unresponsive to the point of pinwheeling even just to open the sequence. I can't zoom, move or edit anything in this timeline without a pinwheel and a 30 second delay. None of my other sequences are having this issue. All are the same codec.
Is there a way to set up larger sequences so that this does not happen? I find premiere 7.1 is fine until I build bigger sequences/projects. My inital thought was drive speed, however the issues only arose when I had lifted all the selects.
Could it be that I have too many tracks of video for premiere to handle? I have no problem playing the timeline (although it will initally pinwheel) its mainly navigation/clip selction along the timeline which causes an issue
I tried multicam also but that had too many issues
I work on a 2012 Mac Pro 2.4 Ghz 12-cores with 12 GB ram 9 of which is allocated to premiere. I also have my working caches on a dedicated single 3.5" 7200 rpm drive 1gb graphics card.
i have an edit. I got about 5 layers (text , mograph etc). Now if i go to the middle of my edit and i want just to insert a gap at my current position so it will push away any clips at any track to the right side away from my positioner. So i want to make a room to add more clip in the middle of my edit and i want it to ripple all clips in all tracks. I found that i can ripple only in current track.
I will normally select all clips located in the right side of my positioner (all track). then drag them to make a space (gap).
Coming from 2012, we had source and record areas. These were green and red respectively. Which was very easy to keep multiple source and record areas available. How is this functionality reproduced in 2013?
The reason I ask, is that I have just been adding rec area clips and now I have a lot and I don't know what to do with them. In 2012, I save the record area to the library and then make a new rec area. That way I know my very important masters are safe. How do I do this in 2013?
What combination of keys is that for save project?
Is there an equivalent command to the FCP alt up/down arrow to move a clip up and down between tracks? I can drag but it doesn't snap to the anything ie where the clip originally was on another track.
I've got an issue seeing video on video track 1 when I have something on a track above it. I have video on track 1, and above that I have a gap with a text fx placed on it (it's a lower third name key). The track indicator is located on the track with the text fx (see the attached "timeline" shot), yet all I see is that key without seeing the video below it (see attached "canvas") Everything has been rendered, so I don't understand what's wrong. And when I export the timeline, the black remains.
In tracks editor, if let say i have 5 keyframes then i select 3 of them in the middle , then how to do the X-scale ? Among the available operation, i can't find scaling.
Is it possible to use a Sequence as a Source? I like to use stringouts of source clips while editing as well as sections of existing Sequences as source material for new Sequences.
I cant seem to find filter select or a list view for the record area. Both of these functions come in handy on feature films and episodic television especially vfx heavy shows.
I'm using Pre Release 5 for editorial as opposed to conform and I've moved some of my source material to a different drive than I was using when I started the project.
Normally in FCP or Avid, I would just re-link to the footage and that would be that. I know this could be done with footage in the timeline, but what about plain old source footage? I can't seem to find the re-link tool.
I opened 33 sources as "open as Sequence" behind each other and after doing that double clicking on the source or any source isn't loading it into the source viewer. There is no icon next to the source indicating that it isn't a source. After the fourth selection was open as Sequence. the one that was opened as the first is recycled and the Sequence Icon disappears from in-front of it. So there is only four icons at any given time in the list.
I've been called upon to use Smoke as an intermediate between offline and color session elsewhere. I need to export a DPX sequence for the colorist to work from. Can I easily do this in Smoke? Just conform the offline and export DPX sequence? Also, can I put in handles and include original source timecode?