AutoDesk Smoke :: Open As Sequence - Any Source Isn't Loading
Jul 9, 2012
I opened 33 sources as "open as Sequence" behind each other and after doing that double clicking on the source or any source isn't loading it into the source viewer. There is no icon next to the source indicating that it isn't a source. After the fourth selection was open as Sequence. the one that was opened as the first is recycled and the Sequence Icon disappears from in-front of it. So there is only four icons at any given time in the list.
Is it possible to use a Sequence as a Source? I like to use stringouts of source clips while editing as well as sections of existing Sequences as source material for new Sequences.
I've been called upon to use Smoke as an intermediate between offline and color session elsewhere. I need to export a DPX sequence for the colorist to work from. Can I easily do this in Smoke? Just conform the offline and export DPX sequence? Also, can I put in handles and include original source timecode?
I can't seem to get source clips to Gang with the timeline in the record area, did we lose this? I always gang up my reference with my conform so I really hope we havn't lost this!
Normally when I edit, I use pluralize, which creates a sequence in which I can take notes. I usually then drag that sequence into my source monitor, create in and out point and place that into my final timeline. For some reason, Premiere is not letting me drag the file I need into the source monitor. Is there something with the settings off?
when caching .png sequences it happens a lot that some portions of the clip are not being cached. Or at least some frames are still pointing to the original .png's so that playback stutters.
This happens both in a normal HD project, but a lot on a current UltraHD 60p project on the proxy-generation (set to 50%). A workaround is adding an effect, render it and commit the clip. But this is not suitable on the big 60p project.
Observing the percentage counter in the lower left corner gives me the strange suspicion that it is happening to those portions of the clip which are being cached during the autosave process. There are a lot of them. Converting is not an option. Mac and storage are fast enough.
I have a sequence that's 2 and a half minutes long, but my final edit is 2 minutes. I want to change the duration to 2:05 so I can export out various versions.
I tried working on PNG image sequences instead of video footages.the problem is Smoke recognizes the fps as 59.94, and i want to make it down to 25fps.i tried using PAL.cfg, the frame rate did change to 25fps but when the sequences are imported in the timeline, its still 59.94fps.
I am having some issues with the newly added Sequence Publish function added in Prerelease 4. I have tried using both the built in AAF export option, and have tried a custom DPX image sequence with EDL export. The function is able to do the final sequence render in preparation for the publish, however it doesn't ever actually publish either the DPX sequence or quicktime movies I request it to. I am left with a folder which contains the edl or aaf file, but no corresponding media ever gets written out. When I check the jobs tab in the mediahub, it just shows "waiting" as its status, but it never progresses past that point. I have tried this function on three different timelines with different media, and it still won't write out the publish sequence. I am able however, to export the sequences to a quicktime as I would normally.
Kind of at my wits end with this software. Decided to give it a proper test on a job involving some wire removal and a bit of 3D comping. Every day brings hourly crashes, corrupted sequences, black frame renders, inability to archive projects, on and on. It's like every shot on this project is a minefield of troubleshooting and trying to find workarounds just to get a render complete. I'm spending easily an extra 20 hours a week just trying to overcome problems with the software.
Now I've got a sequence that I literally spent 4 hours on and just trying to open it brings smoke to a hard crash. Trying to make a cfx clip of the sequence takes half an hour to save so I've only been doing that once a day.
Smoke 2013 EXT1 iMac i7 3.4Ghz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB 32GB RAM MAC OS X 10.8.3 Promise R6
I was wondering if there was a way to manually save my timeline. It seems I can set the autosave for every few min, but I'd prefer to be able to save the timeline on my own, like when you get something perfect and don't want to chance a crash between autosaves.
I'm using Pre Release 5 for editorial as opposed to conform and I've moved some of my source material to a different drive than I was using when I started the project.
Normally in FCP or Avid, I would just re-link to the footage and that would be that. I know this could be done with footage in the timeline, but what about plain old source footage? I can't seem to find the re-link tool.
In 2012 it was very easy to select a gap segment and click color source in the soft effects. In 2013 it appears to be much more difficult, you need to create it in a folder then edit it into a sequence. Am I missing something? I wish there was a color source option in the effects ribbon.
Where colour source on the timeline is. I am always droping black or coloured frames into the timeline either as a background for some softFX text or even as a fill for the softFX text so I can then track that text to the background.
Is there a way for me to output certain in and out points instead of a whole sequence. I have a long clip and only want a small section of it, where in Smoke 2013 can I input the in and out points I want rendered? I can't see it in CFX and If I mark an In and Out point on the timeline it still renders the whole clip.
I recently got a movie file from a client. This file is actually an edited video with straight cut edits. So I dragged this from the bin / media library onto the timeline and proceed to chop up the video according to where the cuts are using ctrl v, like how I usually do in premiere pro. I then selected one of the clips and added color correction to this clip. I found out that all the other clips were being color corrected as well.
I removed every thing and re-started from scratch using the source monitor to mark in and out for every cut. This time it worked properly with just the selected clip being color corrected. Is there any way I can do this like in premiere pro timeline with the razor blade but each clip becomes an individual one?
is it possible to export to a movie just a particular part of the sequence (say frame 100 to 500) similar as you can do in After Effects exporting just a work area?
Having cut together a short commercial recently, I have been unable to export my sequence/ work. There are no error messages, only incomplete exported versions of the sequence (sometimes 1 second, sometimes 8 seconds!) or nothing at all. It will go through the motions and not generate an exported file.
I have attempted to export my sequence multiple ways - from the timeline, from the media library and from the mediahub - with identical results. I'm totally at a loss. I've also gone back to a sequence which I was able to export successfully one month ago and now I get the same problem - either no result or some fractional piece of the edit - never more than a few seconds. My finished edit, by the way, is a 30-second spot.
For example, here's one way I've attempted to export:
1. I select my sequence from the media library and right-click for export. 2. I select movie, choose my destination, and select a format preset (I've tried just about every preset, hoping it was a preset error of some kind), and 3. I hit export.
Instead of the spinning prompt in the lower left corner, showing me a percentage countdown (or count-up) - which was present a month ago when I was las exporting a show -I get a quick audio mixdown prompt in the lower left then nothing. It all happens in less than 1 second from the time I press "export".
I've copied the console log for your review. This particular effort/ screenshot resulted in an 8-second clip, which is the longest one (still incomplete) I've been able to generate since I attempted to export starting yesterday. Again, my sequence is 30 seconds, and it either does nothing, generates an empty file (45k in size) or creates an incomplete movie file (usually 1 or 2 seconds).
I might be being really thick but my old method of managing clips and handles in a master was to perhaps conform from rushes with 75fr handles, save that conform but then in my wip master I would consolidate all sees down to 10fr. This way if I was sharing shots around the facility you could match a shot out (using the old match to segment preference rather than match to source) and it would respect the handles you had set in your master.
I can't seem to replicate that old behavior in 2013 smoke. It will either match to source or to just the segment without handles. How can I get it to match out with the handles I have consolidated?
I have recently upgraded to Smoke 2012 sp2 and have a small issue regarding the reordering of my clips in the source area.
On 2011 when you placed clips in the source area in a specific order and saved it to the library and when you recalled it from the library it would put the clips back in exactly the same place you left them. Now in 2012 when you do that it re-orders them in some sort of chronological order.
Is there a setting that I'm not aware of that will stop doing that as I place them in a specific structure which makes sense to me and is easy to find and understand on large builds, now I'm having to sift through the clips and waste time finding what I did last and checking through versions to find the latest one.
When matching a source clip from the new sequence area it appears that you now have to have the widget on the clip you wish to match rather than just select the clip. Is this a change in the way 'match' works or is it a bug?
It was always nice to just tap the clip and press match rather than now having to scrub your widget to the right layer and clip before pressing match.
Often when I go back to previously saved source areas from previous projects (like I just saved yesterday) my source clip icons are squished forcing me to re adjusts.
Is it possible to change the settings of red files that exists in a sequence?
I've tried altering the red import settings of a sequence that contained the same clip cut up and a sequence that contained red files and non-red files, but the change seem to only work on the original clips.
In a future release of Smoke 2013, will it be possible to export an xml to send a sequence to DaVinci Resolve since Autodesk Lustre still does not work on mac?
I understand that Smoke has some great color correction tools, but when it comes to be fast and productive, a dedicated color grading application is what is needed.
I have a huge series of PNG images (name 1, name 2 ...) and I want to import them individually not as a sequence. I also like to set them to a specific length, if possible.
I have seen a number people new to smoke get confused when trying to edit mono audio source to a stereo track only to find the audio doesn't doesn't appear.
How about a preference that automatically splits the mono audio so that it edits to the stereo track?
If it was on by default it would definitely be of less confusion to new users
Or perhaps a dialogue box explaining why the edit did not work due to the differing audio properties.
I have to say that so far, after an intensive week editing a project in Smoke, things are getting quite clear, though I didn't dive deep in CFX, apart for some white balance and curves modification, so I don't have experience with any other FX feature, 3D, etc...
I like Smoke for non multi-cam work, so I think I'm going to implement it in our workflow.
And about workflow is my question: We have a video format, opening title, footage with TV bug as an overlay, music background, and ending title.
When I was working in Final Cut Pro, I could open different projects at once, so it was easy to create a template sequence in a template project, copy and paste the footage in the current project while keeping the fixed elements on the timeline.
Now, Smoke can't open more than one project at a time. I don't even know how to duplicate a project to have a template sequence to modify each time I need.
What kind of workflow required in order to reduce editing time by keeping a template that we can modify each time we need?
Simple way to select multiple clips in a sequence and change their durations to, lets say, 5 frames each. I'm basically trying to make a "stop animation" edit using footage that was recorded with different durations.
I'm trying to get my source audio to patch to tracks 3 and 4 in my record timeline. It looks like I should be able to drag on the source clips patch to change it from A1.L and A1.R to A2.L/A2.R.